* I- ■» , - '■**' ' '**■ '' ' ~ T -. , . v^-'T *•* -*—~ .« i * * HNk! IS IB H r«rt BSB ! fl ^B ^B HI Btt^Ejifr | B m Bf »• lyap p \ SB MB \ B| 4 Hr B fflL VOL XXVII. VADKINVILLE, YADKIN CO., N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27,1921 N0.42 Another New Industry v Now in Yadkinville * ■ i i . Yadkinville has come to the front with a new manufacturing enterprise which has the possi bilities of great development. It is the V-M Tube Patch Co., and is owned and managed by Mr. Martin Mackie and the Yad kinville Motor Company., They are putting out a patch for automobile tires and a tube paste which goes with it and they ha\ e already sold several good orders of the product to different firms. The business has great possibilities and we wish them much success. _____ * Church Announcement Will you not join us in the “Not Over” Sunday evening service, October 3Uth, Presby terian ciiurch, at 0:45 o'clock. S. O. S. call to the churches, the federated, conscience of the church, builder of public senti ment. Rev. J. E. Robinson will pre sent ratis relative to the nation wide campaign tor nullification of law with a view to bringing the people to a realization of the fact that the fight against law lessness is not yet over. Every body come,] COM. Mrs. VV. F. Cody, widow of “Baffaloe Bill”- Cody, died at Cod}-, Wyoming, Thursday. She was 78 years old. , t _— 1 ■■■— Notice of Election and Ap pointment of Regis trars and Judges In obedience to a writ by the Hon. Cameron Morrison, Govern or of North Carolina, dated Octo ber 6, J, for the purpose of holding an election in Yadkin county on November 15, 1921, for the purpose of electing a Liepre- 1 sentative to till the vacancy caus ed by the resignation ot Dr. C. G. Bryant, we the members of the Board of Flections of said Yadkin county appoint the following Registrars and Judges of the va rious precincts and issue notice of same to the Sheriff of Yadkin county, commanding him to forth with to serve said summons or' notice ns tVI'vws, the first named in each precinct being ttie liegis trai: Boouville—J. W. Reece, D. M. | Yestal aud J. J. Covum. North Kuobs—K. M. Thomp k son, W. b\ Woodruff aud J. F. Wolf. i South Kuous—-S. S. Wagoner, L RF. Carter aud J. J. Martin. Buck Shoal—W. M. Parks, R. A P. Madison and J. W. Cook. Deep Creek—L. R. Steelman, C. G. Renv is and J. W. Hudspeth If North Liberty—C. L. Gabard, J. D. Phillips and D. E. Dobbins. South Liberty—J.W.D. Baity, John Wooten and Beu Rutledge. Forbush—W. C. Jennings, S. L. X)oub and J. B. Phillips. L Little Yadkin—P. A. Strupe, A. Jones and J. N. Black. V, p5; East Bend —H. E. Davis, H. E. RiDg and T. A. Poindexter. ANestBend—D. G. Martin, P. H- Davis and J. S. Clioplin. North Fall Creek—J. A. Mat thews, H. M. Prim aud D. \\. Hobson. South Fall Creek—W. A. Hiu shaw, M. H. Bryant and L. . S. Fleming. This October 12,1921, 9. A. HARDING, , Ghujtman Board of Elections, "W. A. HALL, Secretary., Aunt Martha Inscore Died Tuesday Afternoon Aunt Martha Inscore, aged 61. died at her home here Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock after an illness of three days with paraly sis. Aunt Martha was a good wo man and well liked by all who knew her. The funeral was conducted from the home yes terday afternoon and the inter ment was in the town cemetery. She is survived by one son, Mr. Arthur Inscore, of Elkin, who has been here at his moth er’s bedside since Sunday morn ing. Death of Mr. Potts Mr. N. H. Potts was born Aug ust 20, 1&44, and died. October in, 1921, aged 77 years, 1 month and 25 dais. He I rad been a member of tile Ejlends church for a num ber of years, fie was a kind neighbor and will be missed by all his friends. The luuoral and burial were at Mount Tabor, T'or syth county, the services being conducted ilevs. LI. L. Speer and T\ O. An scorn be* of Ouilford Col lege. 2 A Neighbor. SALE OF LAND North Carolina. I l.u Superioi Yadkm Count\ j Court William Kirk, Susie Smith, and husband, Isasc Smith, vs Sarah Phillips, and husband, Alex. Phillips, John Kirk, Frank Kirk, Wade Bynum, Cora By num, Udell Bynum, and Son By num, James Kirk and Pearl Morgan. Pursuant to an order, of the Superior Court of Yadkin coun ty, made on the 17th day of Sep tember*. 1&21, in the above intit led special proceeding, I will of fer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, on the prem ises near the sand-clay road, about 1 mile east of Boonville Graded school, Saturday Nov. 5, at, or near, the hour of 1 o'clock the following described real es tate, lying and being in Boon ville township, Yadkin county North Carolina: Bounded on the north by T. W. Shore, on the east by W. T. Fletcher, r Hie south by Jack Hall and Jim Kirk, and on the west by Char ley Vestal, containing 26 acres more or less, and known as the Louis Kirk place; less 4 acres deeded to James Kirk, which is fully described in deed recorded in book 8, page 225, record of deeds for Yadkin county. Terms of sale: One-half on the day of sale and balance on a credit for six months, with bond and approved security, or if pur chaser prefers he may pay pur chase price and obtaia deed. This 26th ’.ay of Sept., 1921. D. M. Vestal, Commis. Williams & Reavis, Att’ys Administrator’s Notice Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of J. G. Huff, de ceased, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to the uu dersigned within one year from date or this notice will be plead ed iu bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es. tate will please make prompt payment. This 21st day of September, 1921 0. B. Huff, Admtu’r, Ben bow, Hall & Benbow, Att’ys New Lawrence Hospital is Growing Popular There is, perhaps, no one who yearns to go to a hospital, but the tact is many of us have to go, and we are all very particu lar about the kind of hospital we are going to. Tn this connection we believe that when one finds pleasant and profitable surroundings in a hospital it should be given pub licity. From observation and ! experience at the new Lawrence Hospital at Winston-Salem it seems that one finds there as near an ideal hospital as can He found in this section. The hospital itseli is conven iently located in a quiet part ol I the city; u is new from bottom I to top with all modern conven iences and equipment that can [be found for the comfort and i benefit pi. hs patients. A cote rie of nurses are there to aid the | management, and these young I ladies are headed by a popular j young \ adkin county gin, Miss | Ethel Nicholson, or Baltimore, who is superintendent of the j hospital. Misses Lottie Pardue, of Deep Creek, and I rena Nor man, of East Lend, are popular nurses at this hospital. Auci above all ihe hospital is headed by Dr. C. S. Lawrence, who is recognized by all as one of the leading physicians and surgeons in this country. Dr. Lawrence was a recognized au thority on surgery during the Spanish-American war and wi s dispatched to the front. He later located in Winston where he grew in the esteem of ihe people until the world war, when he organized an ambulance corps and spent many months of act ive duty behind the lints in France. Since returning home he has built this new and mod ern hospital for two reasons— that he might aid a suffering people by building a hospital under private supervision and a hospital where people of mode rate could go without such heavy expense. The writer’s wife has just re turned from this hospital where she was treated for a nervous breakdown and we feel that ' e have said of thF mod ern institution is fully justified by the facts and results in this case, and we feel no one seeking relief by treatment or surgery would make a mistake by going there for treatment. Agriculture Year Books Copies of Agriculture Year Books for 1926 may be obtained from Congressman William C. Hammer, Washington, D. C> House Office Building, Room 443. The list for distribution is limited and requests cannot be filled after the supply has been exhausted. Administrator’s Notice Having qualified s adminis trator of the estate of J. H. West deceased, late of Yadkin county, Noith Carolina, al] persons hold* >ng claims against the estate of said decease J, ate hereby notified to present them to me on or be fore the 6th dav of October, 1922, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted t<> said estate are re quested to settle at once. This 4th day of October, 1921. J. A. West. Administrator of J. II/West, deceased. — ------— — -----!» T~ To Prevent Diphtheria As your cointy quarantine officer, I wish to call the atten tion of every mother id this county to diphtheria. The num ber of cases of this disease being reported to the State Board of Health is on the increase thro ugout the state. No epidemic is reported at any place, but one may occur anywhere. We are entering our diphtheria season. To prevent diphtheria, moth ers should take their children 'between six months and six | years old to their family doctor ; for three doses of toxin-antitox j in. As it takes about six wteks ; lor the effect of this treatment ! to be established, no time should i be lost. _ . .Mothers should also bear In ! mind that croup and sore throat kill too many babies to let a grannie, your neighbor, or there selves treat a child. As sume no risk! Call your doctor, and it he advises diphtheria an titoxin, let him use it. If the parents of this county would follow these suggestions, money ami lives would be saved and sickness prevented Yours very truly, S. L. Russell, M. D., County Quarantine Officer. Rev. Chas. A Wood, of Wadesbore, has been appointed superintendent of the Childrens Home at Winston Salem, to suc ceed Walter R. Thompson, de ceased. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND By virtue of an order made by J. L. Crater, clerk Superior court, in the special proceedings entitled, Charles McKeivevet al against Winston McKinney et al, as commissioners, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on the premises in Yad kin county, on the 29th day of October, 1921, at 1 o’clock, p. m the following tract of land: Beginning on a rock oh “west side of creek in J. C. Triplett’s line, with his line south 52 de grees west 10 chains, his corner; south 49 degrees west 3.75 chans to a hickory, his corner; south 20 degrees west 30 chains to a rock, old corner; north 75 de grees west 50 links io a Spanish oak stump: south 37 degrees west 7 chains to a pine stump on the Boonville road; with said ; road south W egrees east 4 | drains; north t>o degrees east 2.7n chains to a stake on the east side of Cobb creek just above the bridge; north 53 degrees east 6.50 chains; north 73 degrees east 3 chains to a rock on the Boonville road; leaving the road "south 66 degrees east 18 chains to a post oak, M. J. Bryan line, formerly Nicks and Barker cor ner; north 65 degrees east 18.55 chains to the Boonville road; with same north 73 degrees east 2 chains to Balm of Gilead on the west side of Fall creek; down said creek as it meanders north 24 degrees west 19 chains; north 37 degrees west 4.50 chains; north 24 degrees west 3 chains; north 45 degrees west 2 1-2 chains; north 30 degrees west 3 1-2 chains to the mouth of Cobb creek; down same north 32 degrees west 15 chains to the beginning, containing 122 acres more or less. Terms of sale; One third on confirmation of sale, balance in six and twelve months, secured by deed of tiust. The land will be sold as a whole and in three different tracts. This the 21st day of Sept., 1921. L. P. Jones & J. E. Carter, * ' Commissioners. NOTICE Bvirtue of an order of ihe Superior court of Yadkin conn* ty in an action, therein pending, entitled W. W. Woodruff, ad ministrator of J. M. Hudspeth, deceased, vs J. L. Hudspeth, el al, I will sell on the premises on the sand clay road about two milts west of Boonvillc, on the 2isl day of November, 1921, at or near the hour of 2 o’clock to tne highest bidder at public auc tion the following described real estate: Lying and being in Boonvillc , township, Yadkin county, N. C, adjoining the lands of A. J. Reece, D. W. Stowe, A. R. Sparks, -and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Spanish oak on lbe north side oi \ 1 arnpton v:11c road, A. ]. Reece’s corner; then west to a white oak, A. ].' Reece’s corner in D. W. Stowes j line; then south to a svae on j the south side of iinmoionville j ! road, D. W. Stowe, J. 'V. Huds j | pel’ll and A. R. Speers comes; then north 41 degrees east 81 chains to a ptrviiumon tree cor j nor; then to ihe In ,,i ; mg. coil | [dining to acres more or less. Terms ol sad* o n-hall cash.! and balance < :> credit oi si\1 months with bond and -appro’, ed security on deferred payment with privilege to purchaser to! pay all cash and receive deed. ! Hi is October 21, 1921. W. W. Woodruff, C omm i ss i oner. I Williams & Reavis, Au’ys, ;-1-; Sale of Land j North Cuiolina Yadkin County I In Superior Court, before the cierk C. h. Wallace ami A. O. Bray vs M. H. bvannon. By virtue or an execution di*1 rented to me by the Superior | court of Yadkin county in the above entitled action and also by virtue of a Writ of Attach ment duly ievied by me on the troperty herein described, i will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door tu Yadkin ville on the 7th day of November, 1921, at 1 o’clock, p. m., ail the | right, title and interest ot the de [fendauf f.a the following real es i tale: Lying and being in Deep Creek township, Yadkin county, o..»olui:c hoMr'*‘' i •-»>• foi-! lows: l'Uai tract. Bounded on the north uv Verge Brannon; on the I west by barah Lvaas; on the [south oy Isaac Long, and on the east by isuac hong, containing; 71 acres. 1 becomi tract. In same town ship, ouundeti on me norm by Lou t»ieen; on the west by Ivia non Hinson; on the souin by M. K. u ooicn, anu on lire cast by j Joou Keavis lanes, containing j A L acre^, more or less, l 'Us tne ,>Jdl day or bept., 192!, C. L. M ox ley, biitrm laUam County Williams & Keavis, Ail’ys. Administrator’s Notice flawing qualified as adininistia- J tor of the estate of J F. aud Let- j tie Shore, deceased, this is to no- j tifv all ] ei>,ons having claims' against said estate to present them to the undersigned, proper ly verified, within one year from date or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All petsous indebted to saides. tatc will please make prompt pay ment. ’this il-lnt. day of September, 1921 A. M. Shore, Admius’r Beabow, Hall «fc Benbow, Att’ys. r -- ■ --3 John Macemore Dies | At Age of 103 Years — Mr. John Macemore, of the Swaim's Knobs section of the county, died Saturday, death re selling from a complication of diseases and the infirmities of old age. . — „ Mr. Macemore was born Jan uary _7, ISIS, bein^ over lf)3 years old at the time of his death. He was a member of the Baptist church and was a kind neighbor and friend, loved by all who knew him. His wire proceeded him to the grave some years ago. Me. is survived by several children. .The funeral and burial were at Swaim's Knobs church Mon day, the funeral being couGu-eted by Rev. k. 1.. Speer. A large crowd was present to pay their last respects to a good man who has gone from their midst. ‘ r ‘ C ' *ro I*' - z n" ’ i _r " i <r> - • i Vt . i C/e H.rn A . y. r— A.ways Ccm-.s uui; Tints Court. . Cu York.— *ieorge Lear <>: lVr« MA h'! n; .eared ju the Fifth A\a,> <•> art a> answer a smmiiwis for allowing 1*»*»j dug to roaiu the street unmuzzled. “Judge, as soou as I put a muzzle I on him he eats it up,” said the de fendant. “Ido you mean to say he eats the wire ones, too?” asked the magistrate. “Yes, your honor. I have tried u.U Notice Contractoi s ^ ^ U;ml In fci'ti m-i w )t ! -iinit; -- --- one to one mim' i f v .rid from the 1 >i\in» Uiii I 11 ha liHl' :r> MiOfi l>\ | },.* o I. A ppU to A. ! >in t:i-, v . lieu vis. Sale of Valuable Land . Notice is hereby jyiven that by virtue of an order oj the Supo-or court of Yadkin county, N. V., made on I he 4th day of October, lddl, in tlie matter of 0. hi. i’ay lor, et al vs Irui. Poindexter, et a!, 1 will offer for sale at public- unc tion to the highest bidder ou the J premises, on Friday, the 4th day November, 1921, at 11 o’clock, a, m., on tbe terms of One third cash; One-third in six months and One-third in twelve months, the deferred payments to be secured by note with a {•proved security ' and 1 oiteresr. at nei cent. per annum from continuation. 1 he following (loseribed lands. Lying ;nnl being the cm at;, of Yadkin, ho bush township. all joining the lands of Irvin 1) ri! 1. C. L. Nicholson and other*, and bounded as follows: Beginning a.t a black oak on the load leading to Huntsville, muni.r; wp*-.. it chains to a post oak corner' thence south !> chains any fh) links to a post oak cornel; west lh chains ami J> links to a while oak in the Stewart line; thence south to the sa:.l Stewart hue 2-: chains to a stake, at the io;id in Glenn s line; flnuce south Jj4 de grees east ol chains to a Spa ish at forks of roan; thence north 4 degrees east i chains and (i > ij !;s to a blaek oak; thence south 58 degrees east 5 chains to a pod oak corner of the < hureh ioj; tin m-e south 5 chains and 75 links to a stake on tlie side of tin* road; thence north (>f> degrees west f» chains and 75 links to the beginning, containing 78 acres, more or less, excepting tiieic froiu 4 acres heretofore sold to Nathan JL’av'or. and 3 acres sold t) Lee Logan. This the.4th day of Ootohoj- b/H L'\ 13. liei.bow,. Corn. Benbow, tlall Sc Be:bow, Ait\' .

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