rviarjs C. Wednesday, October 25 1911. No. 31 Yadkinville Produce Market. corrected weekly by Shore & Doutliit. Corn per bushel - $0.8' Wheat ‘ 1.0, live “ l.Of Oats “ “ - .7£ Peas “ - .2.01 Beans “ “ - 2.0C Chickens, old liens - .£ Chickens spring - 1( JEggs per dozen - i> Bntter per pound - - ,1£ Hour - .oi Haias - .la Bee’s wax - Lard - U LOeiiL MEWS —Frost tit last. —Com shucking time. —Bora to Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Kelly a sou. Mrs. A Fred Hanes is visiting her old home. —Mrs. Neal Bohannon was in town yesterday. — Atty It. C rurvear is at his sisters Mrs. Jarrats, - - Mr. El wood lint! edge of Win ston is spending a few days here. — A protracted meeting is in progress at Harmony this week. — Miss Annie Maokio and bro ther Frank w. re shopping in town yesterday . — Me. Lon Steelrn;M» is right liek WiFi a relapse of fever at her home or route one. — Mr. J. \V. Pass made a busi ness trip over in Little Yadkin vestemay. Th.o.mpson’s bridge, near Todds store, is to be torn up today and re ptii.-od. Mr. S. H_. Joyner is doing the work, — BLASTING! Surf a (to blasting ,vit'.;out drilling holes and any ot-P r blasting done up-to-date, it. L. Dixon, Yadkiuviile iioute 2. —Ileniy' B. James will have a Flee Lot of Virginia. Horses Sat urday. Also a. ear load of Buggies lor vale at Fight Pkice. • - License have been issued for ti a in.image of Henry Hiding to Martha -Swann, and one colored couple Vi in. Harding to Labeia H■ deOlld K —Miss Ainv Gainer, who has fmen vHhmg relatives in the city left ynsterdey it r Bulshury, where .tee will visit her sister, Mrs. M. C. May. —MY Aston Journal. — Big line Mens Suits $2 48 to *20.00; Boys Suits 75c* o $0.00; —■ '***••■• \ _4s_. v j _L *4 1 ! [ ) }•• > j | j j jo it k 'nJ CTtr LO~WTO yo>l Ml ill. L J» V\ fail styles. \v ilmoth «V Hayes, The Bargain House, Boonville. —Bud McKuight was arrested iVlonlla; night at the Home of Cara Hutchens on route two. He Ts charged with gainbiiug. lie was placed in jail but give bond last night. i l« —Good Oak Beds 48inclies high H.98; dO in* high. $2.98; Good ioug • : S)i*6;-) ers $4.9:> to $12.45; Ex •> I «iil Bed room suits" $9.45 to -fO-'.OO. Wilmoth .j /ry Yadkin county, where he wiiJ spend several days visiting relatives and friends. - Winston Journal. —Mrs. lie avis of near Footville, Mrs. HinsJuiiW and the Misses Oovams, BoonvJie were shopping in town yesterday. One comes and sees the bargains and tells others, so our town is in a stir these Jays. —Every boy that have seen the big line of OverCoab we are show ing for men and boys say tho pri ces are very low. An excelant line of liaiuGoata $5.00 to $10.00 and up also big line of heavy coats. Wil mouth & Heyes, The Bargain House Boonviiie, N. C. _As Green Cooper audliis wife were returning from court one day last week they happened to a very bad accident, when the horse they weiie driving fell down an embank nient and instantly killed, and the bnggy wrecked, but the occupants 4 aped any injury, The horse t, id. buggy belonged to Mr. Saul 'IV ooten MMm\ Court News i '■''irrv mi* Court, which Be' 11 gan October 16 closed Satur 1 day morning, after’ a busy week’s work with County of 1 facials, lawyers, etc. I Judge Daniels, who presid | ed at this term seems to have II won the admiration and es {teem of all who watched the j modest and reasonable man ner in which lie disposed the business of the term, the man ner of handling witnesses, etc and he will long be remember ed dy our people. Below we resume the dis posal of cases as continued from last week’s paper. Bob Ireland, c c w judgement ! suspended on payment of cost, j Clove McBride, escape, guilty, judgement suspended an payment of cost. Paul Bray, rude conduct at S cimrch, guilty, judgement sus pended on the payment of the cost in the case. > Boseoe Sprinkle, affray, plead guilty and prayer for judgement is continued upon payment of cost. S. E. Norman, disturbing pdlit ) ica! meeting, guilty, fined $25 and cost. Isaac WIshon, Sr., Isaac Wish on, Jr. and Watson Wislion charg ed with an affray were found not guilty. Cieve McBride, a \v d w, and c e w deft plead guilty in both eases and judgement continued on payment of cost. Tom and Lee Powell a w d w both guilty. Leo was sentenced to pay a hue of $10 and one-third cost, and Tom pay one-third cost. Oar! Evans, rude conduct at clmrcli lined $25 and one-third cost. Paul Bray public nuisance, judgement suspended on payment, of cost. Glenn Hoyden col. c c w deft, pleads guilty judgement suspend ed. The civil issue docket was tak en vip Eriday afternoon and only a. few eases disposed of. In the case of C. K. Todd again st J. H. Mackie in which the plaintiff was suing for $940 this being the alleged amount of differ ence m ihe sale of a tract of land which the pi an tilt Todd alleged was H<>Jd him previous to the defendants sale of s nine land to i). E. Dobbins. The jury set a side the contract conveying the land from Mackie to Todd and ! gave the verdict in favor of Mac | kle. In the case of Jno II. Hutchens against his wife Mary Hutchens for divorce a verdict was rendered i i in favor of the plaintiff. Local News | —Mr. James Poindexter of El j kin was iri town Monday. —Miss Bessie Choplbi of East i Bend Route one was in town this | morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Dodd, are visiting relatives in Galax Va., for a uhiD. Hoads played bad on the batters ted in a score of 5 to 0 in favor of , our boys. This is one game cadi i for these teams a.i. d ibe “rub” will be played herb in a short lime. ■ —T3ie Teacher,'- meeting which ! was held liens Saturday October 14th. was well attended and great interest manifested by the teach ers. The subjects discussed were so interesting that the meeting . was continued Over to next first Monday, when The subjects will 'be discussed again, and all the teachers in the county are urged to attend. Among other things the “Grading >f th« School Work” will be diseussedl Prof. Z, H. Dixon was elected/President and Mr.%. J. Q. Holton Sec. of the Association. The public is iuvit ed to attend tUv meetings. —Mr. and Mrs, J. H. James and -Yadldnville and Bruce Cross ground last Saturday which rosul Trial Of Mil Officers For Shooting McBride The trial of Marshal, Mel and Charlie Gross, Joe and J. D. Joyner and J. C. Renegar for shooting Cleve McBride last January, while trying to arrest him for blockading, was the longest and hardest fought case that has been tried here in several years, only one of them, Marshal Gross, being convicted. It begin immediately on the (convening of court Wednesday afternoon and continued until, Thursday night, at io o’clock ; Tha defendants nearly all live | in Iredel county, the readers : of the Ripple will remember, that while trying to arrest McBride, he was shot during a chase with the officers. ; As court convened an array j of counsil, numbering five, | were lined up for the defence, land the solicitor was assisted by two other able council. It was some time before the jury box was filled, then began a legal battle which ended as told above. The first witness put up by j the State was Miss Lola Ilayes at whose home the sheering occured. She told how she was standing on the porch on. Jan. ; 29th, when suddenly a pistol j shot rang out and McBride: made a dash for the woods, but: ere he reached them he was being pursued by half dozen men who say McBride pulled a gun and they begun to fire on him with the result that he was shot in the leg, neck and side. After going one half a mile he either fell or else was caught, and word sent to the Hayes home for aid, where he was taken, and nursed for four weeks, and was guarded by an officer. Dr, Bryant testified that he dressed the wounded ulan, and that the wound in the side was caused by a 22 Cori’.bre ball, but on being cioss examined lie admitted he did not know the difference in the size of a 22 calibre ball and a number 4 shot. i ne next witness was Miss , Pella Hayes, and she was ! followed by Miss Beatrice Reavis and several others, all | of whom told about the same j story w lh small variations as! to distances. Mr% J. D. Joynei, a Deputy! Sheriff of Iredel county was the first witness for the defence ; He contradicted the evidence j of the state as to the distance . from the house to where the man was shot, saying it ways 160 yards, where the others; said it was mily 40 yards: He further told of the attempt to catch McBride, etc. The closing- argument for the defence was made by Atty wc aid well, while Mr. Baily closed for the State and the case given to the jury which was composed of farmers. On the first ballot of the jury after retireing the vote stood as follows: Three for aquittal of all the defendants; four stood for convicting three and five wanted to convict one Thus they labored over the evidence until 3 o’clock!in the morning when they retired to rest. Next morning' they were not long in deeming and a verdict of guilty wp.4 returned as to Marshal Gp^ss, and not /V guilty as to the othe five. The Judge required the convicted man to pay one sixth of the cost, this being paid by Sheriff Deaton of Iredel Co., who said that the people of Yadkin county had treated his officers and him mighty nice, showing that they were with them in trying to ferret out lawlesness. Grand Jury Report. After the usual preliminaries the report reads: We have passed upon all bills the solicitor presented us except a few bills that was continued for want of witnesses. We visited the county home by a committee of 6 who report 20 white imnates and 1 colored. The home is well kept and the inmates seem to be prop erly cared for, and have plenty to eat and wear. We reccomend that new roofs be put on some of the buildings. We also visited the county jail and found but one prisoner. The jail seems to be ; well kept, We visited the county offices and found them well kept. All of which is respectfully sub mitted. W. P. WILLIAMS, Foreman. * —--<*---— News From Enon Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor visited relatives in Forsyth last Sunday, aud also attended preaching at Pleasant Hill. Mr Harrison Shields of Benton Harbor Mich., is visit ing home folks. Several of the Winston peo ple had a barbaeue at the Riverside Park Friday night. Mr. Guy Hoots made a bus iness trip to Winston last Monday. Mr. Mack Hamm of King, visited relatives at Enon last Siiiida}7 and Monday, Mr, John Tom Mathews, and mother attended the show at Winston Wednesday. Mrs. Susan Roberson retur ned home last Sunday from King, N. U. where she spent the summer. Mr. P. H. Poindexter sold a barn of tobacco last week for $139.00. How is that for the Yadkin Valley? “C as tie” Not on Time They, itizmis won' surprised one day Iasi; week in the UffTe village, to see Ne. 17 pull in at the depot, appearautly on time. Bon Hanks the station agent hollered at Rod .Squibs the engineer and said: Hello there Kod: You’re on time for ouce ain’t ye? i.iod stuck his head out of the window and said: ‘ On time nothing. Were 24 hours late. This is yesterday’s train.”—Ex. —Ready for service Emelya Premier* No. 145390 a hue Berk* shire boar. Hoc J. D. L. Sampson, Yadkinyjlle, N. Q, Accuse Of Stealing E. E. Chamberlain,: of 'Clinton Me. boldly accuses Bucklen’s Arnica Salve of steal ing-the sting from burns or scalds- the pain from sores of all kiuds-the dis tress from boils or piles. “It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of their terror,” he says, ‘as a healing remedy its equal don’t exist.” Only 25c. at all druggists. Is there anything in all this world that is of more, importance tc you than good digestion? Food must be eaten to .sustain life and must be digested and converted in to blood. When the digestion fails the whole body sutlers. Chamber lain’s Tablets are rational and re liable cure for indigestion. .They increase the lilow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy actbun For sale by all dealers. I WE ARE NOW RECEIVING | Qiir Fall line of Goods. The prettiest line we have ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before you buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full line of Hardware, Groceries and mens Hats, In fact everything usually kept in a large store. We are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN'S AND BOY’S CLOTHING \ Oni line of bpring MILLINERY is the most complete we have ever had. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts We will do anvtbincr in our vvr to make it to vour interest to trade hen YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE & DOUTHIT i j McE! wees We take pleasure in informin', you that we are once more read to sell your tobacco. Those of you who have sold with us for the last three years know that when you j come here we are careful to make | your tobacco br’ng the highest I market price, and those who hav i ent sold with us will find it very I much to their advantage to come | here. We have full set of buyers, and same \Ve had last year and we-feel that we can please you. Best roads we have ever bed Maccadam lioad is now across the river. Albert Mattock is with us, come this way and we will take care of you. Verly truly, PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Statesville, N. C. M. A. liOYALL M. D. I Yadklyville, N. 0. jjj SPECIALIST IN DISEA S' ses of The 1 Eye, Ear, No&i and Throat. H XVKWKnK* ft J M..Howell, a popular. drug gist of Greensbnrg, ivy., says, “We use Chamberlain’s Cough! Remedy in our own household and | know it i> excellent. j For sale bv ail dealers. mm W1LKESB0S0 MARBLE WOHKES Tombstones, Monuments, Iron Fences, Etc. We handle marble by car, can give yuu best prices on same' MILLER & REINS Co Props. N. Wilkesbo no, N. C. cJ. Wo Williams, a£t. In the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have every symptom, of a torpid | Simmons Red Z Liver Reg jjulator (The Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It acts promptly. The bilious impurities which have interfered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can more thoroughly digest food. I The bowels are purified and a regular habit fe-established. It is a splendid medicine for the whole system, Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealer*. Price, targe package, $1.0C Auk for the genuine with the Xed Z on the label. 11 you cannot get it. remit to u», we will send by runi 1 pottpaiil. Simmon* Liver Regulator la also put up in j liquid Ibrm for tho»e who prefer it. .Price, fl.OJ per bottle. Look for the Bed Z label. J. H. ZEIL1N & C3., Preps., St tads, Me. DO YOUR RAXKIXG WITH THE YADKXNVILLE, N, G. w. The oldest and strongest bank ing' institution in the county CAPITAL • - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3,000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $'7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its man}’ patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons Ucfo Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Bveiiy, Yice-Prest. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pros. Finance Comm: Bcnj. Shore, Dr. J. Phdl-W ; T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A. Baifv, E. L. Gaitlier, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. B. Harding, M. M. Crumti and C. B. Heavis. •••■“-fViy * 14 : ■’ Tv .. I- •Vti’ S*V''* V cr- * , '„"?>* & V J Don’t be Misled! Think For Yourself The Leader Warehouse WINSTON, 1ST. (J. Offers more advantages for the sale of your tobacco than you can find elsewhere. The surest way for a short crop to mean a full purse is for j von to sell everv load this year at i »/ «• «/ i The Leadeh. j From the first day we opened oar dcors we hare done j j more for the tobacco growers than any other house in ! | North Carolina, and we expect to work harder for every | one who sells with us this year than ever before, llie | men who show up the sales at our warehouse have had | years of successful experience. Our auctioneer has few j equals and no superiors. Our entire force, including Jim Lovill, Dick Rogers, Dick Clingmaii, O. C. Currin, R, B Horn, Sam Tuttle. C. S. Season, W, 13. Willis and others will be glad to see 3-011 and will try to make you glad if you come to the Leader. Tobacco is selling we 11 and every man gets^be top of the market at the Leader. Bring us 37-0111* first load or ship us your firs tierce. We can sell for 3rou aiwday' whether first or second sale Your Friends, LEADER WAREHOUSE OUll FIRST SALK DAYS: "For Oerober;~Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.. Yof Novcmherf-Kvery Akmday, Yv vduoivd«v uid Friday. For December;--Every Tuesday, Thursday and Safeuxu o * -"I