p—Mill II ■ l —7- MNB ;-nr^Vlm I !!■■ Mi.HM CTgaCMWMtrMMBMTMMmi'T'Fllw rnr KOTWBMWI ■UI«.fJJUt.U'iU'J-«v--r-r- '-c?W*r-j-r-»t-c-ajaaray^"j^-Tqy^Mi—a—■ I l ■■ i i ^ VOL. X m YADKINVILLE, YADKIN CO., N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1921 NO. 45 HAIR TO.IIOkS , FILL liS JAIL 34 Per Cent Increase in Arrests at Washington Due to “Non Beverages.” ' 1,097 SENTENCED IN YEAR Washington.—The use of hair tonic, 4* voring extracts, perfumes, medicines containing alcohol, and even poisonous wood alcohol, for beverage purposes, had a good deal to do with the fact that the number of jail sentences dealt out at the nation’s capital for intoxi cation during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1921, showed an increase of 84 per tent over the previous year, ac cording to the annual report of W. L, |*eak, superintendent of the District Jail, just made public. , Superintendent Peak described the Increase us “an erratic fluctuation in the pioeess of extinction,” which local Observers declared not such a bad way pf putting it, after all. At any rate, there were 1,097 sentenced to jail for drinking more than they could handle, as compared with 841 who didn’t get home safely the year before. Intoxication Increasing. ,! “From their low point following the new law the figures are ascending and Intoxication for the moment is in creasing,'’ reads the superintendent’s report. “The beverages are new, and most Of them are legitimate articles of com- I ;Xneree, but they are being used for pur poses never designed by the manufac turer. Hair tonic, flavoring extracts, perfumes, medicines and the poisonous wood alcohol are all being consumed by the old-time victims of a habit j Which required an act of congress to cure. “The increase is due to the fact that 70i inger men have been able to evade | the law and have found means of traf ficking in saleable imitations of old beverages having an alcoholic con tent nearly double that of the older prod act. “The enforcement of the law is ful ly in keeping with the public’s view point, and the inqpeased violations are probably only an erratic fluctuation in the process of extinction. “Because the courts took such a de termined stand La the matter of frown ing upon certain forms of recklessness find defiance of law, good results are filready indicated. There were 57 ’fewer cases of carrying deadly j.weapons, 74 fewer cases of larceny, W lvs- lltnrt, st,ri. crimes were nearly ah V;tweoi» forty ous than those of men . group are and tifiy. In tills latte* (jiat found the habitual drunkard or item they pad ;.0e total of their gt. tO 5o4. ' Qjf “Twenty to thirty is the age yielding to temptation,” the rrpv includes, adding: “It is then- th*. ^swnee of. prevention is needed." ■ ,- 5 Woman's Gcof^ Use of Worm*. Harrisburg. Fa.—Mrs C. Morn ,'j Of Mount Joy has found a go 'd use ( for a worm, which is one of the most t destructive of grtnmry pests. Accord ing to the state department »d agri- 1 ealture, Mrs. Kern rears thh destruc- *, Hve MNfts’and sells them as food for J fish, mocking birds and ether caged ^ birds. The pest which h?*s been \ turned Into bird and Ash fo^d, is the. , worm.” scientifically known as \ thinexebrio obsearuit flnd T. Motetor. j It is the tar*4 i freak of lightning was reported ? > by Mrs. Coleman Lyne of Jeffer- j 1 son county, West Virginia, who ? I declared that after lfglitniug had z struck a small pear tree near z her chicken yard she went out * to look after a lien whose eggs 2 were soon to hatch. fcUie found < the lightning had run down the t > fence a short, distance to the X | nest, and there was the skele- t ^ ton of ihe lien in the exact posi- ' *■ tion in which she had set upon 2 j tiie nest. . X J The bones were as clean as | 5 if they had been scraped, and X 2 the meat and feathers lay near- S j by not even scorched. None of > £ the eggs had been cracked, hut £ £ oil close inspection a smail hole ^ l wa§ found in the end of each, J ^ and the inside of the shell ? X burned out as clean as a new z l pin. j *» y PRICELESS WEIGHTS FOUND Only Complete Set of Colonial Stand ard Is Discovered at Alex andria, Va. Washington.—What is regarded as an important historic find has just been made in the discovery of the •ferlginal set of standai*|M^ights and measures of Fairfax cc^Jty in the Town hall at Alexandria^ Va. The set Is complete and consists of a yard stick, weights from 1 to 100 pounds and measures of all capacities, Jujth dry and wet. All are of solid brass and are inscribed “Fairfax County, '44.” \ he implements have been in the i>**v ,ml1 for a ,ong timei but It wa3 ,ntv r<* e.ntly .that the? wejie cleaned nd,the t. nacriptlons discovered. An expen fr.0m tbe Department of agriculture * ’ho examined the set tates that they v ar.e t»eonly complete et of colonial w*. tn tilf United {tates and as suelfv are PrtCeTosC he time they were ■AlexaBdrta I vas the county seat of count^ I Vhen Alexandria was Cfcel )l#tnct of Columbia F»mf fiteiff-*1, muse was made the county Jseaf; >r Or, Harding Elected By Substantial Majority Dr. T. R, Harding, Republican nomkiee for the legislature, was elected at Tuesday’s special election by a big majority. The exact figures cannot be gotten at the hour of going to press. Deep Creek township gave Harding a majority of HI and North Liberty §8 and it is pre sumed other precincts went in proportion except Little Yadkin the home township of Mr. Jos* eph Williams, the Democratic nominee. He received a ma jority of 43 in that township. Harding’s majority will be around 750, it is thought, not more than half of the voters go ing out Visitors From Afar Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sprinkle, of the Catilina Islands, in the Pacific ocean, 26 miles from Los Angeles, Calif., arrived in Yad kinville Saturday to visit Mr. Sprinkle’s mother, Mrs. Sarah McCollum. Mr. Sprinkle left the Balti more section of this county 14 years ago, and betore his depart ure for the west, was a boyhood friend of the editor and it is use less to say the editor was glad to see him. Curtis is a good boy and is do ing well. His mother, who is a good woman, was glad to see him and presented him with a present of $100 in cash. This was a good deed by x loving mother. Mr. Sprinkle and wife left Tuesday night for their home, a distance of 3540 miles Notice of Sale Under Deed of Trust By virtue of the powers con tained in a deed of trust executed by J. M. Anthony and wife, M. J. Anthony, on the lBtli day of Sep tember, 1920, and recorded iu book 21, page 252. in the office of Register oi Deeds • of Yadkin county, North Carolina, I will sell for cash at public auction at the courthouse door iu Yadkin ville on the 17th day of Decem ber, 19.1, the following tract of real estate, to wit: In Buck Shoal township. Bounded on the north by Y. L Tuckci s laud'-, ... east by .-John Nicks; on the south by J. Y. Anthony; and on Hie we.-t by J. II. Anthony, containing 33 acres more or less. Said sale being made to pay note secured by said de$d of trust alter default in payment of same, and at the request of the holder of said note. This November 15, T92[. S. Carter Williams. Trustee! Administrator s Notice Having qualified s adminis trator of the estate of J. U. West deceased, late of Yadkin countv, | North Carolina, all persons bold* I urg claims against the estate of | s£ .d deceased, are hereby notified to present them to me on or be fore the Oth day of October, 1922, or this* notice will be plead in bar of their P5CoVvv4v- All, persons indebted to said e.^tahj Ate re quested to settle at once. * This 4tb day of October, 1921. J, A. West. Administrator of J. ld.AVest, deceased. \ -— / W * Tho coiifereflte of ks M. £h church mel- is ;roit Taesdsff, . v* YUCATAN A RED STRONGHOLD : State Reported by Travelers to Be Headquarters for Moscow Propaganda. ' V Mexico City.—Travelers returning llfcre from Yucatan describe that re gion as a socialist stronghold, with radicalism strongly intrenched, from the governorship down to the most minor office. Felipe Cariilo, member of the tederal chamber of deputies, whose radicalism recently . led to at-' tempts to oust him, is the leader and in all probability will be elected gover . nor next fall. Although flic radicals are divided in to two groups they are united in the cause of communism, it is reported, and operate as the “league of re sistance.” Membership cards of this organisation are printed on darning red paper and its letter heads are^ printed in red. Yucatan at present is in a bad way economically, as there is practically no market for henequen, the chief product of the state. The economic situation has given rise to numerous Instances of lawlessness with occa sional bloodshed. In line v Ah these facts is the re port recently cabled to tlie government here that the communist congress which met in Moscow several months ago designated Yucatan as the head quarters for tiie propaganda work in Latin America. Can Switch It When, Where and How He pleases, is Decision of New York Court. New j ork.—A horse's tail is privi leged. That was decided in the Tombs court h.v Magistrate Corrigan. It cost Mike Iiaccarelli ft 10 to learn that about his equine employee. Ihiceareili. a driver, was haled into court by an agent of the Humane so ciety, who accused hijn of floating Ids horse. The heating was caused, he told the court, because the horse with one magnificent swish of the tail had knocked a perfecto out of f'accarilli’s S hand. “A tail belongs to a horse,” decided the magistrate. “He can switch it when, where and as much as he pleases. That’s what it’s for. Ten dollars or five days in jail.” Attacked by Mad Bull. I’ottsviile, I’a.—S. A. Haas, a dairy man of this city, was the other day seriously gored by a hull, his life only being saved by h's wife and sou and two hired men, who appeared on the scene just in time to distract the at tention of the maddened animal. Sev eral broken ribs and bruises and con tusions all over his body showed the seriousness of Haas’ injuries. The bull saw Haas at work and attacked him without warning. Then Haas was pressed against a stone wall by the bull, Yfc'cli weighs 1,800 pounds. It Is said a red handkerchief provoked the attack. NOTICE B/virtue of an order of the Superior court of Yadkin coun ty in an action therein pending, entitled W. W. Woodruff, ad ministrator of J. M. Hudspeth, ! deceased, vs I. L. Hudspeth, et ; in, a .on the prti... the sand clay road about two miles west of Boonviile, on the 2 ist day o! November, 1921, at or near the hour of 2 o’clock to tue highest bidder at public auc tion the following described real estate: Lying and being in Boonviile township, Yadkin count}', N. C., adjoining the lands of A. J. Reece, D, W, Stowe, A. H. Sparks, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a.Spanish o»* C' the north side of Hamptonvftlc road, A. J-Reece’s corner; then west to a white oak, A. J. Reece's corner in D. \V. Stowes line; then south to a s'one t>n the south side of Hamptonville road, D. W. Stowe, J. \V. Huds peth and A. R, Speers corner; then north 41 degrees east 81 chains to a persimmon tree cor ner; then to the beginning,: con itfUmog’ 13 acres more or less. Terms of sale one half cash, and balance on credit of six riOniS?. w'$ £224 sa4 spprov^ii (jec^'iity on deferred payment with ^r»vilege to purchaser t. Nation al Prohibition Act. will be sold at p iblic am tiuot in front of the eoarthoiisjmd'Yadkin county, at Y uik;N. (1., on Tuesday, November 1021, afrll A. M. O.ie tiw- passenger Chevio’et an to mobile, License No. Oov/77, aio fcor No, l) 7'iTOj Model 1020. S, 'Federal Prohibition Direcior. Ex ecu t ors N o tic i The undersi^’uedj haring dipy qualified as executors of the es iale of A. N. Iteid, deceased, late :of Yadkin (O iiify, North Caro lina, this is to uoUiA all persons liavirg claims against said estate to file same with the. undersigned within ono yea r from Aide .of this notice or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH per son ’ indebted to said estate will, please male in mediate pav ii?eut. ; . .i . . This Cci. f7,1921. A. O. lipid and J. W. Cook, Executors, Williams «SL-tt*a*is Ally’s. ■* y Fall? Arfeijokfe How. Balog Trial To'cre, “Fatty” Arbu£l:Ie, famous modm p. cture comedian went to Mortda}7 oh a ch«.-H-e o? manslaughter, grow ing on the death of Miss Vir ginia Ru* pe, rfloiion r- eure ac tress, September V. scores of witnesses on both sides v-tiled the call to the stand. Wilkes County Man Killed I in Accident , ‘ - Chus S Pearson, general cor tractor, was killed last Saturday night while enrome from Likin to his home at Moravian halls. Mr. Pearson \\..s driving his machine‘along the iuehw ay, -ix miles from North \\ b «-.»t>oro, when the right front w c.» .e off, caiLfiig he. c u ; av die fao.ul and tu n ov-.;r uov.; . . «. m (junkmen t. mi. Pearso;. g caught under the ear, am: it.s face and head was mangled be yond tecogri’tion. Snue ami General Mrs. Geuige ja\ .Could, wife of the capitalist, dropped ut«;d Viudio whiM* pitying gou with her liU'buiid ai liieu country <.s taio near Lake wood, N. j. “Big i'nn” Murphy, former [state representative, gang leaner and president ot the Gas x\du el's ami bti eet bweepers U nion was leceiriy scute need to stive six years in the penitentiary and lined $30,IKK) ior planning -he' big u.ail robbery in c. iiicago List Ai»ai, Sixty thous.i^d garment work ers in this country \\\ at out o i a strike Monday against the piece work system. The Morganton News-Herald owned and published by Miss Beatrice Cobb, and one ot the best weekly papers in the stale, is adding a Ludlow Typo graph machine to its equipment. This ' is the first weekly paper in the | state to install this kind of equip ji'uent. i Nine persons Were burned to (death and a number inj'tried in I a fire which destroyed a large !tenement house in New York Monday morning. Deputy Sheriff Ik G. ..-.ivm, of Durham county, was shot and paiutuiy wounded Sa.niriljy night while raiding a moonshine still in that county. 'File state has ottered a $400-. re w ard ior the ar: e st c t j esse Ur Armtiel !, a prominent ThoiWgs j.vdie onnker, who V&iQted | there on charges o emj I meat. Two banks 1 ■ trav.dfoa couaiy are said to ♦*-,» Leaw w i ers througl A miu id’s. l| Bob Ben sou, colored, triu jn *■,Dr mur4. dering Robert Dish a? an some months ago, was found guilty of murder in first degree and «s — (tjt cod io 1 c tieatiocuted on Ja 'aim. 2/. His a s ook an appeal. ^ ^fany of earifnli* •> are'p os peeling fo* oil in Lv countyd Davidson county officers cap* t led a large ale dis ling outfit in that county a few days ago. .! - Notice Contractors We want to contract -uilh some one to top-soil cue mile of road from the Dixon Bill Bridge flrew.Ualter's shop the- yncfl [Apply to A. Dinkins, or vM 1 J&eavia. jM r