Vol. XIX Yadkinville, Yadkin County N. C. ?y I LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF FORM —Fodder pulling time. The Yadkinville Normal School opens next Tuesday. —Mr. and Mrs. CL M, Weir vis ited relatives at Farmington Sun day. —The prospects are that there will be a good persimmon crop. —Mr. Gray Sheek of Winston was in town last Friday for a short time. —Miss Tumie Warden spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Boonville. —A protracted meeting will be gin at the Presbyterian church tomorrow night —Shore «»♦•» Barrooms In Wilkes A Wilkes man was in States ville recently and said that at least three barrooms are run ning openly in Wilkes coun ty. The operators have paid the government tax, which se cures immunity from the fed eral officals, and the local of ficers pay no attention to them. It is said that in these places liquor is sold openly, to any body, in any quauity desired. —Statesville Landmark, PICNIC AT CENTER About 5,000 People at First Farmers Love-feast About the greatest occur ence of its kind ever witness ed in Yadkin county was the picnic and Farmers love feast held by the Farmers Union at I Center last Saturday when 5,000 people gathered from every section of the county to begin what will probably be an annual affair from now on. To say it was a success in every respect is putiiug it but lightly. From tree to tree to tree was a table 624 feet long, which was covered from end to end with delicious goodies pre pared for the occasion by the farmer’s wives and daughters of this county who are report ed to be the finest to be found when it comes to Domestic Science, speaxers pi.iuiorm was erected in the heart of the grove from which two able ad dresses were delivered during the day, besides some beauti ful music. One of these was delivered in the morning by Mr. W. T. Swanson of Greens boro, his subject deing “The Plans and Purposes of the Farmers Union.” Immediately after the din ner hour the immense throng again assembled at the speak ers stand where they heard an excellent address by Mr: San ford Martin, formerly of this county, but now city editor of the Winston journal. Mr. Martin chose for his subject the advantage of the farmer, and the speakerdelt in an able manner on the vice and cor ruption of city life as compar ed with the beautiful and quiet life on the farm. The farmers of Yadkin are united for progress and are making every effort toward building up and improving farm methods in this section. Courtney Items The farmers are glad to see the little showers. This has heeta .owe of the driest sum mers we have ever experienced. The protracted meeting will begin here the second Sunday in September. Mr. Harry Craver and sis ter Miss Bertha of Boonville spent Saturday and Sunday with their uncle Mr, Charlie Craver. A large crowd attended the lawn party Saturday might. Every one seemed to have a good time. The Courtney State High School will open September 16th, We have the finest j prospect for school we have had in years. The committee have been very fortunate in securing as principal Prof. Paul Nance. He is from the State Uuiversity, lias had sev eral years experience in High School work and is an excel lent teacher. Miss Belle Baity, of this place, will have charge of the Intermediate Department and Miss Mamie Myers of Shoals the Primary. UVX QNV A3NOH«»y the state for the Women of North Carolina, Fivo regular Course* leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 18, 1912. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS I. FOUST, Pr«s„ Greensboro N. 6, i ______ DeWITT’S SSSSS WITCH HAZEt ®AI*V1L For PDh» Sum, Ion* Yadkinville Produce Market. corrected weekly by Shore A Douthit. Corn per bushel - $1.00 Wheat * “ - - V2<> live “ l.Ow Oats 44 44 - .64 Peas “ 44 Beans 44 44 - 2.00 Chickens, old hens - .08 Chickens, spring - ,10 Eggs per dozen - 12 Butter per pound | Flour - 3.00 ' Hams - J5 i Bee’s wax* - - - .21 Lard - 15 Save The Fruit Crop There will be a good de mand for dried apples, dried unpealcd peaches, and peach seed. There is a big crop in your section and money in your pocket to save it. Take these goods to any merchant' in your locality and he will buy it. Wc guarantee a good demand during the entire season. J. K. MORRISON GRO. & PRO. CO. THjn KOHTK CAROLINA Coilega of Agriculture and Mechanic Aits The State’s Industrial College , Four-year courses in Agricul- j ture; iu Civil, Electrical, and Mo-1 dbanical Engineering; in Chem istry; in Cotton Manufactur ing and Dyeing. Two-year courses n Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. Ono-yoar and Two-y3ar courses in Agriculture. Theso courses are both practica and sientific. Examinations for ad mission are hold by the County Superintendent at all county seats on July 11th. i For Catalogue address THE REGISTER, West Rale ph, b What Makeo a Woman? One hundred and twenty, more or less, of bone and muscle don’t make a woman. Its a good foun dation. Put into it health and strength and she may rale a king dom. But that’s just what Elec tric Bitters give her, Thousands bless them for overcoming faint ing and dizzy spells and for dis pelling weakness, nervousness, backache and tired, listless, worn out feeling. “Electric Bitters have done me a world of good,*’ writes Eliza Pool, Depaw, Okla., “and I I thank you, with all my heart, for j making such a good medicine,” Only 50c. Guaranteed by all Drug ! North Carolina ) In Superior cou Yadkin County ) rt before clerk J M Bell admr of ) C A Bell * [■ NOTICE vs ) Jody Thomasson et al | The defendants Jane Benbow and husband Charles Bsnbow, Herman Steelman and liobert ! Steelman in the above entitled ac j tion will take notice that an action entitled as above ha? been com menced in the Superior Court of • Yadkin county for ihe purpose of selling the lands belonging to the estate of C. A Bell dec’d for as sets to pay debts, and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the superior court of Yadkin county at his of fioe in Yadkinvilleon thelfith day of Sept. 1912 and answer or demur to the petition filed in this case or the relief therein demanded will be granted. This August 14th 1912. J. L. Crater, C. S. C. S. Carter Williams, Atfcy. HORN WILKESBORQ MARBLE WORKES Tombstones, Monuments, Iron Fences, Eto. W® handle marble by car, oan fir© yau best prices on earns1 MILLER As REINS Co Props. N. WiLKisBono, H. C. J. IV. William*. m§c NEW SHOES! NEW SHOES My fall and winter stock of SHOES has just arrived and the line is complete for all. I can suit you; young’, old, large and small, all kinds and all prices. COME and let me I show you before you buy. A General line of up-to-date Merchandise always on hand. H. B. BAHNSON YADKINY1LIE N. C. I Yadkmville Normal School located at Yadkinville, one of the healthiest locations in the Piedmont section of North Carolina, is especially designed to prepare young men and women for college, and to prepare those who cannot go to college for the duties of life. Board can bo had in good families at reasonable prices. Fall Term opens Sept. 3, 1912; closes December 20,1912. 4 For Other Information Address J. T. REECE, Principal YADKINVILLE, N- C. NOTICE North Carolina ) In Superior V Court, Before J. Yadkin County ) L. Crater, Clerk. N B Brown et al ) vs [■ NOTICE Henry Btown et al) In the above entitled action, the Non Resident defendants Cling man Bi own, S- D. Brown, E. P. Brown and James Brown will take notice that they are hereby re quired to appear before J. L. Cr;i ter Clerk of Superior Court of Yad kin County at his offi in Yadkin ville ou the 28 day of September 1912 and answer or demuo to the Complaint or petition of the plain tiffs for the sale of the G W Brown lands for partition or judgment will be renderd as prayed for in the petition. 1 j This August 23rd, 1912. J. L. Crater C. S. a Per It. E. Holton 1 Benbow & Hanes and II. M. Iteece A tty. for plaintiffs. Notice Having qualivfied as admini strator of the estate of C. A. Bell dec d, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed on or before the 10th day of August 1918 or this notice will b© pleaded in bar of their recovery, i All persons indebted to said estate are required to mako immediate settlement. J. M. Bell Adrar. of C. A. Bell Dec’cl* St. Carter Williams Atty.