Yadkinville, Yadkin Countv N. C. ——^ggg———BBiwppwmmmmwmmmmmffwjjr—■—— WiUU^ 004 n 41318 hnr,ipri^ ***** '-Opy / Wednesday, November 22 1911. No. 36 Yadkinyille Produce Market. corseted weekly by Shore & Doutliit. Corn i>er bushel - $>0.70 Flour - 2.50 LOenL NEWS —Itev. .'Or. Brown will preach lore tonight at the Ba ptist church -Mr. E. J. W est has moved his C roily back to town from the farm -Miss Sarah Williams of route wo spent last week iu town wjth i. la lives. — Mr. L. M. Hinshaw of Honda .vie- a business visitor in Yadkin >]i ' yest( alay. — F/* /. Mi. (diiftith closed his serk.-s of snnnon$ at the Baptist church Sunday night. — Mrs. York ami daughter have coved into the West house near 1 Baptist church. .A i.t’y l). M. ihi-ce made a •us-was trip to Winston Friday, 'tUi/.iii'g Saturday. 1.00 1.00 .64 1.50 -2.00 .8 20 .20 Chickens, old liens • ggs per dozen Butler per pound «lams Bee’s wax Fart l .15 .22 15 U*.*****, - ill wires of the Yadkiuville el. Co. Ai.iv in had codditiou, it >o i g almost impossible to get out A ! •: il’L. ilr. 13. H. Dinkius of route 2, a call y ester day and has Bialiks for liis subscription' • * JL t U J . C*t \ Vxi 1 - Mrs. Cbas. L. Holton and two i ■ of b diahassa (.Flarada are ;mg >. Uii t '.me of Air. and V s. it. H. Holton * *r. and Mrs. Jtussel! and two e erier and iieid leturned to home in Ash ville after speu n.■ u vt'k here visiting their re ' ill' —The revival meeting at Flat ■k closed Saturday night Nov. 11 wit!’ forty-five conversions, C orty-niue of of which Wire bap tised. —Hush Hamlin, cob, who is vvoi id in this county for retailing v: arrested in >lt. Airy Monday *o vas brought here yesterday !i.d placed in jail. —Big line Mens Suits $2 48 to -2.0.' '• Boys Suits 75c to $6.00; jLi.-f! hoc to CoOO; all brand new ■ stylos. V\iimoth A Hayes, ! he Bargain 1 louse, Boonviile. Taik about big turnips we be j'ieve we nave got the largest one vet found, it weighed exactly 10| pounds; and Was gron.UA--oi4_lhfi_ iurm of Mr. J. H- Mackie just AV st of town. < —Good (>uk Beds 48inches high $ .•; 5U ii nigli 82.08; Good long (j Dresners $1.08 to $12.45; Ex * » uf Bi d room suits $0.45 to ^CI.OO. Wilmoth A Hayes, The Barg.«.in House, Bopnville. — A very ’uc(v -l'il revival was 1 .? F,>vbwsh Chiaker church la .t we k by Jt«:\ \Yadc Adams av i Lucy Vestal. There, was dur ing the meeting 2o con versions, 9 reueweis 'end 16 additions to the cln.rcb. —A wedding of much interest was celebi a,ted at the home of the bride near Huntsville las Thurs day when Miss Mam.ie Scott was married to Mr. (leo. \V. Flynt of "Winston. Mr. Flynt! is sheriff of Forsyth county. —jdverv boy that have seen the big line of fJverCoats we are show ing idr men and boys say fclio pri e«,»„s arc v< r k low. An excelant line oh 1 lainC-oai+- $5.00 to $10.00 and up .iiHO big line of heavy coats. Wil luonth & Huycs, The Bargain House BoouviJle. N. 0. —]>>’. Geo. Wilkins of Courtney *■* vt,. in town A!onday and while here went before the clerk of the superioi coart and was sworn in as a Dentist, he liaviug secured i license from the State Board ol examiners some time ago. At the game time he qualified as a re^u Jar medical physicia^ WANTS $5,000 FOB WIFE’S AFFECTION Is the love and affection of a good looking woman worth $5,000? This question will in all probability be decided at the next term of Yadkin Sup erior Court, an action having been begun against K. M. Thompson, a very prominent citizeu ot Jonesville, this cou nty, by John Spann of the same place, in which he char ges that the defendant seduced his wife and alienated her af fection, and asks damages in the above amount. It seems that the trouble begun in 1910 but never rea ched its climax until a short time ago. Spann and his wife were married in 1895 ail<^ have five children. They have be come seperated over the affair. Thompson is also a man with j a large family having several ! grown children. This is the first case’of tin's kind ever begun in this coun ty, and no doubt will create a great deal of excitmcnt, espec ially in the community where tli^"parties live, the defendant being a prominent merchant and Justice of the Peace. The Ancillary remedy of arrest and bail has been envok ed and the defendant will be required to give bond in the sum of $5,000 when arrested which it is expected will be to day, to make good any judge ment that may be rendered against him. The plaintiff is represented by Att’s ;D. M. Reece of this place and W.W. Barber of Wilkesboro. Speaking of apples, it may •sometime dawn on the people of western North Carolina that the production of large apple crops is one of the certain roads to wealth.—Ashe ville Citizen. Lozal News —Mr. J. Lewis Tulburi return ed Monday. from Winston where lie has been holding a position. Hope he has come to stay. —Dr’s. M. A. Itoyall and E. R. Russell performed an operation on the eye of'Miss Connie Reynolds Jaaiweek. She jig improving niije F . ~ —A real estate deal of much in i terest was closed here Monday when Mr. H. B. James sold his | dwelling house, and livery barn j and lot to Mess. F. W. Hanes W. | G. Wooten and J. E. Zachary. The : purchase price being $3,000 1 —The next regular meeting of ■ the Teachers Association will be held in Yadkinvifle on the first Monday in December. The last meeting was well attended in spite , of the inclement weather, and the j session was an interesting one. It has been arranged for the teachers to suspend their work in the sch ool room, that they may attend these meetings, and count that day as regular school work. A full attendance of teachers is urged, and all friends of education are cordially invited. r —Mary, the 4£ year old daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. W. E. Iloyall, died rather suddenly Sunday at 12 o’clock. The little girl had been suffering slightly with rheu matisim, but was not thought to anyway serious. The funeral was preached in the Baptist church on Monday afternoon by Rev. T. C. Myers, before a large congregation of relatives and friends, after which the burial took place in the town cemetary. We join with the en tire community in extending oui sympathy to the bereaved father /and mother. BEATTIE WILL DIE 24TH Governor Mann of Virginia has refused to interfere with the sentence of the court in the case of Henry Clay Beattie Jr., convicted of the murder of his young wife. The Supreme Court, a few days ago,\ refused the young man a new trial and executive power was the only hope of him and his lawyers. But the governor stood firm and refus ed to interfere saying there were many reasons. Thus ends one of the most famous cases of recent years, and and ou next Friday [Nov. 24th.] Beattie will pay the penalty for his crime with his own life in the electric chair at Richmond, Gourtney News Miss Bruce Baity returned last Friday from Durham, where she had been visiting her sister. Misses Redman, Reece and ; Smyre were in Mocksville j Saturday shopping. Mr. 1. I, Baity left Saturday j for Wiuston to accept apositi-1 on. He is contemplating! moviug his family there in the near future. Mr. J. M. Craver was in; • I Moeksville Saturday. Misses Mattye and Bruce i Baity spent Saturday in Yad-( kinville shopping. The school Board has recen- j tly built a neat wood house for the school. 1 his is a part of the school equipment often ’ neglected in mauy districts;1 however it is a necessity dur ing the winter months. --♦ -- No Love Like Mothers If boys are taught to be gentle and chivalrous toward their sisters they will treat all women in the same way. There is no necessity for form ality in the home, but broth ers and sisters should be just as polite to each other as they! would be to strangers. The j mere fact that they are close ly relaied does not give them * the right to treat each other like wild little animals. It is ' hard for a busy mother to exact politeness from a large ( family of children, but if she j begins from their infancy they ! will soon get the habit, and it will become second nature. Don’t get too far away from your own people. Don’t for get nor neglect .them, for they; are yqur best friends. No' other woman will fill for you as your mother does. She j may not see you for years but, youY place is there in her; I heart just the same. Blood is i | thicker than water, and no ! matter where you go or whom i you meet your own people should always hord "tfe 1 place in your heart,—Ex. A gentleman from Vance township tells us thut his neighbor Mr. J. L. Helms, an ! up-to-date farmer, notwith i standing that the drought j has cut his crop shortTwilF n}ake 900 bushels of corn, : o or 25 bales pi cotton, 200 gal lons of molasses and 300 bush els of sweet potatoes, all with two small mules Mr. Helms hired no help and thinks that if it had not been for the drought he would heve made 40 bales of cotton.—Monroe Enquirer, Winston’s Aviation Meet Wednesday and Thursday, November 29 and 30, will be ted letter days in the history of Forsyth county and Win ston-Salem, for on those two days will be given an aviation meet, automobile races and band concerts on a plan never before attempted in North Carolina. Two flying machines driven by two aviators in a series of six flights, automobile races for cash prizes and continuous band concert between flights. The ^merchants of Winston will give special bargains on those days. Tickets are now on sale at O’hanlons drug store. — Rep/y tol“J. A. L.” Editor Ripple: I see an article in your pap er of last week signed J. A. L. airing the subject of the Mc Bride the man who was shot in attempt to evade arrest some time ago. I'do not be lieve that an officer should use excessive means^in making an arrest at any time but means sufficient to subdue the viola ter of the law and bring him to justice. But what struck me so for cibly waSgtliat he said that if he had^been on that jury he “would have convicted the last one of them or hung that jury until^now. He says further that “it* is only in recent years that a blockader^of whiskey is con sidered a great criminal; Rem embers a few years ago when the best men of our county was engaged in the. business” etc. Now Mr. Editor I believe those jurymen did the best they could under the circum stances and tried to do the right thing. But I do not un derstand how a raan"can be a blockader and at the same time be the best men of our county I believe there is better men in Yadkin than this. I do not think that most of our busi ness men and proprty holders got their start this way. This would be a little hu miliatiug to,rem ember that we j got our start by violating the law and stealing from the gov ernment; breaking the hearts of waves, children, sisters, etc. which is^the result of the ef fects of whiskey.1 If the writer had said thot most of the blochaders got their start to Poverty. Shame, Dis grace and hell I would have understood it better. I have regard for McBride and hope he will reform and become a good citizen as he is a young man he could be a great'blessing to his commun ity. W. H. A. Kj W’s This? We offer Cl© Hundred Dollars Re ward for any <>t»e of Catarrh that cannot I be cured by. Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J, CHENEY * CO., TOLEDO, O. I We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the fast 15 yean, and be ’ ieve him perfectly honorable in all bys iness transactions, and financially able * tocarry out any obligations made by : his firm. walding, Kinntn k MAavin, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, o. Boll’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testemonials sent faee. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, | Tfrfc© Hall’s family Pills for consti FALL IS HERE, WEMTBR IS COlMUSTGr Our stock of Rail and vVinter Merchandise is complete m every department Special pains have been taken in selecting the following lines SHOES. HATS. DRY?GOODS, _AND LADIES SWEATERS CLOTHING AND MILLINERY” An up-to-date line Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Underwear and Gents Furnishings, m every particular, down to the minutest detail. Our Stock of Fall Millinery is now up and is the largest and pre ttiest ever shown here with all the latest Styles and beautiful designs besides the prices are attractive. We can sell Clothing and Mil linen cheaper than the large city stores because our expenses are lower. Give us a chance at your Fall trade, we will be glad to show you our goods. YOUIi friends SHORE & DOUTHIT SSBO Now is the time to get rid ot your rheumatism. You will find Chrmberlain’s Liniment wonder fully effective. One application will convince you of its merits Try it. Sold by all dealers. For soreness of the muscles whether induced by violeut exer cise injury, Chamberlain’s Lini ment is excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief i^ affords in cases of rheumatism. Sold by all dealers. FORMSALE 76 acres in the ^North^fedge of the town of Yadkinville, 50 acres C£in now be *cut into town lots. Some timber, fairly good house, A nicejorchard, new barn, and other improvements. This is the only nice tract near town that is on the market. Will sell as a whole or cut to suit the purchaser. Can give termsjJoF!oue half cash and remainder in 12 months. 32 acres 3 miles south of Yad kiuville, practically level {jyrith water on the place and all*in very fine timber. Can'be sold onjjgood terms. Price $350.00 ] Small tract 30 to 40 acres, vary fine little farm 2 miles from Rock ford Railroad Station, iu Yadkin county on public road. 6 room house, feed barn, tobacco barn, pack house, smoke house etc. good orchard, some timber. Price $750.00 one half cash remainder iu one year.| The S. H. Wilmoth property in Boonville, containing about 4 acre on main street with up-to-date six room dwelling in beautiful grove with Well, Barn, Warerooms first class Store House and Post office This property will be sold as a whole or cut into lots to suit the purchaser and prices are right. Four business lots on Mam bt. near the Court house in the town of Yadkinville $200.00 each. Out of 34 lots in the Shore Hotel pro perty these are we have left and are a good investment at the price One nice thiee acre lot with oak grove, well and small house in the northern part of the town of Yad kinville, on public road, can be cut into small lots if desired. Write for price. 18£ acres good farm lands one half mile from from Yadkinville on North Deep Creek. Good road and considerable amount of timb er and wood. Write for price. House and lot on Highland ave. Wmstod-Salem, N. C. with city water and all conveniences. House n®w and good location. Price i $1500.00. 81 acres in Buck ShoalB town ship 10 miles from Elkin, 6 room ; house, tobacco bam pack house, 1 ©to. Orchard, some timber and 5 acfes lm3 meadow land. Price $1500.00. We are in position to hand le all kinds of real esiate and i if you want to buy or sell see | us. Yadkin Realty Co. Y«dk<»vHJ9 n, c. I . \ DO YOUR BANKING WITH THE Bank of Yadkin I"* YADKINVILLE, N. 0. Tlie oldest and strongest bank ing institution in the county CAPITAL - - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3,000. Since its establishment, | Oct. 1905, it has paid in div I idends to its stockholders I S3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of tli* larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its man}’' patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of I your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons U °fo Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. Officers I Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerlv, Yice-Prest. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerlv. Directors: W. A. Baily, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. B. Harding, M. M. Crumel and C. B. Rea vis. t ¥ DOLLARS FOR YOU The man who sells his tobacco with the Leader Warehouse, Winston. N. C. is always the best pleased. W e know how to sell tobacco and we are in position to get the bids that count. We do not claim every thing but we deliver the goods, or in other words, we sell your tobacco for more inouev than any other house in the State. The Leader sold nearly twice as large a percent of the tobacca sold on the Winston market in Oct ober 1911 as it did in October 1910. Why has our business about doubled over last year? There is a reason. Ask a Leader customer and you will let ns sell your next load or tierce, „ Your Friends, The Leader Warehouse WINSTON, 1ST C OUR FIRST SALE DAYS: For November;--Every Monday, Wrdnesday and Fridi For Dec ember;--Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

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