^4 ^ C'mmty N. C. Wednesday, November 29 1911. MM r.M'»nivvn.'» k Pit' larci? TVLvhkbt. Pl.ed >V-ofc|y by vShore it JPouthit Odra imr In.-skd1 W heat * My© “ Oats u PvftUK “ (’hiekocSj old ben* L+jks ) er do70,11 B;;i : = r jK-r i-onud Plum H ams t>ee s wax Lard 1M l.(N AM 1.2*< 2X« 22 .20 2.50 .15 .22 15 LGGAi. NEWS ~r*0 rip' is a vision in .several .iduuSd in town. -Miss Iim Shore visited her sister Lrs. A. \h *S Ivors at Last Bend last w < <• i> — i.oe 'Vs.' ;ool house near Conr. ::.>y nas burned down one uhjht week. - Mvs, Yieey W hitmore, of lowu 1> t; tiie vwith re,hi t ive^ ou Koutn 2. •—1 he revival in- i-i-nu is iu j:ro y;'1" ' ot » C'VoK Quaker eiuir ■h iir-^veek — Mr. J. Lee;,-a killed a ]>or k-" \ ts'f week tK.. wenrhod -112 l!*s Prett v eh next! reach r. .. i not ior r ' . ,ire i ■ 'u 13• *.s‘<s >* a-ttend a o; tie- Vsuoei . in n-*xt doud /. _> 0 ■' re m — ‘ O: ■ »Su:t • >“2 v ' L-dvV. li<\\ - x‘~ O'nfi 7i>< lO T! H j {•s dSr t. ■ all i •*•.•»» i new j - tii st vies. >\ -‘.noth »v II.-iyes, i be Bargs .e Sous,*. ■><*. iu ii .> ..«• * • ilium oi Mr •< i.. i .• v f L-w.-vvii!•> t* i-’ robbed t ;i.t .v h .. *iiMl! o» SG-.K , V.. •" li’ es • !1 ;ui i 1 •v wah a bank ! , i U. e ' I las’ acx :m*ll tin- ! ■"O* C>- Im.) . ' Oev!. ‘augld - i i. •• i Mr .. .. o.seph A. | V ’nag .!t;t • !v da .glitt l of 1 ' • ■ > hav-* arrired in Akin . .•a.: are visiting Mr. Flom.-ug'ss ! ■>lo*-, 1 Si i o.iis i . I tout 'L* AI auto o. eie »Lu w ' u-ia-ise •- farm im : V • U in and -t.i\. * • • .-> is « .. ‘L> 'S lllgL , !**■; ’ • ii it r.i {.rood ivyJ ■ 4 : i? 32x ! Geo room su.l* Mc*.4o to' v Wilmoth »V 'laves, The ; • -T T* J ! gar 'louse, JbtrtM«viiie. -Be..J. 1' Gibson. ihe new •; mister of ibe Methodist church . orenck i his fir- i sermon Sunday ( light to a full house. Air. Gibson ] oomev ftoiu Ail. Airy. Ho made a j good impression on bis hearers in i iis rirst sermon and it is hoped | the people will tui u out ever;, time «.s they did Sunday right. We j xten 1 Mr. „anil ATrs. (: J v- oua we 1-! come to our town. — livei \ )K)y that e-ve so n Tiled l* : . . >t • hvrCoats vve are show- ‘ um rm-m and boys say tiio ;*ri- j C’s ur- wty low. An ex<- uanl hue of llainCo:^ $5.00 to$10.00 and up ' 11 so bin line of ht«»vy coats. Wii- ; ~i- -util A Iltiyes. The Bargain i ’le tse ^o.onvj le N. <_. - Tht1 home of M r. Bedford j Wooton, 4 miles sontii of town I Win totally destroyed !y. tire .last AVednesda v ni'dil after midnight. Only a few articles of furniture and o! 'thing were sirred together with a emad an?omit of b*m cloth —lug. Koine of the family who were sleeping in the second story . Lad a narrow escape from hor rible death, the house bring ai mer, t wrapped in flames when the fail iiv awoke. £35.U0 in money was also burned. I he fire origin ated in the kitchen. The house was the property of Mr. 0. B. Reavis. —Mr. Richard Jarratt, who lives near Mana this comity, was arres ted hist Saturday by Deputy Slie j i'J Hhngart for contempt of coart. It scorns that Richard had been cited to appear as a witness before . justice of the pence to testify in behalf of the state against Rush Hamlia, col., and refused to go* tl; was carried before P. L. Kiger Efco. and tilled $15. and the cost, - which he agreed to pay and testify at next hearing. ( FEASIBILITY OF ACCURATE SHOOTING / FROM AEROPLANE DEMONSTRATE!/ BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Flying at MHe-a-Mimite Clip, Lieut. Ficke! Throw® Two Successive Shots Straight Into Target Bridgeport, Conn., was recently the I seen- n ,< most xensarkabte aeroplane ! achievement. Nor only did it thrill the i vast arm'- of spectators because of the ] reckless daring d*r played r»v the bird-] men. but it pioved beyond rill question j that, with the right make of rifle, a marksman can shoot while flying at! tremen 1- :s speed, with the same ac curacy as whs n on the gru ;cd. Armv officers have been anything but satisfied with the results obtained with : the seryic- rifle, and the flight was I planned as a test of a repeating arm of i ether than government make. The fljght took place at the Lake I Aerodrome bet ore 1U,000 people who I paid admission and a far greater jurat- 1 her who occurred points of vantage! tip'-'n Igknoriug hilltops, housetops i and treec. ' • -j When Bc.rvhy came upon the field, a I violent wind was blowing. Undeterred, ■ he mounted his ^ea' and was soon * ^soaring high above. More than or.ee ' i* ■H'crntd to the spectators that his frail j craft must surely turn turtle and come i crashing to the earth, but every time j thctreccherouswind threathensd, clever 1 u ■ aviator rv*:a tne j machine rtr? ij, bt and true. After having1 b*-cr, in the air a number of minutes, 1 rx achv pointed his craft in the direction j 'f Ihe graudst-nd, uncircled it twice ar.d, r.s gracefully as a bird alights, brought It safely to the ground. To cverv ore present It seemed cer tain, ir view of the dangerous anticsef the wind, that no more flights would t * *i fw~r> cod l *f» tr - ryt rod be attempted that afternoon; but to the amazement of nil, Po.cn-,, os soon as he landed, hailed Lieut. Fk who : v’.'.s ^tauding nearby, armed with a Remington-UMC tine, and invited to take a seat alongside. : This l.,ter;t. Fickel did, and aviator and passenger were soon on their vtfay. To make the ’.rip nil the more h; mrd- i ous, the machine had beer shorn of all extra supports it variaDiy carried with 1 passengers for balance. j i ime and .-.gain the big planes c mid , be sc* :* to tremble as if they were about to s.mp V'hcn contrary gusts of wir.d t caught them; ami to those below the , PUmg am. the swaying oI the mono- t plane were fore-runners os' certain oe- | st rue non to the aviator and his pas i setig.-'-. fV hen the machine roaciretrthe : farther end of the. fluid it suddenly turned, ard came flying back at light* * ;no speed. At the oher end of the ■ field, in full view of the spectators ». target fcau been r>y -ex: 'Av«T\. within firing range. LLut. Fickei raised his rifle . and scat two shots straight to the mark. It was a wonderful performance and ‘ a fitting climax to r. meet that was re- ! plete with sensational features. I« an interview after the demonstra tion, Lieut. Fickei said that he found ! the speed and accuracy of the Auto- i loader a distinct advantage over the . service rifles he bad previously used in I similar tests, and that he consfdevad it j the only practical gtjc tor under j inch conditions. Joseph Pearson Coic^ell I*asses to threat beyond Joseph Pearson Caldwell, v. ’• it- -r <£. C •'c'.yU.i-u ■tpvc rvrr4 • o: several yt-ais, died at Mor-* ganton last week at fhe age of 58 years. .Ol .. . .. , ,/r -'*»• V_>- .'k L .1 U.O Uli\ Ol mi_> best kii : and most loved newspaper men in the South j but has not done actual work j since 1900, The State has lost I a valuable citb.eu and the; south one of its greatest sons,1 Mr. Caldwell at one time’ o\v 1 jU1 the ‘ StTUesT i i he Landri mark, but has devoted most of his energies to The Obser ver, both of which will stand j as a monument to his mem-1 ory. —-— Thanksgiving Tomorrow Tomorrow is Thanksgiving day in all this land and coun sry. Both neli and poor ob serve it alike. The origin of this day has been told and re told and we will not repeat it here, but the da should re main sacred and ever}’one should reUirii-tharms'to Tfnn who is responsible even for onr existauce. , ihat ever j* one of our read ers enjoy the. da} is our most sincere wish. ^ ~_.. -■><»»♦ Never put anything off—do it now Henry Beattie Jr. condemn-1 go ofji'ife murder ih Rich mond, Ya.„ was electrocuted ) last IH'idav, Nov. 24, I tB"ade a full confession of Ins rrhvv --v Beattie killed his wife on the lonely Midlothian turn pike near Richmond on Julv 18th, and was arrested two days later. The trial lasted several days and the best legal talent in Virginia was obtain ed but. the Jury did not hesi tate to convict liim of the a* wful crime. The remarkable nerve the condemned man was wond erful and might be called cynical. He did not flinch when led to the fatal chair, but held his nerve to the last. The Rev. Mr. Dennis his spiritual adviser, four hours later gave out his written con fession, 111 which he said much was told about the case that was uutrue. but that the awful crhyiw»«fremai 11 ed a fact. i | Mr. A. A. vStyers of Clem ' ons killed a bird one day last ! wefek that measured 16 feet , from tip to tip, and 4% feet from the end of its nose to the tip of its tail. It is not known whether it is a wandering al batross or a swan. ^ Fox Hunt, Mr. Editor: > ! Wo have been having .-joine Fo? i Hunting up here, some of tin ! hunters being Neut Weatherman 01 Chestnut liidge, George Carter Gluts. Nicks, Y ance Hauser, She luh Iloy ah, sonie of the promin ent citizens of Yadkiuville and Uncle Azz, as they call him, went along to see the fuuf We went to Bud Vestal’s about 40 in number, mad 3 a drive down iho creek to the place where ‘they caught the one last whiter, but not a scent of a fox could be found. Then we went back to lioya.il s place about II o’clock when old Kobe struck a warm track. * very body was in hope. Mr. Sidney Vestal was rushed to the spot at once with his trained dog, but all in vain, tor Sheiah’s dog had only scared up a rabbit. It was talked that the too want in a crawfish hole, ao the hunt was ended for that night Next day Mr. J. 8. Long found a. track and scut word to Yadkri ville in haste and a limit for the night was planned, and Mr. Weath erman notified, but Yudkinvillo ibd net'turn out neither did Uncle Azz, so Mess. Weatherman and Hauser were all the hunters. Well ibout nine o’clock Rube struck sure enough and for three fourths >f an hour they had as fine a mnrteite as ever was hoard in hose woods, but a complete loss, •o rabbit:j$ncigyossum: no fox. Poor old foxes, they seem to caller two deaths; dogs run them III they cant walk; then gnaw iiid oito them etc. [f I «vas that fox and see the dogs c I do I would lot the dir t —yes he high places—and would not 'top tor hunger nor nigh waoA mtil I could sit down on top of he famous Rockies, then say ‘Rube I\1 novel hear your dread si mouth anv more.” A HUNTER +-* TA X SA i,E. For tlm non-pay man t. ql taxes. :<n the year 19i(j 1 wi il sell tor ?«*ish to the highest bidder at the 1 .Hou«e do i at Yadkin vu!" 1 an idee. 4, 1911' the foi» tracts of land; FALL CREEK Ervin Reece 4* acres 2.43 V. o. Williams 6 ’ 1.46 EAST BEND XI F Anderson J town lot 1.46 J E Davis 93 acres 4 62 Peter Hauser 1 town lot 3.91, J K Hutchens 68 acres 2.53 I A Poindexter 5 ’* 1.24 E Y rrulovr 1 *’ 3.43 B C Jair.-ut 1 town lot 3.72 IV. T. Fletcher, Sheriff. C. W. Poindexter, D. S. h there anything in »if ‘Ids v 1 '“hi that i;. of inori importance to \ iu than j <u)tl di«;es; ion? Food 1,1 hst be eaten to sustain lif«» and n.vs, be digested and converted in to blood. When the digestion fails the who!, body suffers. Chamber lain's Tablets are rational and re liable cure for indigestion. They increase the illow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy Fvsr-sahshy a.M dolors HOW’S T!1:3? We niter One Hundred Dollars h’a ward fur any chsu ol Ci;tnryh that earned be cured bv Hindi’s < iitnrrh Cure. r. J CHKNKV & CO., TOI.RD'V o. We. the undersigned, have known A ,1. Cheney for the {rsi i 5 years, and he ieve him perfectly honorable in uli bv.s iness transactions, and financially sbh* tocarry out any obligations made by his firm. wai.diKG, KianA.n marvui, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, o. Hoil’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter naliy, acting directly upon the blood ' and mucous surfaces of the system Tosiemo.dals sen*, thee. Price, 75c. j>er bottle. jdl-Draggists."* rTeTCe” Hall V Family Pills for const! j While In town next Mon day dont ’forget to come in to see us.\ There is a lot oi back subscription due us and we nelvi-tha money. 7 H you have a spar e dollar wc will be mighty ; Tl&d to gel it. We need th e money and need it bad. -PA TAj IS HERE, WINTER IS COM LlNTGr Our stock of Fall and Winter Merciiaudi.se is complete in every department special pains have been taken in selecting the following lines:' SHOES. HATS, DRYtGOODS __AND LA D1ES S WE A TE RS CLOTHING AND MILLINERY Furnln^f in'lvP^AS B°P Underwear and Gents furnishings, in eveiy particular, down to the minutest detail. Our 'toclc of Fall Millinery is now up and is the largest and pre thest ever shown herewith alt the latest Styles and beautiful designs Dcsn.cs . .it prices are attractive. We, call sell Clothing and Millinery C leap than ti,c !ar«e «ty stores because our expenses arc lower ' ' Give us a chance at yonr Fall, trade, wc will be glad to show you our goods. KH'K FRIENDS o ri CJ K L 8c DOUTHIT jSou i& the time to get rid ol j yonr rheumatism. You will find j v'hi'mberlam’s Liniment wonder- f fully effective. One application j will convince you of its merit ? Try it. Sold by all dealers. \ Tor soreness of tho muboles whether induced by violent exer cise in jury; Chamberlain'a I-ini- | meat m exc-.ileui. This Timment is J else highly esteemed for the relief j ie affords in cases of rheumatism. ) Sold by all dealers. FOR1SALE | 7b acres in the "North *?edgo of: the town of Yadkinviiie, 50 acres car. .now bo ^eut into town lots.« Some timber, fairly good house, A I idee|orehai\I, new ivi.ru, and other} improvements. This is the curly j nice, tract ;. • r town that is on the 5 market. Will sell as a whole or; cut to suit the purchaser. Can f give terms'of■'tone half cash and! yamabvier in 12 months, i \ , ., , J n res 3 miles south or <kad- j ; : i 1 le. pra;ficy]iv level fwith : « V ■ on the place and all in very I fire rmber, Oau be sold oirgood j terms. Price §350,00 8inall tract 30 to 40 acres, vary fine little farm 2 miles from Bock ford Railroad Station, in Yadkin county on public road. 6 room house, feed barn, tobacco barn, j pack house, smoke house etc. j good orcl ard, some timber. Price j |> i 50.00 one half cash remainder j in one year.*, ■ The S. H. Wilmoth property in j Boonville, containing about 4 acre • on main street with up-to-date six | r<:.jir_. V|\vfillingheantifub grove ! with Well, Barn, Warerooms first S class Store House and Post office | building. This property will be j .-,oiA tvb u o'< cut irb.-o toi-s to i . suit the purchaser and prices are ! , right. Four busmosf- toC on M am bt, j ; near the Court house in rli town j | of Yadkinville $209.00 each. Out | ’ of 84 iota in the Shore Hotel pro j ! porty these ave we have left anti j I are a. pood investment at the price j | One nice tin ee acre lot with oak j p'ToMr ~WTTHettKl '’miH house in the I , northern part . >f the town of Yod ! kinviile, on public roau. can be cut i into small lots if deeired. Write j for price. ! 18| acres good farm lands one half mile from from Yadkinville ! on North Deep Greek, Good road ' and considerable amount of timb 1 or and wood. Write for price, j House and lot on Highland ave, | Winstod-Salem, N. C. with city I waver and call conveniences. House j new and good location. Price j $1500.00. j 81'acres in Buck- Bhe*d“ -homr j sTnp 10 miius from Elkin, 6 room j house, tobacco barn pack house, etc. Orchard, some timber and 5 ' acres hue meadow land. Price ' $1500.00. | We are in position to hand le all kinds of real estate and if you want to buy or sell see I . J ' US. ¥ ltd kin Realty Co. i Yadkinville N, Cr 130 YOUR BANKING "WITH TLLK Bank of Yadkin YADKINVI 1.1,E, N. 0. The oi <lest and strongest Intuit ing institution in the county CAPITAL • - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3,000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in div idends to its stock fielders S3,400.00 ami $7,738.72 interest to depositors. vVhilc tills is a small bank, yet it is saf* apd sound, taking no risk as some of tli« larger ones do. It extends thanks and ’nest wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a l&rga part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to it* patrons # % Interest Paid on sIE Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerlr, Yice-Prest. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pros. Finance Comm; Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Bverly. Directors: W, A Bail7, E. L. Gaither, Tsaac Shore •j. K. Zachary, T. It. Harding, M. M. Crum I and C. B. Beavis. I DOLLARS FOR YOU 1 ho man who sells bis tobacco with the Leader Warehouse, Winston. N. C. is always the best pleased. \\ o-ki^uw bow to soil tobacco aud we are in position to get the bids that count. We do not claim everything but we deliver the goods, or in other words, we sell your tobacco for more money than nny other house in the State. The Leader sold nearly twice as large a.percent of the tobacca sold on the Winston market in Ov - '"•db^r 1911 a.s it did in October 1910. Why has our business about.<;kuihbulover*last year? There is a . reason. A.vk a Leader customer and you will let ns sell your next load or tierce, - Your Friends, j ! : 1 ! i » i f The Leader Warehouse OUR FIRST SALE DATS: For November;—Every Monday, Wrdnesday anti Fridi For Dectuiher:--Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday \ -----;-:--- 4.

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