IS ADKINVILLF, PlttfHJCF i\lAlifvirl' **»nHJ8Nl- woeid.v bv Shore «*tv Douihil. 1-orn per bushel ’•'Ileal. ‘ Bve “ Oats “ '« r>3 Bcs.hh- 41 (/hi kejis, old liens Eki.;h j k r do/iUii 1 t ‘lour fain* r per pornnl 41, t 80.70 too UK) .04 1.50 ’ ' $<H)! .. .8 1 teo i -.20 i &r»o wax .ill l^avd I ) ■ AOO10. A'.h .S - I 'uviKuiJi and ’Oden-' — Mr. IF. )J. HoMeu and wist %r | & iss ‘('lilia wrifi hi town Kriduv ; for ew hours. 1 >'!:'. s<’t of lie ■]»,>»' have 1* *<‘11 j 5i - M i ; n Mr. (x Vututeii and I .a.jss l)ioxie ! iniitliei’inai). — K ‘w Sis j e? Heviu a 1 th o a s- j :«0cl trti.hii^e phuijls, Kb? per hriud ! 'v‘‘ i Now rr <1 v*. Abe Wisiioti, | tf ’ . . i \ ) Irmni v.'jl! n resell ! j bnptj-i eiiiii eh n u m j b * in sda v Nov. 22no. , - ehank Kidd ar ape. 10. wn.-. ! hdied arni .1 < ot•*<.*-•• tupuve in a j i' •• of a rarn>,»‘a.,v ■ ■.. < or a‘ , 0 >JJ I.t.oi boa O ! v. Misses ("a;vi din;. re. .and Ethel !'»•( O', ! .m ih rs {■' i oii1 ■ |:s“\ j K i e Seimol \ "• ' i L.i'.vm - d i> af! a 11<.on . hopping. - M eesi'M .1. Ja oies ami i ■ i vu ja \ < a y< ’ i*, allow . ill f l01 • 11 »s. ! i < * u «■(}n \ in. ij . jJichiH v. j " (!'■ ]k (•: d r. ,)) o i >iuk dis | 11 s 't.i'busi; < ■ ■ 2, t.x Uiuli'l ui . o, ,|1 1 i tlh Ohi‘ : . i o' A. W . I . ^; , Aw» i^iUi T.j }!<> of i Siildron o Tho "’Ijss .; tti ■ Alii.»«if t>i tii. (>•,. ford Qi , ai fivv J JVioruav '* 1 a. • 'lilt' 1 !/;)(• \VM.ii lliotll . J )■ l:i ;j: (j pi i or or oil's. i * r l: t v. s ■ * 1‘iS. Horn i 111 \\ ill;: ”il of I Xiojt A‘in* i‘iit,'ii I it’ her lu • i o o I • 1,1 l*’» I" n i'.t '.v o'. ?»itof i "visitiii*.' •.'!•)' \-,.o J,. i ti \ ( i k. i *1 ‘ ‘ 4 ’ ;»i }i:* • piiVltUgcd ;t ! • *’ -'‘I'-tMtl; 0.1 ii.icr i Minis i j : • ‘ 'i*< . Uoin ,■ a .! h it; I',: ! • v. iJ! tiud l;! T1;';; to (lit* •(,])- ; V-y -*dj<'o oi .'is p;i}o Hi:/ ’ii :>ionx Suiis ?s to i ?-• in* • ’"Miifs iik‘ to “ '• v- *• - ■ ; :i imiiiii non : 'll’1 ■Ivi- ‘i i J I)..* . !| 1- U;i.\vs, . • s' : paii houso, i foouvi.i j ’ I 'V ii 1 ••;!,. it] : to;) vis : . (l r.' ti ■1 it i ; :%•;it. i !.(.)• i>, J vii. ago j.l • IT i*U• j d Oilk .Hid go. •s* «Hio >J i s. ! ’ I ' is (IlOli Ol) > !av r,inl the young s/ifl died 1 dv.ulay. ’ I By e ; \ :>r i velvo men in ' i • ‘i 1 <■'i't ’!! ' {Kill. is t •. an 1 r w ‘k i ju< ’\ i in- ■ it t' Ms. I*is ai •J a. g!(ai ;i >;i • heji| jjii> , Dun. • rood Oak L , J/j-ac].' • ,hi/.b ■ * • >v. Vd in' ) i i a! i • • ;,. • < ' < )nu Oran '.ijr.s >' :o ^'12. it Ik'd i\' > ;il lit,.-, ; > to Vi i i' ofo S' Hayes, (lie •J.;.’ miri Hous", '!■ ><: i\ill-'. * .fir. and n• (irahari Hoi <*'>!*;'> "i H mte 2, wore i i { wn firab.i.y of kirit xem;, r.• m. . - * 7n irTrarr—trtr- s <-■ * rf Mv*k- i- » 1 hu in i i,» g, *;it 1 \ n: ■ roved mnv vu; are ; lad to not- . - ' i fM.fcie i>?iiUi[>s has as <•' guest. Mid Viia. E. lleid te.O"-d Vi:! • wo sens Master's ?-md -ir. an 1 11 ■ V, and ;oiuiie Mark •, of Ash', ilia. Tin-so |«" )ple are- pleasantly remember* d !>;, onr j*■ >v»le, they having-visited her fi(\\( rat time.'-, - Every hoy tied have seen the big liue of (),erOoiits we a t • • show mg for men and boy -s say tho pri c- s are v*ry low. An exceiaut line. o; 1 turnCoato $5,00 to $10,0*1 i and n p •iSjosbig line of heavy routs. Wil juouth A jinyes, Tire Bargain Bouse BooiiviHe. A. C . I — iiiv' iwbnung til thtv Baptist ciitti. a »;v MtfiJi in progress, mid »lev. *tli i« doing Home excell ed preaching. lie is being asgist < i i>.> ifcv. J. C, iStyers . o.y Last B mil. m. — Dr. llobinson, who has been traveling in Yadkin oeanLy since June, boili hous, t- . louse Holing patent medii-incs/drugs and other articles, tells in ho has sold to 1480 iimplies in that timand sold eVer#v out of them on a credit. On Oct. 2nd Air. Robinson started out to collect Rom t!i:s i m f i ni lics, ;>0 of which wore colored; A heii he lined. d hi-; work lie said that n cm out of this number would not nay, l .vMii fWse b iug colored. 1 his looks nix a ;>i ley good v« cm!j for on, ■ ifne ns. J 1m totfi 1 amount of these sales was ••"ho 8. -- Air. J. (’. (lough is pr. paring to move be ibi.nby to BooaviMe, v. bon they vriii »vshh in the fut ure. In this m -v on ■ ov. n looses avndisbio man in m uv a spects. 15ut !• ov days have pass" ’ during the thru years o' his re in n', o hem that Jus 8i ; 1 fat" lets not n 'once thesbeel corners or fire :• ales wl {.Ur stores. capacity on vJbtu o's-s he.-, no.or been < *£’'<] !;c"> (no ,v • . 1 >a \ t» I!v - n -ins mu-.' not h. ov- rlooked, but ' d : : ip '>■,* ] .roii )• <•: .•>_ i'V tor honor,*; : f h*» face of sue!1 opposd ia; i ?dl. {<of;.'h will ellga g‘' 11 t in1 i - I i i».'! . i.;; i : inie : |"i i ■ • •us- Ha . • s v.iil also conduct ^ harm's,s stiop. be bool day, wit ■ i ‘.’i vo i\i on no ye I aity ice as ur nrat-iu lercner, Mr. J. Fntr.-: hr dc and''sis ter, Miss Maude, left Friday* ' ir. Nssie wil' tuvel, aiid Miss Ma1 id<• ■ ova* to I -inwood wliere she will leach 'Id. winter. vi'sses Odic. idols’ and 'laii ; Triverte, .stud-'nils here haw ‘-to: .-ped sche >1 to teach i heir sol• )ls opein \ oh nday. Mrs. Nicholson is spending s<a/nc in Winston visiting her sou. Miss .Ante me tie She:ton, a pupil here, spent the week cud w: V with h e r .: a re i its in l lants'ille. Miss Rebecca Rollins, a for mi -r resident here, spent Mat in day as the guest of .Miss Mary Woow-n. Rev. B. is'. . tnrtlins was cali co! as pastor here, at a meeting neld here las Mouodac. Mr. Rei ,!>:.• is -very much liked here. J ie preached an exwi !c..t sermon Sir-day. Musses, hi.lie 1 Reece and kilara iomyre went to Yadkin ville Sain relay to do some shopping. The price of cotton ha'-- •one i ; " ie last, 'i ‘no sta ple b*. mgs s, . -..iv ami eight cts per pound at hew A1 •. i, »> p 11_ lie rn,--Car jueget ranc" lies made a y'• • • . io .he effect 0 f a per fun;1 '-iug sup],lies for ilia -j,g- h ;.o-r is j ust as guilty as ti e la:! who irutuuhwtu’ es the h.r.!nor. So, persons in thus county h: isetter ^ slow in .formshiny meal, corn, molass es, etc., l/hblov waTcrs, or tire law wdl «; 1 them. And why not? Sir Isaac London can chro nicle all the stories possible about Cliatam rabbit but noth ing, in our opinion, can beat Yadkin 'possum and haters. Now i,< flu* time to get rid of yonr rheumatism. You Mill find Chiuiberlaiu’s Liniment wonder fully effective. One application will convince you of its merits Try it. bold by all dealers. t Mr. Editor: I have read t!jot proceedings of oil)- fast Oourt in your paper an nouncing the verdict, in the McBride ease and giving the* com plimentary remarks of the Sheriff of Iredell county, as to the treat ment of himself and IdsorTienrs l)y ■ the officers of this comity. This sounds very nice but it stood the Siu rjfi of Iredell in hand to take this position, as he \v< il knew In's officers had violated the law, when tiny invaded the territory of Yadkin comity yvith ont any authority of lav. whatever and shot down and • arrested a man. This is the reason why* he t >gether with two Jonwyeia frt m JStatrisville wore here in tlieir de 1 fence. i desire to say right here, if 1 had hasii on that jury I would have, convicted the last one of Ihmn, or hung that jury until now. It is only in recent \oary that a bJoekader of whiskey is con id or-, 1 cd a great crimnal. I remember • 1 a lew years ago when the best men of our county were engai d j in'tais ’m*:moss, and they wore : in>t considered as felons. The most of our business nu n and property holders of to-day, made t 1 th hr sta rt in life in this business. Suppose we rcvei sc the order of Icings, and a party If Yadkin ' oi ■‘o's had in vaded the sacred | h-itil. ry . . ;>r locrstic I<,-d •!:. 1 Wind shot withou.! any nullum tv of [law, one ot her citizens, what i would have hoe*', the result? 1 e Ji you, they would have w,! i been i;j ISouosvillo jail as soon as they could Lavo bean gotten there ■*'a! there would Lave boon a howl in M;a 1 ’iiiDocra-iiu puss, oi Una to,. 1 som l;w mountains to the s'- ashore, cl* mending punish incut to llio lull extant of tin1 law. This | • a-, is Uii'o:-t:iu:\to for our county anil buuys no good. It makes no diff< reueo what idcPride's charnel- i or was he was entitled to the pro tection <. 1 the law. We have just; had a visit within the past few days from the officers of Forsyth • county, Sheriff Flint and his Dep uty Mr. Adams. They were, after a \ our.g mail charged with break-j hug into stores in Winston-Suh m, j a much more serious charge than ' blockading, what did they do? | Tlioi did nothing but remain hero : until tho\ could get their papers i tun tors• • d 1 >y <. lav;M oif it cr in * thin county, thou they captured I their man and took him to Forsyth ! county. On; Democratic fFends J are wrv inconsistent. .At one j time they advised mud vnntdM.he ! Block ailors to I, ill tin o.ffic rs, bui ; now 1 Imv want i in office: ■ eo kid ' tiic Blockade: s. Quite a. cl am- i has come over the spirit oi tin h 1 dreams. J. A. B Nov. H, hail. [Yes-it is true that people! look, at tliid in a different way I man in past years, it is also ; u le tluil: jthe Lombanjs of h ranee and tile Gauls of cmaiii • once thought that war was the only horur^Ue profession that 7 r.rrr- ~~ G— ?w ,v: y ^is changed, genera1 ions have changed with it. i do iV»i. tiiink that anyone would Jiesilatc is• sav Ihnde was a dangerous man, He v, us dangerous both in and out of society. As to the crime being., com mitted i'n this county, that: has al); i'ttntely’notliirig m do-vAili - the merits of the ease. Look I at it this way. Here we have before us a desperate blockad cr who lias defied the officers of three Counties, and" at the time of the shooting was mak- * i 11 g a desperate effort to es-: 7ape. He must he caught* society demands it, the laws of tile State and nation, which he had wilfully violated de mand the same. While we; do not approve of such methods, what was to he done? Besides all of them have been tried before 12 good honest citizens of Yadkin county and * the verdict says only one was guilty, and we believe w * are safe in saying that b in*10. of the people are saiisfied wish the decision. ... We are aware of the fact that the Iredell Sheriff is a Democrat, but lie certainly did act the part of a Patriot in mining here with attorneys to defend his deputies. I f cy^l'3't h i rt g Was yiewed by everybody from a political standpoint and all action's done accordingly it would mly be a matter of tine in our opinion before our land would be invaded by tli • band of the Kti hllux Khan Or An arch i st’s ] — Editor. If you are going North. Travel via, Daily Shkvici;— Including Sunday The nor SL aimers just placed in service tlu "City of NY* i folk’* ;uid "City of Baltimore” am the most f-hjvuit himi up-to-date Hteami'is ho tiro on Norfolk :uid Baltimore. i Equipped with wireless Tcb ephoiie i 1 each room. Delici-j otis meals served on board. | Everything for com fed and • convenience. Ht-emo's leave Norfolk 6:55 ]> m. 1 ;lai!y arriving Baltimore 7:00 a. m. | following morning. Connecting at Baltimore for all \ points North, South, East and J West. ' j m t m\v tow **onpd • rip rates to j Baltimore, 'Washington, riiila.deI- j l>Lia. New York, Atlantic*City etc. ( Reservations made and any in- '• formation cheerfully furnished by ; • YV. II Pa ml), T. P A. AT ,.r 11. 1 HENRY B E h, J A i ME: GE IT \ ! -T.' Mures, Buggies ■ y I 1 mid Harness Hor sale at all times. vVej appreciat.e your business .Glad j to see yon. any time. — J 1 ^ TAX L". For the^ non-pa.y me n t of "fTiTesT [or the year 1910 I \tjf1l sell for*; [‘anil io ihe-ltiyhest bidder -if the . (hmri Douse door at YadlcinvUle, ’ on.. Doc. ’ 19 i i the following i tracts of land; j FALL 0 KEEK Ervin iteoce 4*4 cores 2.5*3 V. J. Williams 6 ” 1.46 EAST' BEND i M F Anderson 1 town lot 1.46 JTTfiii vf sAlfLrfcr^r* ~ — Peter Hauser 1 town lot 3.21 J H Hub.hens 68 acres 2.53 J A Poiudexter 5 ” 1.24! E Y IVnlove 1 ” 3.43 J3 0 Jairait 1 town lot 3.79 W. T. Fletcher, Sheri it. j 0. W. Poindexter, D. S. For soreness of the muscles whether induced by violent exer cise injury, Chamberlain’s Lini ment is excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief i} affords in cases of rheunnvdsm. 'Sold by all dealers. FALL IS LIEKJE, WtNTRR IS COM I 1% \JT Onr stock of Fall and Winter Merchandise is complete in were- Ur.. v .'j ecial pains have been taken in selecting the followin'** 1 itisfs* • SHOES, HATS, DRY GOODS, _ AND LA Dl ES SVv BATERS CLOTHING AND M1LLTNHPY An up-to-date line Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Underwear an 1 M j:, I m iiishmgSj 5n t'.oiy paiucular, down to the in mutest detail Our .Stock or Pail Millinery is now up and is" the UnreM -nul pre ttiest ever shown here with ail the Mest Stvh-s and A- cif-l ' . si -• • besides the prices are attnutr-e. We can Sell Ciotidur, a., i M; • :,/• ••/ cheaper than the large city st >-.*s bveau u our expense1, are U r r. *' vi-i\e us .v chance at y.oni paii trade, v,e wi/i be glad to snow von our goods l | J\ IUIAl tom FliTENDS c e t J ij u flr i sPr ilflFSSlilBBByrfnHftn ■icii'j! wres F. >13 i j : r **s h n 51 ‘-5 rj We take pleasure in informing .you tlmi v<: are onco ■inon: read? i to soli your tobacco. Those of you 1 who have sold with us for the last three? ours know that when you conic hcr<i wo am careful to make your tobacco bring the highest ma rket price, ami those who hav en t sold with us will tbul if very much to their advantage to come here. We have full set of buyers, and same we had last year and we feel that we can please you. Host roads we have ever lied Maenad mu Hoad is now across the river. Albert Mattock is with us, J come this wav and we will take i i care oi you. Yorlv truly, PLANTERS WAREHOUSE j Statesville, N. C. . iS.C,!:-; -■?>. ■■‘T-rjp: I M. A. HUVALL g M, D, Yadkinvilltc, - Eyt Nose arret Tal-sksU, j * ! O > M C Hi * 1 r i Specialist in Disea- | j SES OF Thu a | The S. H. Wiimoth prooertv in ! Boonviiie, containing about 4 aero. i on main street with up-to-date si^j i\ ow dwelling in beautiful grove ! with Well, Barn, Ware room*' first | class Store House and Post oili* e j building. Tills property will be j . old as a whole or cut into -ot^to suit the purchaser and prices are rigid. Foro buchrms lots on Main St. near tlic Court house in the, town of Yadkmviile £200.00 each. Out of 34 lots iu tin ‘ Shore Hotel pro perry these are wo have left and] are a good investment at the i>riee ! One nice tliiee acre lot with oai: : grove, via ii a -d undi douse in the northern pert of b: towii of 1 a't- j kinViile, on public road, can be cut ; into small lots if dosireu. Wide : for price. lot acres good farm. lands ore half mile from from Yadkmviile | on IN or til Deep Creek, flood read and considerable amount of timb er and wood. Write for price. House and lot on Highland aye. Winstod-Salem, N. C. with- citv j .wither atitl all conveniences. House j now and good location. Price $1500.00. > bl acres m lnicic hlioals town ship 10 miles from Elkin, G room house, tobacco barn pack house, etc. Orchard, some timber and 5 acres fine meadow land. Price $1500.00. We are in position to hand le all kinds of real esiate and if on want to buy or sell see us. t Yadkin Realty Co. Yadk!nvH!fi :4. C. 130 Y.OTTR BANKING WITH- Til iii 'ITf Vs*r-" €: YAOKDiT J I.ijE, xV <; x'iie Of (test ami strongest bunk # ing iusfcitntion'in th.e county CAPITAL SURPLUS While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the laiver ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuathn of your banking, as well as new accounts, Banking.through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this bank. Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons -£ (/o Interest &st nil 'Tltne D'Qpo'&fis. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. I. J. Ifiyerlv, V ice-Brest*. \V. A. iiai'l, Casud Isaac Shore, Tice-Pres. Finance Gomm: Beiif. Shore, Dr. J. H.. Phillips and T. ,f. Bverly. Dinvg i s: W. A. Bally, E, L. Gailhetf h am; Sh, re J. E. /atohnry, T. IL Harding, M. Id. (’nnael .otd 0. B. Keavm. - $10,000. J Q ^ /?*v . Since its establishment, Oct. L!K)o, it has pah! in <ii y idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to denosifcors. Us it h -. % ' \ii§ ft a m * o * " s ...v '•wsjx aLfr** &sa wiss iT w’ifc S3 £ 'Joi3^ S' fV 1 J* sr^ I A <*>& % * 4F** & f C^i! A fi In' man whousel is his tobacco avitli tire Lender W.’i 'Is • " v V.‘| is d; til,: b st t)i' a.-Ssh \\ C kiiOvV bow to soil . ) . , i v»'C ni e i ) I U' that count. Wo do not ill | Mt/liiOU t v) ‘ claim . cerythin'r but wo dob vor tim ;;oods, or in Other words, we sell tobacco ior niore money than any other house in the State. The Load -r sold nearly twice as lar^e a, percent of (die tobaeea sold on the v\ insfcon market in Oct ober 1 011 as it did in October 1010. Why has our business about doubled over last year? There is a reasuii. Ask a Leader customer and you will let ns sell your next load or tierce. Your Friends, The Leader ilOLtSS WINSTON, K- O OUR FIRST SALE DAYS: For November;—Every Monday, Wrdresday and Frida ^ For Dcci iuLtr;--L\ciy Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday T

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