Yadkinville, Yadkin Countv N. C. Wednesday, ... —. ■ » • *' *' Copy I 37 Stalin September 27 1911. No. 29 Yabiokvt7.lt: Pr» pitch Makkkt. .Viu reeled vp.* kh by Shore <fc Deutliit. Cora i«?i ouj&hel - $0.80 ’.Wheat ‘ •“ ' - - LOO live “ “ - - 1.00 tOats “ •** * - .75 .Peas “ - 3.00 Beans a - 2.00 Chickens, <ol& liens - .*8 •Chickens spriug - - .10 !H)ggs pe dozen - ' ■]& Butter per pound - - .15 Flour - - 2.50 Hams - .15 Bee’s wax - .22 Lard - 12 i Loem. news —Mr. Charlie Marion of Wins ton was in town last week.. The Winston Fair will be held next week. —AfckT- R. 0. Puryear visited hi.-, sister down on the river last week. —Don’t foroetio save -all the . grass -vou can, the frost will soon get it. — Deputy Marshall Cl. A. Car roll of IV ins ton spent several days ai town last weal;. —Mr. Will Reece, and sister Miss Kate, of Hamptonviile were in town one day last wet k. —Mr. .and Mrs. J. C. Clough, .spent the week end with Mr. Will Doutliit and family near Farming ton. —Several of-our people ^ine at , tending tlie revival meeting at P • :p Cueek Baptist cliureh this week, —Miss Beraie XR>Uj»e and Miss V.unie Montgomery, of l^tateeville ..spout tlie week end with Mr. and M1 A. .E Holton. —llev. J, O. Styers will ineacli at the Baptist church here next Sat unday and Sunday. —Fon Sate: Some -choice pigs, suitable tor pork cr breeding. See. J. P. L. Sampson, Yadkinville, IS <0., Route 1. b-8 -29 —My, 0, V. Dunnugan and Miss Blanche Hey ail came down from Hoonvilie Sunday and spent a few Hours, —Fou Salic Fule&eler bearded wheat, tl‘' juice si.00 per bushel, Man a V\ jiliains, Yadkinville Houte JNo. £• —Received a ear Load Farmers Favorite Drills, among the best if not the fyest drill on the market. J. A. Logan, Ya lkiuviJle N. C. —Dr. E. IV. Myers left yester .day for Athpity ■ -W.lioreJj.e will en ter the Dental College. He expe rts to finish this year. —Mrs. W. A. Carter out on Route ‘6, is improving from an illness which lias kept her confin ed to her room for several weeks. — Yadkin Superior Court conve nes Octubiu 16th with Judge Dan iels presiding. 1'here is no lm portaut cases on the docket, and it k not thought that court will last more than two or three days, —For Sale: Saw mill, Engine A Roiler, Log Wagon etc., in good running order. Sec J. H. Gough, Yadkinville, Houte 1. —For Sale! Nice new 5 room! house aud lot in Yadkinville I Good well and out buildings. For particulars see F. K, Douthit. —The Spoke aud Handle Fact ,017 of W inf re* aud 8 peas at Don naha, N. C, was burned one ui^V.t Hie past week. Very little insrn auce was carried ou the property The is thought to have origin ated in the engine room. —BLASTING! Surface blasting without drilling holes and any other blasting done up-to-date, 11, L. Dixon, Yadkinnlie Ho ate 2. —Mr; and Mrs, A. E. Holton Jr. came very near having a serious accident last Satmday morning while on their way to Iredell Co. to visit relatives. While going up the hill at Longs bridge the buggy spring broke, throwing them out aud Mrs. Holton fell on her face knocking out a front tooth and cutting t\vo small ga,W r> in u.-i fnce. None of the others were hurt. , 0,000 Bushels of Tipples on Gone Estate While the crop of apples on the Cone estate at Blowing Rock is light, taken as a whole, the yield is roughly estimated at 6,000 bushels. Crates in large numbers, holding one bushel each, are now being prepared for the shipment of the crop. Each apple will be wrapped in paper, each paper bearing the name of the apple as id orchard from which it was gathered. Fine mountain apples so nicely handled it seems to us, they’re bound to bring a nice price, especially when the crop is light thro ughout the country, as is the case this year. Mule Sold for One Gent. i being .a. lian&er of citzens here j from all parts ,>t the county, j ! incident happened Monday when ! i Horse s\vop;>er trotted out a mule J that he offered for one cent cash, j the offer was prom ply accepted by I another dealer, who shortly sold i the animal for twenty-five cents, realizing the handsome profit of j 2400% on his short investment. I Other deals ranging from 25 to 50 j were frequently made during the. ■ So it will be seen that good stock i is still in demand /and bringing i rea sonable j wines.—lUitherfordton Sun. / | hirst Monday and court week ! always bring large crowds to the j r ountie’s capital and Monday last j was no exception to the rule, there These are also occasions for the i eh»gregatiug of horse-swappers ■ Youngest Mother Mrs. D. W. Buiden of Atla- j } . „ . ' nta. Georgia, is said to lie the : f youngest grandmother known j outside of tropical counties. At 16 her eldest daughter, born when her mother was only 13 years and 3 months old, gave birth to twins. The grandmo-! \! ther was only 29 when tljese : twins were born. A year latter, in January of this year the! daughter gave birth to another j child, making h^r grandmoth er of three children at 30. It is said to be rare that a woman in this part of the world bec omes a grandmother even in the early thirties. Kitten Has Two Heads Mr;. Vance Hauser, who lives k few miles south of here was in town Thursday of last week and had with him a kit ten that had two perfect and distinct heads. The kitten did uqr, however, live very long. I It had four legs, and in eve^ way resembled an ordi nary kitten, both heads being about the same size. ---- —Mr. Henry Reynolds has se vered his connection with the Wilkes Patriot and will shortly enter Columbia University to take a post-graduate course in law- Ex Congressman C. H. Cowles will assume entire controll of the Patriot. Card of Thanks We desire to express our since re thanks for ull the kindness and | help shown us by our neighbors and friends during the sickness , of our daughter Ethel, j Sincerely, (Mr. and Mrs.) C. C. Bray --.—~. ' Thanksgiving day conies on the last day in November this year, which is well as it gives us one week longer in which to raise the rice of a turkey. An eavesdropper never hears no good of himself, is an old saying, but it takes some pep^ pie a life time to learn it. Live Stock Industry Cbarlote Special—The Sou thern Railway is endeavoring to build up the live stock in dustry throughout the South, having established a special department for this work, and is now inaugurating a move ment for the organization of local live stock associations in every county along its lines in Georgia, Alabama, Missis sippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, lennessee and Kentucky, The organization of such local associations will prove ot immense value to live stock growers. They will stimulate progress as they give an op portunity for exchange of ideas and the distribution of good bieeds and the associa tion exhibits and auction sales pave the wa}' for excellent county fairs and live stock shows. The live stock department of the Southern Railway is in charge of Mr. F. L. Word, Live Stock Agent; who has offices in Atlanta. For the next few months he will de vote especial attention to 'the formation of count}’ live stock associations and will be glad to co-operate with live stock men in any county along the Southern Railway A letter addressed to Mr. Word will bring a prompt reply and will secure his active interest. He will be glad to hear from those who may wish information as to the advantages of local as sociations or the best meth ods to adopt in organizing them. The Tobacco Outlook in Yadkin Winston-Salem Journal. That the farmers of Yadkin i county will send to tl)e local markets about as large tobacco crop as has come from that section in years, was the sup-1 rising information imparted by a prominent citizen of that county in the city yesterday.! During the whole summer it i has been reported generally j that the tobacco crop in Yadkin | would not be more than half the usual amount. This re-j port was based on the extrem ely late season last spring. But it is stated now that the i late rains during the summer have greatly helped the crQp and that there will be little falling off in the number of pounds though it is thought that some df the plants will not ripen before the fall frosts From this cause much of the weed will have to be cut rather green and the quality will not be up to the usual standard. (The above story is correct in many instances but it is certain there will not be as has been for the past several years oweiug to the fact that dry weather in the early spring prevented the amount of plants necessary. The tobacco that was put out looks exceedingly well considering the dry weather, but, as the Journal says, a great deal of it will not. get ripe. It is not thought that there Will be any more than half the crop that Yadkin usually has because it was not put I out. English and American People Have Much In Common. By JAMES BRYCE. British Ambassador to the United States. HE EngiUfi and American people had MUCH IN COMMON. American history did not begin in 1776; it did not begin with the settlement of Jamestown; it iidn’t begin with the landing of the Pilgrims. But rather it began in 446 A. D., when a handful of Saxons landed on the banks rtf' the Trent. TO PROPERLY UNDERSTAND THIS STORY OF AMERICA WE SHOULD HAVF TO UNDERSTAND THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND— IN FACT, WE WOULD HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. IS H H All English and American liberty is based upon the principle that a LAW ONCE MADE MUST BE OBEYED BY ALL THE PEO PLE. These laws were the work of the whole people. Even in the feudal days in England the feudal leaders did not act alone. The same is true in Airferica. It is the WHOLE -PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAWS. I can assure you that what happens in this country is W ATCITED WITH KEEN INTEREST by many in Britain. There- are certain virtues necessary for a country—COURAGE. HONOR, UNSELF ISHNESS AND DEVOTION TO PUBLIC DUTY. * If you fix your eves on the men in whom these virtues shine with eqiial luster you will have done much. -u—. A Call That Must bs Answered Hear Subscriberss. All Subscribers are earnestly -requested to call and bring or send.in the subsceiption price of this paper for all back subscriptions at once. We will be obliged to send out statements if you don’t, and we. know you had rather attend to it on your own accord than have us ask you for the amount due, We make this appeal so that those living near may call in, and those whom distance prevents com ing may send in theirs. We have a list of subccrib crs that we are proud of, and all of whom we believe to be honest, but we have given you good time to settle your account, and now that we.are in urgent need of money we make this appeal to everyone due-^ us on subscription to come, or send, and settle at once, by doing so you will do us a great favor, F-eunt by check, money order or postage stamps. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING 9 Our Fall lino of Goods. The prettiest line we have ever carried. Call and examine onr stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before yon buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full line of Hardware, Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. We are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING Oui line of Spring MILdL/INfCIvY is the most complete we have ever had. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts. We will do nnvthmo- in onr power to make it to vour interest to trade here. YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE & HOTJTHIT McElwees Planters Warehouse We take pleasure in informing you that we are once more ready I to sell your tobacco. Those of you ! who have sold with us for the last I three years know that when you | come here we are careful to make ! your tobacco bring the highest | market price, and those who hav | ent sold with us will fihd it very 1 ; much to their advantage to come here. We have full set of buyers, and | same we had last year and we feel that we can please you. Best roads we have ever lied i Maceadam Road is now across the river. Albert Mattock is with us, come this way and we will take care of you. Verly truly, PLANTERS W AREHOUSE Statesville, N. C. Executors Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of T. W. fleece dec’d of Yadkin county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned within one year from date of tin’s notice or same will be pleaded n bar of their recoverv, All per 1 sons indebeted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Aug. 24th 1011. o-ICM-l 1 It. W. LIEECE, Exr. j beady for service Emelya! Premier No. 145890 a tine Berk shire boar. See J. I). L. Sampson, Yadkinville, N. C. - | President Taft appointed a ' Boston negro as assistant att orney general of the United States, and last week the Bos ton negrees resolved again; t Taft for showing discritnina | tion against the negro. That’s i the way with lots of negroes; recognise them and they want to take charge of everything in sight.—Wilkes Chronicle. The same way with some Democrats, onhT thev want to take all in sight, then some. J. M. Howell, a popular drug gist of Greeusburg, Ky., says, “We use Chamberlain’s Cough itemedy in our own household and | know it is excellent. For sale by all dealers. CHE CHILDREN LIKE ITt KENNEDY’S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP 130 YOUR BANKING WITH THE Bank of Yadkin YADKINVILLE, N. C. The oldest and strongest bank ing' institution in the county CAPITAL - - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3,000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1005, it lias paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank. Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons Uc/o Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerly, Vice-Prest. IT. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Viee-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerly. ^ Directors: W. A. Baily, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. It. Harding, M. M. Crutnel and C. B. lleavis. Now is the time to ^et rid of your rheumatism. You will fiud j Chrmberlain’s Liniment wonder- i fully effective. One application will convince you of its merits Try it. Sold by all dealers. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Cr.-v^:CHT3 &C. Anyone sending a sketch anu «v.3ript1on may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is prohably patentable. Communion tlons at rlct Iv confidential. HANDBOOK- on Patents Bent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. 'Terms, $3 a year: four months, $1. Bold by all newsdealers, MUNN &Co,36,B™*d"*>-New York n.auch Office. 626 F St* Washington. D. C. AN UNEASY FEELING in the stomach or bowels, .caused by indigestion or constipation, yields quickly ?io * SIMMONS^ > RED s LIVER REGULATOR ■ (THE POWDER FORM) It removes all impurities or fermented food, cleanses and Mm ?s the stomach andj bowels and restores that fine feeling of exhilaratiorA. mental activity and/cheerfulness that belongs only to perfect health. V I UOLO BY DEALERS. PRICK. LARGE PACKAGE, BV.OO. Ask for th o genuine with the Roil Z on the label. If yen cannot get It remit to na, wo will ■end by mail postpaid. Simmon* Liver Regulator is put up also iu liquid form for those who prafar it. Price, $1.00 per bottle. Look for the Red Z label. #• I J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. PROPS.. ST. LOUIS, MO. NOTICE North Carolina, i Superior Court Yadkin County f Fall Penn 1911 J. W. Frit s et al, Exer.) Non : of H. W. Fries, decVI f VS ) Resident A. P. Roberson admr of ) , F. A. and A. P. Rober- h Notice son et al \ The defendants Rosa Evans and; husband L. W. Evans in the abovei entitled proceeding will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Super-1 iorCourt of Yadkin County for the non payment of the sum of $965,971 with interest on $707.94 from the 15th. day of April 1884 until paid due by F. A. Roberson to H. YV. Fries and cost of action of $9.51 and the said defendants will furth-V er take notice that they are requir. ed to appear at the next term of; the Superior Court of said County/ to be held on the 16th. day of Oct-; ober loll, at the court house dooi£ of said County in Yadkinville N* C., and answer or demure to thef oomplaint of filed in said action oir the plantiff will apply to the court? for the relief demanded in saidj complaint. This 5th. day of Sept! 1911. J. L.Crater, Clerk of Superior Court. —Foi^Hale: 26 acres of land if miles from town, adjoining Benji Shore W. H. Dinkins and others! See J.J A. Miller, Yadkin Yille.RLJi

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