Wednesday, Novembet 12 ii)L3. . " 30 } YAMHNfHJ,E PltmwCE MAUKH'J ctinv -U'du-f'eMy by Share & i ^ Dtmtliit,. ktra [ter buihe! - ' - $1. :it<-Mi. " " - . 1. tM'.ua" Obh-kttUM, old IttMIS JFlnm 75 $1.00 no 1.00 .04 1.5!) 1,! - ) hanksgrvtug November H7. - Land Po-tets for Mute at this ' ' -Eggs '25 cents per* dozen at Hiusha^v & Weirs. ad / —There seems to be a wood famine in town. — Yadkin Superior Couit begins Aloudav week Nov. Hi. —Eggs me icptorted to be 7 eta. ich in Aiew York. Miss Jarvis Vestal was Itere =rni:o.: stepping. ' t' di of ERiu SMS istt-M- in town Moudav / .'* ' i p - . s;tn O) nuig. —-Hi^shaw & Weir itave got the largest^ <e. of man's work gloves in town, 10c to ad ')n ' pair of marriage license haa r-been issued to Air. N. F. Copley and Miss Rhotia Reavis. —Mrs. J. H. James and children of Oalut, Vti.. are visiting at tin home of Mr. J. ht. James. ust received a tinw line of boy's dress shirts, at .& Weir's. ad yon want to pay your sub with wood bring it now. t need it next summer. ns 'of iioute b, y morniiig am i a pleasant —Men's h avv Ceece lined un derwear per garment or 75o tmr suit, at Hi -thaw & Weir's—ad — -W.- faiie:' to say in our last weeks issue that Mr. and Mrs. W. (f. Wooten were the happy parents of a fine boy baity. **** —Mr. attd Mrs. J. C. Kapj) of Ktmps Mills, Surry county, spent last we(tk w ith tb'-irdsugitter Mrs. F. Ml lianas of this place. —The largest and huest lot of Velvet Rugs ever shown it) Yankin county.—Hutchens A. Hough, ad. —Mr F. R. Dnuthit has the finest line of Christmas goons it has been our pleasure to :wo in a store outsi'le tho great cities. -—Wo ate ir formed that the con ditioti of Mr. N. Glen Williams in stiff very b'd. He is confined to Lis bed only, on the very finest days ^ —Mr. H. W. Rogers of Nashville Tenn., is spending a few days with Mrs. Roger's here. Mrs. Roger's has been the guest of her mother Mrs. H. A. Marlor. —Gates Shore, who is serving ton tor murder from Yadkin wt^nty, and wltp has been on the Estate farm near Hnbfax, N. C. bas been adjudged unable to do farm work and wn.s removed to the State prison at Raleigh. —Mr. J. A. Mason was winner Saturday and was givpn the (tinner set by -1. A. Logan, astheone who had traded tiro most during the past two weeks at his store. —Our Stock of Furniture, is the largest we have ever shown, and prices reasonable. Good oak bods $2.00 and up Good oak dressers $5.00 and up. Every thing olse in proportion Wo give pranitnns V regardless of the low ^ Wd'-iotl) & Hay. ^advAy - G ! ! -Dr.M.A.RoyaHofElkin, a I specialist in diseases of the Eye Ear, Nose and Throat will be hew on the Bast days of court, which begins on Monday Nov. 24th- ad —Co!lector Watts has appoint ed Mr. 8. G. Fry, of Statesville, ^s storekeeper and Hunger to suc c6&d W. O. Benton resigned. Mr. Fry has been assigned to the N. G!en Williams establishment in tide county. The work there wiii htst until! the fi)st of January. — Big stock of Clothing at Wil moth & Ha ves, Boonvilie, Aii the leading styles and colors. Our prices are guaranteed to be very low. Owing to our cheap expen ses in doing business we are able to sell Merchandise much cheaper than the city stores. When you spend $5.00 in cash with us you get a nice present* Quality and price guaranteed ou every article we sell. - advt "**- Two real estate deals of local interest were transacted here {Sat urday. Mr. 0. H. Todd sold to A tty. B. 0. Williahis a. HO acre tract of laud adjoining the latters farm helow Bhackhown. Mr. Todd then purchased 95 acres from Mrs. Geo. Marshall for the sunt of $2,842.50. This tract lies near Mr. Todd's store. —Sheriff Poindexter returned yesterday morning from Forsyth county with Clove McBride, who was taie'u (o the roads to serve 12 months for blockading. He is unable to do road duty on account of bad health, it is said he is suf fering from a gun shot w ound re ceivedT'rom the gun of an ntimer while tryiug to escape about three years ago. —We have just received a big shipment of chddrens suits in all the latest styles and at all prices, from the cheapest to the best,. As in the past, wo have bought a great many Jobs m all lines, and are offering onr customers the full advantage.. It will pay you to see us before you buy. Also big line of over coats at low {trices. Wilmoth & Hayes. Hoonviile, N. C. advt. WiHiams Brothers Incorpo rated. ** A charter was issued the past week for WiHiams Bros, to do a general real estate and mer chsntile business, with offices at Yadkinville. The company has one store five miles south east of here and we are inform ed that they will open one at the Eddlenian stand nearFor bush church in the immediate future, in fact some of the goods have been placed iu the store and are being sold now. Mr. B. H. hledmau is the clerk of the latter store, and is from Iredell county. The company is composed of S. C., T. P. and J. C. Williams. Mr. S. C. Wil liams, president of the uew com pany, has been connected with the real estate business for some time. —For sale or exchange, a Rem ington Standard Typewriter, good as new. Call at this ohiee —ad The Oid Time Lady Writes About The Present Conditions Below we are giving an ar ticle with each word and punc tuation marh as it was receiv ed by us: "Now I am surprised to hear some talk as they do, always urging the boys to get 'em wives to marry, marry, telling 'em many wonderful things a bout faithful companions, soo thing cares, and I don't know what all. I say if tilings were like they use to be they might talk. In my raisin a man could get a wife, but there aint a gal in my whole knowin tit for a wife. How on earth can they be fit to marry when they have never done nothin in cre ation but be an expense. They never did nor they dout know how to do auythiug but sleep til breakfast, get up and flirt and Bounce and quarrel about the cooking, eat, lie down on the sofa, read novels and rece ive calls. Receive calls indeed; this is what they call it now adays when a bo/ goes to see a gal fu the good old times t!\py caked it by its right name "goin a sparkin." But i'll be bound if I was a boy I never would marry one of um and if the boys knowed how uo-j count they are they never wo- j uld either. For only to think,! to see a gal with a mop big enough to black shoes cramed in her mouth, making her jaw ! stick out like she had an egg . in it. Just let a boy come!! How tliey will slip and hide their nasty old brushes, run ! for water, wipe their mouths on tjieir hankerchers, and set up just like butter would not melt iu their mouths." "And then, the novel they have just read is so nice, so divine, such and audi a one is ' such an interesting charecter; anothefis so Hie like; Oh they were so interested; mercy on me, interested with such tow life things that never did nor hardty ever cbuld happen. How things have changed. When my sweetheart used to come to see me we ^iad better things to talk about. We talked about things that were some account I'll be bound he never come and ketched me usin suuf, or laying on the sofa, or readin a novel. No indeed I had other business to tend to. I had to spin, weave and help cook and I was some account too. I was healthy, and I didnt look like a skeleton dressed up in cloth but was rosy red and had ple nty of Resh to look like a hu man. But there is no use in talking such days are gone. If the boys only had such gals to court and marry these days as was in my days then they might marry. But if they do marry these things that now grow up 1 dont know what will become of um, for they are as much Rt for wives as a calf is for a judge. Oh to see them after they are married dipping suuf aud spittiu right before their childrens eyes, isent it awful." OLD GRANNIE BKTTIB R.* Yadkinville, Route i. [Now Grannie we think this is just a little bit too bad. Do you suppose that my girl has been acting this way? I dont believe she has, and she is "some account" toot In fact I don't believe she has any of the faults you mention. So if you dont know a single perfect girl come over to Yadkinville aud I will introduce you to one.—Editor.] Yadkin Worked Her Roads Because Yadkin county has been a iittle backward in her road working in the past is no good reason why you should imagine that she did not work them on good roabs days. From ali reports there was a tremendious amount of work doue on the roads all over the county in every way. Reports from almost every section say that*the old and young the rich and poor alike went and shoveled old mother earth in to a position that will be of a great benefit to those who travel Almost every person in town that was ablo to work went out and worked, and re sult of the wotk of all can be seen for some time to come. Littie Addis CranCH Dead On Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock tiie death angei visit ed our home (home of Mr and Mrs. N. C. Cranhll, at Crurt ney,) and took from us our dear and precious little brother He was 4 years, n months 20 days old. He was sick only a few days but suffered more than we can tell. He had the awful disease diptheria. It was so hard to give him up but all medical aid could not save him He was a dear and bright boy in our home and was our baby. The little darling left us with a smile on his little face. A precious one from us is gone A voice we loved is still; I A place made vacant in our home Which never can be Riled. SISTER Mr. Daniel Holcomb Dead News of the death of Mr. ,Daniel Holcomb, a prominent merchant and farmer, of near Longtown this county, came as a surprise to his many friends here. Mr. Holcomb was yo years old and is Sur vived by a wife and several children, most of whom are grown. Death occured Tuesday of last week and interment was Friday at Swaims Baptist church, of which the deceased had been a member for many years. Among the children surviving are Messrs. D. Hol comb, at home, C, B., James and S. F. Holcomb, they being merchants of Elkin. FARM AT AUCTION I will sell, at public auction ou Saturday, Nov. 22, 1913, my farm, situated 6 miles north of Mocks ville, containing 100 acres. There is a good barn, house, grauery etc also good orchard. 23 acres wired for pasture, 35 acres in cultivation 125,000 feet of saw timber. 65 acres of this land is perfectly level red land. Will produce good whea t corn, cotton and tobacco—extra good for tobacco. Will also sell one good horse, 5 years old; three cows, all my farming utensils, ho usehold and kitchen furniture. Terms of sale cash. R. H. ROLLING, Caus, N. C., R. F. D. No. 1. North Carolina. ) In Superior court Yadkin County ) before the clerk W C F Garner et a) . vs f Notice Shtrk Adams, Arthur Ad- f amsetal ^ The defendants Stark Adams & Arthur Adams, above named, will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the superior court of Yadkin cou nty for the purpose of partitioning lands, and tue said defts. adll'fur (her take notice that they are req uired to appear before the clerk of the superior court of Yadkin cou nty at his olhce in Yadkinville on the 15 day of November 1923 and answer or demur to the complaint m said action, or the plaintid will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 26 day of Sept. 1913. J. L Crater, c. s. o. Nervous and Sick Headache Torpid liver, constipated bowels and disordered sromach are the causes of these headaches. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills, you will be surprised how quickly you will get relief. They stimulate the different organs to do their work properly. No better regulator for liver and bowels. Take 25c. and invest in a box to-day. All diug grsts or by mail. H. E. Buckle:) & Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis When you want a reliable medi cine for a - cough or cold take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For salo by ALL DEALERS. Men's and Boy's Ciothes and Furnishings * We know what men want and we have it. You are cordiaMy invited to come to our store and make it your stopping place when in Winston-Saiem. You wiii be under no obligations to buy. Mock-Bagby-Stockton Co. 418 Trade Street Winston-Salem, N. C. YADKtNVtLLE NORMAL SCHOOL The YadkinviHe Norma! School prepares for teaching, for college, and for life work. A iimited number of girls can be aecommcdat ed at the dormitory; Terms reasonable. Teachers in charge; W. H. Britt High School Dept. Miss Daisy Shermer Intermediate Dept. Miss Grace Grabs Primary [Dept. Airs. W. M. Britt Music. Fall term'begins Sept/8th. W. H. DRiTT, Principal AL!IY AND PR!CES TRADE AT THE (TREAT STORE Everything in Hardware, Implements, Lime and Cement. E LK ! N HARDWARE COMPANY

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