Vol. xvm YmlkhmHe, Yadkin County jjfc C. Wednesday, September § 1911. No. 26 Yadkiuvili.e Produce Market. corrected weekly by Shore onud - . - .15 Flour - 2.50 ffams - J5 Bee’s wax - ,22 Lard . 12 $ Loem. news ■—Tobacco is looking considerabi !v butter siuce the rain. —The Rural Latter Carriers ob served Labor cay Monday. —Mrs. Lora Maclde, out on lit *2, is building an addition to her home. Mi. H. R. Dodd left yester day for North Y\ ilkesboro on bu siness. —Mr. Claud Miller of Wilkes l)oro, was in town last Monday on business. - - A protracted meeting is ill progress at Forbush baptistebmeh this Wi’Mti s Miss ( lam Jarvisa>f Farming ton is visiting relatives in town for a lew day s. * - Mr. T. S. Douglass is jdaniug r to erecta 5 room house for his. mother just east of town. Foil Salk: an excellent milk i*ow. Price right. Apply at once to Mary Thomasson, \ adkinvillo. j All-. Clove Hauser and wife] have moved down near Winston and will make their future home there. Mr. and Airs. Darwin Essie, j who moved here last spring from ■ Courtney, have moved back to the j c*M ^lome. ~ Yluvcoutract for repairing and {tainting the court house toof will be given to the lowest bidder next first Monday. —-rent Sale: Some choice |>igs, suitable for pork or breeding. See J. D. L. Sampson, Ymlkinville, N • Route 1. b-8-29 The Twin Comity Fair will be j held at Galax Va., the 13-I4-15th of this month. Several Yadkin jteople are going. —Tor Sale: Saw mill, Engine en to miss an item in which they are interested they a.ej sure to haml us a north jiole stare that would freeze the liver of a "polar bear. —Mrs. H, B. James, and daugh ter Miss G lady’s, returned Satur day from a visit to relatives over in Stokes county. Before going there they spent some time in Virginia. —Mr. M. It. Dunnagan, who has spent bis vacation as city rep orter for the \\ inston Journal eame up yesterday to spend a few days with his parents before going to the University. —-Toung people coming hero to &ri\oo\ are having a bard time se curing boarding places. The peo ple of our town should look after this and try to provide board for all who wish to come. --The two year old son of Mr. I and Mrs. J J. Williams of East1 Bend, Route one, died last Tues day and was buried at Union Cross i Wednesday. It is thought that the young son iind scailet fever. —The many friends of Miss Cora Stimpson of Smith town, give her a surprise dinner last Sunday, in honor of her 10th birthday. About one hundred people were present and all enjoyed the occas i sion. I -B- James and bis son faster Frank, who have been in , Virginia for some time came in last week and remained till yester j day when they returned to Galax, i to attend the Fair which will be ^ held flw r . —Misses Flora aud Era Matli Wj^iind tbeir brother Arthur, drEast-Bend Route, 1, were visit ing at the home of Mr. John Sfiug art the first of the week. Miss Flora Mathews is taking a course in nursing at 8fc. Leo’s Hospital, ' Greensboro. - The following have secured i license to marry: Henry Long to Hattie Brandon, AY. E. Axsom to Lillie Hutchinson, Tlios Swann to Maggie Swaini, 0. W. Adams to Ada KimmeT, J. R. Mathews to Gertrude Poindexter, and a protn ineut cou]>le who did not want it known just yet. Xew Gounty Physician= Dr. Roy ail Goming Back. Yadkin Count}’’ now has a new county physician, Dr. M, A. Royall having been chosen to fill that position. Dr, T. R. Harding who lias held the position for some time resign ed. ^ Dr. Royall, a former resid ent of Yadkiuville, has been living in Winston for some but will move back here and ive. Jurors For October Court The. following* have been chosen to serve as jurors at fall term of Yadkin Superior Court which convenes October 16th, and which will be presid ed over by Judge F. A. Dan iels: FIRST WEEK Hobson, I) C , Nicholson, G \V Bhoijos. Isaac Shores, J. B. Caudle, J W Norn «ni, J A Long, J H Mathews, HE . * Logan, J A Willard, J G ltevis, Will Jr Wall, W Y West, L. F. Poindexter, A B Liueberry, T L Caudle, E*J Williams, W P Hutchens, D F Martin, L T Gregory, INI F Cooper, T F lloiden, J F Sniitlierman, W H Shore, A E Ireland, W N Chamberlain, J W Evans, W B Jones, A M Angell, A M Cassteveus, \V F Bowmen, I I) George, J F Fleming, J O Howard, J A SECOND WEEK ^ F Vestal E B Vestal A C Holcomb D E Dobbins J S Garner * G L Hobson C E Mace more J S Hoots A L Brown * 1 L Holcomb \V A Graves1 John F Lomr i Commissiweru Report The Comity Commissioners met in regular session Mon-1 and made the following orders That W A Graves be pd for lumber furnished on pub lic road 1.50 That J S Hoots and others be pd for work done 011 public well 15.95 That W G Wooten be pd as derk of board of equaliza tion 12 00 That J C Money ke pd for work done on public well 5.50 That Isaac Shores be pd for feeding jury * 3.00 Thv.t J L Crater be pd for the examination of P W Gross 2.65 That the business agt. of' the F E 6c C U A and farmers ! in general be given a hearing 011 next first Monda)’ in regard to farm demonstration work. That'J C Gough be pd for white washing and painting inside of court house 60.00 That E Shore be pd for cle aning out drift in creek at Holcombs bridge 50 That J W Harding be pd for summoning road oversee rs 1.50 That J G Porter be pd for i pauper cornu 3.50 That T L Swaim be pd for blasting rock on public road at Swan creek" 10.00 That ] L Johnson be pd for building two bridges in Deep Creek township 60.00 That J G Messick be pd for lumber furnished to repair brrdg» "*** 2.1& That J E rlaycsFie pd wit- j ness claim 90! That A £ Cornelius old | soldier, be granted free license ! to peddle genera merchandise in Yadkin county . That W H Smitherman have the privilage of cliaugeing the public road near his house. That R W Zachary be pd for keeper of county for 11101 th of August 74,90 That D. G Martin be pd for witness cl atm 3,30 That J K Sliugart be pd as a rebate on tax, error 1.00 Thst Dr vS L Russell be pd witness claim 1.55 That I C Warren be grant ed license to peddle merchan dise, infirm That J T Lynch be pd for witness claim 1.30 That J H Steelman be pd for repairing bridge 2.25 That J E Sliugart be pd for’ jail lees and serving road or ders 9.95 That J B Wall be pd as judge at special road .election in East Bend 2.00 That Sheriff W T Fletcher be pd for seizing a distillery - 20.00 That C FI Moxlev be pd for WE ARE NOW RECEIVING Our Fall line of Goods. The prettiest line we have ever carried. _ / - ‘ ' Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before you buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full-line of Hardware, Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. We are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING Oui line of Spring MILLINERY is the most complete we have ever had. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts We will do anvthintr in our power to make it to your interest to trade here. —BMWM— VOIR FRIENDS, SHORE 1)01 ITI IIT returning G C Adams to Ral- j eig hospital 24.00 That Dr J R Finney be pd ; for services as member of Bd. of health , 8.00 That V A Long be pd wit-1 ness claim 4.75 That J W Pendry and C C Cash be pd for work done on township tax scrolls 6.00 Several other orders, st-cli as the support of the poor,that I are regular monthly payments were also made. Big Prizes For Home Racing The races at the Wilkes County Fair, which will be held September 26th, 27th and 28th, are going to prove to be the most interesting and the prizes offered the largest in the history that fair, $185. in cash wifi be given in prizes each day, to be divided as fol lows: Trotting and pacing: First prize $75.00; second prize $50.00; and third prize $25.00. Running: First prize $25.00; second prize $10.00. As said before, these prizes will be offered each day of the fair. Only horses without records and ow»ed by persons living in Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany, Watauga, ColdwellJ Alexander, Iredell, Yadkin and Surry will be permitted to enter these races. No en trance fee will be charged. It will be a free-for-all race and a good opportunity for those having good horses to win some like prizes. Entrances of horses must be made by September 20th; If further information is desired, address The Wilkes County Fair As sociation, North Wilkesboro, Nyy NOTICE I have the land of Mrs. Ellen -Phillips in absolute posession and forbid anvbod.v hunting, fishing, or cutting timber on same, and the law will be enforced if you do. Tom Driver. This August 18. 1011. DO YOUR BANKING NV1TU THE Bank of Yadkin YADKINVILLE, X. C. The oldest and strongest- bank ing institution in the county CAPITAL • - $10,000. SURPLUS • - 3,000. Since its establishment, - Oct. 1005, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, 3*et it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits ft continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part beiu r done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtes}' will be extend ed to its patrons Uc/o Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. X. J. Byerlv, Viee-Prest. TV. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Yiee-Pres. Fitffctft*vJCoinm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A. Daily, E. L. Gaither, Tsaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. B. Harding, M. M. Crumel and C. B. lieavis. I Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chrmberkiin’s Liniment wonder fully effective. One application will convince you of its merits , Try it. Sold by all dealers. J. M. Howell, a popular drug gist of Greensburg, Kv*., says, “We use Chamberlain's Cough .Remedy in our own household and know it if excellent. For s;de bv all dealers. Executors Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of T. \\ . Reece dee d of Yadkin county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned within one veal* from date of this notice or siime will be pleaded u bar of their recovery. All per sms indebeted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Aug. 24th ltd 1. o-RM-ll R. W. REECE, Exr. New Clothing Store will be one of the Largest in North Carolina. Everythin Carried for Men and Boys. Winston-Salem, Trade Street.