vo! Ax vii I YadkiuyjJle, Yadkin County N. C. Wednesday, October 4 1911. •- ■» G»\V' A oil \ No. 30 Y.vdkjnvtllie Produce Market. •Corrected weekly by Bhore Ac Doutliit. Coin per bn she!} - $0.80 Wheat ‘ 1.00 Bye « « - - 1.00 Oats “ “ - .75 Peas “ - 2.00 'Beau* *“ “ - 2.00 'Chiok'ms, old bens - .8 •Chickens spring - - .10 EggS per, dwen - 18 Blitter per pound - - .15 f'A? . - - 2.50 Ha to* • * - .15 i J lee’s iv a* - - -22 Jdaid - - - 124 J*0®aL NEWS '■-Heveml Vadkiu people are mR< whin g * the Pair :d \Viust<>n '•‘bis week. — Mrs James Adams dual at lior bo me near Rena this county on Monday Bept. 2eth. -“Home.-new elurirs have been placed in the Court House, up r lira juahiiliug.a new one for dho Judge. 'J 4se« CovmVlitt Mackie and 1 i. iii« Bhngart visited over in Corny li uomdy Saturday to Mon .la \. ahrs Minnie Weisuer went to Winston last week to see her ,r father who is in the Hospital | theja i Mr. H. H Maukie is having a ncv, coat of paint put on his residence. The color will be chang ; from white, to eieam, l's. Rohooo Id lo.lt of Roauoke \ a., left yesterday afternoon tori her home ai'te.r a few days visit- to itci si,-.ter Mrs J. (1. Gough, >, -Mth. Hillard H hornier win) -piiiiH hinl a severe attack <x£ .typho t t fever is aide to lie out .again •-. e ere glad to note. —Thecontract- Joi painting the Court House rod and repairing .and painting window blinds etc. was let Monday to,(."has. Nicks. Mr. (ice. W. JA'iig age 85 years’, died at his htun ueur_Long fowii this uumdi'r alter an illness of tsoveraJ weeks, lie leaves a vniuv and six children .to mourn his death. Read carefully the new ad. of *C ' ubacher A Rro. in this issue oi the Hippie. This is one of the! oldest and best known firms in .the State and they are reliable .people to deal with, do aud soy * hem. Asa result of the meeting ..held at Deep ("rock Baptist church last week, 20 persons were baptized in Deep Creek near the church Sunday by Rev! T. 0. My ers. who together with Rev. Car die. assisted the pastor Rev. S. B. May in the meeting. —Mr. J. O. Williams, age (>8, and Mrs. E. T. Mason, ago 72, were united in matrimony last night,near Hampton villa This is *- MiV-Wilbn-UKV second adventure in the matrimonial s field, while his bride goes him two better, this be ing her fourth advent into the game. Dr. J. M. Phillips mid Mr. V,\ E. Put lodf.ro loft to-day at noon tl s former going to New York on ;-i , Tae-ure trip wliih the later to aistoH to spend a day at the Pair, Dr, Phillips will he joined in Greensboro by Dr. and Mrs. E. P id Itussell who are going north to spend <t. few weeks. —Thpmiis L. F.hu’ow of \V ins ton suicided by shooting liimself in the Masonic Lodge Boom on tie fifth floor of the. Masonic building* at 1:‘20 P. M. Tuesday of hist week. He had been promin it in the business life of Winston far BO ‘years. Despondency b _iv<sn as the cause of the rash deed. The \ T] bo o teachers exam ivld 1101*0 on the 2ml Tims day m this month,. White teach ers will l*e examined on Thursday *uid colored teachers on Friday On Saturday every teacher ii Yadkin eovmty is urged to atteni t I*.. • ■ v M- l< wil }. , . plan and hr eav ;;it it h *o:! ;t that ail fceacners aciwnu tm ineetinK. ML W-'v ' w >* Commissioners Report The Comity Commissioners met in regular session Monday and made the llowing orders to-wit: lhat Luther Craver be pd for lumber and nails for brid ge 7-95 That J W Harding be pd for conveying Pierce Gross to asylum 23.00 That James Carter be pd for building bridge in Knobs to wnship - 6.72 That S C Williams be pd for services as member of the board of health 8 00 That Free Brown be pd for lumber and nails to build a bridge 10.01 That J H James be pd for 3 loads of rock to repair pub lic well p v 1,50 That Dr Harding be pd for Anti-toxin 3.20 That ..Shore & Douthit be bd for goods .far Court house and Jail 3.60 That the report of I C Wil liams over-seer be approved. That R W Zachary be pd as keeper of county home for month of Sept. 78.60 That S vS Ma}' be pd 15.00 and two dollars every monty hereafter f That J A Rj?i?egar be pd •witness .claim 1.15 That iK W Wooten be pd witness claim 1.20 That Cal Wilson be pd for work done011 well at the jail 1Q..00 That Dr T R Harding be pd as physician for county Board of Health for May, June July, and Aug. 55.^0 That J L Crater he pd for copying corporation record 7*T5 That W P Shore be pd for witness claim 95 That T A Poindexter be pd as judge of special bond elect ion in Hast Bend 2 00 That J F Barron be pd as a rebate 011 tax for the year 1910 i.00 That Leo Phillips be pd for witness claim 1.35 That C II Johnson be pd for one day on board of health 4 00 That Charley Hendrix be released from paying poll tax until this order is revoked. That W D Martin be pd as member of the board of health 8 oo That Sid Joyner be pd wit ness claim t .05 That J K Shugart be pd for jail fees 13.30 That the petition on file ask ing for a change in the public road beginning at the A N Tomlin place and ending at or near the residence of N R Lon gs be advertised according to law. That J K Royall be pd as keeper of court house 3.75 That J W Bowles be pd for one dozen bar chairs and one Judge’s chair and hauling same to Ysdkinville 28.2c That C L Moxley be pd (a* error) in R C Rriplets ta> 5.0; I That the petition on fih . t aakjng for a change in tin > j public road beginning at C W j Heltons and ending at Brusl j Arlyr, and that the road lead ' | ing by M H Longe to Yadkii l!ville road be advertised aecoi t ding to law. R R .ate :n: : e> pense., viHe to Comm. Asso. and a member of board of health 23.00 That J W Cook be pd as member B C C up to and in | eluding first Monday in Oct ober 13*60 That C E Moxley be pd for D S fees 9.20 » 1 Mai! Garried by Flying Machine \ New York Dispatch, 23d The first United States mail ever transported by aero : plane was cariied today from the aviation field on Nassau j boulevard, Long Island, to i Garden Citv, a distance of | five miles, by Earl L. Oving ton, in a Bleroit machine. His flight for this purpose was the leading featui'e of the inter national meet’s opening day. Ovingtou took only one bag 1 of mail, held it> between his knees, and when he was over Garden City he dropped it on the signal of a man who wav ed a flag as pre-arranged. This bag contained about 75 pounds of letters and post cards. He left behind fully 300 pounds of mail matter which was later sent by au tomobile to the Garden City post-office, although it bore the special postofficc stamp of “Aerial station No. 1; aerial special service.” Ye Yadkin youngsters. A word to yon, sonny—you little twelve or thirteen year old boy who is smoking cigar ettes on the sly. What do you want to be when 3*011 grow up—a stalwart, healthy, vigorous, b r oad-shouldered man, or a little, puny, meas leyr, 110-count weak-minded dude? If you want to be a man, strong like a man, with hair on your face, brains in your head, and muscles in your limbs, you just let those cigarettes alone. If you want to be a thing pitied by you r folks, despised by the girls and held in e uitempt by the fellows, keep right on smok ing and end your days in the insane asylum.—Ex. Says the Charlotte Observ er: “It generally requires an equinoctial outburst to upset summer from the lap of wint er.” It takes no more than the merest indication that pa pa is approaching to upset a j girl from the lap of her beau. —Winston Journal. How’d ye know? Damage Gase is Begun A damage suit of unusual proportions has been commen ced in the Superior Court here by F. A. Templeton against Yadkin River Power Co. —y iCL'f he action Ts Tor personal injuries received by plaintiff j at Blewett Fall. The coin plaint has not been filed but lit is understood that damages | to the amount of $8,000 to $10,000 will be asked. > ’ ''-.The plaintiff is represented by S. Carter Williams of this place and Phillips & Bower, and Walser & Walser of Lex; ingtou. - ■»♦«»,«»-— —Foil Sale: Some choice pigs, suitable for pork or breeding. See j J. D. L. Sampson, YadkinvilJe, N. C., Route 1. b-8-29 —Foil Sale: Fulcaster bearded wheat, th a price $1.00 per bushel. Mana Williams, Yadkinvilie liohte No. 2. -- STORE ROBBED The store of Mr. Dudly Reavis out on Route 1 was robbed on Sunday Sept. 24. The store is near Mr. Reav is’ home and they were gone to preaching at Deep Creek when the crime was committ ed, but on returning Mr. Reavis noticed that the wind ow had heed pried open and he immediately made an ex amination. $50 in money was taken but nothing else was gone that they could de tect. No one has been ar rested but Mr. Reavis thinks he knows who the guilty parties are. —Received a car load Farmers Favorite Drills, among the best if not the best drill on the market. J. A. Logan, Yadkinville N. C. —BLASTING! Surface blasting without drilling holes and any ' other blasting done up-to-date, R. L. Dixon, Yadkin ville Route 2. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Roy a 11 a son. —For Sale: 2(1 acres of land 3 miles from town, adjoining Benj. Shore A. U. Dinkins and others. See J. G. Miller, Yadkin ville Rt. 2 Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chrmberlaiu s Liniment wonder fully effective. One application will convince you of its merits Try it. Sold by all dealers. For soreness of the musolqp whether induced by violent exer cise injury, Chamberlain's Lini ment is excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords m cases of rheumatism, i Sold by all dealers. In Awarding Big Alimony Courts Stimulate Divorce. By J-udtfe WILLIAM CUSHING WAIT of the Superior Court of M«»*»cbu»etu. HS for contributory reasons for divorce I might mention the elaborate, not to say elaborated, stories published in the newspapers regarding enormous sums of money paid for — alimony. Without, passing criticism, but simply stating what I think to be | obvious conditions, 1 may say that I think that such a liberul alimony | is an INCENTIVE TO SEEK DIVORCE. If the courts were I LESS LIBERAL in the awarding of alimony it might be that some : of these persons born in poverty and raised to wealth by reason of > marriage might not be so anxious to sever the tie that bound them to > the one from whom they received an income. GRANTING THAT AVARICE MAY LEAD GOME PERSONS TO MARRY ANOTHER OF THE OPPOSITE SEX BECAUSE OF MONEY AND LUXURY, THE ATTITUDE OF SOME OF OUR COURTS IN GRANTING AN EXTRAVAGANT ALIMONY SEEMS TO PUT A PRE ; MIUM ON DIVORCE FOR SUCH AVARICIOU8 PER80NS. Personally I believe in moderate alimony, but only in certain L cases, comparatively few in number. I don’t believe, for instance, in -1 a young and ablebodied woman with any business experience—or L business ability—taking money from a man she no longer cares for _' simply because he was once her husband and because it is EASIER • TUAN WORKING FOR HERSELF. Pride should step in, and if ; she/won’t live with him she SHOULDN'T BE WTTTTNO TO AO ! CEPT MONEY rV. 'XX TTTM It doc . - • m > mo to be or sturdy or American. ARE NOW RECEIVING Our Fall line of Goods. The prettiest line we have ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before you buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full line of .Hardware, Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. Y\ e are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN'S AND BOY’S CLOTHING 1 Out line of Spring MILLINERY is the most complete we have ever Had . ! Consisting of the/latest Styles from the fashion resorts. - j We will do anythimr in our power to make it to vour interest to trade here. YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE & DOTJTHIT ■ McElwees Planters Warehouse We take pleasure in informing you that we are once more ready to sell your tobacco. Those of you who have sold with us for the last three years know that when you come here we are careful to make your tobacco bring the highest market price, and those who hav en t sold with us will tihd it very j much to their advantage to come j here. , We have full set of buyers, and ! same we had last year and we feel i that we can please you. Best roads we have ever hed Maceadam Iload is now across the . river. Albert Mattock is with us, cdme this way and we will take care of you. Verly truly, PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Statesville, N. C. Executors Notice. Having qualified as Exeeutor of the estate of T. W. Reece dec’d of Yadkin county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded n bar of their recovery. All per sons iudebeted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Aug. 24th 1011. o-K 1-4-11 R. W. REECE, Exr. —Ready for service Einelvs Premier No. 14HI190 a fine Berk shire boar. Bee J. 1). L. Sampson, Yadkinville, N. C. J. M. Howell, a popular drug gist of Greensburg, Ivy., says, “Wo use Chamberlain’s^ Cough Remedy in our own household and know it is excellent. For sale by all dealers. NOTICE North Carolina i Superior Court Yadkin County l Fall Term 1911 J. W. Frits et ill, Exer.) Non of H. W. Fries, dec’d - VS ) Resident A. P. Roberson adrnr of ) F. A. and A. P. Ilober- V Notice soil et al ) The defendants Rosa Evans and husband L. W. Evans in the above entitled proceeding will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Super iorCourt of Yadkin County for the non payment of the,sum of $965.97 with interest on $707.94 from the 15th. day of April 1884 until paid due by F. A. Roberson to H. W. Fries and cost of action of $9.51 aud the said defendants will furth er take notice that they are reqnir ed to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the 16th. day of Oct ober 1911, at the court house door of said County in Yadkiuville N. C., and answer or demure to the oomplaint of filed in said action or the plantitf will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. f*'his 5th. dav of Sept, j up j J. L.Crater, Clerk of Superior Court. I IX) YOUR BANKING WITH THE Bank of Yartkin YADICINVILLE, N. C. The oldest and strongest bank ing* institution in the county CAPITAL - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3,000. Since, its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe , and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons li°Jo interest Paid on ail Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerly, Viee-Prest. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A. Bally, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. B. Harding, M. M. Crumel and C. B. Beavis. THE STORE YOU HAVE ALWAYS DEALT WITH AHD KNOW ABOUT ROSENBACHER & BRO. Winston*SaIem’s Best Department Store D ressEoods Tlie most stylish materials for this season are serges, poplins, whip cords, broad cloths and English home spuns—all new colors. 50c to $2.50 a yard. Silk The New Cashmere De Soie And Mssalinls in 14 New Colors—White, Ivory, light Blue, Copenhagen, Piuk, Navy Blue, King’s Blue, Qa det Coronation Purple, Gar net, lied, Gold, Irish Green, and Black. Full yard wide —beautiful finish, a yaid. ONE DOLL Alt SAMPLES ANY MATERI ALS UPON REQUEST EMBROIDERED TAILORED WAISTS made of the new linen finish waisting, most beautifully embroidered and finished with embroidered scalloped edge, stitf linen collars; all size 34 to 44. ^Bent express paid upon receipt of $1.50. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. NEW MUSKATEER EAST INDIAN HAND BAGS made of tapestry, velvet and suede—those of suede are brained and trimmed with fringe—in tan, brown and black—the tapestry cues are m bright colors. Any of the above bags yours for $1.00.. Every one of our Forty-Four Departments is comp lete, as nev er before, with new Fall and Winter merchandise. Ro^enbacher & Bro.

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