A k: > ■ ^ °py I *-2r-**a LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF FORM —JV1 r. L-. Holcomb of Lorsgiown vas on our streets {Saturday. —The Winston Fair begins next Tuesday and continues for •< days. —Aity. E. lu, Gaither of Mocks viUe was in to uni a few hours one clay last week, —No mail was received here Monday on accouj of the hipdi water in the Wdkin —Mr. Tom Mat! a h of Gromm bovo was visiting diends in toivn Saturday and Sunday. — Shore A I>ouihit wants to buy your peach s* i d and rill pay yon 75 cents periemhel for them. —Miss Em-hoi itoya.il. left ren te rd ay t'o • Winston-Salem* hen she will out. r hue Ha.k*n Academy and Oollepr t -day. —Eor Sale— ‘JO bushels of nice fine clover seed. I am prepared !.> thresh them also.—I. A. \\ isliun, ' 'our u-'v, N. G. — \\-are in a posdhm send on the Hippie an a - ..*rt>iina 1 niou i'aniiTU'. hoth om- year ier f!i .small sum of M Mr. H. 3 Jan; > s. attend hi*; tin- Wilkes Co. C.-.jr this wvek. lie ■, mme fa>.i ' t)'.••• - on the track ml t hie!; .'•• viil win sor :« nice oa os. - Til© ill'st buty of ii*.'. bast u.;.y «*uid of every ehaol da v Ja L fv»r ini'.- •' >11 carriers and proiuof ]y exclude them. —lionry J3 James lias ad kind.' of Buggies and iian; >s lor sale. < lot d a©,v biigtyes I': y-hM«) >p. Go -d harm • - s Li . '1 ; a-i. —<>pen v:id< xii -yii'.kovs; kop iii? schoolroom as much like the «ouuio< . air as poe-dl .'a. void v. iiMi.s diseases are, seldom ii • ver contracted iu out door ait. —Tht war© twentyr-tvo blind jiikir : pass d : hr ugh the cite . < :*?(.. ■ v ee to L-r.eigh ••• niter the State inisiiiutioo (or the blind. -W inatou Journal, ihUi. -\N iion ii: Wins:-a:. for -n east •ihave and >.<>'•>-.! hair « id see Obi), s ’ •stove!is, p’ op. of the A.i'bu-piie Harbor Shoe en Liberty Street between Auditorium and Libert,} .1 he at re. . -The 0. « a ion bar eor b -he organ t. boh a. liners i a ion no shouhi h a.) by e\vr« me?:* ■r of that • v . You cart get ii ■and the. Liy the best paper iu -..he count; ' u rely hi.tVd —Merrier lu-.ms.e have been i.e <o.hh! to t- v* following couple-.: YiisH Rosa voot fco J; W. hi. .Atkins. v°i" Delia Mackie to Mr. Gurney Dixon; and Miss bailie B. Jin telle.- U '1 r. Jas. i e rlvi r. —id;sk )j ary Lie-eiasoii has doi':; of dhuiv .I i> ’• d.-it M.illiu or\ Department aj t : sunn stand. She ' ill be g[ad e • you and is ■ r ■. she can su■; yen in y >ai iN w Spring ! l ■ All t - r esi Si*.ley are to •• omd here. —Mi. N. P. Pepper, f lit r of tiie Dan bur; ! ‘porter. -pent Sun da.; ii- YwhinvilC wiih Iria-mls Mr Pepper is a pit-akmnt young nini ami we are glad that our town lies Kohiv attraction for )\im, —Miss Etli •] itof.eo of Boon •. Ido arrived Sunda; of tin intermediate department, of the Y. N. 8. Monday morning. Miss io-eco cv mas well reccomnmi ed and we. expect her to make suc cess in her department.. —The Yadkin County Bing. > Convention will be Iwhiiii Yadkin viile next Sunday, and if fclm wea ther man is kind to them we will expect a great crowd of singers to be on hand to take part. Every singing class in the county is in vited to attend and take part in the singing contest. —A deed was All- i in the Ileg Ister’s office by SLcnili W T. Id etcher, -from ‘ 'Squire M. M. Crummel carrying the8toi\ b-upl and lot, occupied by Iiicha.rds A Amburn, to ±lr Fletcher end Ida. 8. Vi. A ppe: son of W inston. This is a valuable pi ice of property t h consideration being l>etwoen three fiml four thousand dollars. \ | —\\ r win sou at auction at our j homo 3 miiRs east of Yadkinville, ; Sat, Soj)t. 101'?, at 10 a m our h nsshohl and kitchen furniture also one pair of J. H. ’Parker I scales, oiv' new oil tank, one saw mill truck, one \c e pulverizer narrow, and a 1 el; of lumber and other tilings. \lrs. 1 >. (Iraliam Holcomb. The boiKK rats of Yadltm comi ty will lead i'hmr county con vet. iiou h it 'next nest IVioudax Oct. | Till. There sot'ins to bo an idea i iii some Reck' urn that the tlemoera j is weald fill in and iiniaLi out i 11 | ticket .'.farted In the- progressixon j in their convention sonic tine* ago | Leading democrats here who ere ! in a posit! at to L.ow, say the; do j not knos o‘‘ such a move an 1 that 1 • ii kind m exj dr- . V.oen Pury*av rati:, ! widow of tie4 lair ('apt. f. A mr , rati. die o’ ui >. a home near r’.acu . j Yu- sda\ i ! kv . .ve d, ad- v ; i ng ; orillg '.due:.:-, at t < ,o • of -;o\ j 'U • .three \ ;us, iter remains . rr ■ I laid to ivs» iii the family bury! ■ ! groan i near Shame, Fold \Yed ; uesd.av, the Pun- ! u- rvice bring I read in h r phew k’ r K P. ( il i s- •. Mrs. -Yu-radt is survived by : :o •' c!i •;' n, one sh • raud thru j broth < the later b dug ; \Uy l (k P o- , o< y.aUiknhk Mr. Gray Writes Below wc give, ver batim, a ! letter r< jived by us Sal urd 1y ; which speaks for its se'f. it IS a,S iOi-GWS. Cycle >: C. Sep. the 16, *91 n '.Li . R’.ii !e<! i>'C, Dear sir. You Will C . are gate in the nex 1 issue ef tlie V id> in. Rip pie. that '• k> not except the nomine'ion for Cotm’.v- Ooiti nnssioiKr 1 1. hank nr- friends for he honor conferred on me. Respectfully, J. A. GRAY RrfA.sturs and Judges of The Bon>(l of Election for Y". • h. eduiity has ap..,,nueu the fullo-. lag as Registry and jaTus of c lection, I’ voiivilie, Reg. T. L. liay cs. j mc 1 res, j. 11 Fleming a 1 •<1 Frank Reece, Ntfnlh Knobs, Reg. J. M Holcomb Judges, Ira Vestal and Will bugart South Knobs, Reg. T. L. Swnini, Judges, B F aud Y\b F. Swftim. Back C. ids. Reg. W. IF Parks, judges* Jnu. Long nd J. M Crater ' Dt ■} Creek, Reg. C. L:. i Royal’1, judges, J. H. C? tell me 11 | are! R Brevn». r. L Libert}-, Reg. H, I). ; V ’ iS1 i air.s, Judges, : I). Phil * lips aucl M. Caste veil a. | S<:) 11 i li Li I,er* y, Reg. J W. D. | Baity, judges, I. D. Grandi ! and 1>. I. Reavis I For bush, Reg. W. CL Ten I . | , Juo.ges, j. 1C Phillips | and Jno. Baton. Little Yadkin, Reg. ] A. Turner. Judges, j. N. Black and Thos. Poindexter. | E. East i-end. Reg. H. E. ! Davis, Judges, T. A. Poindex j ter and \V. T. Hennings. | \Y. East Bend, Reg. D. O. Joyce, Judges, R. R. Kirkman and joe Hunt. N. Fall Creek. R g. j, Li. Jester, judges*, A. IC Hobson and j . I\I. Davis. S. Fall Creek, Reg. D. G. Hobson, Judges, A. E. Short and W A. Williams. Mr. Williams Declares He ! Is Victim Of Malicious Prosecution ! Winston-Salem Sept, 29.—- * Alleging that he is the victim j of a prosecution actuated by; personal malice toward him j on the part of Federal revenue j officers, Mr. N. Gieti Williamsj through his attorney, ex-Jnd-j 'ge Bynum, is making tire last •land before Judge Boyd m j attempt to save his 28,000 i a] ions of whiskey from the•! auetioneci’s hammer. If he' i tails tin • iime—as tie has not' 'done beiore-that hammer will; till 1 and the booze will pass j to rover iroin h.in on Sent so. i — --- W y\.yyt. :-t ' ,y . l.. ;~y • v? Cent teicu-d, Ad e have a report on the | : vvorl oein: done by Dr. and j Airs. C. C Ida .• ><:n this eo 1 r ; unty lor rhe ass:, f-vt weeks,; nut we are unable L-> give the ; . report n. full. In all II9I were. :examined for symptoms’ of; j Hookworm, and 590 were hv reeled or 50 per cent. The largest per cent was at - am 1 s } v hich \\ at 60 p ; cent, atui the smallest at Boon ; vi :1c wh re only 36 per cent 1 showed infect ion. i '■ ■u ib i; ...-j'-Z'‘ ■ u -vU\.: ’ •'< • - Under Iredcb .\,u* ? ’> ma V' ad law ratbieo hv t" when the $400, oo in b‘>uds w rc v< >t ?(: for road imp ove n.’ent; all roads ot dial conn tv will here* f be orked \ M.'taeU' n, the new law beeotu effective tins mouth when the old system ,v;r' abandoned V . tvv rl of fine ids i a-. - mjv built through!: 11 >county under the bond issue and the eon 11 y com mi i >ners held a p's iiwaui and made pv . a-.iou for ihe upkeep?;: w 4 -f all the nubile re a Is by appointing paid oversows tor each a va* s 11ip, <v;iose 1 i:a11c a it will • >e o'* :r .1: the roads >i fd vs si)t:c't lvo owns1 i ips. b t I: overseer v, ill be furnished witli heeesr ,\y umehniein and nob-; * i and o lure team a; 3 b'dior Wiba.':Ca.t to ktw o his roads m repair. The plan a a step lor ward uud me an nniah ' ■ As the good roads work prog losses in the county ike- enth usiasm of the good roads ranks grov ■ gi e; t( r. W W*»WMSS;J 5 Woman Work at Wight to Finance Roosevelt Campaign, awFoi fiot gosdims, New York Rts.':c; Investigating Commit- j tcc Pound Palt, Worn Women Work- ’ inj Jr. Twine Manufacturing Con- I corn Owned by the. International - K rvestr r C c.mpany, i Awivl conditions have. boon found the state :‘".co''-ry investigating com : liter, i f X;.v.v York it': tbo mil’.3 of '.ha ■ ' iO T’u iiv: ■. n . •: uv. b;o. 3, c»t i t?r'T Y., owned by tbo Inv.c .*-> ■ tio»>n.l Kttrvostor company, of which • WornY SY. Perkin u older ihiancteJ ' br.okor of Theodore Roosovelt Id bio : scheme to ruin tl Ft \ ibll ■ n ■ !f a director. “The ui.»i>tMjranco of the women wotfeera in this ; Sr-. said a tfiernh'.r o? the committee, *'wo3 very dis hearten into TY v cere worn end • nr-k< and their oY'hes, faces aifd !trtidr. wore •• „• verod '■ i oil and hemp c l Mat th • ien, so caile •ore only children tn age and they have ; to lw: huge plies hemp, welshing ?..r0 pound- ‘.-Mr., across th- boor. • Y' !. d ,;i oo:ne cases bekpy bigger than '.<! • v.soir.cp t> ' ■ ■ In the run- : niroom. whore •.••omen ir ■ employ d :do?.*o, to th - • r mpn, who , vi: i; fc.ux* to r <; ive higher v/uges,! the c-'atd. t o? j;v,..viin-:ry ir so frly.htr | ■:< • hot voice W-l-.-w’ a ehri-k cannot { b>/> h.ara. I he rooms are d: thm’gh J for arj airne, and a.;- 11-', t. rr.. is to !\.;uove Ibo dost, | n'oh in in cc • -tent motion by: r- ;>Pe the require; r ci the law. TU!a dust is; ■’ . • fI core, *••• >'.:vo women, j ; ■ • ' ' c; chronic hi ant ids i'h< nfc and d 1 ?.*\ cc vhk;k the of ;ha; h wl b ir many cases consists ot bva a t-.\? minutes- -and at the close of r.v- tUy’? 1 or uig'atkj hlor, the r!"’ ' have ‘o ’ swoop each other dean vith brooms.* j It la further stated *Iiut the cuatctn ot working the wcion ©J1 night is , fomarent, mr-iTicd women being- so-1 1.d for !i>•;•*! work, their hours ';•«> , jay from ct atlcr/n until #:8C o’clod: | !u the cioyntoig. Of 400 women out- j ployed truth- mlllti, 200 work ail night • y-’lien George W. Perl trio uas usiced by a New- 'V'orh Times rope d:-r for aa • explanation of the conditions in an eetabiiO ’ oni of which he is one o5 *b--j di:- vi-vT he rr do, in rond the : foi’ -win ? ren: ■? night work has < loces re.ty 1 -/g-\y t •- ; oi tv- gov* • rv tow- : r;i . CO"’ V w hi h ■ mode tt J; , h-r - rs d litrgr eoct.. ftUJ t.O i.; O-V i.Utdti-'i t.lUSy were on fend or r.ursi ) v;it- he* ; f ■ y :*■ ■’,!<! - V, tli; ir p; « to up vi:h ;u-r<:?!.:’Tig demanei-i or not ’’ ; Th* I. ie Mark Twain in hie bright o.-t i< ;:!s m-'or d anyth*-: ; ' men' ;■ rindy t • -, , the fi :• > i : 'vh>;- ■ pl'O .din: by Georg. W Per- ! 1 f ’h- «>. n • htyr-ha d dirt < I• < « - if.-fi ii J- i '--- I ‘hr . •: •.!>-, -.jv; di-'-oio.- •: by do- K fc.h , ; tr-.-y invc-ur-rariri.r ror ;;,-, j { ■ ht t< iterest to ndhi >r - et 'h r ibde i ■' hvo-- -..■■•d tb (ini ■0 States r-■ leno ■ y COI-jC - * 1 : if lit \ * > * :».•!*• • I ' ?0* do\t Ho os - vcP ia his eaiuyaign -m “rule ot; ruiu.” I V. ! ‘i SSpMte-." I a <7?T w, m.... Jfe '•■ .;*, 1 i I ! » *m*jt*rrc*f>*.([>— VvfSU I ■- ■ fADKINVILT.E PlLODHOE MAHKET. corrected wordily, bv BVoro fir Doulh|fc. bnSliel Corn 4 >01 Wheat ‘ Rvo i; “ Oats “ Peas li ” Beaus u Chickens, old ht'u-a Chickens, spring Eggs ])ct dozen Uniter }>*-r pound Flour Hams liee’s wax Lard MM: 1.2b 1.00 M .00 .08 .12 V.’j 15 5.00 .15 <)'■ ■15 NOr.i'T j.'Vorih Tarolium i In Hnj>f*vxr >• (Amv- i 'of; j ■*(> the ;nty ) Clerk V-wHi, ,ukm •* ■ Ain .1 \ » So:!iIp:- i v»4i> V i. 5 '•V H i iVncb. L A Lynch A J Wih it •my, N i - jjuts nu«- ’.v.- *.V ,j M Alien1 i ho iKm-mAdox «. - r L, A. r ..uA, L. J. YihUro. A C,. A Sm-v .'Hiu -j. AI. Ada .. or' hero in- I'oAi ih;it \'h. ,r- ■ untitled V ; Cv'i d pvo ■ V i f . ... mem od to ;mtl the land d m.vx-u in the ‘ • 'ti; ;■ t x•« A - v:n :i mi they ax ; ■■.. thar mu 1 •••:’ o'o tlic C Vrk . Urn - ri >v C< »urt f 'Yadkin • ■ fit fin Ycull.iuvilia t>.! hnivh'v t l a i : J- ('! i v- j 0 ■ - ■!> .. ST’Ar Oi a t u O o 1 (. o k Mil drmnr to tn u.dit ion <u meat will r« .• for riic I'chrd tl t) l: . A- ,In Icim-iudfil i: : K : i. So- i. h'S; l i verer (.' c. ; v.. 'i n ‘ : v • -o ) »• /i •* rv v ' •* , % v» . *'• ■ • *» - w.;! ;-A ,, Out? In; lr. a. and twenty, £imn ! or Icrta. i ! -ime nm» uimxk don't ! rmhe a woman. Its a good j ■ ■ :; ■ - oiiKKgth a\ <;*hUk vor.y role n king j don: Ant Umfn j ant what Dae- j trio. -it t -"n give Imr. Tlnmwuu'U j bios j tham for ov r< or mg~f log and dizav sspoils and h>» dnj psliing Vr'oakno^. nerymirtncgM,! baaksioho and tired, liailoss, worn : T-. bag. “Etootrlo .OitK.-?H imve. i -•'.k--v mo n world of gor-d,” writes | ■ *ool, Pepo'cr, Ohhi.j ‘'ond 1 ! ,!. vs.-;:. >vhl- all ;nv hnarp f,».- j ■ ■ Ap errk -• rood xsirniriv.:•/* | ■ h; !p r.'.kv : Smvjustcod hr all ptug : i a •' • K; ' h: : vv • i : -'Mr 1 • i u Dvt-ory t. C A i?Kil NoTL:E! J-'k!;: J’^bmasson mint - r: inrhar.i Cims ih-nh-oM. > I t'tv ■' • ■■!'' -I LI ■■ A - Vi' i;• ■■: •: C'h<:--Sc ;■ ;; :> iiaii.i ( Uicsh.M-, 'v til cinit k action nnlA h u - ;kk;k ! hu-! has : een e >u in »ne *d ii < ho S 1 1 v cue i-ki . c. ink . no j nni'KOK- ;;i: so: A•; : A-- himA; - ' - i l * t ‘ ■ L ' ■ >1 ^ ■ •. » i f . UP- i. ‘ J 1 i - ‘ ~ • i j to fhc estate A B« h d for a-sek x ■■-ay dobty, ..ud ; : : . ;.iu ■ .. u k.A; wii! furtn-u . x i :i ih.-c t: K: t il:K V X O.:.: 1 X- h S f txfore the C iork f tin i i p: ivK . • X.i ‘ of i ■ iik-K ■ : •' u ; in Yx.-kinvi'if <; i the V ilay j i P't la.ill < }ul a;^,u.;r u.;u i ir i !x [ictif ioa hk :i in tidy - n e o-: i the iv I inf therein demand-. A vvir. j be (i . ■ J. L. . rate.. ( r S. artcr Vdiiliai K-; . If you ere a iionsev.dlo yo- ■an-j not ivvis' uahly bopo to ! . li, a: ■ h.y • >;j intiial by vftsbiug d ■ die? ; w oping and doingFoura-a'n’: k uli | day, and cowling into bed ] -ad ! tired at liigist. You muai g F cat; into itio open air and .auuligM. if ’ you do this evoiy day and kaop : your stomach am] bowels in good order hr taking ( bar-iberlaiuVi fJY,oiets when needed, you should become both healthy and beaufi-j hu. Tor Hid;’ by a!i dealers. Buy it now. Chamberlains Colic, viu.dom b'iarrhoea Uenisds in boost certain to bo needed b« i *■.ire die Bunmei is oror. .Buy now and be prepared for such an emergency. For saU- by ad Oonl l ofs. i My fall aH winter stock ol HI1.0.ES has jusl arrived and the line is complete for all, I can suit yon; you»:>\ old, inrg'e and small, u'1 " ‘ t \ X .1J. i. 3 O 1 f, £ | \ * all prices, CliJliJl and let me show yon hot ore ron jhrn', 4 General line of up-to-date MereiKiTKfise alwrys oh In > * / ■■ iA < ■,v-*tnT*tn*»*u mmjaeami■ -. \rr rrattor.'ammmrvi^'rwruta I ?! *il- -*$ ? s' m. V fc >; y 4 ’ / \l| Co, *’ V K 1 > •> • ■ t J . , • •• ■ *• ■* ■4- t- r*. & ; 4 hd **■ }&**vv '$ 3 - ™ 1 S • ; •• ! I located at ladlim- I- n . - of .>e:: healthiest locations in {he *• ’iedreoTtt. -i’yri U 4 1 i seetio oi ■ ■ ■ q* ? to rn»;»r> ■ / v ?> V t- . -- - ■ -i - Toil m men BYIO <5VV ?: wotner id coin‘go., fina \o prepare those who cannot xo i o? l!h uuues ot me. Board can bo had ia at reasonable prices. Fall Term opens Sop! idxs&pa lluui vJy &» For Other Information iOO.: ps 1 * hi lies I qi o I Bwi» 'ir* t? ^4* T rr\ **• .v«s^. pfsa ;;p; r» f; 1 &**>■■ mt FfiT*is **% & » £ . Vp;** «*»&• ;;■ . •: ^ S. S' £ :-. i-‘ %c$ 0 ; :5 g YADKIN'HL! .E, N- C. NOTICE North Carolina 1 In Bnperior COu‘‘L II. fr.r,-» J. Yadkin Ootmfr ) L. Orator, Clerk. N .!? Brown ot al) vs * J- NOTICE IT nry Btou is ot al ) In the above entitled action,' the Non - Ih silent defendant?; (Ting man Blown, B- Id. Brown, E. i\ Brown ami James Brown will take notice that thej are hereby re quired to appear before J, K Cru ler Clerk of Bnperior (1 mriof Yuri kb? Comity at his obi iu Yuikia viion if) ' 2S day of Bopteinlxvr 101:2 and answer or demno to the i Complaint or potitinuof the. pintn. ! tills for the r aieof the G TV Bi ova ; lauds for partition or judgment i vtii’ be renderd as prayed form ; i l, ^ pel 'fir !> This August iifml, 1012. L. Crater 0. B. C. I r H. E, IfoHou Bah i>:' vv &• 11 aiioa 3'Ki X), M. Reece A tty. for plaintiffs. Notice Having qualified as admini strator of the estate of 0. A. I'oH dee’d, tuia is to notify all person i having claims against saul estate to present them to t-hn undersign ed ni or before the 10th day of August jUl* or this notice will be i.‘leaded ia bar of "heir recovery, A U p‘ nsorm indebted to said estate l are reqiavi.d to make immediate I settlement. J. Ai. lb'll Ad re r. of i t A.Bell Beo’d. »<g. Carter William* A tty.

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