VOL. XXVII. 1LLE, YADKiN CO., N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, !921 NO. 37 19 BOYS FLORIDA'S 1820-21 CFO? ALOEB RECG1RE0-, 600 Miiiion Pounds of Icc. Costing $L700,0ii0 in 25,713 Refrigerator Carloads .-.ra FT took ovr-r half a billion pounds * a half dollars to cool 2.1,712 r - frigeratorcarioofis oy on. tra*: nortationat'U' b: i.-ehufteiu.dx of moving the peri:-t:u.b'e!;".'sand vegetabies of Fioridaai'nt-. 1920-21 seasui., to the cousutning markets of the Noth end Hast, iluge new ice manufa.'turuig - s have recently beH: g. iwu; n wee: ^ut and )ax-t< Mr. y;;.: i) niaa to: warn n.;u h. y<