No 10 Yndkinvillo, Yadkin County N. (’. Wednesday, June o, 1912. Vol. xix LOGAL NEWS *ig’5§ — Wheat harvest is coming. —Cherries and Strawberries. From all leports the black berry crop is safe. \ —Mr. W. H, Todd was in town tJhis mornigg on business. liev. and Mrs. Edgar Holton pent last week with relatives here. —Mrs. F. W. Hanes has been light sick but is improving we are glad to note. —Uev. W. L. Dew*: on, of Cirri 1" out College, has been spending a tew days bore. Mr. J. W. Pass attended the i iiigressioiial Convention at Ash b «r.) last week. Mr. J. \V. Pass left this morn ing for iiaieiah to attend the Dem ocratic State Convention. Mr. IS. P. Bry ant has returned fro i i Tennessee where ho lias ’ - '40.00 up. Good liarness $10.00 a set, —Nice gentle Black Mare broke to all harness, and an extra nice mare colt two months old, for sale or trade cheap. Henry B. Janies. —Attys. 1), M. Beeoe. S. 0, M illiams and F. W. H; n is to gether with J. E. Shugart left Mon day to attend Federal court at Greensboro, m —Joseph, the small son .of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Williams eat some glass by mistake Saturday and it was feared he would be sick but so iar he is well and hearty. —Miss Stella Iteece and her cousin Miss Annie Folger of Dob son who has been visiting her, left List week for Ohappel Hill to at tend the commencement of the Un iversity, —Miss Mary Thomason lias charge of Shore ADouthit Millin ery Department at the same stand. Slie will be g[ad to see you and is sure she can suit you in your New Spring Hat. Ad the latest Styles are to be found here. ilie Greensboro News savs it is probable tliai the ease of N, Glen Williams and Thos. Craft "id he called and disposed of at | ^his f°rm of Federal court which is now in session at Greensboro. ' I here will be an Entertain ; oient at Hamptonville, Saturday •Tune 8th. llev. T. M, Swaim of | Wiu«:ton-Salem, will deliver a ser I aion at 10:80 A. M. Exercises in the afternoon audthedrama “Far mer Hanking,” at 8:00 P. M. Evpry body invited. -- An Error Corrected Our Yadkitiville cerrespon dent in his letter of last week | made some references to the \adkiu Reality Conipan}^ , which the company and oth j ers claim, is unjust and while at \ acikinville Tuesday we investigated the matter and 1 find from those who are in po ; sition to know that no county ; Officers has ever owned any ! stock in the Yadkin Reality i Company and that no funds of the county has ever been used hy it.—P>oonvil!e Herald, --,v>-—• Claude Allen Found Guilty i Wytkeville Ya., June i.— : After deliberating for two1 ' hours and a half this afternoon the jury in the case of Claude | Swanson Allen found the ! young man guilty of murder in the second degree for kill-, mg Judge Thornton L* Mas-1 sic, and recommended punish ment of fifteen years in the1 penitentiary. eminence was suspended in order chat the prisoner may testily in other cases growing out of the shooting up of the Carrol county conn on March . 14j hist, w]ien ii ve persoas ' were killed by the Allen clan. The verdict does not mean 1 that Claude Allen has escaped th e el ec in e cl \ ai r. IT on r otl ] e r : indictin' nts are pending again st him, and on any of them it is possible that he may be1 found guilty of first degree, murder, i'iie pro--** ait ion announced! that the ne^t to go to trial would be Claude Allen for tlie i murder of Sheriff Webb. Tlie : defense objected, and this will; be argued July i. Judge Sta ples instructed that a venire; to report Ji.l z be summoned. Railroad bo Be Built From North WilLeshoro A dispatch front North Wilkesboro says tlie connec tion of the T ad km river rail way, to be built by the Gran i in Lumber Co., has been set lieu. vvorK nas oegun at. North Wilkesboro and will be' pushed until the road is fin-! ished as far as the 60,000 acre ■ timber tract of the Grandin Lumber Co. The road will then be within a few miles of Boone and it is expected the : Watauga people will see that I it goes on through Boone and beyond into east Tennessee. This road will connect with the Southern at North Wilkes jboro and follow the Yadkin ! valley, keeping on the north ! side of the Yadkin to Elkville j at or near which place the j Grandin Lumber Co. will j build its band mills, extract plant and manufacturing town. From Blkville the road wil 1 go on acros s Cook’s Gap in the. Bine Ridge. This will ; make county of Watauga and part of Ashe easily accessible and the people over tlieie who have heretofore had to haul their products 35 or 40 miles over rough roads to market will be greatly benefited. Fears and Germs The person that fears dan gerous germs in everything is as much of an ignoramus as he that denies the existence of germs. It is as unreason able to suppose that all dust is laden with disease-produc ing germs and that deadly bac ten*a are lurking 111 all dirt as it is to suppose that venomous snakes are hiding in all long grass, and that ravenous beasts are prowling in ever}7 dense forest. Tuberculous germs never get into dust except from the sputum of a person suf fering from consumption. No where is a little learning so dangerous as in that science which treats of the causes and cure cf disease. Commissioners in Session The CoujjIv Commissioners mat in regal.11 monthly session' Mon day with nil thn members pre.scut and made the following orders Ordered that E \Y Poindex ter be pd for building bridge I 00 ( holered that J L Cr ’ter be pd for C S 0 fees S. T. 45.49 Ordered that J H James be pd for J. P. fees and witness claims 2.50 Ordered that J E Skugart bo pdror Id 8 fees 13.90 Ordered that J W, Harding be pd for D 8 fees 1,55 Ordered that 13 C Shore- be pd as keeper of Co Home for the month of May 89.02 Ordered that J L Suugart be pd for Jail fees 9.25 Ordered that W G Wooten be pd for services as Register of Deeds 80.84 Ordered that W M Swaim be pd for Pauper Coflia 5.00 Ordered that. H P Williams be pd h for building bridge ac eros.s Forb: sh Creek 35.00 Ordered that the petition on ills asking for a. change in the Public Road beginning at J II Hausers and ending at Mrs. Joyner’s be advertised accord ing to law Ordered that C S Nicks be pd foi cleaning out Public Well 1.25 Ordered that Mis. Parker be pd for Hoard for disagreed Jurror 1.50 Ordero S fees .75 Ordered that Issae Shore be pd for feeding Sheriff and 12 Jurrors S T 1912 3,25 Tlie subject of education coming The Board of Educa tion demand that a levy of fivj cents on'the 100 dollars worth and 15 cts. on the pole to run the Free Schools four months in the year Ordered that H H Mae kit; be pd for Morphine furnished for county pan nor 4 50 [Several other claims such as witness fees, support of the poor etc. that are uninteresting were also paid; 1 —Editor. Hypocrites in The Church Rev. F. D. Sheets, pastor of tiie South Park Avenue Meth odist church Chicago, makes the lollowiiig sweeping accu sation; “The churches today carry an increasing mortgage in a membership that contains penurious, intolerant, unfair, discourteous, dishonest, bigot ed, indifferent, careless, cow ardly men—men who cheat, deeieve, who give and steel, who keep and waste, who ex aggerate and prevaricate, men who increase their riches paid decrease their taxes, men who sing and pray and who ‘steal the livery of heaven to serve the devil in.’ I can name dif ferent prominet men in Chi cago churches to whom yon can fit eve^ qualifing term used. They are of the “Four Hundred” in church adminis > tration and control.” East Bend Commencement The Commencement exer cises of the East Bend Graded ; School were held last Thurs day and Friday, ending with a play entiled “Among the Breakers’' Friday night. Large crowds attended the ex ercises, and the weather man being kind, all enjoyed the ! closing of this school which I » j has had a successful jTear un j der Prof- W. I) Martin and ! his assistants. Mr. Martin will teach the same school next year the fall term beginning jSept. 3rd. j In the declaimers contest of 'the boys the first ^prize was | won by C. C, Poindexter the | second by Master Bennet Mar gin and third by Floyd Mar ! tin. In the young ladies con j test the prize was won by Miss | Ethel Nicholson. All the orations were deliv ; ered to enthusiastic audiences. Found a Piece of Finger in Plug of Tobacco Mr. J. A. Rogers, empleyed in the Statesville Safe and Table Company has sworn off chewing tobacco and for good reasons. While bitting off a chew from a popular brand of plug one day this week he found in the plug the end of a livman finger, which is now 013 exhibit at the factory. The portion of the of course mashed flat and dried, but it is human finger alright, cut off between the first and second joints. The supposi tion is that an operator m the factory had the misfortune t ■ get his finger caught in one of the plug molds and after los ing the frager didn’t take time to stop the machine to get it out.—Landmark. Hsotice For the non-payment of town taxes for the year 1911, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Yndkin \iileon Monday July 1st 1912 the following land in the town of Yad kiuville, adjoining W. A. Hall ot al and containing 75 acres more or less. Taxes >1.50. J. M. Sprinkle Constable NOTICE For the purpose of listing the property of those whom 1 missed during May, I will be at tlie fol lowing places on the dates indi cated here: 0. H. Todd’s store June 14th, Courtney June 15th, and Yadkinvillo dune 17th. Respectfully , W. E. Rutledge As,-* sor for liberty Township. For rheumatism you will find nothing betfcei than Chamberlains Liniment. Try it and boo how quickly it gives relief. For t>al< Ijv all Dealers. CELEGATES FLEDGED TO TAFT. On Friday, April 12, 1912, the delegates to the Republican na tional convention pledged tc President Taft were as follows: Alabama .22 Alaska . .. 2 Colorado \. 8 • District of Columbia. 2 Florida . 12 Georg ia. 26 Illinois ..„.•.. 2 Indiana ..20 Iowa . 8 Kentucky .. 23 Louisiana . 6 Michigan .. 18 Mississippi . 20 Missouri . 14 Mow Mexico . 7 Now York . 83 Oklahoma . 4 Phiiippinos. 2 South Carolina . 16 Tennessee . 16 Vermont . 6 Virginia . 24 * Total .341 * * Pledged to Rocsevelt, 113. L Pledged to La Follette, 36. «* Pledged to Cummins, 4. Necessary for choice, 539. Executors Notice Having pnalified as executor of Jonn Wagoner dac’d, late of Ynd ; kin county, this is to notify all j persons having claims against the estate of dec’d to exhibit them to the i n lersigned on or before 30th . of May 1913 or thi* notice will be j plead in bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to the estate ; will please make immediate pa.y | ment May 30 1912, R. Y. Messick, Executor, Notice. The annual meeting of the stock holders of Yadkinville Normal School Company will be held at the Court House in Yadkinville June 8th at 2 o’clock P. M. for the purpose of electing officers and the transaction of any other busi ness that may come before it. May 29th 1912. W. L; Kelly Pres. B. C. Williams Bee. Announcement ' Believing from the number of personal friends who have ap proached me and who stand high in the councils of the Republican j Party of the county as well as bv j the large number of letters from 1 friends and Republicans distribu ted throughout the County: that I am the Choice of the people for; the office of Sheriff, 1 take this i means of announcing myself as j such a candidate subject to the ! County Convention of the Repub- j lie in party, a id to say that 1 will j appreciate the support of all my j irieiuls the people in general. W. T. FLETCHER j Candidate For Treasurer Balieving that I way the choice of a majority of the people four yeni*8 ag >, ami still believing the j • a me, 1 hereby announce myself! a eandidat'1 for nomination for the office of (’o. Treasurer subject to the will of the lie publican Con vention und will appreciate the support of all who favor my nom ination. Yours very truly, John H. Dobbins “My little son had a very severe cold' I was recommended to try Chamberlain,s Cough Kemedy. and before a small bottle was fin shed he wap as well us evor;” writes Mrs.H.Silks,29 Dowling 8t, Sidney, Australia, This remedy is for sal< by All Dealers It Looks Like A Crime fc<» seperate n boy from a box of \ Buekh'.n’s Arnica Halve. His pim- > pies, boils, scratches, knocks, | sprains and bruises demand it: I and its quick relief for burns,! scalds, or cuts is his l ight. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything heatable and does it quick. Unequaled for piles, Oniy 25 sents at all Drug I gists. W f DR. E. M. GRIFFIN, i.'? OF i Farmington, N. C. With hia general practice ?' makes the treatment of Asthma a specialty. I LUMBER WANTED fy Sell your lumber for cash to $ Leonard \r \ ne, North Wilkes H boro, N. C. Write me what a ® you have to offer; where it H will come to the li. R. station % I inspect at your loading point and pay cash soon as loaded. §f Want dry Oak, Popular, and § yellow pine lumber. h Candidate For Treasurer I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination for the office of Treasurer of Yadkin County subject to the will of the Republican Convention and will appreciate the support of all who favor my nomination. Yours very tiiy, EZRA O. MACKIE. We are supplying: our customers with the best goods and latest styles in Shoes and Slipper Dress Goods, Notions, Men’s and Boy Large Shopmen Also full line o ts, w Hats oceries In fact most everything carried in the line of General Merchandise. We buy all kinds of country produce and pay highest market price for it. Come to see me Fli give you a square deal. Yours to serv< H. B. BAHNSON YADKINVILl O. 1 | Have Your Job Work Done By | The Hippie SALE Of mv entire stock of Wat s, Clocks and Jewelery, soon My repairing* department excep 1'Jlted. HUTCHENS