Yadkinville, Yadkin County N. C. Wednesday, August 9 1911. 7P 2.0C 2.0C .8 - .12| .12 - .15 - 2.60 .15 .82 124 LOCAL NEWS —Watermelons are plentiful on the local market. —Miss Ethel Bray continues to improve from a slight attack of fever. —Mr, and Mi's. C. Allgood of the Baltimore sectiou, were in town one day last week. —Miss Florence Dobbins spent the latter part of last week visiting friends in Little Yadkin. it it Chickens, old hens Chickens spring Eggs per dozen Butter jier pound Flour Hams Bee’s wax Lard —Don’t throw your watermelon rinds on the streets. It looks bad besides breeding diseases. —Mr. O. Y. Hutchens the Jew eler, has moved in his new build ing where his old one was at. —Mr. W. Critz George of Elkin spent Saturday to Tuesday with Mr. Thad Reece. Mrs. Juo. D. Holcomb of Ala. is spending a few days in town with relalives and friends. —Rev, W. H. Goodman will preach at the Presbyterian ehurcu Sunday night, —Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Roy all of Winstou came up Sunday to fill mi appv)iutiuettt the doctor had lieie Monday. —Miss Fannie Hoy all came up from Charlotte Sunday to spend a few days with friends and relati ves. —M esseis Tom Mack^e and Ed Mvers went up to Rearing Gap Hotel yesterday to spend about ten days. —For Sal el Nice new 5 room house and lot in Yadkinvilie. Good well and oat buildings. For j particulars see F. R. Donthit. —Mrss Mitnrte Wessuer went to Greensboro yesterday where sin will spend two wedks visiting r:d aitivos aud fi^essds, —Two cows, one fresh, ailso some failings for sale at W. C. ;F. Gamer's place, one and oue inulf wwles above Courtney - Rev. E. P, Bradley of Mocks \i lie, will bold communion servic es at tbe Presbyterian church the first Sunday in Sept, —For Sale; 26 acres of land 3 miles from town, adjoining Benj. Shore \V, H. Dinkins and others. See J, C. Miller, Yadkinvillo lit. 2 —Mr. Henry B James and son Master Frank, left last week for Virginia where they went to join Mrs. James who went some time ago. —Miss Jennie James entertain ed several of the young folks Sat urday night. Delicious watermel on was served and various other amusements provided for the guests. —Andy Reavis col. come here from Statesville Saturday and has rented a room from Mr. J. E. Zac hary north of the court house and will open up a meat market there in about two weeks. —Prof. Z. H. Dixon left yester day morning for Guilford College, to attend the Yearley Meeting of Friends church. Misses Blanche Dixon and Rachel Royall accom jwinied him as far as Winston •where they will spend several days. —Mr. John H. Myers of Macon Ga., came in Monday to spend a few days with his parents and other relatives. Mr. Myers is en gaged in the wholesale grocery and produce business in Mocon, h ving recently (jvjilt a uice resi there. Commissioners Report i i i i t i The Comity Commissio met in regular session Mon and made the following orders That the case about laying off the public road near Court ney be postponed until nexl meeting. That Sbrinkle & son be pd tor lumber furnished foi building bridge 1.5c That Yadkiuville Buggy cc be pd for the burial of L C Davis old soldier 20.00 That E D Brown be pd as a rebate 011 tax (error) 153 That Mary Hutchens be pd as rebate on tax (error) 2.15 That J A Hoots be pd as member Pension Board 6.00 That Boyd Fletcher be pd for Judge at election and mak ing returns 4.00 That M L Woodhouse be pd as member Pension bd 6.00 That J F Hoots be pd wit ness claim 1.90 That Yadkinville Buggy co be pd for coffin furnished pau Per 3-50 That W C Buxton be pd witness claim 1.80 That R W Zachary be pd as keeper of county home for month of July 86.95 1 hat Henry Wooten be pd cleaning out public well 1.25 Tht Shore & Douthit be pd for goods furnished county home etc 14*17 That D M Holcomb be pd for building bridge ou Boon ville and Jonesville road 14.72 That J H James be pd as member of pension board 6.00 That A A Burgess be pd d s fees 90 That J L Crater be pd as member of Pension board and helping revise jury list 10,10 That V O Joyce be pd as register of special election in w Bast Bend 13*65 That J C Boger be pd as a rebate on tax 2.15 That Shore and Douthit be I pd for suit of clothes for pau I per 4.00 That F M Swaira be pd for d s fees 2.30 That A Dinkins be pd for repairing Jarrets bridge 7.01 That J M Davis be pd wit ness claim 2.05 That Edwards & Brough ton be pd for stationar}^ furni shed clerks and register of deeds office 47.22 That L L Trivette be pd for services as township assessor for Buck Shoal township 84.00 That R L Lakey and Frank Cook be pd witness claim 2.40 That J E Shugart be pd for jail fees 23.20 That I C Williams be ap pointed overseer on North end of New road beginning at Sh ugartown and ending at I D Williams and that R H wil liams be appointed an South end of said road. That J w Caudle be pd wit ness claim 1.00 That C F Windsor be pd for witness ciaim 1.85 That V A Long be pd wit 1 ness claims assigned 2.75 That I w Vestal be pd for b uilding bridge 13*55 ■ That J M Hoots be pd wit ness claim 1.90 I That A D Hobson be pd foi repairing bridge 2.0c 1 That W E Rutledge be pd for printing tax notices 4.0c I That Herm Hutchens be pd • That J w Pass be pd foj (continued on last page) N Surprise Supper; jf Several,of the friends and [ relatives of Mr. M. W. Maekie i decided to give him a surprise . supper last Monday evening i in honor of the 45th anniver sary of his birth ■ | Mi*. Maekie was wholly un : aware of the preperations of | his friends to surprise him and* 1 went home to find a long table on the lawn spread with some , of the best eatables that could 1 be prepared by the ladies of Yadkinville. | Mr, R. C. Puryear made a . short and appropriate talk af ter which Rev. Mr. Goodman asked Gods blessing on the congregation which numbered ; 106 and all Was invited to par take of the bountiful spread before them. It was a merry crowd that an hour later returned to their homes after wishing Mr Maic I kie many more happy birth Double wedding. A double wedding took place at the home of W. F. Swaim, Esq., last Thursday evening at 4 o’clock. The contracting parties took Mr. Swaim by surprise when they drove up and asked to be married. The parties were, Mr, H. C. Nicks to Miss Jettic Castevens and Mr. I. D. Inscore to Miss Ida Stokes. All live in the Oak Grove neighborhood, , ---... Surprise Dinner Last Sunday was a festive day for i '8 people who gath ered at the home of Mr, Robt. Carlton 2 miles south of town to give him a surprise dinner in honor of his 65 birthday, A long table was spread and filled with good things to eat after a few remarks everyone was helping themselves and plenty wa* left for more, Mr. Carlton and his 3 sisters, Sal lie age 70, Eliza age 80 and Mary age 72, are the only liv ing children of Bloom Carlton one of the pioneers of this co unty and at one time one of the largest land owners in this country. Boy Shoots Self. Boonvilla Heaild Talmage Brown, son of Tom Brown on Route i happened to a very bad accident one day this week. He was crossing a fence and set his gun on the ground putting his hand over the end of the barrell, then jilmped off the fence struck the hammer with his foot, the gun fired and shot him throu gh the hand. Drs. Finny and Shore were summoned at once, and two of his fingers had to be taken off. --»-»♦♦♦--— Decrease water supply. The streams of North Cor olina have never been lower, according to all historical rec ords. The Yadkin and Cat awba rivers are at least one lialf and one-third their usual size, while many of the small streams have literally dried up owing to the exceptionally protracted dry spell. Wells are also failing. There are two causes for the decreased supply of water. One is the dry weather and the other the cutting away of our timber lands which retains the moisture and feeds the rivulets which in turn make the larger streams. The Yadkin County Sunday School Convention will meet at DeepCreek Friends church on Saturday and Sunday 26th and 27th of August, PROGRAMME 10:00, Song service by Deep Creek choir. Devotional exercises con ducied by Rev. Wade Adams. Address of welcome, by Rev Frank Warden, with response by Rev. T. C. Myers. 10:30, Reports from town ship and individual schools. 11:00, Query; What are the duties of county secretary? 11:30, Recitation by Miss' Wilhelm. Report of Comm, on entertainment. Noon. 1:30 Annual address by W. A. Kirk, followed song. 2:°°, Query, How can we make the S. S. work so help-; ful to the churches that it will be recognized by all as a nec-; essity. 2:30, Recitation by Miss Myrtle Pardue, Ejection of officers. Adjourn. SATURDAY NIGHT SESSION 8:30, Song service. Query, What are the most prevalent difficulties in our work by L. B. Davis of Hast Bend. Song. 9:00 p. m., Recitat:ous. SUNDAY MORNING 11:00 a. 111., Annual Sermon j Miles H. Long. N. S. C. May, Pres. Wesley Warden, sec. * -- NEGRO SHOOTS ANO THER —Near East Bend last Thurs day one Win. Glenn col. shot one ♦loe Sawyer also col. from ambush aud the doctor picked 57 shot and one bullet from Sawyers legs aud 1 body, the bullet being cut from a cartiidge of 32 calibre, the remain der of which was found in his poc ket. It seems the two negroes had fell out over a trade. Glenn, who seems to also go by the name ( of Boyden, is now in jail here and it is thought Sawyer will recover soon. What’S the Difference? A college president down in Alabama got his back up because Congressman Hobson pulled off his coat while ad dressing an audience during commencement. Wonder what the old guy thinks about the modern woman gadding around with scarcely enough clothirtg on to wad a shot gun.—Davie -Record. Come off, Mister, now real ly. % Oh! Bub we forgot you were a married man. Small Brother—I dont see j that you are growing fat, sis, j what are you scared of? | Big Sister—Why, I’m not! j What put that into your head? I Small Brother—Well, when that fellcw was in the parlor with you last night, I heard you say, “Ain’t I getting heavy?”—Ex. i —Ready for service Emelya Premier No. 145390 a fine Berk shire boar. See J. D. L. Sampson, ( Yadkinville, N. C. i NOTICE An examination for school teachers of Yadkin County will be held at Yadkinville on August 24. W. D, Martin , County Supt. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING Ollr spring line of Goods. The prettiest line we hare ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, -NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before 3'OU buy. \\ e also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full line of Hardware, Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. We are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING Oui line of fpring MILLINERY is the most complete we have ever had. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts We will do anything in our power to make it to your interest to trade here. YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE Nr TIOTTIIIT Accused Of Stealing E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me. ‘boldly accuses Bucklen’s Arnica Salve'of steahug-the sting from burns or scalds-the pain j from sores of all kinds-the dis-j tress from boils or piles. “It robs | cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of their terror,” he says, j ‘as a healing remedy its equal i don’t exist.” Only 25c. at all druggists. ! ~ NOTICE ! SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES For the non-payment of taxes I will sell the lauds described be-! low at the Court House door in j Yadkinville, N. C. on the 4th day j of Sept. 1911, at public auction to ! the highest bidder. Liberty To wn sh i p Tax for 1909 Mrs Helen Phillips' 180 acres, tax and cost $9.27 | Taxfo** 1910 Mrs Helen Hhillips i 180 acres, tax and cost $9.27 : Tax for 1910 Paul Martin 30 ueies \ tax and cost $7.15 ! J. E. Shugart, L). S. Tlo's July 24 1911 Forbush Township A M Bolin 10 acres $1.28 ; Jno Bottoms, 4 acres, 1.46 Zack Muaphv, 1 acre, 1.28 ' W W Newsome, 50 acres, 2.90 Robv heirs, 5 acres, 2.50 Colored 1 Gwyn Martin, 10 acres 1.64 Irvin Speas 2 acres 1.95 W T Fletcher, Sheriff, > J. W. Harding 1) S NOTICE j To the stockholders of the ' Yadkiuville Telephone Com pany—Notice is hereby given the stockholders of the Yad kr:ville telephone co. that the first and second quart erely assessment of 60 cts each be pd to H D Williams, Sec and treas., Yadkinville, R. F. D No. 2 on or before Sept 9 1911 or shares ot said delinquent stockholder will be sold at bub | lie auction for non-payment of! assessment as provided by Re-1 visal of 1905, section 1169, n-| 70 and 1171. Third assessment will be! due Nov 1, 1911, and must be paid within 30 days to sec. and treas: H. D. williams R, F. D. No. 2, Yadkinvill N. C. This August 7 191** J. H. LONG, Pres IT. D. WILLIAMS, sec. & tres NOTICE North Carolina } In Sup. Court Yadkin County j before the’Clerk. W. P, Reece et al ) Notice vs y of Annie Hall et al ) Sale By virtue of an order made in the above entitled action I will sell j at the court house door in Yadkin ville on the 1st Monday in Sept.— September 4th 19 U the following lands viz: 80 acres detcribed in petition filed in the action and known as the Anthony Iteece place on Rockford road North of Mt. Nebo, to the highest bidder. Terms of sale; One-third to be paid iu cash, remainder upon a credit of 6 months, bond and ap proved security required, bearing interest from date of sale until paid. This July 311911. i l). M. REECE, Commr. 130 YOUR RANKING WITH TIIE Bank of Yadkin YADKIN VI l.I.K, N. 0. Tli© oldest a nd strongest bank ing* institution in the county CAPITAL • - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3.000. Since its establishment, - Oct, 1905, it lias paid in div idends to its stockholders $8,400.00 and *7,738.73 interest to depositors. While this is a small batik, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesj' will be extend ed to its patrons U°/o interest Paid on all Time Deposits, Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerlv, Yice-Prest. TV. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Yice-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. ?J. Phillips and T. J. Byerlv. Directors: \\ . A. Baily, E. E. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. It. Harding, M. M. Crumel and C. B. Ilea vis. AT Ashcrafts Drug Store W inston-Salem. Tkade Stkeet You will find a full stock of Drugs, Medicines and everything carried in a imi——mi— !*■«