Vol. xix Yatlkinville, Yadkin County N, (A.. Wednesday, August 14. 1912 € U i t i V-Ctp-y \ ^-1 —Miss Briet .Fleming is visit ing Mrs. Florence Wilhelm for u, few days. < —Mr. John McElwee of (States ville was here the first of the week on business. — The protracted meeting will begin at Pilot View (Shugartown) next Sunday. —Miss Evelyn Marlor of Wins ton is visiting her grandmother Mrs. S. A. Mailer. —Miss Ila Shore is spending this week at East Pend with lier sister Mrs. il. C, Stvers. —Mr. 13. G. Shore of iloute 2 was in town Thursday of last week and gave our office a call, i. —Shore & Don tint wants to buy your peach seed and will pay you (6 cents pevbushol lor them. * —Misses Italy Morris and Lillie Bet Horn are visiting Miss iienlah Logan for a few days. —Mr. if. B. Bahnson our pop- | ular merchant spent part ol iast | week at Panning ton and Mocts ville. —Mr. and Mrs 0. M. Weir are housekeepi.ig in tile cottage of! Miss Mattie Phillips on East Mam Street. —Mr. A. W. Perkins of States ville and H. B. Holden of Court ney were in town Thursday of lasl week on business. —Mrs. 1\I. W. Mackie and two ■children little Miss Blanche and Muster George, spent a few days in Winston last week. - Aliss llachei Boy all arrived home Monday at*tea spending some time with her sisters in Charlotte hi. C. and Norfolk Va. —lienl v B, James has all kinds •of Buggies and Harness for sale. Good new buggies from $40.00 up. Gotgl harness $10.IK) a set, — Mr. H. 13. James returned Friday from a business trip across the mountains, bringing with him several nice horses a_d mules. —New Blacksmith Shop, just opened up at the old West stand. We d<J general Blacksmith work, but Horse shoeing is out special ty. Dobbins & Hauser, Yadkiu viile. —Mr. 1). E. Dobbins called at -our office and paid his subscrip tion to the Hippie for the 20th time. Mr. Dobbins has been tak ing the Hippie since its first issue in 1802. —When in W ms ton, for an easy •shave and good hair cat see 0. D. Oasteveus, prop, of the Antiseptic Barber Shop on Liberty {Street between Auditorium and Liberty Theatre. —T ae news of the sudden death of Mrs. d. A. L. Sher.mer reached j us yesterday. She was m» well as usual Monday morning, but was j taken sick and died immediately. I A husband and several children j survive. -‘-Miss Mary Thomason lias charge of Shore A Don tbit Millin ery Department at the same stand. She will be g[ad to see you and is sure she can suit you in your New Spring Hat. All the latest Styles are to be found here. —The Yadkin Baptist Associa tion which was held at Union Grove church last week closed with an able sermon by iiov. Mr. Bradshaw Sunday. The Associa tion meets next year at Stalin’s church in Knobs to wnsliip. — VVe are requested to say that everybody who is interested it the Town Cemetary . to meet theie next Saturday morning aud help clean it off. This is regarded as a good time of the year to kill out the growth and earnest request is made that those interested should w —Dr. Edward W. Myers, who recently graduated from the At lanta Dental College, has located in Winston for the practice of his profession. He was in town last Friday for a few hours and return ed to Winston Saturday. We wish for him all the success he de nerves in his profession and feel confident that he will make good. State Convention at Char j lotte i ! - | At an open meeting of the i Executive Committee, held i. ’ 1111 Greensboro, Wednesday, j Charlotte w-tS, selected as the ; place and September 4 as the ! time for holding the State Republican Convention to nominate a State and Elect oral ticket. A resolution introduced by Dr, J.J. Mott,* which was adopted contained the follow ing: “We indorse the nomination of William H. Trft for Presi dent and Janies S. Sherman for Vice President, and pledge our loyal support to their re election, and declare our abid ing faith and belief in the principals of the Republican party as enunciated in the national platform adopted at the Chicago convention held June 18, 1912. Resolved, further, that in view of exsisting political con ditious tlie committee deems it proper to announce to the Republicans of the State that in holding their county and township conventions none but those who endorse the national Republican candi date for President and the Republican platform adopted at the Republican convention, held in Chicago, June 18, 1912 are in any capacity entitled to participrte in or represent the pa**ty, and that in organizing all townsuip, county, senator ial, congressional and State conventions none but Repub licans supporting the national ticket, and the platform of our party nominated and adopted at the convention held in Chicago, June 18, 1912, be al lowed to participate in the election of delegates or com miUeem.cn, or in nominating candidates, or in any waj’ par ticipating in said con veil tions. HEALTH TALKS Tht* first tiling to do when tlie baby gets sick is to stop feeding it. Probably the milk j is bad anyhow. Blit whether j it be good or bad, it. will disa- I gree with a sick babv. Inj plate of milk, the baby should j take clean water from a clean bottle or clean cup. If the trouble keeps up, there are j milk substitutes which can be given until it is safe to give milk again. The physician or nurse will demonstrate how these are made. The next step, after stop ping the food, is to empty the i cliilds intestines of all ferment ing, decomposing food. The parent is justified in going as far in this line as the use of oil by the mouth and of sim ple enemas by injection. If releaf does not come when these have acted, the mother j is not justified in going further l She should get the help of ' a physician or nurse. Caring | for a sick baby is so largely “doing and showing/’ as con trasted with “telling,” a nurse is needed more than would usually be the case.—(Dr. IV, A. Evans.) -o-o-o-o-o Kisses Though deadly germ» in kisses hide, E’en at the m ice the eo«t is small; ’Tis better to have ki risen a id died Than never to have khsed at all. Sunday Train to Wilkes boro A Sundaj' passenger train will he put on by the Southern from this city to North WilKes boro, beginning next Sunday. The train will run on the same schedule as the everyday pas senger train, starting from here at 9:30 a. m. and return ing at 7:2 s p. m. While the major portion of the people along this line have desired a Sunday schedule, and have again and again offered petitions to this effect, quite a number were opposed to it, and have succeed up to this time in keeping it oft. Recently there has been a | great falling off in the \seuti-1 ment against a Sunday train, j and for the past few months it I has been given serious atteii- j tion by the division, resulting in the decision to put it through. There is hardly any doubt expressed at all about the pay ing of the train, and people from the section of country through which the railroad extends are enthusiastic over the advantages it will bring them. It will also enable a large number of people in the city who have relatives in the (country along the route to make their pleasure trips more frequently.—Winston Journal, Aug. 7th. -■ ... Tobacco Market Opens August 1 st is the late for the ooeniug of the Winston Salem tobacco market for the present season. The crop is promising but not far enough advanced to furnish offerings but in about a month the sale of the leaf will actively begin and from present indications more leaf tobacco will be sold Winston-Salem market this season than for any time during its history as a tobacco market. — Union Republican. The Verv Mean© st Our idea of the meanest pos sible person in the world is one who will take a paper one or two years and when the publisher sends in his state ment he refuses to take the paper out of the office any Ion ger or pay his past dues. Williams, Saves His Whisk ey In ihe United States court at Greensboro, the past week before Judge James E. Boyd the matter of the injunction issued against Collector Brown by Judge Pritchard was heard and disposed of in favor of the complainant, N. Glenn Will iams. This was a case that has been before the court for seveial months, arising when the United States commission er refused to grant a new dis tiller’s bond to Williams on a large number of barrels of whiskey which had been seized Collector Brown was about to > seize the whiskey occording to ! law, when Williams went into ! the courts and secured an iu ! junction on the collector. ! Judge Boyd yesterday, after hearing the arguments of the counsel for Williams and for the collector, continued the in junction and accepted the the boud; $1,000 Iii Checks Hidden by Small Boy Although Mr. W. A. Hall is a careftill and safe banker, about one month ago Mr. Hall carried a pack of letters | home with him one night to ; answer them: Next morning i the letters were ready to mail ; and were started to the Post ! Office b}/ Fred a small son of Mr, Hall One of the letters was addressed to the Bank of Davie and contained checks to the amount of $1,076. When Mr, Hall failed to recieve any credit for the checks he be came alarmed and be* gun an investigation which resulted in the finding of the letters under a stump near his home wheie the boy had placed them instead of taking them to the P. O. Is This You? Boys with hats on the back of their heads and long hair hanging down over their foreheads and cigarettes and and very smutty stories in their mouths are cheaper than old worn out work horses. No body wants them at any price. Men don’t employ them and sensible girls won’t marry them. They are not worth their keeping to anybody and it is not likely that they will keep themselves. If any body should happen to read this who answers this descrip tion, let him take a iook at himself and jump in a well and say: -‘Here goes nothing,” Former Yadkin Bey Writes Hiddenite, N, C. Mr, Editor:— Ym will find enclosed check for $1.00 for which please send me the “Yadkin Ripple” | another year. I get a bit of news each week that does my heart good as I love the good old county of Yadkin as I love no other soil 1 haven’t had my foot In Yadkinville in go ing on three years. I passed through there about three months ago with my mother in a buggy on Sunday morn ing, but I didn’t have time to stop as I was visiting my par ; ents.; and had such a short time to stay, I had to stay with them. I hope some day, however, to be back among those I love, when the Statesville Air Line Railroad is complete I hope fb get a job with them. Crops in this section are fine especially corn, and Rail Road work is booming. The Davis-White Sulphur springs which are only one mile from my station, and as unfavorably as the season has been, has got t 75 guests, going and eom ing all the time. My wife is getting stout again after hav ing had an operation a month ago in Charlotte, for appendi titas. I am sorry indeed to learn that Prof. Dixon is go ing to leave but hope Thad {will fill his place successfully, j I will close hoping to hear from you each week through your paper. O. W. Mackie NORM WILKESBORO MA39Lfc WDRKES Tombstones, Monuments, Trot Fences, Efco. We handle marble by car, can giye yat , best prices on saint* MXLLEIi <*s REINS Co Props. H. WlLKJSSBOBO, N. C J. W. wniimma, Clemmons School Clemmons, N. C. Send your daughter^ and amal! \ eons to CLEMMONS SCHOOL^ : Home care and training. Strong j Music department and full Bue i iness course. Diploma admits to ' University, Normal, or any Col lege in the State. Several acbol \ arships offered graduates. A limit ed number of young men admit ted. Write the Principal, JA8. F. BOWEIi Ciommons, N. O. I Save The Fruit Crop maud for dried apple#, dried impelled peaches, and peach i seed. There is a big crop in your section and money (in you?: pocket to„ save it. ! Take these goods to an)? merchant in your locality | and he will buy it, We 1 guarantee a good demand during the entire season, North Carolina ) In Superior Yadkin County ) L, Orator, Clerk. W. A. Royo.ll et al) Jas P. Roy all et al ) To James P. Rovall Ulvces Coffin and wife Ester Coffin;- You and each of you are herebe notifi ed to appear before the clerk of the Superior Court of Yadkin Co. at his office in Yadkinviile on the ; 27th day of August 1912 and ans ! wer or demur to the complaint of ! the plaintiffs for the sale oi ^ill ' iam Rovall lauds for partition, and they will take notice that if they i fail to appear and answer or de '■ mur to said oomplaint the court : will grant the relief prayed for in | the complaint. : This July, 27, 1912. J. L, CRATER 1 Clerk of the Superior Court of Yadkin County. J. K. MORRISON GRO. & PRO, CO NOTICE Court, Before J. | Mail Carriers Will Fly i This is an age of groat discov eries. Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncle Sam’s mail carriers fh mg in all direction transporting mail. People take a wonderful interest in a discovery thot benefits them. That’s why Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coughs, Colds and other throat and lung diseases is the most pop ular medicine in America. “It cured me of a dreadful cough,” writes iil.rs. J. F. Davis, Stiekuey Corner, Me., “after doctor’s treat ment and all other remedies had failed.” For coughs, colds or any other bronchial affection its un equaled. Price 50c and $1.00.! Trial bottle free at all Drnggsts, • If you are a housewife you ean 1 not reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washing dishes weeping and doingpionsework nil day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain’s Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beauti ful. For sale by all dealers. LUMBER WANTED Sell your lumber for cash to Leonard Tyne, North Wilkes boro, N. 0. AY rite me what you have to offer; where it will come to the It. K. station I inspect at your loading point and pay cash soon as loaded. AArant dry Oak, Popular, and yellow pine lumber. For soreness of the muscles, wheather induced by violent exer cise or injury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain’s Lin iment. ! This liniment also relievos rheumatic pains. For sale by all Dealers. My fall and winter stock of SHOES has just arri ved and the line is complete for all. I can suit you; young*, old, large and small, all kinds and all prices. COME and let me show you before you buy. A General line of up-to-date Merchandise always on hand. H. B. BAH f YADKINYlLIrl .N. O. Subscribe For The Ripple Until After Election B8»‘A£2 Yadkinvilfe Normal School located at Yadkinville, one of the healthiest locations in the Piedmont section of North Carolina, is especially designed to prepare young men and women for college, and to prepare those who cannot go to college for the duties of life. Board can be had in good families at reasonable prices. Fall Term opens Sept. 3, 1912; closes December 20,1912. For Other Information Address ! J. T. REECE, Principal YADKINVILLE. N C. I

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