?! • ' ) . , . - ' .. ' ' F VOL. XXVII. VAPKINVILLE, YADKIN CO., V. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 192l~ NO. 41 News Items Marshal Foch has sent a ca blegram stating that he could not attend the reunion of the Thirtieth division at Nashville, Tenn., on November 3 and 4. news dispatch from Atlanta '' says that “Cyclone Mack,” the evangelist, owns 7 > coon and fox hounds, and that as soon as he finishes his Atlanta meeting he is going to take a hunt in the Pee Deep river swamps. Will Rodgers, colored, was ar rested in High Point last week and taken to Greenville, S. C. where he was wanted ior wife murder. A forest fire swept over about 700 acres of field and timber land in Rowan county last week The Western North Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church South, convened in High Point yesterday for its 1921 session. Winston-Salem police officers discovered a gambling hall in the PLylos club rooms in the heart of the city last week. It is said that a rushing business was being done at the card tables. The cabin in which Johnston j surrendered to Sherman during ] the civil war near Durham, was destroyed by fire recently. The senate has confirmed the nomination of Gilliam Grissom lor collector of internal revenue for North Carolina. I; Airangcments have been com pletes r r a sec nd prize tight betu\ : jess Wiilard and Jack Dempsey next spring, it wilt be fought either in New York or New jersey. Nolle Ekct.'oa and Ap pointment ol Regis trars and Judges To obedience to a writ by the Hoi:. Ca; :oron Morrison. (Govern or of North. Carolina, dated Octo ber 6, EG!, for the purpose of holding an election in Yadkin j county on November 15, 1‘j'dl, for | the purpose of electing a Liepre sell hi tivo to fill the vacancy caus ed by the resignation ci Dr. C. G. Bryant, we the members of the Board of Elections of said Yadkin county appoint the following liegistrars and Judges of the va rious precincts and issue notice of same to the fSheriif of Yadkin county, commanding him to forth with t ( -1 ve s a id s u m m oi: s * r UOtk»* as- i . “ " ■ a r.-V r,.i: ill ea ,‘Gnct being tJie lit yG-1 trar: Boohv; :•!.—J, \v . U;-ece, i k Vestal a ;»i. J. J. v-.y at'i. Kort robs- . ... son. \V. P. VVoodmil and J. V. . Yv oil . Soul . K.uoos~. >S. S. Wagon-a*,, B. F. t ■'•.dor and J, J. Martin. Fuck ouoal— \\ . i\l. P.u as. k, P. Mad sso»1 and J. \Y. Cook. Deep Creek—L. 11. Steelman, C. G. lu-revis and J, W. Hudspeth North liberty—0. L. Gabnrd, J. D. Phillips and D. E, Dobbin?. fcjouth liberty—J. Yv. 1). Baity, John Wooten and lieu ilutledge. Forbusli—W. C. Jennings, S. L. ' Dpub and J. 13. Phillips. Little Yadkin—V. A. Strupe, AY. A. Jones and J. N, Black. East Bead 41. E. Davis, il. E. Ring aiid T. A. Poindexter. West Bend—D. G. .Martin, L\ y NSkpavis and J. S. Chooliu, T ..JTorth Fail Creek-J. A. Mat. thews, H. M.* Pripi and D. W. Hobson. S mtb Fall Creek — Yv. A. Hin sbaw, M. M. Bryant and L. S. Fleming. This October 12, 1921, S. A. It All DING, Chair, .an Board of Elections, W. A. 11 A fil.j. Bee rotary. Had His Whiskey Buried With Him | Recent disposal of the Gabriel Sales farm at Easton, Maryland, has recalled the extraordinary request made by the farm’s orig inal occupant just before he died. Not wishing to be deprived in the other world of his rum and tobacco, old Gabriel Sales left instructions that his coffin be extra long, and be left open at each end, while at the head should be placed a jug of rum, the very best of spirits, and ten pounds of smoking and chewing tobacco. He explained his idea of hav ing the coffin open at each end by saying that should the devil come after him he could play hide-and-seek with his infernal j majesty by slipping in and omj at will. Whatever his motive, tt j is said that he was buried as de j scribed, and there to this day his | grave may been seen, marked J by a holly tree at each end. I Now, in this age of prohibition, j there are probably mau\ who j are wondering at the quality cf j the contents of that jug, it it stii' be there. SALE OF LAND North ' ’;i;<kb.- - 1 n Su]>f'iiv i Yadkin < 'uiint > ? Court William Kirk, Susie SmiiS, am: ; husband, Case Smith, VS Sarah IKK.Kps, and husband,I AKx. I biiii]. , John Kirk, Frank j Kirk, Wade An am, Cura By mm, Odell Bynum, and Son By num, James Kirk and Pear! Morgan. Pursuant to an order ol the Superior Court of Yadkin coun ty, made on the 17th day of Sep tember., 1 -*21, in the above mtit led special proceeding, I .will of fer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, on the prem ises near the sand-clay road, about 1 mile-east of BoonviSIe Graded school, Saturday Nov. 5, at, or near, the hour of 1 o’clock the following described real es tate, lying and being in Boon ville township, Vadkin county North Carolina: Bounded on the north by T. W. Shore, on til . " ! y \V j the south ' luck liaii and jbm Kirk, -nd c • the west by Char ley Vestal, out ; 2 t1 > ‘i’ . . 'td know u a * t ae I/ -.:' - Kirk •dec.'; less -1 ac e diei • ' to . •: ,'S ' irk, which is j fit} d scribed in deed recorded j in book S, page .2.25, record of j dec ior Yadkin county. K r rms of sale: One-half on the K v of sale and balance on a credit for six months, with bond and approved security, or if pur chaser prefers he may pay pur chase price and obtain deed. This 26th day of Sept., 1921. 1). M. Vestal, Commis. Williams & Reavis, Atl’ys ailaiin 1 stra tor’s Notice Having .juftlined ns ndimuistra | tor of the estate of 0. G. Huff, de | ceased, this, is to notify all pm - | sons having Haims against said j estate o present them to the nu i der,signed within one year from | date or this notice will 1>o piojJ i t d iu bar of thi\ir recovery. I All persons indebted to said es r late 'will please make prompt pa\ meat. jThis *21st day of September, 1921, (’. B. Huff, Admin’r, Ben bow, Ti at I A 1'eh bo w, A tt’y s_ \ BRISK ‘HARD LIQUORS’ ROW Germans Using More Whisky, Brandy and Gin—Draft New Law. Berlin.—Consumption of tvinos find liquors lias been increasing so rapidly in Germany since the war that the reichslag has directed the drafting of a lull to regulate the 1 rathe. The law also is to check a growing increase in the number of saloons, in Berlin par ticularly. The crime wave which lias been sweeping the country for many months is attributed by many to the “drink craze,” and especially to the more gen eral use of cheap cognacs, green whis kies, gin .and other “hard liquors.” The Germans, in fact- are gradually losing their old reputation as beer drinkers. Practically all the cafes and wine roortis of Berlin are installing “Ameri can bars,” against which the customer may lean, with his feet on a brass rail. There is no charge for a place at the bar. but to sit at the tables it is compulsory to drink champagne or some other wine of similar price. Con sumption of champagne has out stripped all previous records the last twelve months, amounting to more than 1”,000,000 hol ies. Harding Issues Order in Favor of War Veterans A fixed policy giving prefer ential consideration to postmas tership applicants who are vet-1 erans of the -a orld war was in- J augmated by President lfarding I last hriday by executive order. The civil service commission was directed bv >he order to add five points 10 rhv ex iruination rating ot eve \ prospective' presidential posh ui.er who hud j been in serv.ce dui .na he war. xii addition the pix-smc i order- ! edtli.it age harm i ions be waiv-j d in sin a cams ,-.nd that »he | period or screws be reckoned as! a part of the required length ci business experience. . JWI1CE NoriliCnioIina \ In superior court J V ad kin county | before the clerk. W. V. Woodruff, administrator of the estate of j, M. Hudspeth, deceased vs J. L. Hudspeth, Henry Hudspeth | Early Hudspeth, Elsa Hudspeth,! Lemma Bryant, Delphi Biyant, Fries Bryant, Guy Bryant, and I very Bryant. The defendants above named, j Henry Hudspeth, Early Huds-j petli, Lemma Bryant, Ddph | Bryant, Fries Bryam, Guy Bry- | ant. Worth Bryant and I very! Bryant, will take no dee that a! ^^ecial proce°'; .ng, entitled ^ ’ o— E.'*' ’ i me need he | L.u'e Hie Clerk c he Superior' Court of Yadkin e [y, which! :: .or the sale of ..id: for assets ; its pay the debts o, j. ai Buds* ‘ p ill, dec*.* isee, a .0 d - said de ie • da 1:is whi inhu ' a.:o no 1 ice I that they are requh d o appear ; be 1 ore the C. rk of the Superior Court Ci Yadkin county at his j office in the courthouse at Yad I binville, on the 21st day of Octo-1 ber, PCI, and answer or dem11 r to the petition filed, or the re lief >herein demanded will be granted. I This 21st day of Sept., 1921. J. L. Crater, C. S. C. Administrator’s Notice Having qualified s adminis jintor of the estate of d. 11. West deceased, late of iadLin county, North Carolina., all persons hold* | in*? claims against the estate of | said dece is * 1, are, hereby notified to present them to me on or be fore the fith day of October, 1922, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All poisons indebted to said estate are re quested to Settle at once. This 4th day of October, 1021. J. A. West. Administrator of J. H. Vft st, deceased. ' > FORMER YAOKIN BOY SHOT BY OFFICER Albert Cook, a young white man, son of Bud Cook, who for merly lived near Yadkinville. was shot and seriously wounded at Price, Rockingham county, last week by a deputy sheriff who was trying to stop him. It is said that Cook and a man nampd Bob Heath, was coming from Virginia with a loa f of booze when officers attempted to stop them. Cook was shot through the spinal column. He was carried to the Lawrence Hospital at Winston-Salem, where physi cians say he is paralyzed and will never recover. Rob Hutchens Pardoned fey the Governor Rob Hutchens, of Yadkin vi 1 It*, was granted a pardon by Governor Morrison last week. He vvas convicted in Rocking ham county for the theft of an automobile and sentenced to serve|one,year after set vmg cer-; tain ^sentences from Yadkin | county, which he served. Governor Morrison announc ed that he granted the pardon noon the recommendation of Judge Ray and a “strong letter from Sandora Martin and other ct'izens. ” SAUS OF ALL AJsLE LAN It iiy value of an order made by J. U Crater, clerk Superior court, in the special proceedings • milled, Charles McKaiveret nl .igumsl Winston McKiiint v et a , as commissioners, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on the premises in Yad kin county, on the 29th day or October, 1921, at 1 o’clock, p. m the following tract of land: Beginning on a rock on west side of creek in J. C. Triplett's line, with his line south 52 de-’ grees west 10 chains, his corner; south 49 degrees west 3.75 chans to a hickory, Ins corner; south 20 degrees west 30 chains to a rock, old corner; north 75 de grees west 50 links to a Spanish oak stump-, south 37 degr.es west 7 chains to a pine stump on the Boonville road; with said j SGlilI .37 (!' chuins; north 65 degrees east 2.7o i chains to a stake or. the east side j '■ ■■! Cool) creek just above die ! bridge; north 83 degrees east j 6 50 chains; north 73 degrees east 3 chains to a reck on the i'/Oon.viUe road; leaving the road j south 66 degrees east IS chains! tau.post oak, M. ]. Bryan line, I formerly Nicks and Barker cor- j ner; north 65 degrees east 13.55! chains to the Boon vide road;! with same north 73 degrees | east 2 chains to Balm of Gilead on the west side of Fall creek; dim n said ergek as it meanders north 21 degrees west it) chains; north 37 degrees west 4.50 chains; north 24 decrees west 3 chains; north 45 degrees west 2 1-2 chains; north 30 degrees west 3 1-2 chains to the mouth of Cobb creek; down same north 32 degrees west 15 chains to the beginning, containing 122 acres more or less. Terms of sale: One third on confirmation of sale, balance in six and twelve months, secured by deed of tiust. -The land wiii be sold as a whole and in three different tracts. This the 21st day of Sept., 1921. L. P. Jones & J. E. Carter, Commissioners. Winston-Salem ' . Bank is Robbed The Soulhside branch bank of the Farmers Bank and Trust! Company, of Winston Salem, was entered by two masked, men shortly aftei 8 o’clock last: Thursday morning, who held! up the cashier, W. K. Snow, and j forced him to pass out $9,000 in i currency, then locked the cash-; ier in the vault and made their | escape. Mr. Snow, who has been with the bank several months, beat; on the waits oi the bank vault and cried out at the top .oi his voice, hoping to attract the at- j tenti.m oi some one in the office! overhead, lading this to noj avail he tried the vault door and i discovered the bars inside could ! I be lifted and the door opened. I Once outside, Mr Snow lost; no time in notifying the chief of! police, the sheriff ana the bank, oiticials, and a posse was hasti-j 1 > organized and a search for the j robbers kept up throughout the day. Nothing was found that ■ would lead to the identity oi the ; robbers. it is stated that the bank is iul- i iy covered with burglary and! dux light-hold*:p 'nsuiuiice io cover any loss if ... ruigni occur :tl iiiia UlaCtii*. r. 1 Ue . :-u. C .u’ ' S '.i.cO i.ic .. it .♦ . il )'l LUiSl ties> a tew uiiua>. ivti r lire UiU ai op-, ntug hour. Sale . i i ..no ..\ultn C. Uto.';.i : Lt-'i. t\ • In Superior Lom:, before dm clerk. -v\ iiti'cce am. A. O. vita;, vs M * i 1. JL> a l ii i i C il« | By virtue oi an execution di-i reeled to me by die Superior! court oi Yadkin county in the above entitled action and also by virtue or a Writ ci Attach-j meat duly levied by me on the! property herein described, I wtilj sell at public auction to the I highest bidder tor cash at the! courthouse door m Yadkmvdie j on the 7th day of November, j 1921, a! 1 o’clock, p. in., all the; right, mb- anti interest oi the ue- j teudauf . llie following reut ts uue: Lymp and he'r.g ia Deep Ci'ceiv i OVVP&J Ip', i .»U. • iti c\s. . i.\ , i\ i.h . , •<>. !' ‘ - . ■ v 1 : iOVV.-'! i'i.. ■ ».i Ac ;. i>t/ii;,UVU OO 11U5 Ui aV Vvij.,t: w: , Uii . - WCD!../., buXail -ail. . o .» oUUi'i \».) i . .. .. 1 , i.iivi C (.hi Ji i. C JL ■ ■ V' V- ■ , A. / i tiv.1 V-C* ^CCUiill Li'nCt. iii i.iiiiw* - • cii-j;' I 0 v..' Li i X v. a. Uii liiC .i.XIi.t iLiOti »ri'wCUj «jii liiw \V :;..i U » llUii OU !UC j'jo.a »q », ‘ - l V i UUivii^ i*J : .. Oil lliO L *1 a , r \ jUJii iVc.lv 1j V'.iUiu. ,.ir; 1 i> i .iciC;, UiulC Oi iv'Si:. i liiC vi'vUi U.lj ui Ocpi , 1 .' _■ i. D. li,. lUoxiey, „ . . OiiCilk.iL a. ll‘.i iViil O O U i* . vV iliiauio cV AuiV la, All J i>. Administrator’^ A oiice i Ida.dog qualified as admit ora- t tor of tlio estate ot‘ J F. and i -; I tie failure, decease.;, t.hi > is te* >■ ; tiI"v ; hi.sou-. I:;. . iiip c; ; against said estate to pv m:.t i them to the undersigned, pr . Iv vefitted, U'ii a. < >•'.<» \ r:. r ia j 'date or this notice will be pi era-! * ed in bar of their recovery. A ll pet sous indebted to said, . s tale will please make prompt pay ment. This ‘.list .by .if v j ton1 r, T. f j ! A. M. (Shore, Admins’r . Ib.ibow, Hall A lien bo \v, Att’ya. 1 l&y 1 • ‘ .«a |Senator Knox Died Suddenly Wednesday Philander C. Knox, senator from Pennsylvania, died sud denly ai his home in Washing ton last Wednesday afternoon. He was stricken with paralysis as he was descending: the stair way to the dining; room in his home and passed away fifteen minutes later without gaining consciousness. Senator Knox had been a prominent figure in politics tor many years. He was attorney general under Presidents Mc Kinley and Roosevelt, and was secretary of state under Presi dent Taft. He was f>S year- old and was Serving his second term in the senate, '('he funeral and burial were at \ alley Forge, his old home, Saturday. Notice to Ex-Service Meta 1 li*' ! i -1 i V passed a !..\y 11*1 j ; i: j»tg «-;n• 1 • eoj].. ty to pi'oxidi a boo', fur !i>- iog i st.i’JI tl> *11 l M MO : ■ ! ’S ,S|. l (tis(■ 1.!i r>:: ■ s. Sncii ■1 la •< Ii, ^ 1) *ea provided, ;n u i , ,j t,. ■, mum: f ■ : { V.. -n t \ ;; • i.. , : .» l > , .1 i ! ■* 11 ‘ 1 . i • . . - . l .. *, wifi . • ■■ ' *i I t Ml V ! . t ur ._ . . ’ ''1 ' 1 1 1 ’ .\ O I , | . 1,1 _\ ; , ; , . , • I . I; »u .. Sale of Valuable Li.rd -Notiee is Innvbv ^ivon that by virtue oi an order oj the Supei! ,■ court of Yadkin countv, N C lui'de (ui the 4Mi clay of October, 1921, in tlie matter of C. 11. 1,. . lor, of at \\s [na Poindexter, et id, i will cMnr tor sale at public aur lion to i.'• ' highest bidder on the premises, cm biidav, tlm 4t!i d iy Novemb >iv 1921, at J1 o’clock, a, m., ('it lli term.', of One third •ash; On. third in «o\ months and t/oic tin oi i: i ! waive, mouths, the 1,-h ut t ; be secured »v e O i: ii ! ppl oed si ■ ■ 1: . y at : >r l' Ji •'' ’ -‘‘'in 1*0.’ i.» ];l : h :.• i. o ° ■ ■ • • ■ . t ■■' i>^ . {: ’i j .,:fr ,. > :.s < / ; rv ; i i 1 j5 ;1- 'l! ■' « L a e. d . - b> I 1 Oi. d i-ii : :i v. -vt ] [ ,*! 1 £1 iil S t > «•> ft Si L; i lieiiC * ' Oil! il 9 rV i: - ;;nv 50 'inks i ]iot onk t*or; w.-st. L* : • ’ MS! h . : • i, t u W *: i' o;ik l'! ’ Si ;:i'i ! met th ac<3 south i ) tiif :i■ i .Stewart hue 2"f chants to !. fduke, at the i »:ui in Oienu ; ini.-: i lienee south 5! d>* tfives «• si 54 chains to a S]>:i i-.li at forks of lo.to; thence north 4 denis m oast-/ chains and Go links to a black < il ; thence south 58 degree s oast 5 chains to a post oak corner ol the church it t; theme -oath 5 chains atul 75 link- to a stake on the side of the road; {!•*.. ee north (15 degrees west 5 chains ami 75 links to (lie beginni o.:, containing 78 acres, more or less, excepting theio from 4 • ores heretofore sold to Nathan idylor, and 3 acres sold to Lee t noon. This the 4th da v of October, 192 F. B. Benbow. Com, Benhoe, Bail A: i>. nbow, Atfcv’s.

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