ol. XV1I1 Wednesday, September 20 1911. Ufi mn No. 28 f Yadkinville Produce Market. corrected weekly by Shore & Doutliit. Corn per bushel - $0.80 Wheat ‘ - - ].00 Bye “ - - 1.00 Oats “ - .75 JPeas “ ~ - 2.00 Beaus “ “ - 3.00 ♦Chickens, ekl hens - .8 ‘Chickeus spring - - ..*10 Eggs per'dozen . - 18 Butter per pound - - .15 JFIokli* - ’ - - ~ 2.54) iHams - .15 Bee’s wax - J22 /Lard - - - - 12 J JLOQ7VL NEWS —Sheriff W. T. Fletcher was .in down yesterday. —Afct’y. F. W. Hanes left yes&er -day for Winston on business. k^0, —Miss Esther Turner of West * fiend entered the Y' N. S. Mon day. —A ‘big lneetin’ ingoing on at ?the*coloied peoples church here itliis >vveeL —Mr. if. EL Madkie went down Jito Winston Monday on business, returning to-day. —There was a singing at Har imouy Sunday 1*. M.f several tow® ibpysand.girls going out. —Mr. Edwainl Myers returned iSaturday from Gy lax where he at tended the fair last week. He re ports the /air as being a complete (success. —Notice the au of the Planters Warehouse, Statesville, in this is ($ue. These gentlemen will treat y ou right. —Fun Sale: Some choice pigs, suitable for pork or breeding. See •J. 1). L. Sampson, Yadkinville, N. *C., Route 1. b-8-29 / —Maude, the hue roue male, owned by Mr. Henry James, tool first money for trotting at Galax Fair last week. —Yadkinville and Shugartown Baseball teams will play a game of ball on the local diamond next Saturday at 2 P. M. -• For Sale: Saw mill, Engine & .Boiler, Log Wagon etc., in good running order. See J. H. Gough, Y adkinville, Routes 1. —Miss Ethel Bray is convales cing from an attack of typhoid fever which has kept her confined Jo her bed lor several weeks. •-For Sale! Nice new 5 room house and lot in Yadkinville •Good well and out buildings. For 'particulars see F. R. Doutliit. f — Squire J. H. James had the misfortune to loose his pocket book one day last week and nas so far been unable to locate it. —BLAST1N G! Surface blasting without drilling holes and any other blasting done up-to-dat<\ R. L. Dixon, Yadkinville Route 2. / - -One hundred and fifty studen ts are now enrolled in the Yadkin vide Normal School, which is an increase over preceeding years. —There was a singing given by / Miss Florence Dobbins last Sun Ray night, at which were gathered several of the young people of the town. —Messrs J. R. Poindexter of Elkin, and \V. S. Davis of Charlo tte, spent Monday night iu town. They were traveling in Mr. Poin dexter's Buick ear. —The protracted meeting will Begin at Deep Creek Baptist .church next Sunday at eleven o’clock, and it is expected it will continue tliroughot the ensuing week. —The decision of the Referee in the Jones-Flint controversy for Sheriff of Forsyth county gives Geo. W. Flynt the right to hold the office by a majority of two votes. —-Dr. M. A. Rovall and family, who have been living in Winston for some time, have moved back here to live. Dr. Boyall recently was elected county physician. We extend to them a hearty welcome. The doctor will resume his regular prctice which he dropped off some time ago to take up special work, to which he will now devote a part 0? &8 Jf“6; Local k$w& —The meeting which has been iu progress at Mt. Carmel closed Sunday night. As a result of the meeting there were twelve conver sions and six additions to the church. —Three couples have secured license to marry smce our last issue as follows: J. S. Stewart to to Rosa Reece, W. S. Roy all to Ethel Fleming, and Sid Shermer to Cora Mackie. —The protracted meeting held at <Co«*v.tney last week closed Sun day night. As a result of the meet ing nine were baptised Sunday •afternoon. The pastor Rev. R. F, Rollins was assisted by Rev. V. M t'Swaim. —Mr. S, H. Walmotli manager and buyer for the Wilmoth-Hayes Clo. Co., of Elkin, is fn the north ern maukets where he will finish buying their fall and vmter stock of clothing, hats, shoes ai&d gents furnishings. — Mrs. -eum Myers died .at her home near F@rbusli last Sunday morning at .a® .advance age. The interment took place Monday attei noon at Forbnsli Baptist church, the funeral being pleached by !ie*\ Wade Adams. ' I —Proi Z. H. Dixon preached an interesting sermon at the Bap tist chwrck Sunday morning. He will preach at the Methodist chur ch next Swnday morning at eleven o’clock, and his subject will be ‘Training the Children, —Shore & Douthit have receiv ed their Fall and Winter Millinery and surely the ladies will not go with bare heads when they see these lovely hats, and how l>ocom iug they are, and the price right. I advise you to see them. The School Commifcte of Knobs Township, this county will meet at Haynes School House Saturday | Sept. 2d, 1‘Jil at 2 P. M. for the pur]tone of letting out the public schools. Teachers wanting schools are requested to be present and make application. —M**. Mode Nicholson one of Yadkius oldest citizens, died at East Bend Monday night after an illness of several weeks. We were unable to learn the cause of his death. He was 81 years old aud was a milliight of ability. His remains were laid to rest in the cemetary at Euon Baptist church yesterday afternoon. —The Fourth Quarterly Confer ence of Yadkinville circuit of the old original Methodist Episcopal churce will be held at Union Hill, near Mr. M.H. Bryant’s Saturdav and JSuuday. ltev. D. J. V» bite has served this circuit for the Li.:t two years and has made a good record on the work, He is an aggressive worker and an excellant Pastor the people will be pleased to have him returned for another year —The State High School at Courtney was formerly opened Monday night, wheu several citi zens gathered at the Acadamv. A i ; short talk was made by Mr. Rol lins to the students. The school is again in charge of Miss Clara Smy re, of Lincolnton who was the efficient principal of this school the last term. She will be assist- j ed this year by Miss Ethel Reece J of Boonville, who will havechaige of the intermediate department, | aud Miss Carrie Iteadman of Pilot * Mountain will have charge of the ' primary department. —Mr. J. Lee Crater, who holds the distinguished position of clerk of Superior Court for the county of Yadkin, decided last week he would take a day or two off, aud Friday morning he hit a bee-line for Buck Shoal, where, it is said, that favorite American beverage, j called ‘‘moonshine,” or “skull-bus ter,” and it is also sometimes call ! ed corn ’liker, flows in abundance. It has also been whispered around town that a mutton was killed in that neighborhood, as a protracted meeting is in progress at Zion’s church. At any rate Mr. Crater is back to town and is looking hale and Learty. When seen Monday he offered to throw the editor in a wrestling match, but just at that time the story of tlje jnqtton loom ed in unmistakable terms before our eyes and it is needless to say that the editor was soon conspici ous by his absence. Well “Boys iij. be bqysj/’ , EXPERIMENT STATION ESTABLISHED HERE Mr. G. M. Garren of the de partment of Agriculture of this State, was in town Friday. I The State Department of | Agriculure is planing to test i the different kinds of wheat. | In order to do this a local | experiment station has been ' established here, and the test will be left in the hands of four farmers, who have give one acre of land each on which to carry out the experiment, ! and these four acres are situa ted on the four differeet roads leading into town and will be tried out by the following gen tlemen who submitted one acre each, Mess. S. L. and M, W. Mackie, J. A. Logan and W.A Hall. ‘‘This experiment” said Mr,! Garren “will be carried on two or three years, in order to give it a thorough test, and corn will be added next year and given the same test that they are now prepairing to give wheat.” Mr. Garren said he would visit the test farms again in i a short time. The State furnishes the seed and fertilizers, and directs the metod of production. The ex-! periment will be watched with great interest by farmers in this section. -^- j Valuable Farm Sold A tty. 8. Carter Williams has bought the W. H. Gough farm ou south Deep Creek containing about 300 acres. This farm has 60 or 70 acres of line bottom and is considered one of the best in this county. The deal was closed this morning and the consideration is unknown. LOST Charm from watch fob. Liberal reward for return to tins office. Wise and Otherwise The Ice man has struck out and the coal man is at the bat. " T~" i « --nr'i r— The Court House square j should be cleaned off before Court Whe*: a mau tells you he ■ bas got more sense than half 1 the people in town you had I better watch him. No thanks Jemes Henry we don’t ker fur any more ’o ’ye watermilons. But we will take some Oresters. -»•»♦*» There were last week, 3,000 licensed automobiles in the State, and new ones are being licensed every day. -*—m * »-— Some people have formed the habit of talking and just cant stop, regardless of what they are talking about. --— The number of deaths from cholera in Italy has reached over 30,000 and they are still dying by the hundreds. The wise merchant keeps his business constantly before the public. Patronize the mer chant who appreciates yonr trade -■»♦«»»+.-—^ There is some roads in Yad kin county that ought to be worked, and if they are not worked the officers should look after them and acertain why. The story is told by a trav eling man of a pretty young lady who stepped into a music store in Springfield, Mo., the other day. She tripped up to the counter where a new clerk was assorting music, and in the sweetest tone asked “Have you ‘Kissed Me in the Moon light?’ ” the clerk turned half way round and answered: “It must have been the man at the other counter; I’ve been here only a week.”—Ex. Navies Need Not Fear The Aeroplane. By Rear Admiral WILLIAM T. SWINBURNE. U S. N.. Retired. CHE AEROPLANE IN ITS PRESENT STATE OF DEVELOP MENT IS NOT TO BE FEARED BY THE NAVIES OF THE WORLD. THE AEROPLANE MUST ATTAIN TO A STATE OF PROGRESS ABOUT FIVE THOUSAND TIMES WHAT IT HAS NOW BEFORE IT CAN FIGURE AGAINST THE NAVIES. j A navy is not to defend harbors. It is to destroy other navies or i proceed against harbor tortmcations, which latter it can do at a distance of twenty or thirty miles, which is TOO FAR OUT FOR THE AEROPLANE TO GO on an important mission. Again, the aeroplane, if it wants to drop bombs on a war-ship, must go to TOO GREAT A HEIGHT to try the feat, for otherwise it can easily be reached by the marksmen of the warship, .Getting to. .ft height great enough to-try business, she will find her bombs deflected by air currents. When I was on the Texas we had a number of gunners who could easily pick out any aeroplane at the height at which the aeroplanes can do mischief. A Call That Must be Answered Dear Subscribers: All Subscribers are earnestly requested to call and bring or send in the subsceiption price of this paper for all back subscriptions at once. We will be obliged to send out statements if you don’t, and we know you had rather attend to it on your own accord than have us ask you for the amount due. We make this appeal so that those living near may call in, and those whom distance prevents com ing may send in theirs. We have a list of subccrib ers that we are proud of, and all of whom we believe to be honest, but we have given you good time to settle your account, and now that we are in urgent need of money we make this appeal to everyone due us on subscription to come, or send, and settle at • once, by doing so you will do us a great favor. Remit by d]£ck, money order or postage stamps. we /Ire now receiving Our Fall line of Goods. The prettiest line we have Call and examine out stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES etc before you buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children We also carry a full line of Hardware. Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. We are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING Oui line of Spring MILLINERY is the most complete we have ever had. j Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts I We will do anything in our power to make it to vour interest to trade here. ever carried. as cheap as the cheapest. SHORE & DOTJTHIT YOUR FRIENDS, McEl.wees Planters Warehouse We take pleasure in informing you that we are once more ready to sell your tobacco. Those of yon who have sold with us for the last three years know that when yon I come here we are careful to make your tobacco bring the highest market price, and those who hav ent sold with us will fihd it very much to their advantage to come here. i We have full set of buyers, and same we had last year and we feel that we can please you. Best roads we have ever hed Maccadam Hoad is now across the river. Albert Mattock is with us, come this way and we will take care of you. Verly truly, PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Statesville, N. C. Wilkeshoro Fair to be a Great Affair It looks now as if the Wil ls: esboro Fair, which begins next Tuesday ^ will be a grand success. It is the talk of every surrounding county and is looked forward to as the prill-, cipal event of this season for . this part of the 3tate. lAhe managers of the Fair have completed arrangements for the Fair, and principally among these they have closed a contract whereby an expert - aviator will be there and make j a number of flights in a Curtiss Bi-plane. Automobile races will also be an interesting feature, and the horse races are not to be be overlooked in our eagerness -tO-gCt-SVglimpse of. something more exciting. Special policemen have been secured to keep the crowds in check and prevent accidents, as well as to keep peace in general. In short this will be the greatest event in the history of the Yadkin Valley in the way of amusement. T " ' "■ ' ' .. Executors Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of T. W. Reece dec’d of Yadkin county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to* the undersigned within one year from date of this ’ notice or same will be pleaded n bar of their recovery. All per sons indebeted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Aug. 24th 1911. o-IO-4-ll R. TV. REECE, Exr. —Ready for service Emelya Premier No. 145390 a fine Berk shire boar. See J. D. L. Sampson, Y&dkiimlle, N. C. i DO YOUR BANKING WITH THE Bank of Yadkin YADKINVILLE, N. C. The oldest and strongest bank ing* institution in the county CAPITAL - - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3,000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new account Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons U°/o Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. ' Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerly, Vice-Presfc. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pres. Finance Comm: Beuj. Shore, Dr. »J. M. Phillips and T. J, Byerly. Directors: W. A. Baily, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. Ii. Harding, M. M. Cruniel and C. B. lieu vis. fHE CHILDREN LIKE II KENNEDY’S LAXATIVE _COUCH SYRUP Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chrmberlain’s Liniment wonder fully effective. One application will convince you of its merits Try it. Sold by all dealers. ■b d WHEN YOU YAWN , A GOOD DEAL In the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have every symptom of a torpid liver. Simmons Red Z Liver Reg ulator. (The Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It acts promptly. Ifhe bilious impurities which have, interfered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can ; more thoroughly digest food. The bowels are purified and a regular habit re-established. It is a splendid medicine for the whole system, Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealer*. Price, Urge package, $1.00 Aik for the genuine, with the Bed Z on the label. It I yon cannot get it, remit to m, we will lend by mall postpaid. Simmoni Liver Begnlator la also put ap In liquid form for those who prefer it. Price, el.00 per bottle. Look for the Bed Z label. J. H. ZE1UN & CO., Preps^ St Louis, Mo. LE___Sd NOTICE Nortli Carolina, t Superior Court Yadkin County S Fall Term 1911 J. W. Fries et al, Exer. ) Non of H. VV. Fries, dec’d , VS 1 Resident ' A. P. Roberson admr of ) F. A. and A. P. Rober- [ Notice son et al ) The defendants Rosa Evans and husband L. VV. Evans in the above entitled proceeding will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Sujier iorCourt of Yadkin County for the non payment of the sum of $>965.97 with interest on $707.94 from the 15th. day of April 1884 until paid due by F. A. Roberson to H Fries and cost of action of and the said defendants will furth er take notice that they are requir ed to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the 16th. day of Oct ober 1911, at the court house door: of said County in Yadkinville N. C., and answer or demure to the oomplaint of filed in said action or the plan tiff will apply to the court ' for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 5th- day of* Sept 1911. * J. KCrater, Clerk of Superior Court. $9.51 —For Sale; 26 acres of land H miles from town, adjoining Beep I Shore W. H. Dinkins ^nd others, f See J. 0- Miller, Yadtunyittet Jik

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