Yadkinville, Yadkin County ff. Q. Wednesday, September 13 1911. ' (r°py i Xo. 26 YadkinVttAE Produce Market. corrected Weekly by Shore & ^Corn per bushel - $0.80 ■A bout ‘ 1.00 3Rye " 1.00 ■Oats “ “ * .75 Peas “ ~ 2.00 Beans “ " - 52.00 Chickens, old hens * .8 Chickens spring - * .J&2£ Eggs jKir dozen - ..<12 IButiar per pound - - JR> BRloor - - - •- JitM IBams - - ^ .J5 Bee’s wax - .;22 Lard - &2§ LOCAL NEWS —Apple cider! —Mrs. P. L. Willielm visited at East Bend last Saturday. —Mr. John Hester of Lewisville in ton'll a few hours Friday «of Iasi week. jur- —Ellis, mm Mr. and Mrs. W .A. Hall, has the fewer are sorry tto note. —Tlieanoue some people ttadfc ;dbout ns Abe batten en(lkg some time at ih 3 hone *of Dr. Mailer, returned home last •Saturday. —Fob Sale: Home .choice pigs, .suitable lor pork or breeding. See •J. D. L ^Sampson, Yadkin villa, M. el Hill to enter the ♦University* wkare he will iaiuisk rtbis year. Mr. Reece, kas charge •of tke business department of the University Magazine for tke coni' ring yeair —Tke Joeal fuajiers are all tke "while talking nice for tkeir towns ;and•counties and doing, all tkey •can to build them up. But a great ■many of tke i>eople, wkat are tkey •doing? Well, mostly cussing tke {papers and doing notliing. ^ —During recess at tlie Yadkin-^ ■ville Normal School one morning last week Hubert Logan became angry over some fcrivel matter at Tiramie Gough another scholar, and struck* him with a knife, infli cting a painful but not serious wound. —Mi, Greene Sliugart who’s typrae is out ou Route 2, kas accep >/kd a position with Boyles Bros. Clothing Store, Wmstou, and en tered upon bis duties last Satur day. This growing firm have er i^ted a large new building and jfft. Skngart will make a valuable ^df&ition to tkeir force. —School will begin promptly ^Pnesday morning Sept., 19tk at dJourtney High School. Ou Mon day pupils will be registered and work assigned. Monday night there will be an informal oj>ening to which pupils, parents and pat rons are cordially invited. County Supt. and others are expected to be present and speak. ' rnm —LOST near panes’ school house last Saturday, a very email black female dog. Finder will pkase notify or return dog to 8. F. Fleming, Hamptonville, N. v fiy and receive suitable reward. HENRY CLAY BEATTIE JR., GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER Henry Clay Beattie, Jr. the youthful wife muiderer, and son of a Richmond banker, was found guilty by 12 fann ers, of the murder of his wife/ Louise Owen Beattie on Mid lothian turnpike July 18 last. The prisoner stood unmoved as the 12 men pronounced the verdict guilty which means death in the electric chair. This is a climax to one of the most sensational trials sence the famous McCue case It began on the night of July 18 when Beattie and his young yife spining on Midlo tnian turnpike near Richmond in Beattie’s Automobile. Beattie claimed that a high wayman had held him up and shot his wife blowing away one side of her face. — They Found Each Other. Miss Margaret Veail of Wichita was shopping in In- * dianapoVis and in a department I store came face to face with a | gir! who looked exactly like her. They got to talking, found the}' were exactly the same age, born in the same | town on the same day. Toj make a long story short, they * are twins, They had been seperated in their babyhood i and neither knew of the other’s exi stance. No Place For Her It was t]ie first vaudeville performance the old colored lad}’ had ever seen, and she was particularly over the mar velous feats of the magician. But when he covered a news paper with a heavy flannel cloth and read the print thro ugh it, she grew a little uerv ous. He then doubled th^ clotn again and read the letters accurately. This was more than she could stand, and rising in her seat, she said: ‘Tin goin’ home. This ain4t no place for a lady in a thin calico dress. —For Sale! Nice new 5 roooi house and lot in Yadkinville Good well and out buildings. For particulars see F. R. Doutliit. —BLASTING! Surface blasting without drilling holes and any, other blasting done up-to-date, R. L. Dixon, Yadkin ville Route 2. Sunday Train to Wilkes? General Manager E. H. Coapman, of the Southern, passed thraugh the city Sun day morning ou a special, going to North Wilksboro, where he met and conferred with a committee regarding the petition recently filed with the management at Washing ton asked the Southern to put oh?|LjSunday passenger train betlfen WinstQU*£alem?yand No#h Wilksboro and al^jasld 0 better passengea equipment oti the Wilksboro ro^l ■*” An unofficial report has it that Manager Coapman prom ised to put on the Sunday train.— Wnston Dispatch. Union Hilt News Farmers are very busy pre paring for another wheat crop. Mrs. T. H. Stimpson who has been confined to her room for some time is mm h improv ed. Mrs. Eliza Normands spen ing this week with her sister near East Bend. Little Carrie Poindexter has scarlet fever. Rev. T. A. Williams, filled his appointment at UjiiomHiJl* Sunday night, and preached a splendid sermon. Mr. Frank Poindexter of Winston is speeding this week with home folks. Miss Lora Norman entered school at JJast Bend Tuesday: Miss itttry Faintain of Ala. ’ is spending some time with relatives and friends in our community. Miss Gertrude Webb, who has been making her home here for more than a year, left last Wednesday for Mo. Her many‘friends, were sorry tasee her leave but wish ftyrr her much happiness. ,**-There was a foot- washing at Holly Springs last; Satur day, and several of our. people attended. Mr, Pies Norman made; a business trip to Winston last Thursday. NOTICE I have the laud of Mrs. Ellen Phillips in absolute posession and forbid anybody hunting, fishing, or cutting timber on same, and the law will be enforced if you do, . • Tom Driver. This August 18,1911. Women Are Much Wiser '”'“r"'y Than They Used to Be. By Mn. FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT. Author. has never been a time when so many women married their ideal mates. There has never been a time when so many unions were so happy. Women todaj are FREER THAN EVER BEFORE FROM THE AWFUL NECES SITY OF ACQUIRING THE FIRST MAN, IN SIGHT. Women no longer want to raairy men just for the sake of hav ing somebody to take care of them or of being able to call themselves married. Oh, but women are so MUCH WISER THAN THEY USED TO BE! That is one of the most beautiful thingB that come to me as I look back across fifty years of my life. Even in that little time there has been Buch a change. And go a bit farther back.. "You can do it in the novels that reflect so well the domestic life of their time.. First, there was the WOMAN WHO SWOONED. Always when anything happened to her, whether it war her canary, or her sweetheart who died, she swooned. That waa considered the only proper expression of the proper desolation of a proper young female. Then some year farther along, when emotional agitation stirred her placid breast, she INVARIABLY BURST INTO TEARS. She also wept long and bitterly. , WHEN THE MODERN HEROINE It IN JROUSLE SHE DOESN'T HHPfE ANY TIME WAILING. SHE P^OMPT^Y DOSS SOME PRAC TICAL, COMMON SENSE THING-GR EVEN SOMETHING GRANDLY IMPRACTICAL, BUT EQUALLY ENERGETIC^—AND SAVff TJIE DAY' f$!; MR MS WNBA J “ , Mr. Lll/in^ ton writes Mr. Editor I bear there are complaihta in the Various townships in this Co, i» to the assessment of property tnv townships of course included These complaints are pritfcipl con fined, with a few exceptions,to onr Democratic friends—I desire to say to these gentleman that the law was passed by the men thty voted for, and was done to replen ish an empty treasury brought. about by thehr*%travagnce and mi*smanagemifi£||| the affairs I*>ratiou cdnppQn, who alt had to pass upon .the work. of.the town ship assessor. , Not the men who enforce* the law but those who make the law ^ould be held accountable In instances where there,* was ^t^dlMions made by the Bo&#d of RqdBifcation te i dSrrespondiug reduction for other parties. The people are vcry> sen sitive pa the subject of taxation, and .watch things closely. We kpow Mi*. Taxpayer it is lutr&.b&t: yMurjquly remedy is at the ballot bo*. * ISee 23 of the Machinery act says “Realj property shall be val ued by the asst, assessor, either from actual view, or from the bast information that he can practically obtain according to its* true value in money.” That was the corker no doubt with many of we asst, assessors. \ How amazing it is, tout proper- I ty at tax listing time, alfoays tie-' creases .in value and never worth by Half as much as when offered for sale. It is strange what some people will do to avoid the pay ment of taxes. The law says cash value, I venture to say. there is not ;i mau in Yadkin county today who would take for his lands the amount it was valued at. I think most of the teouble with the i>eople is, that; the equilization board reduced the value of some farms, aiv& others for reduction; There is where the trouble comes in. The people aye very seusative, and if they made reduction in some cases they think they should have made in all cases where there was a just complaint, and in this I am with them heart and soul. If the peo ple want to avoid taxes, I would advise them to set their lands in alfalfa. Respectfully, J. A. Liixington .. ;1 Accused Of Stealing E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton Me. boldly accuses Bucklen’s Arnica Salve of steahug-the sting from burns or scatds-the pain from sores of all kiuds-the dis tress *fiOm. boils or piles. “It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of their terror,” he says, ‘as a hedling remedy its equal don’t exist/’ Only 25c. at all druggists. J. M.^ Howell, a popular drug gist of Greensburg, Ky.,; says, “We use Chamberlain’s Congb Remedy iu our own household and know it is excellent. For sale, ty WE ARE NOW RECEIVING Qur Fall line of Goods. The prettiest line we have ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before you buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full line of H«p&*are. Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually In a large store. We are also receiving a large lot of UP-tO-QAm MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING Ona line of Spring MILLINERY i,s the njost complete we have ever had. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts We will do anvthin? in onr power to make it to vonr interest to trade here. YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE & DOUTHIT Report'of tile Condition of TtlE BANK Df YADKIN —AT— TADKINYILLE, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Sept. 1^ 1911 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts - $51,460.71 Overdrafts secured 119.57 unsecured - 159.88 Banking House, furni ture and fixtures - 2,186.10 Due from Banks and Bankers - - 13,600.90 Cash items - - 890.17 Gold coin - - 2,492.50 fWftter, coin, including tflt miiior coin cur rency - - — 780.15 National bank notes and otimr tJ. S. notes - 1,621.00 Ttflal - - * 78,310.48 ^ ^ ^ABILITIES. t$*|ltal stock paid in - 10,000.00 Surplus fund -- 3,000.00 Undivided profits, less *• current expenses, tax- " es paid and accrued interest on certifica tes - - - 2,304.83 Time Certificates of de posit - - - 45*397.21 Deposits subject to ‘M check - - - 17,148 5|; Cashier’S, Checks out standing' -~ - 459.93 Total’ - - - 78,310.48 State of North .Carolina, ) County oMndkin, i 88, I, W. A. HaU, Cashier of the above-named! bank, do solemnly swear that the above, statement is true to the beat ofr my knowledge and belief. W. A* HALL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of Sept., 1911. g J. L Crater, C. S. C. Co rrect—Attest: Jf E. Zachary. T. R. Harding. Isaac Shores. r-r - - — - NOTICE North Carolina i Superior Court Yadkin County ) J. W. Frits ©t al, Ex«r. ); N*n of H. W. Fries, deed !■ VS j Resident A. P- Roberson adrar of') j F. A. aud A. P. Rober- >• Notice son ©t al ) The defendants Rosa Evans and husband. Jj. \V. Evans, inthe above entitled proceeding will take notice that an action entitled as above ' has been commenced in theSuper iorConrt of Yadkin County for the non payment of the sum of $965,97 ’ with interest on $707.94 from the 15th. day of April 1884 until paid i clue by F. A. Roberson to H. ,W. Fries and cost of action of $9.51 and the said defendants will furth er take notice that they are requir ed to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County to be held ou the 16th. day of Oct ober 1911, at the court house door of said County in Yadkinville N. C., and answer or demure to the oomplaint of filed in said action or the plantifi will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said : complaint. This 5th. day of Sept ,1911 j J. L.Crater, Qlpyfc pf.Sngerior Court, BO YOXTR BANKING WITH THE Bank of Yadkin YADKINVILLE, N. 0. The oldest and strongest bank ing institution, in the county CAPITAL • - $10,000. SURPLUS ■ 3,000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet* it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some ..of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking,, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part bem&ifcklfte in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons iffy Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J, Byerly, Vice-Prest. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pros. Finance Comm: Beuj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips aud T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A. Daily, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. R. Harding, M. M. Crumel and C. B. Ilea.vis. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chrmberlain’s Liniment wonder fully effective. One application will co iiv'ukSs you of its merits Try it. Sold by all dealers. NORTH WILKESBORQ MARBLE WORKS Tombstones, Monuments, Iron Fences, Etc. We handle marble by ear, can give yau best prices on same * MILLER & REINS Co Props. N. Wilkebbobo, N. C. J. W. William*, ait. —For Sale: 26 acres of land 3 miles from town, adjoining Renj. Shore W. H. Dinkins and others. See J. C. Miller, Yadkinville M. 2 Executors Notice, Having qualified as Executor of the estate of T. W. Reece dec’d of X’ituV/u twifthy, is \o utA’Ay all persons having elaims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded u bar of their recovery. All per i eons indebeted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Aug. 24th 1911. o-lO-4-ll R. W. REECE, Exr. For soreness of the muscles whether induced by violent exer cise injury, Chamberlain’s Lini ment is excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords in cases of rheumatism. Bold by all dealers. •AS IN INI IVMMCN cqmcs from food which has fer mented. Get rid of this badlydige*ted matter as quickly as possible it you would avoid a bilions attack. SIMMONS MSI LIVER REGULATOR (TWtrOWDEB FORM) Is a cleansing and strengthening medicine. It is a liver tonic first of all—and the liver is always affected, when the stomach goes wrong. It pats life in a torpid liver, helps digestion, sweetens the breath, clears the complexion of aallownesa, relaxes the bowls and puts the body in fine, vigorons condition. iwt mm mmsm. amca. uom mckui, at.**. Aik (w AmmiIm Wttk tko liiS en tho label. If yea cannot (et It, remit to ai. wo will tent it by Malt. paatjEu. SI—tat Liter Kepalator it pat up alto lu liquid farm for tfcoee who prof* It. Fitpa «i.» par Sttlo Imk far tka M Z like). 4. M. ZCMJN A CO.. PROM.. ST. Louie. Mo. *