yo. / Wednesday, October 2, 1912. No 2 ft. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF FORM D*. | —A liit dog always boilers, —Only tlnee more months until Christmas! —Now is a mighty good time to lay in a supply of winter wood. —Atty, D. M. Iteeee of our town lias been nominated for elector of the 7th district. — The mail line from here to Hockford is now being carried by Bud Vesta!. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. H..11 last Friday morning, a girl. Mother and babe doimr well. Doctor J. G. and Miss Sattio Marler, ami Miss Cornelia Mackie *u» taking in the Fair. —Shore & Donthit wants to buy Tour peach seed and will pay you 75 cents perbushel for them. —Rev. J. C. Styers of East Eewd preached an interesting ser mon at the Baptist church Sunday night —Mr. K. E. Caste vans left Sat urday morning for Baltimore to eater collide, for the study of den tistry. —W antkd—500 yearly subscrib ers the Yadkin' Bipple and <hrolit!ft T’niou Farmer, foi both —Mi ley G. Y.ogaii, foroverely o? this county dlki from lockjaw at his home in Winston last Monday morning. —Mr. O. L. Joyner of near Yad kiuvilfe left for Atlanta Dental < oliege Monday, where he expects to finish this year. —lor Sale—20 bushels of nice, fiue clover seed. I am prepared to thresh them also.—I. A. Wishon, Cmniuev, N. 0. ( —Misses Josepiaiueand Pauline Kelly who have been spending the summer here with relatives left yesterday for Fremont Ncbr. —Those attending the Fair from here are: H, B. Balmson, H, B James, \Y. G. Wooten, H. H. Mac Lie, 0. F. Dunuagau and E. J. VVest, and L. D. Iveily. - \\ e. are in i: position to send you the Ripple and the Carolina I'nion Fanner, both one year for the small sum of $1.20. At the Wilkes County fair last week our townsman Mr. a. *B. Ja***e.s won three first prizes .and two ‘inu prices—amounting in ail <o about §‘J50 in cash. - !i. B. Bahuson has made a slight change in the arrangement ol ins store, lie has -fitted up a .neat room for shoes oidv and a neat appearance is added. — Henr\ B James has all kinds <»f Buggies and Harness for sale. Good new buggies from §40.00 up. Good harness $10.00 a set, —Miss Mallie Ostwalfc, of Ost-! wait, Iredell Co- left yesterday ior her home after adendiog some time here wilii her sister Mrs. Arthur Hinslia w. —Tlie announcement of the marriage of Mr. J. P. barker and Miss Maude King has been made at Likin, the happy event to take j place in October. — When in Winston, for an easy shave and good hair cut see O. I). Oasteveus, prop, of the Antiseptic Barber Shop on Liberty Street between Auditorium and Liberty Theatre. —Mr. 0, N. Mackie of Newberg Oregau, is visiting relatives and friends in this section for a few weeks. This is Mr. Mackies first visit to this country in several yea is. —Mr, Richard Turner and Miss Ada "Wis! 1 art were mar ried at Pas adena, Cal., Sept. 11. Mr. Turner is a native of this ceunty, being reared near West Aeud, and is a practicing attorney on the Pacific coast —Mrs. Bertha Holcomb and children left yesterday for Key stone Jiebr, where she will join her husband who went some time ago, and will make theii home in the future. Yadkin Co. loses a good family in the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Holcmnb but wish them succes in their new field, —Jolm L. Hauser, a native of this county, lias been lodged in Guilford county jail on a Federal wavrent charging the manufacture of whisker contrary to Law. Hau ser was taken in Iowa, to which state he lied several months ago. —The Carolina. Union Farmer is the organ of the Farmers Union and should be real by every mem ber of that liody. You can get it and the Tipple the best paper in the county for auly $1.20 Dr. C. L. Pridgen lias finished four weeks of his work in Hook worm dispensaries in Yadkin Go. The total number examined in Yadkin County for the whole four weeks is 3,681) and of those 1,895 were infected or 51 per cent. —Marriage license have been is sued as follows; Miss Delia Key to Mr. 13. H. Jones, Miss Comer Cartright to Mr. D. F. Burton, Miss Annie Norman to Mr. D. N. Vestal, Miss Nevada Collins to Mr. J. It. Wood, and one colored coupel Melton Bowles to Ada Williams. —In our issue two weeks ago we gave an a count of Mr. Bud Holcomb and Miss Comer Cart right; of how Mr. Holcomb had secured license to marry the young girl etc. The young girl has since been married to Mr. Fred Burton of Boonv lie and they are now away on their honeymoon. —The Yadbiu county singers convention held in the courthouse Sunday was a success in most re spects. The choirs from Harmony Grove, Forbusli. Gold Hill, Oak liidge and Mitchells Chuppel were here and done some fine singing. It was decided t<* hold only two conventions each year hereafter— one in the fall and one in the spring the next one to be held at Oak liidge 4th Sunday in April and the fall convention at the court bouse each year the 4th Sun day in Sept. Oyer Million Pounds Toba cco Sold on Wmston Market Last Week The Winston tobacco mark et made a great record last week when it sold over one million pounds of all kinds of tobacco for a grand average of 812.53 per hundred. It is said that no other mar ket in the old belt can show anything like this either in the number of pounds or the average price per hundred. In j fact, the market surprised its self both in pounds and piices Never before in September has the market had such bre aks as it had from Wednesday to Saturday of last week. Great droves of wagons, the Sentinel sa}'s, rolled into the warehouses, filling them up to the doors and then many wag ons had to be unloaded on the streets. It was a great sight with hundreds of the growers! in the warehousees for four days. --: lerrapm a Hundred And Thirty-One Years Old Master Sam Tesh Jr., caught a terrapin near his father’s store in West Salem on Wednesday of this week which from initials and date cut on the shell of the terrapiu shows that this snail-eater had been traveling these parts for one hundred and thirty one years. The date cut on the shell was i78i, with the letters “Y. Z.” Mr. Tesh will probably ex hibit the terrapiu at the fair next week. —Wius ton Sen tilled ?w UNDER TAFT’S ADMINISTRATION ” '■ - The tariff has been revised. Within a year following passage of the Payne bill wages were Increased more than $500,000,000. Industry is operating at high pressure, general business is prosperous, and there is a scarcity of labor everywhere. Two acts providing safety* for rail way employees and proper Inspection of appliances have been passed. The federal mining bureau for re ducing the dangers to workmen has been established. A children’s bureau to minimize ta fant mortality and reduce child em ployment in factories has been or ganized. Pensions for Union veterans of the war of the rebellion have been broad ened and increased. White slavery has been outlawed and checked. Our trade with foreign has be«n enormously Increased, particular ly la Iron and steel manufactures. Congress has made the contract be tween railroads and their employees more favorabie to the latter. Shippers by rail and patrons of ex press, telegraph and telephone compa nies ai-e assured just rates by reason of additional authority conferred upon the interstate commerce commission. The eight hour law on government wx>rk has been extended to include contract supplies. Practice in the federal oourts has been simplified In the interest of all litigants, which will relieve particular ly the ppor BUitor. Postal savings bonks have been es tablished, to the great convenience of persona who formerly hoarded their surplus. Provision has been made for the par cels post, which will begin operations Jan. 1. These are among the achievements of three years of Taft. No other ®d mlnletratlon whhin the same brief limit has accomplished so many euhstan t!al benefits to the people. Why make a change. Involving widespread up heaval of business, when every phyeloal and material condition is favora ble ?—From Harrisburg (Pa.) Telegram. ALL MICE FELLOWS NOW. —From Morning Oregonian of Portland, Or©, Sept. 9, 1919. WHO WAS REPRESENTED? Dr. Wilson Asks Question That May Embarrass Democrats. "Who.” asks Woodrow Wilson, In his speech of acceptance, “when you come down to the hard facts of the matter, have been represented in recent years when our tariff schedules were being discussed and determined, not on the door of congress, for that is not where they have been determined, but in the committee rooms and conferences?” Precisely. Who has? When the Payne-Aldrich bill was being framed prolonged and open hearings were con ducted by the ways and means com mittee. Every one who had factB or arguments to present was given an op portuatly to be heard. However, when Dr. Wllson’B fellow Democrats under took to revise the schedules in this congress Oscar Underwood and his as sociates barred the doors and out of ad vices, the sources of which they have never yet entirely disclosed, proceeded to make up the schedules In secret and jam them through the house by gag rules. It would he interesting could Dr. Wilson scure from the Democratic leaders an answer to his question. It was not entirely thoughtful of him to propound it. I Another African Theodore. An African Theodore came to grief just forty-five years ago . because he thought he was the whole show. The rest of mankind thought they were isiomo ebow, too, and Theodore of AbyH einla learned too late that he had made a ver> serious mistake in not taking that very natural attitude into account. Nature has not given to any individual a monopoly of the abilities requisite in the rule of a people. | I t i i i A vote for the Democratic ticket this fall Is a vote for free trade and all that free trade Btands for. A vote for the hull, moose ticket is a vote for some thing which no one, not even its pro moters, can give any light upon. A rote for the Republican ticket Is a voto for protection to honest American toil, and protection is a synonym for prosperity.—Newport (N. H.) Cham pion. , When Wilson Will Get Worse Left. i Woodrow Wilson complained that | his private car whs left several hours i behind by the Chicago express. That’s nothing to the way he and his free trade crew will be left behi’d by ihe Taft Republican express on Nov. 5. Xadkinvillb Produce Market. corrected weekly by Shore <fe • Douthit. Corn per bushel - $1.00 Wheat * - 1.20 Ryo “ 1.00 Oats. “ “ - .fl4 Peas " ** Beans “ “ - .00 Chickens, old hens - .08 Chickens, spring - .12 Eggs per dozen - 20 Butter ]»er pound - - 15 Flour - 3.00: Hams - ,15 Bee’s wax - - . .25 Lard - - - - 15 Notice of Change in Busi ness Having purchased all of the stock of the Yadkinville Har ness Company I beg to anno unce to the public that I( will j continue the business at the same stand, and under the same name and will appreciate * the continued support of all my former customers for whose business 1 am always thank-j ful. In the future I will sel 1 only for cash and by doing this and discounting my bills I can make better prices and carry a better stock. All of the dis- j counts which I get will be ta ken frem the price of the goods and the customer will be the benificiary. All parties who are indebt ed to the Company are reque sted to make payment at once in order that the affairs of the old company can be setlled up This October ist 1912. A. E. Holten, Gen. Mgr. Yadkinville Harness Co. McElwees Planters Warehouse We take pleasure in informing you that we are once mores ready to sell your tobacco’ Those of you who have sold with us for the last three years know that when you come here we are careful to make your tobacca bring the highest market price and those who havo nt sold with us will find it very much t* their advantage to do so. We have a full set of buyers and same we had last year and we feel that we can please you. Best roads we have ever had’ Mr. H. 0 Gaither is here to re present the Amdricon Tob, Comp. Albert Matlock is still with us and will be glad to shake your hand as of old. Bring us your tobacco and you will be satisfied. Very truly youlv PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Statesville, N. C. North Carolina ) In Superior eou Yadkin County | rt before clerk J M Bell ndmr of ) 0 A Bell [• NOTICE VH ? ) Jody Tbomnason ot al | The defendants Jane Benbow and husband Chas Benlniw, Her man Steelman and Kobt Steelman Rom Alba, Etta Chesher and hus band Bud Chesher, in the above entitled action entitled as above has been commenced in the Super ior court of Yadkin countv for the purpore of selling the lands belon ging to the estate of C A Bell deed for assets to pay debts, and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Su perior court of Yadkin Co at his office in Yadkiuville on the 19 day of Oot 1912 and answer or demur to the petition filed in this case or the relief therein demanded will be granted. This Sept 16 1912. J. L. Crater, C. S C S. arter Williams Att. How the Democratic party does pro gress! Its tariff planks in 1892 and 1912 are duplicates. The results will be. too. If the American people elect Wilson.—Norwich (Qopp.) Bulletin My fall and winter. stock of SHOES has just arrived and the line is complete for all. I can suit you; young, old, large and small, all kinds and all prices. COME and let me show you before you buy. A General line of up-to-date Merchandise always on hand. H. B. BAHNSON YADKINVXU.j£ 1ST. O. Yadkinviiie Normal School located at Yadkinyille, one of the healthiest locations in the Piedmont section of North Carolina, is especially designed to prepare young men and women for college, and to prepare those who cannot go to college for the duties of life. Board can be had in good families at reasonable prices. Fall Term opens Sept. 3, 1012; closes December 20,191.2. For Other Information Address d. T. REECE, Principal YADKINVILLE, N- C. What Makes a Woman? j Olio hundred and twenty, more or loss, of hone and muscle dou't make u woman. Its a good foun dation. Put into it health and1 strength and she may rule n king- i dom. But that’s just what Eke- j trio Bitters give her. Thousands bless thorn for overcoming faint ing and dizzy spells and for dis pelling weakness, nervousness; backaohe and tired, listless, worn out feeling. “Elaotrio Bitters have done me a world of good,” writes Eliza Pool, Depaw, Okla., ’‘and I thank you, with all my heart, for making audh a good medicine,” Only 50c. Guaranteed by all Drug •- ^ --~-r:iar«,a-t.-» | deWUfo Sidney and Bladder Pills IFOR BACKACHE If you are a housewife you can- » Dot reasonably hope to he healthy or beautiful by washing dishes weeping and doing-housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air und sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beauti ful. For sale by all dealers, j Buy it now. Clmmberlaius Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea llemedy is almost certain to bo needed be ’ fore the sunnier is over. Buy It | now and be prepared for such an emergency. For sale by ail Deal ers.

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