I --—-=-■>--—,-—-—~—— --—J* VOL. XXVII. VADKINVILLE, YADKIN CO., N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER it). 19m so,44 River Bridge Route ^tfopted for HarrT-Surface It has been decided by the powers that be in the road mat ters that the hard-surfaced road from Yadkinvilie to Winston Salem will run by way of Enon and Pfafftown oi what is known as the upper route, it was learn ed here yesterday. Mr. Joseph G. Williams Named by Democrats In a mass meeting of Demo crats here Monday, Mr. Joseph G. Williams, of Little Yadkin was named as the opponent of Dr. T. R. Harding in the race for representative in the election next Tuesday, He was placed in nomination by Col. Smith Williams in his able manner and was named without opposition. The nomi nee is a son of the late Col. N. Glenn Williams and is a very young man. He served in the aviation corps during the late war and is now eugaged in farming on the large estate of his late father on the Yadkin river. Notice Contractors We want to contract with some, one to top-soil cue mile of road from the Dixon Hill Bridge to Brewbaker’s shop by the yard. Apply' to A. Dinkins, or 0. B. Rea vis. Nofice of Election and Ap f pointment of Regis trars and Judges In obedience to a writ bv the Hon.C ameron Morrison, Govern or of North Carolina, dated Octo ber 6, 1021, for the purpose of j holding an election iu Yadkin! county on November 15, 1921, for j the purpose of electing a Hep re- ; sentative to till the vacancy caus* | ed by the resignation oi Dr. U. G.' Bryant, we the members of the ' Board of Elections of said Yadkin • county appoint tlio following! Legist rai's and Judges of tin? va- ; rious preciucts and issue notice of same to the {Sheriff of Yadkin count v, commanding him to foith ! with to serve said summons or not’ *-' as follows, Hnamed in each precinct Uoiug me xiegis trar: '' j Boonville—J. \V. lleeco, i). M. Vestal and J. J. Cormn. North Knobs—K. M. Thoiup-' soil, \V. F. Woodruff and J. F. Wolf. South Kudos «S. S. Wagoner, B. F. Carter and J. J. Martin. Buck Shoal—W. M. Parks, B. P. Madison and J. W. Cook. Deep Creek—L. It. Steel man,1 C. G. Pi avis and J. W. Hudspeth j N011.-1 Liberty—C. L. Ga hard, • J. D: Phithps and D. E. Dobbin?. ( South Liberty—J. W. D. Baity.' John Wooten and i>*h Uniledge.' Forbush—W. C. Jennings, L. L.1 Doub and J. B. Phillips. Little Yadkin—P. A. Strnpe, W.A. Jones and J. N. Black. VWlSaa'fc Bend—H. E. Davis, tl. E. j HP&qg n)ul T. A. Poindexter. W est Bend—D. G. Martin, P. H. Davis and J. S. Chopliu. North Fall Creek—J. A. Mat* thews, lJ. M. Prim arid 1). W. Hobson. South Fall Creek—W. A. Hiu ahaw, M. H. Bryant and L. S. Fleming. This October 12,1921, S.A. 'BABtoUSG, Chairman Board of Ejections, W. A. HALL, Qeetetety. • Avoid Diphtheria By Vacciaation A letter from the State Board of Health tells me that there will very likely be more deaths in the state this year from diphtheria last year. I wish to inform the people of Yadkin county that the number that die from diphtheria is de termined by (1) how extensive ly toxin-anritoxin is administer ed to children above six months; (2) how soon the mothers cjall the doctor after symptoms of croup and sore throat develop; abd (3) if diphtheria antitoxin is used in treatment. As voui quarantine officer 1 hope we will have no deaths from this disease during Novem ber and December. S. L. RUSSELL, MD. Quarantine Officer. A New Leaf During the past few years I have made a sort of hesitating, half-hearfed effort to eliminate all dead beats from my “clien tele, ” in order that I night give more time and better service to the deserving few who pay their bills. I have awakened to the fact thatin the science of “humanics” I am incompetent, and that I drew the line in the wrong place. My estimate of honest men was in error, and many of those whom I trusted have de faulted. But this is due to my own poor judgment and I have no one to blame but myself. In the future, every stranger who calls for dental service must bring along the cash—or a letter from some responsible person who vouches for the pay ment of the bill. Too much of this “see-you Saturday” Dusiness has made it necessary that there be no “line” in future, and be ginning today I shall not trust myself to do any more guessing. Let every individual please bear this iu mind; particularly, every robust, able-bodied, broad-shoul dered “young American” who is to busy burning up gasoline and cigarettes that he refuses to be burdened w ith a iob. Ana wniie t am on the job i want to speak a word to old de linquents who allow ycur ac counts to drag along year after year. I do not think you arc dishonest—just negligent, and imagine, perhaps, that the den tist lives “on a credit” as you do and therefore has no need for any money. This is uot the case. What I can’t pay for I do not buy, and I do not owe you or anygae else a penny. Your account must be closed between now and January the first, either by cash settlement or a negotiable note’ I shall not take up time to notify you again, nor to write another piti ful letter telling you, I igain, how much I need the money. A man should pay his debts be cause he owes them, not be cause his creditors need the money. I shail give no* other lame reasons for asking for the I account. The debt itself is rea | son enough. I am giving sixty* days notice in order to prevent any humiliation on your part. After that time you can talk it over with my attorney. Nov. 10,1921. Yours truly, J.G. MARLER. t * •;/- v These Have Answered j The Flea! Boil Call _ Mrs. Elizabeth Eaton died' at her home near Forbush church last Tuesday, aged 68 years. She had been sick for about three months and had recently returned from a \\ inston-Saiem hospital where she underwent an operation. She was one of the charter members of Forbush Baptist church, joining September 3, 1876, the day the church was or-1 ganized. She was a good wc- i man, loved by all who knew: her. Surviving is tne husband, Daniel Eaton, and two children, John II. Eaton and Mrs. Sarah E. Shermer. The funeral and interment was at Forbush Baptist church Thursday at 11 o’clock, ltev. S F. Morton conducting the ser vices. Mr. John W. Carter, one of! Yadkin’s oldest and best known ! citizens, died suddenly at his home a few miles east of .own Wednesday night. He was about 80 years old. lie is sur vived by a widow and five children: S. D Carter and Mrs. Elizabeth Binkley, of Baltimore;! J. C. Carter, of Gulf, and two in the west, and one sister, Mrs. Sarah Davis, of Wilkesboro. Mr. Carter was a veteran of the Civil war, casting his lot with the Union, and fighting on that side throughout the blcodv conflict. The funeral was conducted from Baltimore M. P. church Friday by Rev. S. F. Morton and the interment was in the church cemetery. Mr. John Whitehead, aged 80; years, died Friday night at his home near Center. He was a Confederate veteran. Deceased is survived hy - tht widow and two daughters. The funeral was conducted from Center churct Sunday by Rev. R. L. Speer, assisted by j Revs. Vestal, Cook and Ogb'urn,! and interment was in the chun h I cemetey. _ i Mr. W. Gray Smitherman,. of; East Bend,djcd ai the Lawrence Hospital, Winston-'-1 m, last' Thursday inv.mu^. i-b had j beer sic.*. for several inonihs. Decease d was 36 years old and | is survived by his wife and three; children, ids mother and several; brothers and sisters. i i lie amerai and interment j was at Baltimore church Friday j Mrs Rosa McBride, aged 32 years, died at her home at West Bend Sunday. Surviving is the husband arid two small children. Funeral was at West Bend church Tuesday morning, being conducted by Rev. John Cline, and interment was in the church cemetery. * Administrator s Notice Having qualified s udminis tvitor of the estate of .f It. We>t deceased, late of Yadkin county, Noith Carolina, all persons hold* ing claims against the estate of said decease J, a re hereby notified to present them to me on or be fore the 6th day pf October, 1( 22, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to settle at once, ✓ This 4th day of October, 1921, J< A. West; Administrator ol J, H. West, deceased. i Ornery Animal Is \ j Offered for Sale \ ? % — ? 4 Grenada, Miss.—Tlic tax su- ? | pervfisors of Grenada county 4 • have reduced the assessment on j | VV. \V. Whitaker’s mule from 4 ? $f>h to $20, the value..originally I i placed on the animal by its i V owner, after having raised (he I 4 assessment to the larger figure. f • In a letter to t ho supervisors 4 4 Mr. Whitaker states: ? I “In valuing lliis mule to the 4 4 assessor at $20 I was extremely | 1 liberal with the county. It ? t would have seemed too ridico- l l lous to have placed him at bis V ? real value, which, at the time of • 4 falling values, could not have f ? exceeded $10. i 4 11 i hereby make this proposi- l l tion to any THember of the 4 4 hoard, to any other citizen of I l the comity or state: Give mo f : $20 and take the mule, and may l i the good Lord l*e with you un- ? • til we meet he.vond the river. T • , “I<'or inlierent wickedness of l I’ heart and meanness e.f disposi- 4 4 tlori tliis mule, in comparison. I l males tiie devil a smiling. 4 4 cherub; for n disinclination to | 6 dissipate useful energy tliis 4 • beast makes the grasshopper a . i model of industry.” * X- ' j NEW NATIONAL PARK WONDER Red Snow V/ith Taste of Watermelons Arouses Curiosity of 7ravelers in Rocky Mountain Park. Washington.—Add blood-rod snow, will) tho taste of wulermeions, to the wonders of America's national porks. Out in the Kooky Mountain park in , C'olonnio, oil the continental divide that rise? nearly 12.000 feet above sea level, tourists have seen the col ored snow and have asked why they see red. The rays <7 the setting sun reflect ing on the snow at about twilight has been blamed by those who traveled toward the close of the day, but in full daylight the redness of the snow does not disappear. Countless billions of tiny organisms, i that move and grow and reproduce in the cold environment, are responsible, government experts have found. Protoroeeus nivalis is the name of ihi's fluoroscopic bolshevik, who has the characteristics of both the plant and animal kingdoms. -Tins coloration of the snow' is more intensive a quarter of an inch below tite surface, end the stVeaks that are often red as blood have a sweetish taste when placed on the tongue. This strange snow colorer is be lieved to have come from the arctic regions, where'it has -fiAHU! in. the past. Scientists believe that its spores may have been Sbrought dowil from the North by the Chinook winds. NOTICE B/virtue of aa qrdcr of the Superior court ol Ypdkin coun ty in an action therein pending, entitled W\ W. Woodruff, ad ministrator of J. M. Hudspeth, deceased, vs J. L. Hudspeth, et ah f \v: ell on o.c t...„ the sand clay road about two miles west of Boonviile, on the its! day ol November,* PHI, at or near the hour of 2 o’clock to me highest bidder at public auc tion the following described real estate: Lying and being in Boonviile township, Yaukia county, N. C., adjoining the lands of A. J. Reece, D. W. Stowe, A. R. Sparks, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Spanish oak on the north side of Ilamptonville road, A. J. Reece’s corner; then west to a white oak, A. J. Reece’s corner in D. W* Stowes line; then south to a stone on the south side of Hatarptonviile road, D.W. Stowe, ]., W. Huds peth and A. R. Speers corner, tlu n north 41 deuces east 8| chains to a persimmon tree cor toer; then to the beginning, con taining 13 acres more or less. Terms of sale one half cash, and baJaoce on credit of six tf&rAhs with bond and approved security on def^red payment with privilege to purchaser to pay all cash and receive deed. rills October 21. 1921. / W. W; Woodruff, Commissioner. Williams & Reavt^^jjgya, - .. K, hfection of Representative in Yadkin' Next Tuesday State and General E. R. Kimel, who lives ne c Winston Salem, captured a large bald eagle on his farm a fe.v days ago \ I he Robert E. Lee,’ "Winston-" Salem’s new million dollar ho tel, will o’en for business next Monday, ihe 14th. The Farmers Union '.’dare house Company at Statesville has gone into hands of receiv ers. The trouble is said to be dissatisfaction among the stock holders. Wilkesboro will celebrate Armistice Day tomorrow with an elaborate programme. Over 100 acres of faim land were burned near Moyock, N. U. recently. The peat soil burn ed many leet deep. C. Monroe Adams, a promi nent Statesville lawyer,has been appointed chief of the income tax division iu the office of the ~oilector of internal revenue at K tldgh. A burglar entered a home in Mooresville one night last week on the eve of a wedding and stole many watches, jewelry, itc\ while tile guests slept. A -told ring $10 in money was noleu Horn the bride-elect. President iiarding has issued he annual Thanksgiving proc lamation. To The Patrons rf lioon viile, Route 1. There are placet inutile road 011 this route that will soon be so bad that our mail carrier can not get over them in his car. It he is forced by bad roads to use hoi\- e mid buggy, he will get back to Boonville too late for our out-go ing mail to get off that day, If every-pa’tron will- haci places near his own home it \vi;l enable our eariier to use a cat tjereby giviugus faster and bet ter service. Let us, every one, get on the job at once. M. H. Vestal. Ad mi n is tr a tor\s N otice Having ()!>-' 'I ‘ -'s admin10 tiator of tie estate of John YV, Carter, decenstM. late of Yadkin county, North Carolina, till pel sons b >!(!ingjoi::]:»s. against said estate are here.nv notified to pr< s:tif them to me- on or before tbe lOth day of November, 192A or this notice, wilt be pleaded in bar of their leewery. All prisons indebted to said estate are re tries Pal to settle at once. This November Hh. 1921. John T. Binkley, Ad lit', oi -John gunyf, Oee’d. Notice of Sale Salisbury, N. C., Cilice of Fed oral Prohibition Director, Octo ber 14, The following de scribed property seized from ], A. and David Boose, by Federal Prohibition Agent ll. C. Jennings o:j September‘JJ, IbVl, in vi it tion of Sections Haud 2b, Nation al Prohibition Act, will be sold at P-iolic ar.cti >n in front oi e cpij.i;tLo;is.) of Yadkin county, ; t Ya ikiiKill i, N.Tf., <m Tuesday, Note uber 22,1021, at 11 A. M. One fivpassenger Clnvrolet an tomabile, License No. 65077, Mo« tor No. 1) mo, Model 1920, one extra tire. R. A. KOHLCRS, Federal Prohibition Director. ' « i J; Next Tuesday, November 15, is election day in Yadkin and : o v e. j v ■: ft - s h o uI d a t tend and v-'te at his rect: 1 nr procinet. At time a n.piesentain-e will !)<• - ected !o the youejal assem bly to liii oath e a I'vyphed term ! r--. • * i Oa Dr. Bryant. j 1 lie Republicans . n\ e as their i candidate Dr. T. R iiardin^, of > Yadkioville, who deserves the i esteem and suppoit of every ’ Republican in the county and , the) should every one £>u out land vote tor liiin. l 1 Mr. Joseph Williams, of Little j Yadkin, :$ the Democratic norni : nee and v\ili, no doubt, poll the lsuenjjih u; Us-, part. V k i d t. iiiiH ,? j '' • ■ a i S i: ill I'll, h : I. s • . of I Yailktuvillc 1-. ‘J i . ;•f. - ii, u j Us 11Ul iij^ i tie si; k ti -ss iifiuh | of our aunt and Mother. . . U IVjt I'] ailviAii.it;. pM’uiti Iredeii Superior Tout i is in ses sion tl is wee';. Bob Berson, j colored, wiii oe tried foi «i e J murder of Robert Disbman in | that count) s ;me \w ♦ Us aye. i ' 1 \1MIU Yin: RD. -1 £ hi r-TA lUuA Lvif L Is it. u.i sdi e;Ji Trcpical Fauna is Affect'd by Aclja i ccat Ficra—E-~i!liant-Hued Fiamin Gc Fades Out When Removed From Regular Habitat. Washington.—Representatives of tha depan meat of marine biology in the Carnegie institute at Washington have i been engaged lor some time in re searrh work in the Dry Tortugas, lit tle islands near Key West, and have discovered many interesting facts con cerning the giant sea turtles which fre quent tiie Atlantic <-©ast. , One discovery has been made by a 1 method which could be well de scribed as “mocking the turtle,” for | by this method it has been pretty f well established that the baby sea turtle is guided by a sense of color , alone in seeking the water as soon as it is old enough to leave the sandy nesting place that Its parents have chosen. Heretofore it lias been Unijgii by ins r a sens The bill, 1< leathm breedi aquari the s leave found But w (lie \v, island. posit t hatche The nesting Span is The from t young a strai was fit tms age ot tne young turtles that the experiments were conducted. The scientists had with them sheets of colored paper, red, yellow and blue. When a sheet of red or yellow paper was placed between the baby and his view of the water he would Immedi ately turn and go in another direction. But when the blue sheet was'used, no matter where placed, the infant would make for it without hesitation. There wasn't any question about “blue for a boy, pink for a girl.” All experiments showed that, whether or not we have picked| blue as a dismal color, as far as the turtle is concerned, it is the bluebird for happiness. Gets Color From Food. The tests were made with the. At*, lantic green turtle. It Is also believed that he gets the color for which,he,.is, named-from feeding on the seaweeds, which are more brilliant in color. Ret search, along similar lines has devel- „ oped tjie theory that the beautiflit scarleti flamingo gets his coloring from derions and the brilliantly hued molluscs which abound along the t coasts of the southern Islands and shoals. It is strongly substantiated' '> by the fact that the European ft*’ mingo Is almost white and that our own species fades rapidly when put j» ‘ zoological eolfections where he qhs no longer get these foods; in the same process, the wonderfully colored 9 '’-it ft ! - A

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