Tgfljsp; vol. xix Yadkinville, Yadkin Cojnty N. IP —Miss Turnie Warden visited •at Siloam Saturday and Sunday. —Tlie largest crowd that has (been here in some time was here Monday. / —The protracted meeting will begin at Forbush Baptist church next Sunday. —The Yadkin Baptist Associa tion will meet at Union Grove church next Sunday. . —Miss Helen Farrow, nur^e in the Twin City Hospital, is visiting relatives in this section. —Miss Cornelia Mackie spent Monday night at the homo of Mr. Shugarts on Route 3. —Misses Ida and Helen Nance are visiting relatives and friends here for a few days —Shore A Douthit wants to buy your peach seed and will pay you 76 cents perhushei for them. —Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rutledge of East Bend Route 3, were in town Thursday for a few aouis. —l)r. Grover Wilkins of Dallas Tex. was in town Friday of last w eek and gave us -a ples&nt call. —jPor SAi-K—iNiee Seed W lie at thoroughly dean, etc. Apply -to M. G. My ers, Yadkinviile N. C. —-License h&re been ?ssved for •the ®t*wrriage of A ids I lefccher to Newell WHli&ms -ami 0. D, Tally te V*. M, Wilkins. - Mr. T. M. George Editor of the Elkiu Times was in town Mou da\ on business, Mo are always glad to see Mr. George. -— Henry B. James lias all kinds of Buggies and Harness for sale. Good n 'W buggies from £40.00 up. ’Good harness £10.00 a set, —Atty. F. W Hanes went down to Greensboro yesterday to attend a meeting of the N, C. ltep. Ex. Committee. Mr. J, L. Crater went with him. —A series of meetings will be igiii at the local Presbyterian ■church Thursday night Aug. 29th and will be conducted by ilev, ■Julius Monroe of Wood leaf. —lioscoe Holleman of the Ire land Ford section of this county was thrown from Ins mule July 28th. He was stepped on and pretty badly bruised up. . —’New Blacksmith Shop, just ■opened up at the old West ietan£. M e do general Blacksmith work,, but ITorse shoeing is oui special-, tv. Dobbins & Hauser, Yadkin viile. — A party of young people con sisting of Messrs. Bud Joyce, \V: If or Tomlinson, Grover Mar tin ind Clinton Hancock, and Alissee Besoie Joyner.. Irma M ar tin, Annie Ingram were visitors here Friday night from East •Bend, —:&rhen in AYinston, for an easy shave and good hair cut see O. D. Oasteveus, prop, of the Autiseptic Barber 81*op on Liberty Street between Auditorium and Liberty Theatre. —A. meeting of the State Exe utive Committee is called for Aug ust 7, 1912, at 2 P. M., at the Me Adoo IP del in Greensboro,. Jbr the purpose of selecting tiir.« and place -for the Bapubliean State Convention and for the transac-1 '-Con < if suck other business as it j jir.aj deem advisable. —Mrsa Mary Thomason lias charge of Shore & Douthit Milliu ery Department a.t Aim^awe.-s.jba.iid. ' ;B;he will ’be g.[ad to gee you and is •sure she can suit you in your 1 New Spring Hat. All the latest .Styles are to be found here. -•** r- The birthday party given Hiy Miss Florence Dobbins '¥ridav night was attended by about 50 voting people and was altogether .a most enjoyable occa sion. Tne guests were recieved at dhe door by Miss Turni* Marler. ‘Several nice and \isefui presents wrei e recieyed :by ,trbe hostess. De licious .r^ft&hm^uis yvere served. —,tFu,ly dst I vwili carry passepgms ‘.to and from Rockford at ^lrtimes; will meet them when tU<V> ikt me know for $1.00. Will mho carry ihem anywhere on! tovin Yadkinville an y time. N G Commissioners in Session Below is given the Comm. Re port of the last two meetings, the one regular meeting held Monday and the special meeting held July 8tli. The following orders were made. MEETING JULY 8TH That W A Jones be pd for listing property in Little Yad kin Township 45 qq That J (J Dobbins be pd for listing property in Buck Shoal Township 66.09 That Steelman Dinkins & Shore be pd for lumber for bridges 20.40 That J A Hoots be pd as member of Board of Pension 6.00 That W F Swaini be pd for listing property in Knobs Township 84.00 lhat Ii A Gough be pd for listing property in Forbush Township 81.00 Thac W P Wood be pd for listing property in Deep Creek Township 72.00 That S E Norman he pd for listing property in Pall Creek Township 84.00 That VV E Rutledge be pal for 'listing property in Liber ty lownMiiip 84.00 Tiiaft the release of Poil tax of J 0 Burgess be revoked That EC W iikelm lie jkl for iisting property ia East Pend TowmdiSp ;81,00 L Crater be pd as member of Pension Board and C S C fees 8.43 Ibat J W Pass be pd as County Assesor and member of Board of Equlization 104.00 That«! \Y Pendry be pd as asst clerk to Equalization Board 4,0(3 That H L T alter Sect and Treas for the State Board cf County Comm. Association 5.00 MEETING AUG. 5IH That A B Hobson be pd for lumber furnished for bridge 7.80 That G C Davis be pd for furnishing lumber and repair ing bridge 64.00 That J M Pass be pd for goods furnished Jail 1.95 That -J E James be pd as member of Board of Pension 0.qq That It M J.cbuson -be pd for D S fees .§0 That a lev y eta ; State A ct-s Tor Ueitsson 20 cts ' for School 2il cts for County taxes and 5 cts on Property and 15 cts on poll for special School tax That C L Yanhoy be pd for putting up banisters at Longs bridge 2.50 That J YV Cook be i*d as member of B C C up to and including .first Monday in August 20.00 That T B Castevens bo pd for listing properly in Boen ville Township 81.00 That W E Beil edge be pd for stationary furnished C S C office 3.10 That A M Smitherman be iy3 as member of B C C up to and including first Monday in August 12.80 That J H Steelman be pd for work done on bridge 8.15 That B C Shore be pd as keeper of county home for duly 1912 76-25 --♦ ♦.-—. Picnic and Land^Sale ^ A picjjjc and town lot and’ small farm sale will be held at Mountain Park,, near State Road, in Surry County, Tuc,s ay, August 2otb. 7; he pic nic and land sale is ;iu the in terest of a High School to be {established at Mountain Park ; by the Baptists of this section j of the state. If you )vould j J'ikc to own real estate in .a j new town situated in one of j the most attractive sections of the state, attend this picnic. The Bull ^oosers acted the sensible part here Monday ; and left that -part out of the , County Convention. THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION Met Monday and Nominat ed Candidates for Var oius Offices Sheriff C. W. Poindexter Representative . Wade Reavis Register of Deeds W. H. G. Wooten T reasurer John H. Dobbins County Commisofiers S. L. Doub, W. L. Kelly, J. W. Cook Cornerer T. R. Harding Surveyor S. Pardue County Chairman J. L, Crater I Such is the choice of a ma jority of the Republican vot ers of Yadkin County express ed through their lelegates in convention Monday in the Court House. The conven tion was called to order at 2:45 P. M. by Chairman J. A. Lo gs rq with W. K. Rutledge, Secretary. On motion this temporary organization was made permanent. The first thing taken up was the nomination of a can didate for the House of Rep resentatives, Three candi dates were placed in nomina tion, these being A. S. Speer, J. A. Gray and Wade Reavis, Mr. Reavis received 44 votes on the first ballot and was de clared the nominee. W* H. G. Wooten was nominated by acclimation for Register of Deed.?. Six ballots were re quired to select .a candidate for Sheriff, Mr, Poindexter winning’ by a small majority, Mr. Fletcher thanked Ms friends for their support and withdrew Ms name after the third ballot, i Selecting a <ca«ndidate for Treasurer was a stall harder1 probe 1 cm as .there were nine men seeking this place. On the eleventh ballot J. H. Dob bins recaeved 37 votes4 one more than was required to nominate, and that part of it was settled. By this time the delegates were getting tired and the re maining part of the ticket was made up in a hurry. The court house was crowd ed and j amed long before the chairman called the conven tion to order, not even stand ing room being available. The convention was har monious throughout thq entire proceedings and everybody was appearantly satisfied with the ticket as selected, which is regarded as a strong one composed of some of the best citizens of Yadkin County. Seventeen delegates were elected, two from each town ship, to attend the State Con gressional aud Senatorial Con ventions, and they were sent jiniustructed. —-- ft •fc mm Picnic At Center The Yadkin Division of the Farmers Union will hold a Picnic at Center, August 24th 1912. Everybody invited to bring full Baskets. There will be some good speakers on hand to address the people. All lemonade Stands will be charged $2.50 each to help defray the expenses of speak ers and other expenses. I. L. Holcomb --^ Boonville Boy Saved At Point Of Death St. Louis Mo., July 29.— Although he realized that his own body would receive the full voltage from a high ten sion wire carrying 650 volts of electricity, Charles Bizart yesterday climbed to the lop of a tali ladder and rescued Thomas C. Angell, of 1941 Wright street, St. Louis, (for* merly of Boonville, N, C.) who had come in contact with the wire and received the full vol tage. Both men finally were rescued from their perilous position, but had narrow es-1 capes from death. Angell is j the most seriously injured, i having been, shocked almost to death, and injured when he fell 20 feet to the ground, and • was taken to St. Elizabeth’s hospital „in an ambulance, where he is reported improv ing slowly. County Sunday School Con vention The Yadkin County Sun day School Convention will be held this year at Asbury M. E. church August 17 and 18, The features of the conven tion will be the annual address by Prof, W. D. Martin of East Bend, on Saturday at 2 o’clock, and the annual ser mon to be delivered by Rev, R. P, Coram on Sunday7 morn ing at 11 o’clock. The ad dress of welcome will be made by Mr. A. D. Gentry and the response by Profi A. ], Martin The program has many other interesting features. Heretofore the Sunday Schools in different sections of of the county have been some what lax in sending delegates to the county conventions. We are requested to insist that every Sunday School send delegates, etc. This is an annual occasion of much more importance than is gen erally imagined. -—--. Taft In November Many a Democrat has been elected in July, only to be bur ed under an avalanche of votes of votes in November. Mr, Taft’s prospects are now at their lowest ebb. First driven by treachery and shameful abuse to the extreme of un dignified personal defenses, then fought with unexampled bitterness in his contest for a .deserved renomination, and now confronting not only an open detachment from his own ranks, but also a most resource ful and daring Democratic op ponent, his record of accom plishments s upon which he must ultimately rely is for the moment eclipsed. But the fact that few presidents have rendered more valuable service under trying conditions re mains. Mr. Taft’s fidelity, conscientious endeavors, his singleness of unselfish purpose his purity of intent, his noble achievements, are forgotten only for the time. They will be recalled with gratitude and emphasized with effect.— [From Harper’s Weekty, which is supporting Wilson.] The Hi kin Times has been turned into a Roosevelt Pro gressive oregan. Clemmons School Clemmons, IS. C. Send your daughters and small sons to CLEMMONS SCHOOL. Home care and training. Strong Music department and full Bus iness course. Diploma admits to University, Normal, or any Col lege in the State. Several schol arships offered graduates. A limit ed number of young men admit ted. Write the Principal, JAS. F. BOWER Clemmons, N. C. Save The Fruit Crop There will be a good de mand for dried apples, dried unpealed peaches, and peach seed. There is a big crop in your section and money in your pocket to save it Take these goods to any merchant in your locality and he will buy it. We guarantee a good demand during the entire season. J. K. MORRISON GRO. & PRO. CO. NOTICE North Carolina ) In Superior >- Court, Before J Yadkin County ) L. Crater, Clerk, W. A. lioyall et al ) Jas P, lioyall et al ) To James P. lioyall. Ulyc'es Coffin and wife Ester Coffin;- You and each of you are kerebe notifi ed to appear before the clerk v»f the Superior Court of Yadkin Co. at his office in Yadkinville on the 27th day of August 1912 and ans wer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiffs for the sale oi Will iam lioyall lands for partition, and they will take notice that if they fail to appear and answer or de mur to said complaint the court will grant the relief prayed for in the complaint. This Julyr, *27, 1912. ' J. L. CRATER Clerk of the Superior Court of Yadkin County, Mail Carriers Will Fly This is an age of great discov eries. Progress rides on the air. Soon wo may see Uncle Sam’s mail carriers flying iu all direction transporting mail. People take a wonderful interest iu a discovery that benefits them. That’s why Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coughs, Colds and other throat and lung diseases is tlm most pop ular medicine in America. “It cured me of a dreadful cough,” writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Sticknev Corner, Me., “after doctor’s treat ment and all other remedies had failed.” For coughs, colds or any other bronchial affection its nn eqnaled. Price 60c and $1.00, Trial bottle free at all Druggsts, vs If you are a housewife you can not reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washiug dishes w eeping and doingjhousework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day aud keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beauti ful. For sale by all dealers. I LUMBER WANTED Sell your lumber for cash to Leonard Vyne, MorthWilkes boro, N. C. Write me what you have to offer; where it will come to the R. R. station I inspect at your loading point and pay cash soon as loaded. ! Want dry Oak, Popular, and yellow pine lumber. For soreness of the muscles, wheather induced by violent exer cise or iujury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain’s Lin iment. This linimeut also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all Petdere. WN SHOES! NEW SHOES My fall and winter stock of SHOES has just arrived and the line is complete for all. I can suit you; young*, old, large and small, all kinds and all prices. COME and let mo show you before you buy. A General line of up-to-date Merchandise al ways on hand. H. B. BAH NGON YADKINVILIE IS. C. Subscribe For The Ripple Untilt After Election Yadkinville Normal School located at Yadkinville, one of the healthiest locations in the Piedmont section of North Carolina, is especially designed to prepare young men and women for college, and to prepare those who cannot go to college for the duties of life. Board can be had in good families at reasonable prices. Fall Term opens Sept. 3, 1912; closes December 20,1912. For Other Information Address , J. T. REECE, Principal YADKINVILLE. N- C.

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