Yadkiu tiia*, Allen asness here die finipy i«ivt lie did* not tell watch I have ever .seen ;it the price, is the New I gin No. 293. 1 sell them a# factory |>rire i< all discounts. Act quick want one at the price. ii 11 u aliens.—a d Miss Mary Thomason has, •charge of Shore & Doutliit Millie?* cry Department at ihe same stunt. ! "She will he g[ad to see you nur i* latest Styles are to be foundJ^me Announcftiient Believing the number of personal triends who have ap Poached me and who stand high iii tlin couucils of the Republican Party of the county as well as by the large number of letters from friend** and Republicans distribu ted throughout the County: that I £im the Choice of the people for the nftic£ of Sheriff, I take this yneaus of announcing myself as fctieli a candidate subject to the tCouoty Convention of the Iiepub diem party, a id to say that T will appreciate the support of all my friends and the people in general. W. T. FLETCHER NOTICE. At tlie'very earnest solicitation of jny friends, high in the Republican councils of Yadkin county. I hereby announce myself a canidate for Sheriff of Yadkin county. Kubject to the Republican nom inating convetion. I promise if elected to discharge the duties of the office with honor to myself itnd credit to the Party. This 29 day pf April 1912. Respectfully, W. F. WILLIAMS Candidate Sheriff I hereby annonuce myself a can didate for nomination for the offibe of Sheiiff of Yadkin County subject to the will of the Ilepub b -an 'County Convention. I will * pprec'iate the suppoVt of all who f»vor mV nomination. \ Very trulv yours, C. W. PoiKDE.vTElt Subscribe for the Ripple. ——w-roi or j nry ;>ue as important as thief other, aucf ah is is the only depart.^ meni ifft in i which the people directly .par ticipate in the .a4ms.ixisaration of the Jaw, for thaf^krots^re ira.wn from the lx>dy of the ! peoplew ue& elected by the | pbopleTja*5 the others are.i . ■ * Hence it has been said that! trial by Jury fe'the bulwark j ot cur civil aud religious lib- { ertbs,' because if the jurors so i 1 ii oni the people demon-j N'c that they are not cm pa- ' bic discharge mg their du les hoxwily and Intel legent- j . they prove that the ! :people art not capable of self-! government and consequently i •our civil and religious liber- i Ues arc m danger. Thus fai*: our jury system has stood the ! test well, but as our affairs | are becoming more cemplicat- j ed ana the countin' grows the ! demand for strong and honest Jurors increases, and lienee! the necessity for higher and better education of the masses. I now will discuss the sub-; ject of crime. Toe inquiry is > often made as to wily there is so much crime and why can’t wc stop it. There are many answers to these questions. Some have the idea that it is j because we do not punish se verely enough, but that is not i it, h or there was a time in j the history of Knglaud when ' she had 160 capital crimes! [hanging crimes] and still crimes increased. One reason and the best reason to my mind is because we do not go to the root and get the camses of crime and correct the cause. I propose two fruitful causes of crimes and see if the grand Jury can do any tiling with them. These are: first: Ig norance and second: Use of Intoxicating Liquors. It has been estimated that two-thirds of the criminal | class come from neglected, ; abandoned and defective cliii i dren- Education means mor | al as well as intellectual train j ing and it has got feu to the ' point that it is not only nes j sesary that the youth of the land should be educated to kyep them from becoming / sciiool system, te-iii and seize ortunit3' to get -hen grow. So " true ted ! m of inty doiu$/and wh .kind school of intoxicating liquors It has ; been estimated that 85% ofq of tLe neglected and children. • drift into this class. They grow up and iuarr}7 aud be come fathers of children many oi whose becendauts become • insane and idiots and epilep-' tics. The civilized world is studying this question and is alarmed at it and this is why there is much being done' about it. lion: <( s and uv lers you have The ower fruitful source of .crime that is staring the i people in the face is the use!' all convicts give evedeii^e of having been enticed to'do crime because of the effects produced by alchaiiol. Most Here judge Allen gave an account of two families wilicli j had been studied. One was a man named Jukes a drunkard , and vagabond who married and raised a family. About 1200 of his decendants were i traced and among them were j murderers, thievs, vagabonds, prostitutes and inmates of, aims houses and none showed up well. On the other hand the decendants of Jonathan' Edwards a great old preacher and College president have i been and to the number of about 1200, and among them, were United States senators, ' preachers, editors, lawyers, doctors, professors, school tea chers, ministers to foreign > countries, and not one ever ■ comniited a crime. He said this was the great est drawback to Yadkin Co, I _ He said he saw signs of im provement and he believed: the county with a naturally strong people, hue climates and soil, the county was des tined to take her stand by the progressive counties of the state. He urged the Grand Jury to search out the whiskey dis i tiller ies, and blind tigers in | the county and let them be dealt with- He called atten tion to the County Home and the duly we owe to the unfor t ■ i ?mmissioners in Session to County Commissioners met 'u4;ft‘ monthly session Mou witli alt tHe' members present made -the following orders, dored that J L Crater be for fixing commitment s for Mary Ann Pinnix isane asylum) 2.00 “rod that Yadkinville hone Co. be paid for 2.00 ces Jrdered that T F Frown bo id for waiting on Grand i'y If. T. 101*2 , ' 6.00 Ordered that W E Rutledge paid for Note Heads fur lied II. I) Office 1.40 Ordered that L C Fleming >g paid as a rebate on tax ■'vr 1011 (Error) 6.43 lered tii^t L C Cook be •s a rebate on tax year Error) ,86 ered that J A\ Pass be jr goods furnished Jail 6.55 ered that K 8 Bo vender id for building bridge on 1 orbush Creek 68.00; Ordered that J E Slmgart be pan! for Jail fees and con veying Laura Vestal to Co. Home 6.05 Ordered that J 8 Windsor be paid as a reflate on tax year 1911 (Error) ‘2.06 Ordered that J C Holier be paid for building a causeway on Public Road 19.45 Ordered that J L Bray be paid for lumber furnished for bridge: 7.47 Ordered that L W Spillman be pd. for lumber furnished Public Road 4.90 j Ordered that A Dinkins be pd. for building Road on Con Vad Ferry Road 65.00 Ordered that B C 8hore be pd. for keeping Co Home for the month of April 9i.51 Ordered that T F Holcomb be'pd. as Court crier F. T. 1912 6.75 Ordered that J C Angel be pd. for Old Soldier’s Coffin \Dan Hall) as per order of Boa id of Pension 12.00' Ordered that Wilmoth ACo be pd. for Old Soldier’s Suit of Clothes as per order of pen sion board 8.00 * Ordered that Frank Edde} man bo pd. as a rebate on tax year 1911 (Error) .85 Ordered that W T Fletcher be pd. for holding Court and Sheriff fees bunions Jury etc. 66.91 Ordered that J H Roy all be pd, for Waiting on Jury one eight 1.501 Ordered that J C Miller be pd. for J P fees .45 Ordered that T F Holcomb rdinr of 8 C Holcomb heirs be pd. as a rebate on tax year lull 3.68; Ordered that J H Steelman be pd. as a rebate on tax year 1911 - • .00 Ordered that J ]) L Samp son be pd. for lumber furnish ed to build bridge 4.00 • Ordered that H H Mackie be pd. for Morphine to Coun ty Patient 6.80 Ordered that 8 H Joyner be pd. for work done on Hauser Bridge 6.50 Ordered that B R Brown be pd. for secvices as member of B. C. C. up to and including first Monday in May 16 59 Ordered that the Sheriff j issue R J Roberson free Li cense to Peddle Merchandise I m ladkin county Ordered tuat J 13 Gough be pd. for work done on Tuldie Hoad C.00 Ordered that J A Lilling ton be paid for affidavits fur nished Carporation Commiss ion '4.00 Ordered Unit J W Cook be pd. for services as member of B. C. 0. up to and including first Monday in May 1‘2.40 [Several other claims such as witness fees, support of the poor etc. that are uninteresting were also paid.]—Editor. tunates, and charged the Jury to go to it and see if they had I Resolution of Respect We the members of the ; Farmers Educational aud Co | operative Union of America | in a meeting at Flat Rock j church, in Yadkin county on i the 26th da}" of April 1912, do j here resolve that in the death i of our brother Rev. W. H ! Vanhoy, the Union and the | State of North Carolina, have 1 suffered a loss that is irrepar , able. Endowed by the Cre j ator with talents posessed by | few men. Gentle, loving, j wise, and generous. He rep resented the very highest type Christianity and citizen, his public as well as private life was unmared by blemish or dishonored. Interested by his people with the highest office in the gift of his Local followed by splended adminis tration he left his Local with a record that marks him as one among the ables. admin istration of presidents of any Local of the Farmers UnionC The general uplift of his peo ple was closesLto his heart The people of Yadkin and , joining counties, owe a debtor gratitude in helping that great cause that can ne.er be re paid. The practicable ai d I permeneut results of his great work will ever remain green in the hearts of his people whom he loved and served so well and to whom he left that most precious heritage,a noble aud unselfish life spent in the service of the people. It is furthrer resolved that this re solution be spread on the min utes of this Local and a copy be transmited to his bereaved family with the expression of sympathy and love of a people, aud, that the Yadkin Ripple, Davie Record aud Statesville Landmark be requested to print. J. H, Steelman, Com. J. D. Long, R. L. Wiles “My little sou had a very severe cold' I was recommended to try Chamberlain,s Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle was fin [shed he wa~ as well us ever*,” writes Mrs.H.Silks,29 Dowling St, Sidney, Australia, This remedy is for sal© by All Dealers 1 - 1 JA "—-■ - "■'*TltfT It Looks Like A Crime to seperate a boy from a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. His pim ples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains aud bruises demand it, and its (prick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts is his rignt. Keep it haudy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and does it quick. Uuequaled for J piles, Ouly 25 sents at all Drug- \ gists. DR. E. M. GRIFFIN, OF Farmington, N. C. With his general practice makes the treatment of Asthma a specialty. ifi % LUMBER WANTED ® Sell your lumber for cash to ^ Leonard Vylie, North Wilkes- || % boro, N. 0. Write me what % $ you have to offer; where it % will come to the It. H. station a I inspect at your loading point % and pay cash soon as lbaded. § $ W ant dry Oak, Popular, and yellow pine lumber. proper accomadations, such as 1 milk, butter, fruit, chickens and eggs. All of which ought to be raised on the farm under i proper management. We are supplying our customers with the best goods and latest styles in Shoes and Slippers, Dresy Goods, Notions, Men's and Boy’s Hats Large Shipment A Cl Vs Hatsl Also full line o. Groeeriec In fact most everything carried in the line of General Merch ;~ We buy all kinds * iroducc and pay highest ir jr it; Come to tp< sqm deal. 4 ' '^KJuai^^yibk BECOMING ATTIRE Our garments look right on the wearer, and the wearer feels right in our garments* This double satisfaction will be yours by havt mg your garments tailored here. The handsome new grays, blues, and browns, the skillful and perfect tailoring will talk for themselves. The range includes many ex clusive numbers the “crowd” cannot have till a season later, as many styles we show are confined exclusively to our trade. Let us take your measure for * Tailor-made Suit FIT GUARANTEED! E. BEECHER WARDEN (Qualitj Higher Thau Price) j I Strictly Moral Refining; Educating; Wl By a Mandolin, Violin, Gni tar,—’Cello-Orchestra Saturday Night May A Show for Ladies and Gentlemen An Officer will see that we have good order Admission only 10 cts. Children 5 cts. We will pay every cent back to you, if you are not more than satisfied. COME enjoy yourself, fctget your troubles Jive longer, and be happier. Life is what you make it OLD YADKIN THEATRE *■ > ( , .+ •' i; •' *■/ : A • I T*