Vol. xix Yadkinville, Yadkin County K C. Wednesday, September 4, 1913. * 'yV',' ' * J* k_o py • No 21. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF FORM <*■ —Any L>. M. Keece went to Winston yesterday on legal busi ness. <*" —Mr. Gorrell Myers went to H&leigh Monday to enter the AAM. College. —Shore & Douthit wants to bay your peach seed and will pay yon V 76 cents perbushel for them. —Messrs. H. H. Mackie and H. JB. Ba boson returned Friday from a trip north. They report a nice time. — JBjLUL>r, all who have spoke to me for seed Oats please call and get them. First come, first served. & L. Mackie —Don’t put off ordeiing that k new Fall suit till the last minute. ■ Order now—before the rush. ^ Warden the Tailor. —With one of our made-to • asur* garments on, you always ve that feeling of being well issed. K. B. Warden. —Henry 13. James has all kinds | v * Buggies aud Harness for sale. Good new buggies from $40.00 up. Good harness $10.00 a set. f* — i lit we attending tue Slate Hepnbiicau Convention at Char lotte as delegate* and alternates from Yadkin county are Dr. 0. G, Bryant G. T, White and W. E, Jiutledge. —When in Winston, for an easy ihave and good hair cut see 0. D. Casteveus, prop, of the Antiseptic Barber Si*op on Liberty Street between Auditorium and Liberty Theatre. —Lei Warden the Tailor take your measure for a nice tailjr inaie suit The truth is, no one that has ever worn & tailor-made garment could ever be satisfied with the poorly machine made ha d-me-dowa kind. —The protracted meeting at Mitchel’s Chappie has closed with 24 oi>nversions and 17 additions to the church. The meeting was con ducted by Bev. D. J. White assist ed by ttev. Strong Tom i son. - Old Bol certainl v has been getting in some good work for the past few days. Sunday uud Mon day the thermo me tor registered 92 degrees, which is thought to be the hottest d iys this summer for this section. * —Miss Mary Thomason lias charge of Shore &. Douihit Millin ery Department at the same stand. 8Ue will be gjad to see you and is sure she can suit you in your New Spring Hat. All the latest Styles are to be found here. —The ladies of Yadkinville will give an ice cream supper ou the Court Hoase Square Thursday evening beginning at six o'clock. The money to be used for a bene volent purpose. Everybody cord islly invited to attend. Would be pleased to have the people from ilia A.iianirr nil around to i*.oniA Y. N. S. Opening. School opened yesterday morning with a good sized cuioliment. Prof. J. T. Reece is Principal and has as his assistants Miss Ethel Reece who has charge of the inter \ mediate department and Mi&s Connie Reynolds who has charge of the primary work. Miss Reece has not yet arriv ed but will be in in a few days. \ Mr. Reece is a son of our townsman Atty D. M. Reece and is a graduate of the \University of North Carolina '' while his assistants have had much experience as teachers. We predict for Mr. Reece much success in |his work as well as his assistants and sin cerely hope that they will keep up the high standard of educational and moral train ing set by his predecessor Prof. Z, H, Dixon. ! Commissioners in Session f - i . ■" T... The County Commissioners met in regular monthly session Mon day with all the members present and made the following orders. That C S Renegar be pd for repairing Bridge 8.45 That J W Pass be pd for goods furnished Jail 1.60 That J L Crater be pd for 8eal and Commitment of C T Tucker .60 That the petition on file ask ing for a public in Knoks township beginning at Wiley Seagmves to J L Spaiks be turned down That B C Shore be pd for keeping Co Home for the month of August 74.67 That Jno L Bray be pd for Lumber furnished to repair Bridge 6.34 That J E Shugart be pd for Jail fees 10.40 That Will Rear is be pd for work done on Brandon bridge 57.15 That J H Dobbins be pd for two pauper cotlms 7.00 xlu*t J Hi Ziacgary be pa tor tobacco furnished Co Ho die from Mch 1911 to Sept 1912 48,00 That Dr M A Royall be pd as county pliysicau 61.00 That O £ Mosley be ]>d for serving road orders 4.80 That J W Shore be pd for repairing bridge 1,00 That C A Gough be j»d for public road drag 2.50 That H H Mackie be pd for moaphine for cancer man 15.75 That W E Rutledge be pd for listing special School tax 3.00 That W B Bryant be pd fbr serving two road orders .60 That Sheriff W T Fletcher be pd for sheriff fees .95 That B R Brown lie pd as member of Board of Equaliza tion and member of B C C up to and including first Monday in Sept. 16.20 That W G Wooten be pd as part payment for making tax books 175.00 That T (l Caste vens be pd for listing property in Boon ville special school tax dist. 8.00 [Several other claims such a witness fees, support of the poor etc. that are uninteresting were also paid.] —Editor. Singers Convention Here The Yadkin County Singers Convention will meet next in Yadkinville on the fifth Sun day in September. Some time last year the Sing-] era convention met here and! the singing was greatly enjoy-1 ed by all, and the citizens of the town turned out in goodly numbers to hear them. Our people will no doubt be glad to hear that this convention will come here again, v In, the last convention at Deep Creek eight choirs par ticipated in the contest and it is said the largest crowd that was ever witnessed at that church was there that day. As said above we are glad hese people are coming to Ya lkinville again. We wel come them here. ■ ..... Woman Preaches Funeral The funeral of Jno. S. Har* key, of Spencer who was acci dentally k illed by a traction engine running into a ditch near Lexington, June 20th, was preached by Mrs. O, A. 8. Holderby, of East Spencer at Friendship, Stanley county, Sunday afternoon. It is un usual for a woman to preach the funeral of a man but such was the case this time.— Spencer Dispatch, What Every Town Has Aa exchange says there are a few things that every town has and enumerates them as follows: A liar. A sponger. A know all. A girl that giggles. A woman that talks. Somo weather prophets. More loafers than it needs. Boys who cut up at church. Girls who do likewise. Young men who ' go to church ind hang around on the outside until some girl comes out. A few girls who will go with a thing like that. Some men who are to gray for the town A few who know how to run the afiairs of the country. A green young man who laughs every time he says any thing. A girl who goes to the post office every time a mail conies in. Scores of men with the ga ble end of their trousers worn as smooth as a window pane. People who look around in church when anyone comes in and could not tell for their life whether the preacher took his text from the Bible or an al manac. -♦ -- Parcels Post Law To Be Effective January 1 Washington Aug. 27.—The uew parcels post law goes into effect January 1, 1913. Under this legislation it is provided that hereafter fourth class mail matter shalleinbrace all other matter including in cluding farm and factory pro ducts, not now embraced by law in either in the first, sec ond or third class, not exceed ing eleven pounds in weight nor greater in size than 72 inches in length and girth combined: nor in forn likely to injure the person of any postal employe or damage the mail equipment or other mail matter, and not of a character perishable within a period rea sonably required for transpor tation and delivery. In One Minute Yeu Can Propose to a girl. Fall overboard. Miss the boat to Europe Be hanged. Lose a fortune in the market. Kiss a girl from one to sixty times. Be kissed as many times. Acquire a fatal disease. Drop from a ten story build ing. Take a cold bath. Run a hundred yards. Lose your job. Have your pocket picked. Write a check for a million. Make a good after-dinner speach. Make a bad one. See the point of a joke. Be born. Die. Have a tooth pnlled. Meet your affinity. Say the wrong thing. Lose a twosome. Say the Lord’s prayer. Swear a blue streak. Buy a gold brick. Sell one. Be led into words with youi Iowa City, Iowa, Aug.—The youngest mother recorded in Iowa medical history, is a n year old girl from near Daven port who gave birth to a healthy 8 1-2 pound child at the Uni versity hospital today. The authorities did not make pub lic the girl’s name. Progressive Convention The Progressive Conven tion advettised to beheld here Monday at i o’clock, with Mr. J. A. Gray as temporary chair man. After a few prelimenary re marks a committee was ap pointed to name the candidates and thep were only a few min utes in reporting. Only a part of the ticket was nomina ted, these being: Fbr Rep resentative A. A. Willard for Treasurer, J, Lee Norman, and County commissoners J. A, Gray, Frank Woodhouse, and J. M. Casey. Some of the Progressives present objected to this meth od of selecting candidates and a heated argument ensued, but so far as could be seen no one went away mad. The convention was held in the court room and when called to order a little less than ioo people were present, a good many of these being Democrats. NOTICE I North Carolina 'j In Superior f Court before the Yadkin County ) Clerk J T Lynch, J D Phillips and wife VS W II Lynch, L A Lynch, E J Wil liams, H G Adams and wife J M Adams The non-resident defendants L, A. Lynch, E. J. Williams, H, G. Adams, and J. M. Adams are here by notified $bat the above entitled special proceeding hag been com menced to sell the land described in the petition for devision and they are further notified to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yadkin county at his of fice in Yadkinville on Saturday the 28th day of September 1912^ at 2 o’clock P. M. and aLswer or demur to the petition or judge ment will be rendered against them for the reloaf demanded ia peti tion. This 2nd day of Sept. 1912. J. L. Crater C. S. C If you are a housewife you can not reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by wasliiug dishes w eeping and doing|housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and'sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chainberlain’s Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beauti ful. For sale by all dealers. The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the state for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Rpecial Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins Beptember 18, 1912. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS I. FOUST, Pns., Greensboro N. C, OeWITT’S S22T. WITCH HAZEK SALVE for filet. Bums, tor— wife^ j Be run over at a grade cross ling Read this,—Life. Yjldkinyille Produce Market. corrected weekly by Shore A Doutliit. Corn |ier bushel - $1.00 Wheat 4 " 1.20 Eye “ 1.00 Oats u “ - .$4 Peas " 44 Beans “ “ - 2.00 Chickens, old hens - .06 Chickens, spring - .10 Eggs per dozen - 16 Butter per pound - - 12i Flour .... 3.00 Hams .... 151 Bee’s wax - - - • .21 Laid - - . „ 151 TAX SALE Gross & Dixon Mining Co.. 66 acres: Tax $68.66, costs $1.10. Mrs. N. E. Caste vena, 1 town lot Tax $1.43, costs $1.10 Cal Wilson, 1 town lot. Tax $1.18, costs $1,10. Cora Wilson, 2 acres. Tax $.23 costs $1.10. S, S. aLd W. S. Hauser 1 town lot. Tax $.14, costs $1.10 J C Bussell 1 town lot. Tax $2.41, costs $1.10. Alioe Carter, 8 acres. Tax $1.87, costs $1.10. Alice Hauser 6 acres. Tax $2.16, costa $1.10. the NORTH CAROLINA Collega of Agriculture aid Mechanic Arts The State's Industrial College Four-year courses in Agricul ture; in Civil, Electrical, and Me chanical Engineering; in Chem istry; in Cotton Manufactur ing and Dyeing. Two-year courses n Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. One-year and Two-y 3ar courses in Agriculture. These courses are both praotica and sioutific. Examinations for ad mission are held by the County Superintendent at all county seats on July 11th. i For Catalogue address THE REGISTER* West Rale 4I;, What Makes a Woman? One hundred and twenty, more or less, of bone and muscle don’t make a woman. Its a good foun dation. Put into it health and strength and she may rule a king dom. But that’s just what Elec tric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overcoming faint ing and dlzsy spells and for dis pelling weakness, nervousness, backache and tired, listless, worn out feeling. “Eleotrio Bitters have done me a world of good,” writes Eliza Pool, Depew, Okla., “and I thank you, with all my heart, for making such a good medicine,” Only 5ftc, Guaranteed by ail DiuK North Carolina ) In 8u[>erior cou Yadkin Couuty f rt before clerk J M Bell adrar of ) C A Bell [NOTICE vs ) Jody Thomasson et al | The defendants Jane Benbow and husband Charles Benbow, Herman Steelman and Bobert Steelman in the above entitled ac tion will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Yadkin county for the purpose of selling the lands belonging to the I estate of C. A Bell dec’d for as ! sets to pay debts, and the said de 1 fondants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the superior court of Yadkiu county at his of fice in Yadkinvilleon the 16th day of Sept. 1912 and answer or demur to the petition filed in this case or the relief therein demanded will be granted. This August 14th 1912. J. L. Crater, C. 8. C. 8. Carter Williams, Atty. NOTICE The Township School Commit tee of Liberty Township will meet in Yadkinville next Saturday Sept. 7th 1912 for the purpose of hire ing teachers for the various schools ' of said township. F. B. Douthit, Chairman, Kndol *or *■ avviw* Relieves soar stomach palpitation of the heart Digest* what you eat NEW SHOES! NEW SHOES My fall and winter stock of SHOES has just arrived and the line is complete for all. I can suit you; young, old, large and small, all kinds and all prices. COME and let me show you before you buy. A General line of up-to-date Merchandise always on hand. H. B. BAHNSON YABKINVIUE N. C. Yadkinville Normal School located at Yadkinville, one of the healthiest locations in the Piedmont section of North Carolina, is especially designed to prepare young men and women for college, and to prepare those who cannot go to college for the duties of life. Board can be had in good families at reasonable prices. Fall Term opens Sept. 3, 1912; closes December 20,1912 For Other Information Address J. T. REECE, Principal YADKINVILLE. N C. NOTICE North Carolina. 1 In Superior V Court, Before J. Yadkin County ) L. Crater, Clerk. N B Brown et al) vs [NQTIOE Henry Btown et al) In the above entitled action, the Non Resident defendants Cling man Bi own, S- D. Brown, E. P. Brown and James Brown will take notice that they are hereby re quired to apjiear before J. L. Cra ter Clerk of Superior Court of Tad kin County at his offi in Yadkin ville on the 28 day of Septembei 1912 and answer or demuo to the Complaint or petition of the plain tiffs for the sale of the G W Browi lands for partition or judgment will be renderd as prayed for ii the petition. This August 23rd, 1012. J. L. Crater C. 8. C. Per R. E. Holton Benbow & Hanes and D. M. Reece Atty. for plaintiffs. Notice 1 Having qualivfied as admini strator of the estate of C. A. Bell dec’d, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed on or before the 10th day of August 1918 or this notice will be ■ pleaded in bar of their recovery, i All persons indebted to said estate . are required to mako immediate l settlement. t J- M. Bell Admr. of i C. A. Bell Dec’d. i S. Carter Williams Atty^