XIX adkin County N. C. Wednesday, September 18. 1912. mwa—wjurj'-i LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF FORM —Atty K. 0. Pur year \ isltoil his sister down on the river yesterday She is right sick. - The ltep.ublieuus of the eighth district have nominated Hon. G. D. Ik Reynolds for congress. —License has been issued for the marriage of Miss Dina 'dath ews to Mr. M, C. Underwood. — The protracted meeting will cmuiiK nee at Deep Creek Baptist church next Sunday. —Now that it has rained why 'o', do a little work on our streets There is several places that need reoair badly. Shore A Douthit wants to buy ,> > : peach seed and will pay yon 75 cents perbushel for them. -Mr J. W, Mackie, of Whitten Iowa was in town Monday. He was accompanied back to Iowa yester day by Nathan Willard and family Dr. Edward YV. Myers, who •o< d\ located in Winston spent u * first of the week visiting relafc iv- p here. Henry 13 James has all kinds ot 1-aggies and Harness for sale. ": m d new buggies from $40.00 up. Good harness $10.00 a set, -- Miss Flora Hauser has retur ned from a visit to her brother Mr Oleve Hauser at 5Y inston. Sh# was accompanied by .Mrs. Hauser who will spend a few days here. — Dr. M. A. Roya.ll of Yadkin ville, Specialist in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will bo m Elkin, at Elk Inn, Sept. 21 and North VViikeshoeo at Hotel .Blue Mont, Sept. 24 and 25. — When in Winston, for an easy i’.e !•:•<> ood hair cut see O. D. h. st prop, of the Antiseptic harbor 8hop on Liberty Street fWi.veeu Auditorium and Liberty Tiieatrc. —iul ij, •>. >vest arm son i.nai -Vjr visited Mr. Maser Cestevens Buinlav and report a fine time, plenty of wafcerraellon etc. Mr. i'nv.levens lias one of the finest pear oieharda •* this section. His t-ivp fhi.-, year will amount to ab end 1 ,000 bushels, some of which w ’ 1 be sent to Ike State Fair. "Miss i*.fary Thomason lias i cla ret' of Shore Sr Douthifc iMiilin- ! e.ry I ■ mc;rtment at tin- same stand. B'te v« ;M lie gjad to see you and is sir:, she ean suit you in your New Boring Hat. All the latest Styles me to be found here. — Wade Coffey , is now getting rise t. r. \\ ilkins place iu readiness for northern sportsmen to shoot biros, says the Landmark. Tne season for shooting birds opens in Yadkin Dec. 1, and a number of Northern sportsmen will arrive at the new dub about that time. Mr. Neil Miller, of Statesville, has been employed by M r, Coffey to act as guide aud trainer at the Wilkins place during the season. Pie ha.s arrived with several dogs. --- A Romantic Dream Dis turbed A romantic dream was sud denly terminated one day last week when it became known that marriage license had been issued for a couple to whose marriage there was some ob jection. About the second of Sept Mr. Wooten, the Register of Deeds issued license for the marriage of Mr. Bud Holcomb of near Chestnut Ridge, and Miss Carmen Cartright of the same neighborhood, w ith a re quest to keep the news from the paper for the next issue. We were told of this and kept it out,for one week but last week put it in with the others The Ripple went out from here Thursday morning and before night the news had reached the parents of the young girl. Miss Cartright was m school at Boonville. i but her mother had her brought home for an explana tion. The girl says, very emphatically, that she did not. promise Mr. Holcomb to be his bride, and, in fact, was so convincing in her argument that her mother let her go back to Boonville to school Monday morning. Some say Mr. Holcomb was not buying the license merely on suspicion, while others say the girl never prom ised to marry him, while the fact is nobody knows what their intention was, Anyway young Holcomb j has a set of license on his! hands which he is unable to use at present; Miss Cartriglit j is pursuing her studies in the' Yadkin Vallejo Institute;! while her parents are con vine-j ed, so far as they can be con-; vinced by young lovers, that! there is no danger of a Cart-! right-Holcomb wedding in ! the near future. - ... . -,p --— Sign Posts On Country Roads _ i At the annual meeting of the N. C, Good Roads Associ ation held in Charlotte recent ly the matter of sign posts on ° . 1 i country roads was widely dis-1 cussed. It seems that it is tjie j duty of County Commissioners*1' to furnish these signs and the duty of overseers to put them up and maiitain them. In this matter, which is a! sure sign of progressiveness,! the extreme mountain counties are far ahead of us. At every ! i Cross Roads is the sign give iiig the name of and distance! to the*prominent places as weii I as a mile post every mile. This | is not only an advantage to the j residents of a county but the stranger gets a decided advan tage from it ° i Very few counties ip thej state have as few sign posts as | Yadkin The law m regard to this, whicli is found in the Revise! of 1905, Section 2722, and leads as follows: Overseers shall cause to be : setup, at the forks of their! respective roads, a post or| posts, with arms pointing the! way of each road, with plain! and durable directions to the | most public places to which I they lead, and with the num ber of miles from that place as near as can be computed; and every overseer who shall, for ten days after notice of his ap pointment, neglect to do so and to keep the same in re pair shall forfiet and pay for every such neglect Len dollars. Bondi? For Statesville Air Line Railroad Yadkin County Townships Liberty, Boouville and Deep Creek did their duty towards voting bonds to the amount of $90,000, for the Staterville Air Line Railroad. What more can we do towards helping build the road and why not contract so the road could be built in 12 months instead of 12 years Is not some person or persons trying to speculate in the mat ter instead of trying to build the road? We have been in formed that the road could have been contracted and com, pleted if stockholders had lei the contract. The time has now come for for something tc i be done and every citizen in | Yadkin, Iredell and Surry Co j that is in favor of a Railroad * should demand this | A CITIZEN, Sidna Alien and Wesley Edwards Arrested in Des Moines Iowa Des Moines, Sept. 14 — Sicilia Alien leader of the Hills™ ville Va., Allen gang, and Wesley Edwaids, his compan ion, were captured here today by detectives from Roanoke Va. Edwards was captured on a street car, Allen was caotured earlier in the day. The love of Edwards for Miss' Maude Irola, of Alt. Airy, N. C., lea to his capture. A visit of Ed wards to die girl at her home and the loss of a letter acci dentally put the detectives on his trail. The fugitives had been Des Moines since last April. Allen worked as a carpenter and Ed wards with a city paving gang under assumed names, Allen was arrested at his boarding house. The arrest was made just after Miss Irola stepped into the boarding house to meet Edwards, whom she expected to marry tonight. ■He was coveued with a revol ver and did not resist. Miss Irola arrived this morning un aware that detectives were fol lowing her. ■ «» 1 ' ■" — o. -JC WILSON WOULD REPEAL ALL j PROTECTIVE TARIFF LAWS, j The following is taken from f an address delivered by Pro- | fessor Woodrow Wilson before \ the tariff board in 1882, showing i hie view then on the quesuon * of the tariff and the distinct an- | nouncement of hi a position as J a free trader, opposed to all J tariffs excep: merely for the pur pose of raising revenue: “But the danger of imposing protective duties Is that when the policy is once embarked upon it cannot be easily receded from. Protection is nothing more than a bounty, and when wo offer bounties to manufactur ers they will enter into indus tries and build up interests and when at a later any we seek to overthrow this protective tariff we must hurt somebody and of course there is objection. They will say, ‘Thousands of men will be thrown out of employment and hundreds of people will lose their capital.’ This seems very plausible; but I maintain that manufacturers are made better manufacturers whenever they are thrown upon their own re sources and left to the natural competition of trade.” "Protection also hinders com merce immensely. The English people do not send as many * goods to this country as they would if the duties were not so much and in that way there is a restriction of commerce and we are building up manufactor ies here at the expense of com merce. We are holding our selves aloof from foreign coun tries in effect and saying. ' We are sufficient to ourselves; we wish to trade, not with England, but with each other.’ I main tain that it is not only a per nicious system, but. a corrupt .system. “By Commissioner Garland: "Q. Are you advocating the re peal of ali tariff laws? “A. Of all protective tariff | laws; of establishing a tariff for revenue merely. It seems to me very absurd to maintain that we shall have free trade between different portions of this country and at the same time shut our selves out from free communica ! tlon with other producing coun tries of the world. If it is neces sary to impose restrictive duties on goods brought from abroad it would seem to me as a matter of logic, necessary to Impose similar restrictions on goods taken from one state of this \ Union to another. That follows j as a necessary consequence; • there is no escape from it." I / ALLENS TO OIF. NOVEMBER 25 Sentence Of Death Passed Yesterday On Claude and Floyd Wytheville, Va. Sept, il— When adjournment was taken at noon doday in the trial of Victor Allen for alleged par ticipation in the Hillsville j court house murders, Judge j Staples passed sentence on Floyd Allen and Claude Al len, who were found guilty of first degree murder on the same charge, and fixed No vember 22 as the date for the execution. —..... Lot For Sale In Southwest corner of town of I'adkiiivllJe. Nice lot, fine location for one who wishes to come to | town for the purpose of educating his children. It lias ao room house small barn, good water; lot conta ins 8 acres more or less with fi acres of meadow that will support a cow during the summer season. Price right, terms easy. Write or see. I. B. WILLIAMS ,.T -. v.. Tzarr.ui The Wilkes County fair JLhe promoters of the Wilk es County Fair are planning the greatest fair on record, to be held Sept. 24, 25 and 26th. A letter received from Mr. Juo R. Jones, secretary' says: Our aim is to make this one of the greatest annual events of North Western North Caro olina. The FAIR this year will exceed all previous efforts in exhibits and attractions. Our management has has se cured very desireable and suc I cessfu! attractions. The Adams ! Amusement Company will consist of six big shows, Fer ris Wheel, Merry-go-round. We are to give any where from two to five big free shows daily consisting'of high wire walking, etc. walking, etc. One of the EXTRA fine added features for Wednesday Sept. 25, the exhibition for one day only, the Original John K. Sparks Shows, to be brought here by two special trains of cars, consisting of four hundred people, a herd of elephants, two hundred horses and twenty-eight cages of wild animals of all kinds. We expect to have a parade J over a mile long, in which will i he six high class brass bands. | We desire to again cal by our ! attention to the Premium List 1 including prizes for all thugs made and produced in factory farm and house-hold. Be sure and enter your stock for one of the races. See the liberal prizes offered for horse racing, mule and steer races, Everyone is cordially invitee to attend this Great Annual Event. We would like to have every man, woman and child in Wilkes and adjoining cour ties to attend. For further information see 01 write the secretary. WILKES CO. FAIR ASSO John R. Jones, Sec Fountain Pen Improvement. Small panes of glass are set int< the side of a new fountain pen so th< quantity of ink it holds can be seei readily. Yadkihtille Produce Market corrected weekly by Shore Dordhifc. Corn per bushel Wheat ‘ “ yo “ Oats “ Peas “ Beans “ “ Chickens, old liens Cltickens, spring Eggs per dozen ! Butter per pound J Flour j Hams : Bee’s wax i Lard $1.00 1.20 1.00 .64 2.00 .08 .10 18 12 £ 8.00 .15 .21 15 ! NOTICE i North Carolina j In Superior ! [• Court before the j Yadkin County ) Clerk , J 1 Lynch, J I) Phillips aod wife I VS - j W H Lynch, LA Lynch, E J Wil | li.nns, H G Adams and wife J M Adams | The non-resident defendants L, A. Lynch, E. J. Williams, H, G. Adams, and J. JM. Adams are here by notified that the above entitled special proceeding has been com menced to sell the land described in the ixdition for devision and they are further notified to appear before the Clerk of the Superior ! Court of Yadkin county at his of fice in Yadkinville on Saturday the iiSth day of September 19J2i ! at 2 o’clock P. M. and answer or demur to the petition or judge ment will be rendered against them i for the releaf damanded iu peti tion. This 2nd day of Sept, lhl‘2. J. L. Crater C. S. C What Makes a Woman? Ono hundred and twenty, more I or loB8, of bone and nmaelo don'i • make a woman. Its a good foun dation. Put into it health and strength and b!io may rule a king dom. lint, tkafc’y just what Elec tric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overcoming faint ing .and dizzy spells and for dis pelling weakness, neiwousnoss, backache and tired, listless, worn | out feeling.