VOL. XXVII: ‘ YADKINVILLE, YADKIN CO., N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 >921 NO. 40 — - --- -_____ I The Compulsory Attendance Law , An Act to Provide for the W: Compulsory Attendance Upon the Public Schools of Children Between Cer • tain Ages and to Regula te and Restrict Employ ment, Etc. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. Every parent, guardian, or other person in the state of North Carolina having charge or control of a child be tween the ages of eighiand four teen years shall cause such child to attend school continuously tor a period equal to the time which the public school in the district in which the child re sides shall be in session. The principal, superiutendent or teacher who is in charge of such school shall have the right to ex cuse the child from temporary attendance on account ct sick ness or distance of residence from the school, or uaavoidab.e cause which does not constitute truancy as defined by the Slate Board of Education. Sec 2. Any parent, guardian, or other person referred to 'n section one oi this act, violating the provisions oi the aforesaid section, shall be guilty oi a ims demeanor, and upon conviction shall be liable to a line ot not less than live dollars ($5) nor more than twenty-live dollars ($25) and upon failure or refusal to pay such lice the said parent g atdian or other person shali fee imprisoned not exceeding thirtv nays in me county jaii. Sec. 2a. it shall he the duly ci tile State Board of Kducat;cn ic toniiulate such rules and reg chmoasas may be necessary for the proper enforcement oi the picwsions of this act. Said beard shall prescribe what shall coruitijtute truancy, what cause’s may constitute legitimate excus ed for temporary nonutsendance due to physical or medial inaoi - iiy to attend and under what cir cumstances teachers, principals ci superintendents may excuse pepiis ior nonatiendants due to immediate demand oi the farm or :u:e home in certain seasons ofvheye.. ‘ ’"1 sec lions oi i!,ie state- n suau ye ui? dut; of all school officials to carry out such instructions from lhe State Board oi Education and any school official failing to carry out such instructions shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.Pro vided, that section one of this 'act shall not be in force in any city or county that has a higher compulsory attendance law no tv in force than that provided here in; but in such case it shall be * the duty of the State Board ci Education to investigate the same and decide that any such Jaw now in force has a higher compulsory attendance feature than that provided by this act; Provided, that wherever and dis trict is without adequate build sag or buildings for the proper •epio: cements of this act the . JjBity boards of education may ''iKhowed not more than twc years from July dm foist, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, to make full and am ple provisions in every U is trie •Sec. 3. The county superin tendent of public welfare c; chief school attendance office: t^r truant officer provided by it < shall investigate and proseci. < all violatons cf the provision: * i i of section one of this act. ; Sec. 4. The State Superin tendent of Public Instruction I shall prepare such rules of pro | cedme and furnish such blanks I for teachers and other school of 1 ficials as may be necessary for 1 reporting each case of truancy or lack of attendance to the | chief attendance officer referred To in section thereof. Such rules shall provide, among oth er things, for a notification in writing to the person re sponsi ble for the nonattendance of any child, that the case is to be re ported to the chief aftenaance officer of the county unless the law is immediately complied with. County noards oi educa ion and governing bodies of city schools shall have the right 40 appoint town or district at tendance officers when deemed by them necessary to assist m carrying out the provisions oi section one, two, three and lour j of this act, and the rules anc in structions which may be piomul! ! gated by the biate bupeiintend- \ !em of Public Instruction, but in! •every case in which n becomes j necessary to prosecute ior non- ! I attendance she case shad be rt j ierieci to tee chief attendance ot ! ficer of iiie county for further ! action. Provided, that in towns ! or cities having special attend-1 I ance officers paiu out ot town or! icily luuds saiu officers shall! ; have lull authority to piosecule ; for violations ot this act. : Sec. 5. No child under the age | of fourteen years shall be era j ployed or permitted to work in, j or about, or in connection with | any mill, factory, cannery, workshop, manufacturing estab | kshment, laundry, bakery, met-. | taMile establishment, office, lio-; | tel, restaurant, barber shop,boot • black stand, messenger or deliv | cry service, except in cases and under regulations prescribed by j the commission hereinafter cre ! ated. Provided, the employment j in litis section enumerated shall ! not be construed to include bona ' fide boys’ and girls’ canning i clubs recognized by the agricul ture department of this state; ! and such canning clubs are ex ; pressly exempted from the pro | visions of this act. i Sec. 5a. It shall be the duty of ' the county boards of education ! of each county in state of j North Carolina to cause this act i to be published in full in some ‘'emdy if tnere f be one, and if there be none, j then iu circular form and di > i tributed over the county at leas? Hour weeks prior to the pening 1 of the school? pile? the u-st C;y i of July, one* thousand nine had ! died and nineteen. J.Thad Reece, Chief At \ tendance Officer. . Advertisement ? Notice Contractors We want to contract with some j one to top-soil one mile of road from the Dixon liill Bridge to Brewbakor’s shop by the yard. Apply to A. Dinkins, or C. B. Ptjavis. Administrator’s Notice m Having qualified as administer,* | tor of the estate of J. G- Huff. e - . | ceased, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned within one year from date or this notice will be j lead* ’ ed in bar of then recove ry. • All persons indebted to said ce ‘ fcate will please make prompt ' j pay m mt. s This disk day of September, 1921. i (•.]*. blur, r'dminT, > Benbow, 11a I! T Ben bow, Att’ys SALE OF LAND North Carolina ) In Superior Yadkin County f Court William Kirk, Susie Smith, anc husband, Isasc Smith, vs Sarah Phillips, and husband, Alex. Phillips, John Kirk, Frank Kirk. Wade Bynum, Cora By num. Odell Bynum, and Son By num, James Kirk and Pearl Morgan. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Y'adkin coun ty, made on the 17th day of Sep tember, 1021, in the above in tit led special proceeding, I will of fer ior sale to the highest bidder at public auction, on the prem ises near the sand-clay road, about 1 mile east of Boonville Graded school, Saturday Nov. 5, at, or near, the hour of 1 o’clock the following described real es tate, lying and being in Boon vide township, iadkm county North Carolina: Bounded on the north by T. W. Shore, on the east by \Y, T. Fletcher, on the south hy Jack Hall and Jim Kirk, and on the west by Char ley Vestai, containing 26 acres more or less, and known as the Louis Kirk place; less 4 acres deeded to James Kirk, which is fully described in deed recorded m book 8, page 225, record ot deeds lor Yadkin county. Terms oi sale: One-half on the day oi sale and balance on a credit lor six months, with bona ajid approved security, or it pur chaser prefers he ma> pay pur chase price and obtain deed. Fhis 26th day of Sept., 1921. D. M. Vestal, Com mis. Williams & Reavis, Ati’ys NOTICE North Carol ina j In superior court Yadkin county | before the clerk; W. 'V. Woodrtuf, administrator of the estate of J. M. Hudspeth; deceased vs J. L. Hudspeth, Henry Hudspeth Early Hudspeth, Elsa Hudspeth; Lemma Bryant, Delph Biyanf, Fries Bryant, Guy Bryant, and lvery Bryant. The defendants above named, Henry Hudspeth, Early Huds peth, Lemma Bryant, Delph Bryant, Fries Bryant, Guy Bry ant, Worth Bryant and I very Bryant, will take notice that a special pro-*-1 •• • v! OO V Cj i « - >>v , , v ^ . ki*. « vilL v* CV_ Are the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yadkin count}, which j is tor the sah* u\ lands for assets j to I'Yvt'nGikbUoiJ. M Jiuds-I ; pen, deceased, and the S lid do i iiendants will further cane notice j . that they are required to appear | | before the Clerk of the Sup irlor j | Court of Yadkin county at his1 i office in the courthouse at Yad i i kinville, on the 21st day of Octo i her, 1921, and answer or demur : to the petition filed, or the re lief therein demanded will be granted. Tifis 21st day of Sept., 1921. j. L. Crater, C S. C Ad mini s t valor’s No fc ice ’laving qualified s atlsninis t ••.tor <>f (lie astute of J M. West deceased, lato of Yulioin county, North C noiiiKi. n 11 poisons hold* hit? claims iq'ahisfc the eHfcnto of j said dec*- s • I, are hoiwby i:o iPu d j to pvosent them to nnj on or be fore ti o titii dav of October, 19*22, ■O' this notice will bo plead in bar j of the i recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, are* re quwsfce i t > settle at.once. Ti: is 4t i day of October, 1921. J, A. West. Administrator of J. '!. West, de.vasw-. f SALE OF VALUABLE LAND By virtue of an order made b> |j. L. Crater, clerk Superioi ! court, in the special proceeding* entitled, Charles McKeiveret al against Winston McKinney et al, as commissioners, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on the premises in Yad kin county, cn the 29th day of October, 1921, at 1 o'clock, p. m the following tract ot land: Beginning on a rock on west side of creek in J. C. Triplett’s line, with his line south 52 de gree* west 10 chains, his corner; south 49 degrees west 3.75 chans to a hickory, his corner; south 20 degrees west 30 chains to a rock, old corner; north 75 de grees west 50 links to a Spanish oak stump- south 37 degrees| west 7 chains to a nine stump on i the Boonviile road; with said j roan south 87 degrees east 4j chains; north o5 degrets east 2,75 ; I chains to a stake on the east suit ; jot Cobb creek just above the! I bridge; north 83 degrees east. ; 6 50 chains; north 73 degrees; j east 3 chains to a roc1-' on the! 13oon v 111 e road; ’i ea \ Lng t h abroad ; I south 66 degrees east 18 chains j j to a post oak, M. f. liryan line, I i formeriv aicks unu Darker or* I ner; north 65 degrees east 18.55 j chains to the liooevtiVo road; ; with same not in /•) degrees i east 2 chains to tC-m oi Utmnd ! on the w *.si Side o. - CU creek; J auvvii si.iv, ei i.tr. as it idea- de*s nor tit 24 vtcgrees west 19 chains; nortii 31 degi cc-’1 w est -1 5.0 chains; not tii 24 a .-greet w cm 2 chains: norm 45 deg tees west 2 1*2 chain:; north 30 degrees west 3 1-2 chains to the mouth oi Cobb creek; down same north 32 degrees west 15 chains to the beginning, containing 122 acres more or less. Terms of stfle: One third on confirmation of sale, balance in six and twelve months, secured j by deed of tiust. The land will be sold as a whole and in three different tracts. This the 21st day of Sept., 1923, L. P. Tones & J. E. Carter, Commissioners. Commissioner’s Sale of Yaiuabe Real Estate North ('nr.mna Forsyth Found W. u. Pmidry, Administrator of P. M. B-'.;Ui*anr, <]< 'v;: -r g vs ’Jo: t iMoGraw; Yv. It. Per,. Jr.- ami wife, Until Penury; Hel r; >ic(_ -"e. t„ 1921. k red 8. Hutchins, Coramissioriter. - Governor Calls Sped a Election Governor Morrison has calle i a. special election to be held November 15th. to choose suc cessors to Senator Nash oi Rich mond county, recently made so licitoi; to Senator Kanipe of Burke, and Representative G. I C. Bryant of Yadkin, who have gone 10 the revenue service, and Repiesemative G. W. Muniord of Wake county, Young Man Murdered hy His Cousin Saturday Night Fred Easter, • a your,4 while man of Surry county, was shot and killed in Surry county ntv.r the Virginia line Saturday r, Jo by hi.% cousin, Coley Easter. The young me y niter imbib-, ng some whiskey, it is said, went calling on a daughter of Host a Pay ne m ar the state line Fret s <1 die girl were sitting 00 the c.me of a bed with ids cous in seated opposite them vde:i Coley turned and said, "1 am ^o . Bray vs M. 11 Brannon. By virtue 01 an execution di rected to me by the Superior court of Yadkin county in the above entitled action and also by virtue of a Writ of Attach ment duly levied by me on the property herein described, i will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Yadkinville on the 7th day of November, 1921, at 1 o’clock, p. m., all the right, title and interest of the de fendant in the following real es I tale: Lying and be*ng in Deep Creek township, Yadkin count;., North Carolina, bounded as fel lows : | First track Bounded on the ; north by Verge Brannon; on the i , | west by ouiah ivvans; on n:e south by Isaac Long, and on the oast by h-nuiC Long, containing 71 acres. Second tract. In same town ship, bounded on the north by Lon Creen; on tilts west by Ma rion Hinson; on the south by M. IV Wooten, and on the east by John Reavis lands, containing 31 acres, more or less. This the 30th day of Sept., 1*121. C. E. Moxley, Sheriff Yadkin County i Williams & Keavis, Au'ys. Administrator’s Notice If living qualified as administra tor of the estate')!! J I \ and Bet ti<* Shore, deceased, this is to no tiiy all persons having chums against said est.-de to present t them to the undersigned, proper | lv verified, within one year J r m date or thfe notice will bo plead ed in bar of their recover, ' All persons indebted to said es tate will please make prompt pay ment. This hist day of So. tend or 1 21 A. V. Shore, Admins’r Be -bow. Hah y Benbo'.v, All’ys Plain Coffin An 1 a | M Horse Wagon “Bury nie in a plain, home made cotiir, and let body be ! carried Lp the grave in my one j horse wagon. ' ['his was the . r .-quest made by Mr. R. A. Gad i dy, affectionately know n to hun dreds as '“Uncle Bob,” before he i passed away recen1Iv i a the ! Wingate, N. C, section, and in. ; ‘compliance with his wishes 1 sco. t-S of bereaved friends and .relatives slowly wended their ; way io the cemetery tne other day behind a lowly ore-horse wagon in which reposed a plain coffin made by local carpenieis that contained iht remains of ‘his mghiy essetmed citizen and Coefeoerate r etcran. I nt deceased was 7 « years of sye was a native of Union conn y. He strived in the Con fedcraie arrnv for eighteen monfns amt was a valiant. sol dier, ; ie v.’iiS a nevoted Mem ber os The imyom church, was an honest* s’ruigh-loruard cni /.eri. .mi was considered u friend by He :y eve:> o , .(j his e<;. - nsun;! >. . i>5.1 i u: i.:s sons wvie p;d; hearers. h: - :.re'.‘ of Hick i y, w *• vn«.n. > hy ;a Wei.ms • .. : ..ah j hOJC pem.-lr;. i, ; s • n: :j;l j Causing non- s utsano uta-a. : Spoil C; 5 s t UVcT IK.OC ii. " « j oics ’sirs. \.j i.y Such ,ui, v,,^ j of an '•'Xpi'v. .it •;>•:?* bia, S. nmii i . j Mouday ■ ■ yroLsng L*i jq a gassiovt ..iiU turning <> i the gas. ba.it? Ot V ciiliable Laiici Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the (Superior court of Yadkin countv, N. made on the 4th day of October, 19di, in the mutter of (J. E. 1’ayl lor, ei a.l vs ilia Poindexter, efc a!, 1 will idler lor sale at public a no tion-to the highest biduer on the premis-■ s, on Eriday, (he 4th day November, iDJl, at 11 o’clock, oi., on .the terms of l me third | cash; Om third in six ; lontiisaud uae-i.ij r v Mott- with Jt ! ‘pi • >\I*(i S', v-!’ 11; v ! , ! , ■■ ' , , ~~ . i (> per cent i per in;itiiUi lfoiu eomu maiiui!. the followin'; described 1m ■--, t *; - \v i t: | j »viu{-r and Kong t! e >*oin5l v ( t ’’ Yadkin, Fo 1 >i:ii t«*.. i;."in ; . a i :-joining tin* lands « l \» v m l>ni , ■ G. L Nicholson •;.>G < to s. a d. i OOlliiI i' Hi as }“e ‘ | j; 11• •1 { t • | t l I Jit a. luaeli oak o;i tti«* j •. t tt | to i iiiiitsvi] ;e, imiu;. west Jl 1 1 * j cunins „o a post m ;mi | links to a | o :t oak cohum; av s> ! Id chains ami Olinhs to a white 1 oak in the ►Stowart iin’e; thence j south to the sa.iO r>;c\vart in. Z-' i chains to a Flake, at tic* ; ■ > ■ ♦ I m i iGioujj s hue; tin.na'.- s nth 1>-1 «{«•• igreos east. 34 chains to a Spa i. ii I at forks of roar; then: t north 4 j degrees «• ist "i clia.rts ami . o inks | to a, I. nek oak; thence >< nth To ! decrees east o eh; ins lo a » j-t [ oa c' comer <-f 11,e chnrcli Ini; j tin nee south 5 chains ami To | I i nl;' to a. s t-t k: > ■■ a> t!>e *«Jdn of t!ic road; 111eiicc nori 1 \ !'d r-s i _ > I \v - •"* chains aim To ii l.s to ih * . beginning, contain h j; Is mov | move or K.-m < \ c t j trom 4 a o'as >ier*•'..p_>, . j | Nalhan id .»• T,r, a 1 4 a . ; cs su’d , t) Lee Logan. • This the o s > 1 : c mo!) i\ j i’ . {>, 1 >ei‘ 1 V.-, (. ; > 111 . Benlmw, Flail & Leob, . At /