m Vol. aeirjii Yadkinyille, Yadkin County N. C. —Mr. R. R Hiusliaw was in town yesterday. —Mias Lucile Long visited re latives at Huntsville Saturday and hunduy. —Sheriff W. f. Fletcher spent the day here Thursday of last week. —Mr. H. H. Mackie made a business trip to Winston last —Atty. F. W. Hanes made a business trip to Statesville Fri day* of last week. -*Fon Sale - a full set of Tela . t-dwtoe repair tools. Jess Mackie Xadkinville N. €. —Mr. I. A. Wishon will have a *isU>tt 1 >. ued Saturda -y if or 'the .marriagevo4* Mr. Julius Miller to Miss Myrtle Purdue -—Rev. J. 1). Glbsou will preach ;at the M tt’ ■ odist - church Busday 3morning at JJ o'clock and Bundac isiigiK. —*B*esidj • El A er H M. Taylor < go home. —-Miss Annie Carrigau’s resign ation as (clerk in the postoffice at -this will take effect the first * of jf&n& !».■>>.-ivrh. Miss Connie Rev ? aUsll^'dS! IDidkiuville, who was ap to fill the vacancy, has de nned the appointment. Miss /Annie Tj© wig, of this place, will , ttake the position,—Wilkesboro ' Patriot. —TJncle T3illy Doliw, who has been in feeble health for some time .died suddenly Sunday night at the home of Mr. Thomas Williams, 2 'piles East of town. He was in t$iis 78th year. The remains were interred *n the family graveyard yesterday g^«rooon, Rev. T. CL Myers tile funeral ser vices. .^v/' Political Talk Mr. Kditor:— As the political decks are now being cleared for action ! and the troops lining up on either side, I suggest the name of John H. Dobbins for County Treasurer. He is well and favorably known, scrupulously honest, a good bnsiness man, and is beyond all peradven ture entitled to the nomina tion. Pour years ago he led all the other candidates, and came very near being nominated. He lives at the comity seat and would be ready to trans act the public business at any time. And, besides, his fath er was a Union soldier, going through the lines and enlist ing in the Union Army, fight ing lieroicly for Ate Stars and /Stripes under extraordinary circumstances. If lie had been .captured be would have been summarily shot as a traitor. But he loved his country and risked his life on many a bat tlefield. So honor the son of such r* worthy sire. JB/sery Republican in South liberty is for Roosevelt and •the Tbiiili i a ill: Settle for Gov. Their names strike tieumr to Democracy. 'With best '.wishes for the Ripple and its .many readers, «Lxsm T ery trill3% SnuTii Liberty Farmer Poet Meets Poet .iViimitlu'5) issouri fanner whose hog'wus killed by a train wrote to fche:compan> VtS'iaira 'agent for a settlement nuivs a writer in the 'Columbia.Statesman. He penned his •communication thus: “Dear tiir—My razor back strolled down your track a week ago today. Yonr tsveuty-nine7 came down the line and snuffed his life away. You can’t blame me, the hog, you see, slipped Uuough a cattle gate; so kindly pen a check for ten the debt to liquidate.” He received the follow! ,g reply: “Old twenty-nine came down the line and killed your hog, we know; but razor backs on railroad tracks quite often meet with woe. therefore, my friend, we cannot send the check for which you pine. Just ,plant the dead, .place o’er his head: here lies a foolish swine.’* --- One Outlaw Caught Sidna Edwards one of die notorious Allen gang which shot down the court at Hills ville Va., has been caught and placed ii: jail. .A& the others are still at large. -■» 4 «»■»■»■ Elkin is to have an ice and cold storage plant. The pro moters are R. L. Poindexter, S. M. Arnold and others. About $22,000 has been sub scribed. The iplant will be located joist south of the depot. ----- We have some people who are willing to sit ar mnd day nfterday and hallo’ hard times, and talk about some one aad stick out their lips because things don’t go to suit them, these same people llevr try to do anything fer themselves or any one else. Some seem to have forgotten that the days of raining Manna has past, and if it had not we fear that some would grumble because did not fall every day alike. -■»«»«» —There wili be a Fiddlers’ Con 1 vention at Smitlitown on Saturday night before Master Sunday April 6th. Valuable prizes will be award ed Everybody is invited to attend, aud a -gene r#f go wd time is expect ed. ' ' Roosevelt Sentiment Sub siding j It is a plain fact that the * Rosevelt sentiment which struck the country so forcibly a short tiin^ ago, and seemed to seize everything in its wake has greatly subsided within the last few days. The New York Sun, which is authority on the political outlook prints a long story of this change, which seems to have come of its own accord all over the country. It seems that the people at first did not under stand the policies advocated | by Colonel Roosevelt, his 1 views on the referendum, re | call and other importan ques tions. They had an idea if it ; was Roosevelt’s policy it was | alright no mattet what it was. i But their eyes have been open ! ed not only in Yadkin County ! but other localities as well, ! they realize the perilous posi j tion the country would be plunged into under the ban of what might be termed mob rule-^ i lie public uttereuces of the Colonel have had some thing to do with the present, fall of his popularity. He does not practice what he preaches; tries to construe President | Taft’s position on the primary ! question u a different light | from what it realy is; he has twisted several important mat ters until .they are almost out of shape. The people see his position and the Ameri can people of to-day are too proud to be mislead or blinded by a single man. just as we suspected the people see the difference in a safe and sane administration and one con sisting of filibustering and i^on hand rule, hence the | change in sentiment. ® *■ - ——— Students Examination On Saturday, April 17, 1912, iu Yadkiuville, Prof. W. D. Martin will give the exam ination to all who wish to take it. This is open to all who have ^finished up the work of the seven grades, and a certif icate will be presented (later | on) to ail who pass it satisfae I torily, showing that the course l ot study in the free schools I has been completed, and that I these who receive them are ready toeuter the high schools. It is hoped that a large ’’num ber from all over the county will be present. .Arrange ments for the county com mencement will be made later. MRS. JNO. Q. HOLTpN Secretary! | —Wanted, to buy Hides and j Furs of all kinds, also Beeswax, j Will pay market price. Bee or 1 write S. L. Maekie Yadkinville N.C Yadkinville Produce Market. corrected weekly by Shore Sc Doutkit. Corn per bushel - $0.85 I Wheat* “ - -LOO ! Iiy® “ 1.00 i Oats “ - .64 Peas “ M - - 1.50 Beaus “ “ - 2.00 Chickens, old liens - .10 Eggs per dozen - 12 Butter per pound, - - .15 Flour - 2.50 Hams - - . - J5 Bee’s wax ... .22 , Lard - 12£ “My little son had a very severe : cold- I was recommended to try Chamberlaiu,8 Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle was fin ished he was as well as ever;” writes Mrs^HBilks,29 Dowling St, Sidney, Australia, This remedy for sals by All D^aje^ NOTICE Ou and after April the ist I will sell goods for the pay-as you-go. Will not vkeep any books. Will sell for a smaller profit thereby being better en abled to sell more goods for the same money, or same goods for less money. Will take in ex change for goods all kinds of produce. Will sell machinery and farm implements on same terms as heretofore. I thank the people for their patronage for the past eigh teen years and hope they will continue to give me a liberal amount of same. J. A. LOGAN. March 26, 1912. ; For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlains : Liniment. Try it 'and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale . by all Dealers. ENTRY NOTICE j North Carolina, ) j Yadkin county ) To the entry taker of Yadkin county: • The undersigned J. ('. Williams of Yad > kin county in said state hereby enters ! and lays c’aim to the following land in | Liberty township said county and state, i the same being vacant and unappropri j ated land ind subject to entry viz: Be | g'.liningat J 1 Taylor’s corner in Russels j Jine, runs about south with Russels line j to Russel and Lewis Williams corner, then about west to Thomas Williams ! line, to the ppginning containing t*vo I and one half acres more or less. J. (,. Williams, Claimant Entered Feb. 10 1912. Approved by Entry Taker Feb 10 1912 W. G. Wooten, Reg. of Deeds and Entry Taker a true copy. 8. Carter Williams Attorney. The Democratic primaries in this state will be held on May 28th. It Looks Like A Crime to seperate a boy from a box of 13uokten’s Arnica 8alve. His pim ples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, and its quick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts is his right. Keep ^ it handy for boys, a Is® girls. Heals everything liealable and does it quick. Uueqnaled for piles, Only 25 .seats at all Drug gists. When a mail feels like mak ing a fool of himself its a sign he’s in love Danger After Grip lies •often in a run-down system. "Weakness, neivousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kiddeys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the j glorious tonic, blood purifier and and legulator of stomach, liuer and kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system and restore to health ans good spirits after-.tan attack og Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50 cents. 8old and perfect satis faction guaranteed py all Drug ' gists. I 1 he Democratic btate Cou j vention will be held in Raleigh on Tune 6th. ; Almost a Miracle One of the most startling change | eyer seen In any man, according .to W. B. Holsclaw, Clarendon, Tex., was effected years ago in I his brotller. *‘He had such a dreadful cough,” he writes, ‘‘that all our family thought he was go ! ing into consumption, but he be 1 gan to use Dr. King’s New Dis | covery, and was completely cured I by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our family has used this wondelul remedy for Coughs ahd Colds with exelent results.” It’s quick, safe, reliable and guarantee?!.* Price 50 cents 4 and 1.00. Trifl bottle free at all pru^ists, I Notice of Sale t North Carolina ) In Superior I j- Court before j Yadkin county ) J. L. Crater clerk j Lula Johnson, aumr of j Notice W. J. Johnson *dec’d < of I -vs- f Sale ; Bula Johnson et al j i Pursuant to an order of the Superior ' Court made in the akove entitled action { 1 will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Yadkinville to the high eat bidder on the 1st DAY OF APRIL ! 19i2, the following lands viz: all of the following Innds lying East of the public road leadiug front Jonesville to Buck Shoals, kno.vn as the Andrews place ; adjoining the lands G T Wiiite Robert Burgess, H G Johnson and others con tuining 72 1-2 acres more or leas for full description reference is made to deed ; from Andrew Johnson to W J Johnson ; recorded in book 2, page 384. record of deeds for Yadkin county. One ‘ other tract adjoining the lands ot G T White •J C Einnix,S Pardusand others, known as W J Johnson home place, containing 60 acres more or less, being the land \Y J -Johnson received from his Grandmo^ j ther Loucinda Johnson, Terms of sale ; J cash, remaindej upon a ere iit of four months, bond and approved eecutity re quired bearing interest from date until paid. Tide reserved until whole ot th< purebase money is paid. 'I'his Mch 1 T2 Lula Johnson sdnir. of W. J, Johnson D. M. Reece, attorney If you arc going North Travel via The Chesapeake Line Daily Service— Including Sunday The new Steamers just placed in service the “City of Norfolk” and “City of Baltimore” are the most ; elegant and np-to-date Steamers between Norfolk and Baltimore. Equipped with wireless Tel ephone in each room, Delici ous meals served on board, j Everything for comfort and | convenience. Steamers leave Norfolk 8.T5 p.m. daily arriving Baltimore 7:00 a. m. following morning. Connecting at Baltimore For all points North, South, *Easi and West. Very low round trip rates to Baltimore, Washington,|Philadel phia. New York, Atlantic City etc. Keservatiousjmade and any in formation cheerfully furnished by W. 11, Parnell, T. P. A Norfolk, Va. J. H. MACKIE & SONS. Manufacturers of Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipes, Mail Box es Heaters etc. Galvanized Sheet Nron and Valley Tin | in stock. General Repair work done on short notce. Candidate For Treasurer I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination for the office of Treasurer of Yadkin County subject to the will of the Republican Convention and will appreciate the support of all who favor iny nomination. Yours very trly, EZRA 0. MACKIE. &&&& DR. E. M. GRIFFIN, OF Farmington, N. C. With liia general practice makes the treatment of Asthma a specialty. — ■ . . ■■■■—■■ — LUMBER WANTED Sell your lumber for cash to Leonard Vyne, North Wilkes boro, N. G. Write me what you have to offer; where it will come to the li, R. station I inspect at your loading point and pay cash soon as loaded. Want dry Oak, Popular, and | yellow pine lumber. an Don’t be surprised if you have attack ot rheumatism this spring. _Just rub the af^eved parts freely with Chamberlain,s Liniment and it will soon disap pear. For sale by ajl Decern s We are supplying our customers with the best goods and latest styles in Shoes and Slippers, Dress Goods, * Notions, Men’s and Boy’s Hats, Larg-e Shipment Straw Hah Also full line of Grocerief In fact most everything carried in the line of General Merchandise. We buy all kinds of country produce and pay highest market price for it. Come to see me FI! give you a square deal. Yours to serve, H. B. BAHNSON YADKINVILLE, JST. C. DO YOUR BANKING WITH THE ank of Yadkin TADKINVILLE, N. C. The oldest and strongest bank ing* institution in the county CAPITAL - - $10,000. SURPLUS • - 3,000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 ' interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons interest Paid on all Time Deposits. I Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerly, Vice-Presfc. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pros. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A. Bally, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. It. Harding, M. Al. Crurnel and C. B. lieavis. CeWiTT’S £5K WTlCH HAZEl S/kI-#VE* For PUo*. Burns, Sore* Administrator s^Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Dr. J. A. Mock, deceased, i this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them for payment within one year from date of this notice or the same will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pLease make immediate settlement. This Jan. 31, 11112. J. M. Mock, Adair, D. M. Reece, Atty, NOBH WiLKESBORO MARBLk WORKES TombsiKpnes, Monuments, Iron Fences, Etc. We handle marble by car, can pive yau best prices m sam«1 MILLER k REINS Co Props. N. WILKE8BOUO, N. C. 4, Ws WUliams* •» ♦•y* •*•*»»•* Asthma - Catarrh Cured Expert Medical'Scientists'A nnou nce Startling Results Obtaiued by New York j—Thousands are taking advantage, ot the generous offer made by The Woodworth Co Debt. 0. llfil Broadway, New York * .y, requesting an experimental pacxa of Sen pine, the great discovery for • ifchma, gayjFe ver. Bronchitis, ane fatarruh, wh^cb i» mailed free of charg to all wb write for it. It is curing thousands of ae most j stubborn canes. It make* uo lffarenoe I liow long you have been offering nr how severe the climatic nditioua tue where you live, ^enpine will gure you. If you ha we experimented with other treatmenhs and have filled to find a cure do not be discouraged bnt sen^ foc_ a trial of this wonderful truly roetitoui remedy which is a scientific compound discovered dy a Profcasor of Vie-nna Pni versity. and is being recommended kty tUou&aivdk Sen pi tie #