iAMEMMNS BET 176NHUES ^atura! History Museums of Ok ' iahoma and Brooktyn Repre sented in Alaska Trip. BME LASIE3IHREE Mm t - ;BruOi Gave Party Less Troubie Than Did Storms—Saw Caribou, Wotver ine and Fox as Weii as Bird Life Every Day of Trip. Ardmore, Okia.—A party of Amer icans, Tended by U. 1-1. Sykes of Ard more, o:! operator, and tty lid ward L). ^^Drat'b of Korman, representing the ^{Tkiahoma University Museum of Nat ^nra! History, kiiied a totai of IT griz 'Klies after a drive which iastcd three } months. Eleven other grizzties es caped. The party are now after moose !*od cunbou, severat specimens of ,'Tvhieh wiit be forwarded to the Okia ^oma University museum and to the Brooktyn Museum of Katurai History, t T to grizziies gave tdm hunters tess ^^roubte than did the hardships of the Aiaskan wiids, for the nien en :countered severe snow, an<t haii W:orms for 30 days. Good marksman ship atone saved ttm lives of the hunt ers on numerous occasions. Besides Sykes and Crabb, the party &*-! uded Robert RockwoH of Brook lyn, representing the Brooklyn mu seum : < 'haries Hoffmeister of Impe Piak noted big game hunter; Dr. ;W. H. Utiase of Seward, Ataska, we!i knowt! authority on Ataska. and sports toan; Pete Larson of Unga. Aiaska, chief guitte, witti sevcra! assistants. Long Trip to Hunting Ground. On April 23, Sykes, accompanied by Cra' b and Hoffmeister, ieft Seattle %or i ordova on the S. S. Kortdtwest em and arrived at ttteir destina Tton April 30. At eigiit o'clock in the umrning of May 1 the Rolfe H was boarded and saii was set for the hunt dm grounds. The trip from Cor dova o Unga coiisumed a week, in ciu il' g stop of two days at Se ward a ! one at Uyak t)ay. Kodiak istuni. At Unga the guides anti pn k-rs were picked up and the jour De.t - ati:)tied to i'avtov bay, the sc.'!:'* the hunting. ; was pitciteti on t!- ' shore of . opposite tite twin voicanocs of {":r,!ov, one of which is active. rFinr. was the main camp, and was w'tnfm-:. J from May h to June 3. the thtn' e-f departure for home. , .ch'-;'t' was not a day whiie wo were ho the itunting grottnds," Doctor 'Chr-e. writes, "during witich we did. not sc caribou, woivenno and fov. as wsp as a great variety of idrii iife, in.;-!tidii;g ptanttagin. swan, goose, duchs .--ad many other shore birds. Dt'riwsitcdaysaboardtitohmit.ttiaiiy po'-<;.) - s, tlnnsimrs, idackiisit, soai. ts'etiion andotltordo:)izet)s<titho (iO'gi .-.oresicMod. ;mdwhenwo!ind come to anchor iisiiing was aiways in dulged :n witii g!oat su<-c('ss." The first ettcoutder witit grixxiies had pienty of thriiis. After tim men had toft tite Kolfo anti had spent severe! days settreitittg for "signs." fotn'f'ii-growtj matiiem with sttch a sudtieuuoss ti'at then anti hears stood watch ittg eac!t otiter a few mometits in asjenishment. The grhadios made the first move. Titter of them croucited to tite eart!) an-' crept towart) tite iwters. (m!v .m yards away. The fourth romaitw: !:e hin b There wasn't even :t tree ; , clint'o. Witen the ti.rec i-c.,!s go! with in li.rce yards Sykes hr'-d tin.-, ihil s in !';tp:ti sticce doit ;tn<i )!;e thro- icatiot's fed dead. hnntediate!." tite ttrth ttear cimrgal wit!) groat roar . A oulict haited idt.-t .in :f as he reanirdtne side of t!.e other hettt's, .and'tfoiid-'ndac'-ws'h'iriKxii;.;.. t^'*- -- L.p.j and Arduc-ha 7rantp5. Th 't- four were*'t'!fe iargc^t found dui':.:"!':: entire i:mit. Tiiehiicof "c!(i Muse," as l!<e i)ig;rorr grixaiy washan adttytkenten. [nca.-u:'e(iiC feet, inicnx'jt. The fur of these md mais^iniwednoitiemisitesofany, inpd. skirmishes with ;iiea!)i inais ;ca one of the ]r:!*ty '.-.ns .in jured. attiiough the bears did not laii toOteriheascasiiyasdidthetirst font. . - ? track the'miimats ten,!:: tramps through deep snows w#re necessary, and ireduentiy the men s!id down ^nountain sides. The coid.tat times, was intense, despite the fact t!)at it was summer; it was cinse to the arc tie circ'o. The tmimals were skinned by the iteipers after eac!) hiding, and the i;i(!es dried out. and loaded on tite !ltd!fe for shipment home. Ac con'.t n o jo govcinmen statist cs tea American soldiers were haased in nee durinj the v tr. None of he mea were hanged for milita' y offences, a] being murder or ia^ e. Fdh'wingtheaw-.kenirgv.hibi-n :t-neasa result of tije Made .r-dt .) liras Expositiou. hdd at Chp.il'.Hit- ra centfy. together with the wuh. p,o iicity which attended that cv-.-nf. he business men of this set.tior ha - < greeted with much sat.sl;..< ; i Carolina Shopping List, pu'tl -hrd o' . distributed by the observer 1- i..e Hou.se of Charlotte. The first cdiJcu o' this si. .yr. , h:-. (-emprises its ar.: 'sen distributed through the . - hers cf ('ommerc-e. merchants' -.s^. it C.c-ns. fibraries. civic ..dubs art- .-o::. ! icr. iui and manufacturing or, ;ni:<-! 'or. . The reception of the first ed - iou and t!te readtiy apparent vnhn of C:e publication have reunited in ih decision upon the part of tin- or'-l.ii srs tsyissne a secoricdi'icn . copies in the near future whp.b. v i he ntore comprehensive than the f The new shopping f!st onr.He:: th Xorth Carolina consumer, retailer a -a inb!;et- to purchase at home hose o; tides which are manufactur- d within the two states. In its classifications, like the recent exposition, it is a rev ih;t:onoi:theprp3f"Tt^f-H?*''!d--.v :ue!!t of the manufactures in the two uaf and of the variety aun of their products. ft is invaluahie to tbr Carolina mot hunts trt '.heir new determination " eep f.'ardinn money at'Lome ic-r c twdopiuent of Caroiina i:.-dns:ty . ue increasing weah'h and urc pc?:.' -f Carolina people. Little Mountain Girt Wears Snake About Kook \ i'niontown. i'a.-'Alc'ioo- a sweet iittienionntaingir!. whi wore a targe hiaeksnakearoui!-; her neck when site (-mne to town, is attempting to set a new fait styie is not known. ueve:t!)e!ess she attracted erne siderahie attention. T!ie snake wriggie<i aronnti in a tineatening tnanner, hat per sons who seemed to know saM there was no danger from a bite of the snake, tiie ortiy tnetmee being the hng. and the iittie stranger didn't mind timt. Refusing to give her name, she imparted the informetion tiiat she had caught the snake after she and her father had 'oft their home in West Virginia for Uhiontown, and had-no con venient way to carry it other than on her neck or waist. She couhin't understand why she was attracting *0 much atten tion. Administrator's Notice Hanino (jualihed as adminis trator of the estate of Join) Ca rter, deceased, iate of Yadkin eonnty, North Carcliira, aii per sons ])ofdi))H claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to me on or before tire Idth day of November, 1022, or this itotice *\viil br- pleaded m bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are le an ash'd to settle at once. VO*..dm John d. Binkley, 'vdmr. of John . Carter, dee d. Executors Notice ! { Thenmlprsimnnl. havinedulv jeualitled as exe^.ulors of the es littncf A. N. Reid, deceased, late ' t'Ya<Hun counts, North Caro lina, this is to :!oti:'y all persons havir^ claims apainsf said estate to tile same with the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or this notice v ill be plead ia bar oi'their recovery. All per sons itidebted to said estate ^'ill {)iease make immediate pay mc-t. This Oct. i7, ltldi, A . O . Reid a l td J. . Cook, __Exccutors, Williams A Reavis, A tty's. NOTICE All j)-'rsons hm\the W. J. Prirn estate are ihoeby noticed to set tle tlner accounts * at once. All h-.-rti!ir.or bills of jtis are due Do ^icendao l, 1021, andyouarenoti Tfied to se.ttte at tha^ tima. 1 will ' b s at YadkinvitlP court every day * i for the pmpose of collecting . i these accounts, t ' \V. W. Woodrutf, Admr. !8ig M 8^'i' if (Received loo late for last issue) On ^'t^day, November 11, Messrs, Stagafl, Flyntt, E. W. Herman^nd Huber! Hoots, ail of Win^bn-Salem, came up to the[honi^ of H. F. Hools, arriv ing about S a. m. with a pack of seven fine hounds tor a highest. As (fuitkly as arrangements couid iM made, the above nam ed men. in company with H. F. Hoots, Started down Harmon creek on the eastern part of the targe farm of H. F. Hoots, ar riving back at the home of Mr. Hoots about 12:30 p. m. with u well filled bag, 22 "cotton tails." After a sumptuous dinner pro pared by: Mrs. Hoots, Mrs, Mary Miller, Gastonia, and Mrs. E. W. Hoots, ^ Winston Salem, then the par^F proceeded to make a drive dMon the western part of Mr. Hoots big farm, arnving back 16 more, making a total of 38 "Mollies" as a result of the days hunt. After dividing up the game, Mr. H. F- fleets was awarded a box of smokeless shells, he be ing the champion shoh As the day came to a close the parties cranked their ma chines and returned back to the Twin-City, wishing Mr. Hoots and family many happy days and a return of another such en joyable event. "XfMROD." State ami General Charlotte is to have a new ho tel, costing a million dollars. 1 he Yadkin Hotel at Salisbury was da naged to the extent of several thousand collars by tire Saturday morning. The gues.s all escaped unmiured. ]ohn H. Hartman, aged 66, of Advance, died Saturday from blood poison, caused by a Iro.e bite a few days previous. The Baptist state convention held its 91st annual convention in Rocky Mount last week. It will hold Us convention in. Win ston Salem next year. W. Y. Westmoreland, who murdered J. H. Nance, a jitney driver, in iredell county a year ago, was electrocuted at the penitentiary * . mornT'* At Raleigh Friday, Henry Thurman, 59, a cam enter, shot and perhaps fatally wo tin den Mrs. Mary Taiton, 37, and then shot Ifinlsclf through the bean dying! instantly. The widow had refused to marry iiim, Jack Dempsey, the pugilist, is beip,g sued for $109,031 duniages by Albert Siegel, a song wider of Newt tors, for the alienation of the affections of the ratter's wife. 'Two men were killed and a nufnbcr injured m Goldsboro Thursday when a building on whiclythe men were working collap^ed.^ Dr. J. W. Sunymers, of Char lotte, convicted several yean ago of a criminal operation or a voting woman in that city, i: adiam in the clutches of the law a similar charge. Miss Beall Woodward, oi ^Vashvtgton, D. €., a student a the university at Ciiapcl Hill was run Over and hiked bv ai in tin: stie ts of tin ' university town Sunday morn 4,t^ie t me of the acciden ' she was wading in the stree ! \yitb a companion who e^cape< 'wita slight injuries. Twelve heavy snows will car pet the French Bread valley during tne coming winter and there will he 28 flurries, declares John Drake, Asheville's famous weather prophet and one tiYne wrestler of renow n. Drake is the exponent of the "ruling day" theory, says the Times, and claims that for the past 10 years he has been more accurate than the almanac in forcasting the weather in west ern North Carolina. The sage of Buncombe coun ty resents the attitude some folks m this state have taken about his predictions for the past year. Drake admits that he missed three months slightly, but is of the opinion that he should have credit for the other nine. It has been rumored around by the intellectuals of the com munity that Drake waits till the winter is half over, and then makes his predictions. This is unfair, the sage-wrestler points out, for the atmanacs commence with the first oi the year in their predictions. Besides, sa^s Drake, the ruling days are the first 12 of the year and how may any one prophesy on tins theory be fore the days are at hand? Among the incidents foretold i by the local observer in past years w ere the flood of 1916, the frightful winter of 1917-18, the } mild winter last year, and other ! peculiar weather conditions. The first signs of snow were] I observed October 28 iustpast.! This means, says Drake, that therewiiibe2S flurries during the cold season, T ne first snow to tad and lay on the ground came November 12. Tins means that there will be 12 heavy snows during the coming winter and early spHag. it may be remembered that Drake's forecast for this Novem ber mas "unsettled/' He has ! been come out so far in that I prediction. December of this 1 year win be changeable, with I rain, snow and s'er t in ,quantit\, 'according tohis prophecy last year. Already it has been noted that me squirrels imve bushier tails this year. m great fio * * * 1 was . Mw^-seett by Drake, who noticed timt toe woodpeckers early in {the spring peeked high in the ; trees, building their nests in dug ' oats higher dp than usual. ! ExccutorT Notice. : Having tpudihed as executor ef j estate of Calvin E. Shore, deceas !ci, late oi Yadkin comity, North Caro'ina, this is to notify ali per sons holding claims against said estate to present them to the uu jd.ersigimilAvithin one year bom date of tldsnoiicoor same will be ipleadedinliart-frtttdr lecovery. iAlltmiS'nsiitdebtedto mud es j fate wilt ]hcase make iinmerliate tsettlement. This Nov. 24, 1721. , . Henry F. Shore, , John S. Shore, Executors. }henbo\v. 'iall&Benbqw, Att'y. , i- i _;_ t ; Notice Contractors C We v.ant tp-contract with HO;nf "tone to top-soil Cd<' milo of road tdxou Mil! Rridxe C [ : UrowbaLcr ^ shop 1' t!ie yard. $ Apply' to *A: Jfiiddns, orU. R Reavis. i 7b The t:me has come when we must again ciil on cur subscribers to come in and renews their subsciin tion. We have not the time, and it is expensive to wiite each one a letter, but the fact is thesis no let. ting up in the cost of printing a newspaper except one item alone. Tc are, therefore, compelled to urge each one not paid in advance to come in AT 0\CK and attend to this matter. The small amount you ow e may not be much, but several hundred like it means much to ns. so do your part NOW. W e can not carry these accounts ever in to a new year. THbfRlFPLK. 3TS?3E33H Court Calendar fer/n /^27 EON. T.. 3. FE^LEY, Judge Presiding MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2$, 1921 48 Martha Arnold vs Caroline Arnold et a! K. B. Long vs M. L. Hauser 21 W. M. Story vs D. L. Dobbins Y'hite Bank vs j. H. Mackie TUESDAY, NOV. 29, 59 Arthur Burch vs R. L. Lovelace 72 Ludie Adams vs Stoneman Adams 91 W. E. Elliot vs R. L. Lovelace C- R. Shaw vs M. T. Long et ui L. B. Y^cDaniels vs Ezekiel McDaniels WEDNESDAY, XOY.30 96 C. E Wallace vs R. L. White ct al Y/. A. Shore vs R. H. Davis A. M. Shore vs Crutchfield & Beard B. Y. Long vs Asbury Templeton j Walter Cunt-mrgs vs Andrew Brown THURSDAY, D$C. 1 ! 90 1-dkin Nat. Bank vs W. S. Alexander et ni 191 Reece and Totten vs ]. H. Mackie j Woodhouse vs M L, Myers ! S. Mitchell et al vs W. T. Fletcher ! oi Oxweil Accetcline Co. vs j. 2)1. Whittington FRIDAY, DEC. 2 ! , 35 Isaac Yanhoy vs J. C. Bimrx !69 \V. H. Roberson vs P. IL Norman ! 5 ;2! i2.3 125 !?7 :2S vn 3f 3d 40 47 '49 ! 33 ! 5t YiOTION DOCK47T Craft vs3iiarxniet Wiliams Finney rs Ftnney Alanin vs Vesta! 3fayheny vs Road Commission Frown vs Horn Mackie vs Caud!e Bowser ^*s Ylessick ihidgeCo. vs ^mde et a! Riiiway Mad )dutual iUmefit Aftyo vs Wi!i Ilveridge vs Cough McK'iiiaht vs kicKnight Fieming vs Ciiliams Sparks vs Sparks orma a ^as Ca ud!e Bean vs \!ard;r mis 6d Wiiiis vs Martin bo RoyadvsHoesey 6f McCraw vs 31oore / 63 Hutchens vs Swaim 4 i 68 plough vs Binnix 74 Universal Auto Co. vs Cumrn n ;s [7a A. Williams vs Hutchens { 78 J. M. Simmons vs Clint.Holcomb ! 84 Wclhorn vs Evans et ai ! 85 HudspeR) vs kdiyer & Long; 86 Greenwood vs Burchett. }87 GYRr.ThvsiFnion. ' i 62 Fletciter ct ai -vs j. U Flokmor . <-. - * j9a Sminnmsvsnoapt - . . m'C.AIavbva-yeL.d vsj. C.DC-CmM ; Yadk.i.nahiie ifiuUty Co. vs South Side Moan- Co. t \v tt nesses are no! repnu case tu wn-cii toe-. d !o a-cad tonii Eosw ;' ,,...vd. ^. rrt C t\ A i ^ ^ t k ; k. arcsn''poa

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