wsphp1 Yadkinville, Yadkin County K C. Wednesday, July 26 1911 dkinville Produce Market. rected weekly bv Shore tfc Doutliit. >er bushel old heus s spring per dozen pound wax $0.80 1.00 1.00 .75 2.00 2.00 .8 .12| .12 .15 2.50 .15 .22 m LOQAL NEWS Mr. Talmage Dobbins of spent Sunday in town. -Several more students entered Singing Normal here Monday. Mr. D. S. Reynolds and M. A. yali Jr. went to Elkin Monday $n business. A nice young cow belonging Co M*. J. W. Pass, died one day *1 ' For Rent: A store liouse with f g room up stairs. W. R. Slier 1 —For Sale, An almost new Rol ler mill. See 1). M. Vestal, Boon vi He, N. C. —Attorneys I). M Reece and II. C Bury ear made a business trip to Boouville Monday. —Mr. John Horton of Elkin spent a feu hours in the city bust, W ednesday on business. — Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hackett o'.' Spencer are visiting at tlij lioine of Dr. T. lb Harding. —Everybod\ come to the Con cert Saturday night. High class Music, Singing, etc. -- Miss Ethel 11 ray is confined to her bed with typhoid fever we are sorr\ to note. —Mi. 1\ R. Douthit made 700 bushels >f wheat this year, this sounds good to us. — Miss Beulah Long of Long town spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. \\ . Maekie. —Mr. C. M. Warden had the misfortune to loose a horse by being foundered one day hist week. —For Sale A twenty four can, canning out-fit, never been used, also cans, '1', M. Young. Moeksnile N. C. —1 lev. J. Walter Long of Green sboro is spending some time with his father Rev, Miles Long out on Route 1. —For sale, 700 bushels of nice white corn at crib on tlie J. C. Conrad farm. Price right. Apj>!\ to M. !). Spillman, he will deliver the corn. —Miss Hbleu Farrow, who has be n visiting here for the past two We. :s, returned to Winston last Si I today. —A fine hog belonging to Mr. Isaac Shore become choked last Sunday.and died. The hog weigh ed about 300 pounds — We are up with repairing; the first time iu ten years. Hereafter prompt and expert work. Hutchens the Jewelers —A typographical error in last weeks paper gav* the increase iu the amount of taxes to large. The amount of the increase was $1,Hod. 75 instead of $8,041).(>8. —Notice: Kefreshments of all kinds will be on sale on square during the Musical Normal. Boys bring your girls if you are not tor chinchy. Ballard A Howell, Proprs —Mrs. H. B. James and daugh ter Miss Gladys, and Miss Georgia James left Monday for Galax Va. where they will spend the remain der of the summer. —Mr. C. V. Dunnagan returnee to South Carolina Saturday, whert he makes his headquarters a> traveling salesman for The Idea Candy Company. ' —There will be a farmers insti tute for men and women held lien Friday, August the 18th. Tin meeting will be held promptly a >,r! ck. All interested in tli im rovement oi farm condition Hi urged to attend. —Destroys Tobacco Worms in . one night, Does move and better | work than ten men. It is guran teed or your money back. Out-fit ‘ complete &1.90. Write us about i it. Acme Distributing Co., Reids jvilie, N. 0. o-8-2 ! —Dr. M. A. Royal] of Winston Salem will be in Yadkinville, Hole! Shore, August 7th, His practice ' is limited to the Eye, Ear, Nose and throat. Glasss"fitted. —Mr. Barret Wilson of Rural Hall, Bass and Cornetist, one of the best fingers in this section of , the State will assist at the closing concert of the Yadkinville Music Normal Saturday night. .. j —Any intelledent person may ' earn a good incme corresponding i for newspapers; expeiieuce unnec essary. Send stamp for fid! par , ticulars. Empire Press Syndicate ’ Middle port, N. Y. j —21 pairs of shoes for saB at | cost, .lust the shoe for fall and ; winter wear. At Warden’s. i —A runaway marriage w as cele brated at the home of 'Squire A. D. Gentry his{ Sunday, when Mr. ; Thomas Purdue?* on pretention of 'going to Sunday School, took Miss Ravin a Sparks and got ‘‘hitch ed up. 1 he objection was on the lad \ ‘s side. —AH persons owing tlie Milli j nery department of Shore A Dou tliif must come at once and settle , their dues. To avoid further j trouble you-will please attend to i this without dela v. * i Mary rJ homasson. j Mr. ( . M. Nicks, aged t v; ars |‘lied at liis home a few miles West •of town last Fhursdn v morning, j He had been in bad hea'tli for | some time bid th.e eml was not '*x ' peeted. so sudden, he having walk * eii out on the farm in the morning and returned when In* was taken suddenly and expired in a short j time. The deceased leaves a wife ; and two sons. | —Tliore will ho a big .Ihivm&r’s j Union Picnic at ("’enter camp j ground, fonr miles west of Mocks villo. on Friday, July 2-Sth. J>roin . 1 inent speakers will lr- present and j good music by a string hand. Big i free dinner for everybody. The | farmers of Yadkin County are j urged to come down and enjov the day with the Davie boys. —Hev. \V. '1:. Garner, being somewhat of a ehairtable disposi j tion, decided to promote liis cook j Miss iu iiiia lirandon to a higher i position, and she now bears the title of ilvs. Garner, Mr. Career has charge of the Yadkinville cir cuit of the Methodist church. Miss j Brandon is the daughter of Mi duo. Brandon of near town. They were marriod Sunday afternoon : by Presiding Ehier Taylor. j B'RTHimy RNN'R/g* : RSRRy i , , ( Bi last vS in id ay at the home j of Mr. \\ in. Taylor near Bin on the friends and neighbors of Mrs. Taylor gathered to cele S brate the 55th anniversary of her birtli by giving her a sur . prise dinner. j Some neighbors went in | early in the day and Mrs Tay lor had a chicken killed, soon anotner family arrived and an other chicken was sacrificed, I the crowd then began to in— ! crease at an alarming rate and tlie chicken idea was abandon ed. , 1 The crowd kept gathering } until fully 200 people were • j present and a long table was • j spread on the lawn and Mr. J. 'jH. Sailor asked Gods blessing ’Ion the people etc., and soor j all were busy trying to satisfy , | the inner man. ^ 1 After a few hours of conver 5 sation the crowd dispersec l with best wishes for the lad} •j whose anniversary they were celebrating. >! —Miss Mary Thomason has t charge of the Millinery depart ' mout of Shor^ & Douthit, at tin a same stand. tier for Spring hats. Surry Boy Commits Suicide by Shooting Rockford, July 24,-Cephus Lane, aged 13,’ soil of J. D. Lane, of route 1, is dead as the result of a gun-shot wound in flicted b}' his own hand' The story goes that Mr Lane wefit to help some of his neighbors thresh grain and left his three little boys to hoe some tobacco The oldest of the three claim ed to be sick and hoed 110 to bacco during the day. When his father came home at night he punished the child for not working. Tuesday morning the father went away to help thresh again and told the bo vs again to hoe out the tobacco. Sometime after breakfast the father hid occasion to return home and he found that the 2 younger boys were in the held alone, He asked them where their older brother was and they told him that lie had cone to the house and < laimed that he was not able to work. | Mr. Lane started towards the ' house and the little fellow saw : him coming and got the shot 1 i gun and ian behind the straw ; stack and deliberately ended his life by placing the end of the gun against his breast and enip'.\ mg the contents of the load in his heart. ' North Ctstroiina in RJftyme Proi. C. K, j* liiison, who recently letired from llie office ; of County Superintendent of i Yadkin (..'o'lmv, is the author 1 of a new beok which is t;o come from the press in ilie near fu ; Lure. j Mr. Johnson is somewhat of I a poet and lie lias undertaken i tlie task of writing up North j Corolina in rhyme. Tlie new book will contain : when printed, about seventy : five pages and will be on sale by September i. This will be a gi eat aehieve i ment, as nothing of its kind lias ever been written before, and it has been duly copy w righted. COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The Yadkin Comity Sunday School convention will be held -at Deep Creek Friends church Saturday^iyL Sunday August 20-21. Every township in the county is being urged to hold conventions and send delegat es and reports. A good programme is being arranged. N< )TICE By virtue of ;i Mortgage Deed executed by Ervin Dowell and wife, Lillie Dowell, on the 18th da\ of October, 1910 and duly reg isterod m Book 9, Page 258 in the office of Register of Deeds for ladkin County, T will sell for cash to (lie highest bidder at public auction at the Court House door in Yadkinville, N. C. on the 26tli day of August 11)11 the following real estate to-wit: In Knobs Township, Yadkin County, begin ning on a rock running east to Cray’s corner, thence wes^ to sour wood, thence south to beginning, containing four and one-half acres more or less, on which is a live room house. For description see record ot said Mortgage recorded as adove stated. Sale made to pav note secured by said Mortgage Deed after de fault having been made in tin* payment of same. This duly it)th. 1911. •1. 14. Crater, Mortgagee, It Startsed The World when the astounding claims were first made tor Buck ten's Arnica Salve, but lorty years of wonder ed cures have proved tdem true and ever\ where ii is me, known as tin' best salve on earth for Purus. Bubs,Scalds, (hits, Bruises Sprains, Swellings, Erzrnia. (’hap ped hands, Fever .tores and Piles. Only 25c at ail ilruggists. —Be a 20:h c<-ntury farmer Don t sta y in the old rut, nor le your children start wrong Send us one dollar and we will send von the Ripple, the best local paper in Yadkin county, and the Progres sive Farmer ami Oazette, the best farin paper uhlished in tlie South. Tt is made for Southern farmers by Southern men, who know Southern conditions and who have hoed com, cotton and tobacco themselves. > guess work talk in tins paper, only the kind that steeis you right. W e may never be able to give you such a bar gain again, it is for your Itenetit, not ours. m t Ee Afraid of Work. By State Senator BDWIN H. VARE of Pennsylvania. ON'T 3E AFRAID OF WORK. & , | A man and especially a young man must be WALLING TO START AT THE BOTTOM. Many a fellow has lost a chance to work because he has shown to a prospective em ployer that he is UNWILLING TO DO WORK WHICH HE CON SIDERS BENEATH HIM. A man who is seeking a job should be willing to do a .tv kind of honorable and honest work at the start. • When a man is seeking employment he muTimt become discour aged if he fails at tirst. The want advertisements in newspapers* .will always give him clews as to where to seek. , > If he seeks at it long enough he* is almost sure, to ge' work if he can convince a prospective employer that he really wane to ‘‘make good” and is NOT LOOKING FOR A “SNAP.” To keep a position a man should be industrious and honest. He should be willing and even glad to WORK U\ ERI llfL WHEN NECESSARY. No one wants a CLOCK W ATI.TIER. ( IT SEEMS TO ME THAT ONE OF THE BEST WAVS NOT ONLY TO KEEP A JOB, BUT TO GAIN PROMOTsGN, IS FOR «* MAN TO TAKE A REAL INTEREST IN HIS EMPLOYER'S BUSINESS- HE DOES THIS HE WiLL FIND THAT THE WORK WIL! NOT BE DRUDGERY AND HE WILL BECOME INVALUABLE T£ HIS EM PLOYER. * * America Is Giving M3 Europe Singers. By HERMANN HANi WETZLER. Principal Director of the Muni'P*! Opera in Rica, Russia. CHE TABLES ARE BEING TURNED, AND THE MU SICAL WORLD of Europe is beginning to look p .America for vocal artists. Royal operas as well as the municipal companies of Europe are FILLING UP WITH AMERICAN SIXGERi I have just engaged a Kansas tenor for next season, and there are a Jew \ ork soprano in the ’Hamburg opera, a western tenor in Cologin and an other American woman singer in Vienna. She is from tlP United States, though she has a French name. I know Germans fho have gone to New York to‘finish their musical educations, J ' ' L . WE ARE NOW _ J Our spring line of Goods. Pie prettiest line m ft ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., befl you buy. W e also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Childn as cheap as the cheapest. W e also carry a full line of Hardware. Groceries and mens Hats. In everything usually kept in a large store. We are also receiving a large UP-TO-DATE MEN’S AND BOYS CLOTI Oui line of S pring MILLINERY is the most complete we have e\| Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashiou resorts \\ e will do anything in our power to make it to your interest to trade here. . YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE & DOTJTHIT A Burglars Awful Dkrd may not paralyze a home ho com pletetely as a mother’s long illness But Dr. a. King’s New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for women. “Tlmy gave me wonderful benefit in donstipation and female troub le," wrote Mrs, AT. C. Dunlap, of Leadill, Tenn. If ailing’ try them. 25c at all druggists. NOTICE. North Carolina j In Superior Yadkin County - Court before \ the clerk J. \V. Cook Admr. of L. J‘ Messick deed ) Notice vs Eliza. Messick et al ) Sale Bv virtue of an order of the sup erior court made in tin* above en titled cause I will sell to the high est bidder, at public out cry, at the court house door in Yadkin ville on Monday August 7th 1> 11 at 1*2 o'clock in. the following real t to-vvit: Beginning at a Span ish oak Isaac Browns line, then west SI poles to a pine Wiley Felts corner, then south 3(i poles to a white o *k, \\ iley Felts corner,then west 100 poles to a red oak near little Huntingcreek then down the same south 40" 01 poles toa smsll Hickory, then east SO poles to a stone, then north 11 poles to a stone dividing line then east llti poles! to the beginning containing 139 acres more or less excepting IK acres sold to \\ . \ Brown’s wife and 51 acres sold Nathan Pinnix and J5| acres sold to Clint Mes-i | sick nnd / acres sold to David W ishon and 10 acres sold to Stev en Pat due leaving still 83 acres' more or less. The following are I he terms of the sa le: one fourth 1 of the purchase money down in cash al t ho sale and the remaining thre-fourths on a time of 4 months with approved security, Tnis .)nne 19th 1011. J. \\ . COOK, Comm. Ben bow A Hanes Atty’s * NOTICE North Carolina t J» Superior , Court before Yadkin County ) tlie clerk ^ary \Y illard et al j Notice vs [- of John Brown et al \ Sale Pursuant to an order of Super ior Court of Yadkin county made on the <Sth day of Feb. 1911 aud a j supplemental order made on the j 6th day of duly 11)11 in the above j entitled cause I will sell for | cash at public auction to the : highest bidder at the Court House door in YadkiuviUo on the 7 DAY AUG, 1911 I The following real estate towit: In Fall Creek township, Bounded on the North by Virgil Adams lands and others, on the east by James Adams lands and others,on j the south ov C M Warden and j others and on the west by Henry [Flynn lands containing 69 acres I more or less. For a better descri ' ptioir of a part of the lands men | tioued above see petition filed in I case G 1) 13 Adams admr. of Wm. • Adams vs Naucy Adams et al. Said lands containing and being all of 1 the laud belonging to the estate of t Wm. Adams dec’d. j This July fith 1911. S. C. Williams, Comm. IX) YOUR BANKING 'WITH TTTU Bank of Yadkin YADKTNV)I.L15, X. 0. The oldest and strongest bank ing1 institution in tin* county CAPITAL • - $10-000. SURPLUS - - 3,000. Since its establishment, Oct. 11)05, it has paid in div idends to it's stockholders S3,I4)0.00 and X},}38.; > interest to depositors. Y\ bile this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best - wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, .Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons Interest Paid? on all Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Bverly, Yice-Prest. 3Y. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. A!. Phillips and T. J. Bverly. Directors: \Y. A. Daily, E. L. Gaither, Tsaae Shore J. E. Zachary, T. K. Harding, 31. 31. Crniuel and C. B. lteavis. Ashcrafts Drug Store Trade Street — — — W inston-Salem. The Ashcraft Drug Co. has opened a new f)rug Store in Winston-Salem, where you will find a complete stock of anything carried in an up-to date drug store. We want your trade. You good .people of Y'adkin kuow Ashcrafts repu tation as druggists-most of you bought drugs of us for twenty years, as ( Asluraft & Owens.) Come in and lets renew our acquaintance and do business together, Y'ou know we will treat you right. ASHCRAFTS, Next TRADE ST to Boyles Bros. AN UNEASY FEELING in the stomach or bowels, caused by indigestion or constipation, yields quickly to 3 1 M M O Ti S , REB & LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It removes all impurities or fermented food, cleanses and tones the stomach and bowels end restores that fine feeling of exhilaration, mental activity and cheerfulness that belongs only to perfect health. SOLO DV DEALER*. PRICK, LARGE PACKAGE. *t.O0. Ask for tba gcnaine with the Red Z on the lnhcl. If yon cannot get it remit »o *.jll send by mail postpnid. Simmons Live.1 Regulator is put up also iu liquid form lor thoso vein nci. r it. Prife. 51 uO par bottle. Look for the Bod Z label. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., props., st. Louis, mo. lge»

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