Yadkin County N. C. Wednesday, November 8 1631 eorre inville Produce Market. corrected weekly by Shore & Douthit. / Corn j»er bushel Wheat * * Bye “ 41 - - Onto “ a Peas " “ Beaus “ “ thickens, old hens Eggs per dozen Butter )>er [>ouud Flour ’ - Maws BeeVwax Lard - - - $0.70 1.00 1.00 .64 1.50 2.00 .8 20 2.50 .15 .22 15 f LOGAL NB $ ^ —There were very few people lb fsowu Monday. —Mrs. Jane Hanes is right sick at this writeing. - Mr. J. A. Gentry of Winston, was here yesterday on busines. — Mr. It. E. Holtou has opened up a furniture store here. —Rev. W: T. Camer left yester day for Statesville to attend Con ference. —Mi's, itusn nenderson oi TVdkesboro spent the week end Mrs. D. S. Iteyuolds. —For Salet Several thous and cabbage plants, 15c per hund red. Now ready. Abe Wisliou, Courtney. —Rev. Joseph C. Styers of East Bend preached at the Baptist church here Sunday and Sunday Light. —BLASTING! Surface blasting without drilling holes and any other blasting done up-to-date, It. L. Dixon, Yudkiuville Ito.ite 2. —Mrs. A. K. Barksdale of Den ver Colo., is visiting at the home ' of her nephew A tty Frank Hanes. She. will spend the winter here, "■""a—Mr. Elwood Butledge return ed to Wiuston yesterday. He says lie is going to vm* some of the northern and western states before xe turning. —Big line Mens Suits $2 48 to $20.00; Boys Suits 75c to $6.00; ' P.mfcs 98c to $5.00; all brand new fall style®. Wiliuoth & Hayes, T*Le Ba rgain House, Boonvi He. — In renewing her subscription Miss Lola Tavloi of Birmingham, t Ala . says: MI thank you for the interesting bits of home news con tained in the paper each week.” —Rev. Jas. P. Griffith of Mo., / asks us to announce that he will begin a series of sermons at the Baptist church next Saturday night Nov. II. —Good Oak Beds 48inches high $1.08; 50 in- high $2.98; Good long Oak Dressers $4.98 to $12.45; Ex „_c lient Bed room suits $9.45 to $60.00. Wilmoth & Hayes, The Bargain House, Boonville. Two couples have secured licen ce to travel the roads of life toge ther as one since our last issue. They were: Mr. D. R. Brown to ' Mi Oaiic Vestal, and Mr. C. E Ts ylor to Miss Hattie Sailor. —Every boy that have seen the J**,' lino of OverCoats we are show ing for rr* n and bo vs say tho pr> ces *re V'*' \u excelant line 4j2 T;ai * ‘ * v« »5.(*0 o $10.00 and up *ilso big' hue of heavy coats. Wil tnouth k Huyes, The Bargain House Boouville, N. C. —Sheriff W. T. Fletcher and 2 •''’‘deputies M. V. West and C. W. Poindexter, a«rested Will Myers, Nebo Sunday night. Myers is wanted in Surry county for obtain .-g goods under false pretense, fj p is also thought to be one of a ,aity who attempted to break in he store house of Ray Myers one night last week. Mr. Poindexter carried the prisoner to Dobson fail Monday afternoon. S. Carter William* ittVol-Law and Notary Pubfic Yocikinvllte. N. C 'nailroad Mg Was • Vary Entastic One The Railroad meeting held here Monday «yas not largely attended as there was but few people here but all seemed to be enthusiastic over the road. The Randolph & Cumberland is the name of the new road and is to run from Cameron via High Point, Winston and Yadkinville, on to Elkin and connect with the E. & A. Speeches were made by sev eral business men and farmers favoring the voting of bonds to the amount of $100,000. to help build the road through this county. Winston town ship will vote on the question of issuing the same amount of bonds on Dec. nth. At the next meeting of the County Commissioners the election will probably be called. Should this road be built or bonds voted it will in no way interfere with with the const ruction of the Statetville Air Line, News From Enon Mrs. John Shore and Mrs. Henry Shore from Flint Hill, visited Mr, H. T. Poindexter’s family last Sunday. Mrs. Lucy Hutchens is visiting relatives near Hast Bend Mrs. John Saylor has re turned home from Winston where she has been visiting her daughter. Mis* Myrtle Reinigar of Shore spent last Wednesday night with Mrs. Carrie Tay lor. Uncle Tommie Smith and wife of Winston are visiting relatives at Enon. Mr. S. H. Shields made a business trip to Winston last Thursday. Rev, and Mrs. J. K. Pfohl and children of Winston came up in an automobile Monday to attend the surprise birth day dinner of Mrs. Pfohl’s mother Mrs. J. M. Whitting ton at East Bend. Mrs. Queen Bess Shore from Indiana visited our Sun day School last Sunday. We are always glad to have Mrs. Shore with us, Mrs. Will Norton of Little River, Florida is visiting her father Mr. John Conrad. Captain and Mrs. Harris of Winston visited friends at Enon last Sunday. Mrs. Alex. Conrad and! children Mt last Wednesday for their heme at Little River | Fla., and they were aceompan-! ied by Mr. James Paindexter. The many friends of Mrs. W. F. Poindexter gave her a surprise birthday dinner last Sunday. “Catsy” SPECIAL OhFER For a few days only we make this special offer which is un equal to anything we have ever offered. We will send you The Yadkin Ripple from now until January 1,1913 for only $1.00. This enables you to get all the news of the next Campaign as well as the general news of this ! county and important news of the i whole country in a condensed form. We could not make this offer but we are anxious to increase our subscription list a few hundred. Your support in this means a better paper and we will be glad to place your name on our mail ing list. Tell your friends about & Commissioners Report | ! .The County Commissioners met in regular session Monday | and made the following orders! to-wit: That R L Dixon be pd tor blasting in public road at j Harmon Creek 8.00 ■ That S C Williams be pd | ; for taking affidavidavits in the N G Williams case 5.00 That W E Rutledge be pd j for stationary furnished 2.50 That J W Pass be pd for * services as assessor and goods for jail and court house 12,65 That Mrs R W Zachary be pd for keeping co home 78.00: That J E Shugart be pd jail j fees 18.75 That Joe Harding be pd d s | fees 5.10; That J I F Norman be pd* witness claim , 2.50! That H H Maekie be pd for goods for court house 7.10 That W G Wooten be pd for repair on court house 1.58 That C S Ben bow be pd for ( setving road orders 240 That J L Crater be pd c s c fees 121.771 That C W Poindexter be pd' for d s fees 8.40 That F J Wooten be j>d for waiting on on Solicitor 10.00 That C S Nicks be pd for work 011 court house 20.00 That W H Lynch be pd for cost and witness fees 11,07 Mhat J C Miller be pd for J P fees I.47 That W H Willard be pd for J P fees i.60 That J H James be pd for roof- J ing paint _ 3.00 That J H Dobbins be pd for re pairing Dobbins bridge 1.00 That S H Joyner be pd for re pairing Thompsons bridge 167.50 That J W Harding be pd for capturing still and conveying pris oners 24.00 That J W Hem rick be pd for repairing bridge at Jonesville Creek 7.00 That Docia Long be pd witness claim 95 That P L Jennings be allowed to peddle spectacles without auy license That J A Logan be pd mayors services 75 That the petition on file asking for a change in the public road be ginning at A N Tomlinson place aud ending at or near N It Long’s be granted and the following be appointed to lay off said road A. J Martin, J C Pindix aud Jones F Long That Flovd W Denny be releas ed from paying poll tax until this order is revoked That T F Holcomb be pd as conrt caller fall term 18.00 That J E Shugart be pd for d s fees 15.65 luat J W Jrendry be i>d as, asst clerk to b cc 8.00 That C E Muxley bo pd for d s fees 9.92 That Isaac Shore be j>d for keep ing and feeding 12 jurors and one! guard 6.50 j That W T Fletcher be- pd for I : services as sheriff 64.75 That the petition on file asking for railroad election be postponed • until next first Monday. That F M Scroggs be paid for money advanced for transportaton of Will Brooks. Will Brown and B R Taylor. (The order does not . state where the above neople were transfered to and we cannot tell) That J H James be pd for J P ! fees 2.58 That T H Mathews be pd for lumber for bridge 2.70 I That the Commissioners be pd as follows for services: B R Brown 16.20 A M Smitherman - g>~l5.30 J W Cook , 6,80 Several other orders such as the support of the poor, were made. Fop Headache, Bilhuineii DeWIttV Littl* A iARkY RISERS East Bend Route Two. Farmers are very busy sow ing wheat and gathering corn. Miss Sarah Norman has been right sick for a few days but is much improved. School will begin at Union Hill next Monday with Miss Wavie Poindexter teacher. A Pretty home wedding was solonmized at the beautiful home of Atty Jno. Phillips at Pinnacle Nov. ist when Mias Eleanor Phillips'^became the bride of Mr. Henry Apperson The bride wore a beautiful gown of white satin while the bride groom wore a suit of blue. The parlor was hand somely decorated with ferns and roses. The ceremony was performed by Rev Oliver of Dalton. Guests besides tha family were: Dr. and Mrs. Dalt Phillips, Dr. Oscar Kiger Mess, Gray Stimpson, Sam Tutle, Ernest/ Phillips and Fletcher Kiger and Misses Cora Tutle, Sallie and Eliza Vest, and Cora Norman. A They were two very popular young people and have the beat wishes of their many friends. If you are going North Travel via The Chesapeake Line Daily Service— Including Sunday The new Steamers just placed in service the “City of Norfolk” and “City of Baltimore” are the most elegant and up-to-date Steamers between Norfolk and Baltimore. Equipped with wireless Tel ephone in each room. Delici ous meals served on board. Everything for comfort and convenience. Steamers leave Norfolk 6:15 p.m. daily arriving Baltimore 7:00 a. in. following morning. Connecting at Baltimore for all points North, South, East and West. Very low ronud trip rates to Baltimore, Washington, Philadel phia. New York, Atlantic City etc. Reservations made and any in formation cheerfully furnished by AV. H, Parnell, T. P. A, Norfolk, Va. HENRY B- JAMES Salk & Exchange Stable Horses, * Mules, Buggies and Harness For sale at all times. We appreciate your business .Glad to see you any time. Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance tc yon than good digestion? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and converted in to blood. When the digestion fails the whole body sutlers. (Jliamber laiu’s Tablets are rational and re liable cure for indigestion. They increase the Alow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy actjan. For sale b^ all dealers palpitation the heart Digests what you eat t .FALL IS HERE, WIJNTTER IS COMINGr •SLJLLL—L-^1 Our stock of Fall and Winter Merchandise is complete ill every department. Special pains have been taken in selecting the following linesr SHOES, HATS, DRY GOODS, AND LADIES SWEATERS CLOTHING AND MILLINERY An up-to-date line Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Underwear and Gents Furnishings, in every-particular, down to the minutest detail. Our Stock of Fall Millinery is now up and is the largest and pre ttiest ever shown here with all the latest Styles and beautiful designs besides the prices are attractive. We can sell Clothing and Millinery cheaper than the large city stores because our expenses are lower. Give us a chance at your Fall trade, we will be glad to show you our goods. YOUIt FRIENDS SHORE & DOUTHIT MeElwees Planters Warehouse We take pleasure in informing you that we are once more ready to sell your tobacco. Those of you who have sold with us for the last three years know that when you come here we are careful to make your tobacco bring the highest market price, and those who hav eut sold with us will filid it very much to their advantage to oome here. We have full set of buyers, and same we had last year and we feel ‘ that we can please you. ! Best roads we have ever bed Maccadam Itoad is now across the river. Albert Mattock is with us, come this way aud we will take care of you. Verly truly, PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Statesville, N. C. FOR SALE Tlie S. H. W ilmofch property in Boonville, containing about 4 acre on main street with up-to-date six room dwelling in beautiful grove with Well, Barn, Warerooms first class Store House aud Post office building. This property will be sold as a whole or out into lots-to suit the purchaser aud prices are right. Four business lots on Maiu St. uear the Court house in the town of Yadkinville $200.00 each. Out of 34 lots in the Shore Hotel pro perty these are we have left and are a good investment at the price One nice thiee acre lot with oak grove, well and small house in the northern part of the town of Yad kinville, on public road, can be cut into small lots if desired. Write for price. 18| acres good farm lands one half mile frpm from Yadkinville on North Deep Creek. Good road and considerable amount of timb er and wood. Write for price. House and lot on Highland ave. Wmstod-Salem, N. C. with city water and all conveniences. House new and good location. Price 111500.00. I 81 acres in Buck Shoals town ship 10 miles from Elkin, 6 room house, tobacco barn pack house, etc. Orchard, some timber and 5 acres fine meadow land. Price $1500.00. We are in position to hand j le all kinds of real esiate and j if you want to buy or sell see , us. Yadkin Realty Co. YffflH'nville N, C. IX) YOUR BANKING WITH THE Bank of Yadkin YADKINVILLE, N. C. The oldest and strongest bank ing institution in the county CAPITAL • - $10,000. SURPLUS • - 3,000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in diy- j idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 j interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons U % Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. . Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byei-lv, Yice-Prest W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A. Baily, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. B. Harding, M. M. Crumel and C. B. Keavis. DOLLARS FOR YOU The man who sells his tobacco with the Leader Warehouse, Winston. N. C. is always the best pleased. T\ e know how to sell tobacco and we are in position to get the bids that count. We do not claim everything but we deliver the goods, or in other words, we sell your tobacco for more mouey than any other house in the State. The Leader sold nearly twice as large a percent of the tobacca sold on the Winston market in Oct ober 1911 as it did in October 1910. Why has our * business about doubled over last year? There is a reason. Ask a Leader customer and you will let us sell your next load or tierce. Your Friends, The Leader Warehouse WIJSTSTON, 1ST. c. i OUR FIRST SALE DAYS: For November;—Every Monday, Wrdnesday and Frida For Dec< m her,--Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday U—_-y--—___

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