VOL. XXVHI. .....HI.* VADKINVH.LE. —— C., THURSDAY, AUG. 34, MX2 Some Good Advice to the Traveling Pubiic "OonS Taka atrana# Hoad at Mara Than 20 Milt* an Hour," Mia Ad aka—Car Daaan't Oriva Twica ^ Aiike in Any Boadway. Littte Fa Us, X. T.—Archie Baker ciuims to be a confirmed nutomot'iie tourist of iong and varied experience. He says he Has driven upward of 50, 000 ntiies in his 1010 seven-passenger six; and the car iooked tt when Archie and his famiiy puiied out beside the road just west of Smail Guif, between Littte Faiis and Herkimer, to camp of the most noted of Mohawk tourist parking ptaces. tr and his wife and a tweive son and ten-yearotd daughter that tonring agrees with them, gave the impression of having LB independent income. My experience ta that a ipt of tourists don't know very mucin and don't stop to team anything, either," Staid Mr. Baker. "The resuit is. they hkve a tot of hard knocks. When wo were coming into New York Mote, about MiO miies from hare, we tamed off down a side road to camp by Lake Mrte. There was an oatHt down by ^jta !ake which ciaimed they had had A tot of hard tack. They dished a arbeei; they tore ap a tire; they tost a tent off the hack end of the toad) they siept coid nights, and they were about ready ta gait. Bat, t they won't gait. Nobody gear does quit once the fhmiiy hare t<^ touring right—the way tt m he dene. Their dished Wheat in garadted me. The man ciaimed he didn't drive fhst, bat he skidded, Ifnaght the weight of the car on the MgfB near wheei, and smashed tt Ml "This wns an a strange road, ant lm Indians. he said, and !t anre dM lotdt hll right. Bat It Mashed him. and It was pare laek that he didn't roll Wear. I askdA him a bant the hind of road, and he couldn't tel! am; said tt was pretty muddy, but had gravel an It too. JThere you are! He smashed up - -as taught a Wson, and didn't twbdt the lesson was. The fact ore more than 200 different ^'hf good reads la the United I've been on most hinds. Ml . few of them—motHMhat stone "ater bound on waste tgads, clay, broken down ut and Bll <rushed -ee, cinder, shell,* bank beach gravel desert two and so on. E ROPE OF OOPHER TAtLS fork Against Rodents In Montana fectively Illustrated In Roge Made by Indiana. Helena. Mont.—A rope made of 000 gopher (ground squirrel) tails was recently on display at the ofHce of the Montana extension director, nwattjng shipment to the biological survey of the United States Department of Ag riculture. The ropetwas made hy the Blachfoot Indian chief, Mpllt Kur, and Bis tribal assistants, who live near Browning, In Ulacier county, Montana The Indtans have taken an active In &a-est in the campaign against the todenis. and after burying more than 1,400 ground squirrels, decided to sure tails for the 19 foot rope now on ex hildtion. It is estimated that at least 3U),00M rodents were fh-stroyer) hy the Trustee's Sa!e tndcrand by j<owet contained yittno of (he in a deed o( trust ntade and executed on the 6th day of Maicin H'3l, ^C. F, Day and wife Hannah Day, and recot'deel in t^^othco of the Keg tslet of D*'0'&cf Yadlsin county, ho'k 2% r"H'' to the ersigned trustee, and defaul) yitiH !'< !-n .untie in the pay Mwnt of the secuied by said deed of trust, 1 wiH sell at publit auctfod for cash, on the 31st day f August, 192^, at 2 o'clock p. m n the , premises the following described real estate: Beginning on an alley C, G athis' corner; runs 8^5 decree! ast 118 feet tv Flat street; thene< ith said street 19.6 degrees east or th witlr qaid street 100 feet h . G. Mttfhis* earner, on Ebg treet; thence West %,6 feet to th nning. For r^fetenees, set ofMicnmoos and Mafhis ant bores Broths. This the 81. ay of July, 1PM. . Tom WnodruH, Trustee, Yadkin Superior Court in Sea-Mon This Week Superior Court rpcned here Monday with fudge McEHr*y presiding end Solicitor J J Hayes prosecuting. A large corps oi lawyers d-fenuuig the different defendants A iarge crowd has been tn to ' u a!! the week and especially yesterday the court room was packed with people listening to tne trial of John Harris. The formwing cases up to this morning have been disposed of as follows: Alfred Long, Jack Morris and P D. Peddycord, resisting offic er, the defendants enter plea of nolo contendria, judgment Sus pended on paymen of cost. Richard Kerney colored, as sault. guilty, ftned $106 and cost. EMja Roberson c c. w., guilty, fined $50 and cost. Alfred Long, a. w. d. w, guilty $25. and cost. Mac Farmer, obstructing pub iic road, judgment suspened on payment of cost. Edward Davis and Son Dink ins operating car whiie intoxi cated, not guiity. DeWitt Wishon sentence sus pend, to show good behavior at next (arm of court H. J. Cook. John and Mon Myers, a. w. d w., not guilty as to both Myers, guilty as to fined five dollars and cost. John Harris, who kiiied Ger man Brown, guiity, murder in second degree, sentenced nos less than 26 y< years nor more then 30 at hard labor/ Nelson Hudspeth guilty of trespass, !2 moths on the road. Everet Sparks ma ey< Daniel Vestal failure property, not guilty. Fred Reece, disturbing relig ious service, found guilty, fined 315 and cost. ReSate of Vaiuabie Land Pursuant to an order of the Su perior court of Yurlkin county. N. G.. madeou(he 18th day of Aug., 1922, in an ex parte pro ceediug therein pending entitled Ethel Taylor, Bessie Taylor and Yernell Taylor, by R. F. Jester, her guardian, ex parte, I will of fer for re-sale at public auction to the highest bidder at J. B. Samp son's store at Sniithtowu, N, C., on Saturday, the !)th day of Sept., 1922, at 1 o'clock p. m„ the following described tract or par cel of land in Yadkin county, N. C., adjoiniug the lands of Hamp Taylor, Suasauunh Jester and others, bouudel'as follows, to-wit Beginning at a stone, Mary Taylor's corner,'a,al runs south 2 degrees west 13 chains to a white oak; t!lenC& %u)th 25 de grees wed 17 chatus and HI lintts to a chestnut stump; then west 3 chains aud 70 iiuks to a pine; then north 21 chains ty said road; then down the load as it meaud ers to the beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less. Terms of sale: $100.00 of tbe purchase niouey to be paid in cash on tbe day of sale, the re mainder on credit of six months. The deferred payment to be se cured by bond and approved se curity with interest at 6 per cenl from day of saie until paid. Title reserved until the whole of the purchase money Is paid. Upon h 'ppnHrmation of the salethe whole [ or any part of the purchase moo ey msy be paid at the option pi the purchaser. This 22 dsy 6f Aug., 1922. R.&. Jester, CeaaaMoMt, s Subscribe for Tbe Ripple y * r.rbuah Ne We are on* to kti#w that lit t!e Ruth Corhcftnai* vety ili a) this writing. ^ The farmers in itu: section are very busy priming aad curing tobacco. Miss Carrie t tctcM# guest of Miss fia jester ^ubday Misses Ethei feue) and Money were the guest of Wiss Lucitie Warden Sunday.^. -* Misses Saiiie Wihiams and Lota Money were the guest of Miss Kaly Lee Rockett Sunday. Mr. J. J. WHiiams and family were visiting reialives nere Sun day. ^ ^ ^ Miss Laura Corueiius v-n? A# guest of Miss Loise Wihi^td) Sunday. MECCA FOB VtS!T0B§ WMhbt^nn May Caaoma "Cott* vantitw City'' af Country. This tyrtnp )a Proving Hwurtl brsatw fur MulgpuMuwa V tubing Cayitut— Maw AusHfuMMm PMMnug t# WaMMbg^u.-^Omt WMhlngtan may awn win the HMa at "OahvwHon cHy" la tba prophecy at sum# old InhaM tanta TMy say that oaavantloa mwt Inga In Mm aationai capital grow hof site and number every year. No one beep# an oHMat rawed Of the organlaatlnna and tbelr delegatee that visit the city, but according to street car contactors, White House guards and watchmen in the govern tnent building", this spring is proving a record breaker for delegating# There la no Beoson of the year when Washington Is not entertaining visitors who have gathered from tlm ends of the country to discuss by-laws and *pf!ng ht the mt.*( iar..*. mb' Hto^ for seeing Washington, attd thererire Spring always hriuga an uniiMalty targe assortment of ' invention fotiow ers. The capital, with its trees bursting info pale greet), its cherry blossom drive atong the thin) basin, nnd its guy dower beds, is ut Us )<est. Later, Washington*settles down t" hot weath er—though the chamber of commerce never admits it, und now nnd then dis piays impressive statistics attd com parative reports of the weather bureau showing that the capita) wit)) its iOo, t'OQ trees, its ft,nop acres of parks and its river breexe is not so hot as it la sometimes represented. In spite of those encouraging but!* tins, spring coniinnes to be the fash ionable convention season, Aigeady, this year, the Daughters of the American Itcvoiutlon and! the Daughters of 1H12 have advanced upon Washington with buttering badges. The League of American Penwomeit bus gat tiered its coilet tidh of literary aotutdes and celebrated its twenty-fitth acniycrytoy with a bonk lair, break fast, cardival hnti and ^otin-r func tions. And. ytdih .less t'dmp and cere mony, LOW oeuiists and several otitet aclentiPc groups* iiave been ctmfmriug In odd corners of the city* betweea i'anguets and rmporttuft sessions, _ Baby cab a Hum caerte. Port Moron, Hitch.—'John Hamm. )f Farrdn wns nr'csted by customs ot et),i9 while wheeling a baby cob from a ferry boot In the eab on which the baby rested was a quilt contatn ina 12 pockets tn each of which rw posed a bottle of liquor. .With Ham mond wns his wtfe and two children. I!e stated he was buying a house on the contract plan, and took up hooxe smuggling to raise money. Me Is etn phased by the drnnd Trunk In Sarnia Hammond was placed In inll, Administrator's Notice ' t Haying cptalihed asadministra tor of the estate of Hatinah Day, deceased, late of Yadkin county, North Carolina, this is to notify alt persons having claims againsl the estate of the agid Hannah Day, deceased, to tile same wtth the undersigned bn or before 24th day of July, 1H% or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thd covety, AHpersons said estate wiH mediate sbt day of ! Yadkin County Sunday * Sehoc! Convention The Sunday School workers of Yadkin county wi!) hold {heir annua! County Convention with the Gea'er Methodist Church on Saturday mid Sunday, Septetn bet !icd and 3rd. Sunday Schoo! workers o! at! denominations are urged !o atteod. Mr. O. W. Sims. Genera! Superintendent o f the Norb Caroiina Sunday Schoo! Asa#ci ation, wdi speak at egnh-setsion of the convention. has had many years perienoa^as a teacher, su State Supet i?y Magee oi .ek Schoo!, t and nt. Miss North Caro Suuday Schoo! Association a!so speak severa! timej bring the convention is said to ' a very attractive speaker, he opening session wi!! be !ed over by L. F. Amburn, !t of the Yadkin County ty Schoo! Association ^sociated with Mr. Atcbura ihsf president are the foHowing county and township officer;: vuce moment, j.M saitor, aid%t$t Secretary S. T. Hinahaw, Township PrMidonta, Rev.C. H. Hutchens, H.C. Johnson, J. L. Long, Ora Brandon, Prof S.J Hunniuiitt, Will Jones, J. H. Sat !or, dhas. Grose. The Yadkin County Sunday Schoo! Association is euaBiary th Carolina Sunday whitA is the eMaet of Sunday Schod W kiM9 off the evange lical d#ov,ninattoas to extend and id^^ove terests comntoa to; ers. It sirives to help bj suggestion not hy authority,' therefore it helps many, it hin ders none It seeks helpful co Operation', fiot union Its con ventions and institutes discuss methods of work not church doctrines AH meetings held under the auspices of the associ ation are free and open to all who wili attend. In territories where there ate no Sunday Schools the association does not suggest the, organization of un ion Sunday School, hut urges the organization of denomina tional Sunday Schools of the de nomition preferred by the peo ple in the (ommuuity. <.. F\ Amburn, Pres. S T. Hinshnw, Sec., Notice of Safe of Land Under Deed of Trust ed in ^ ( <'(! of tru-st c,ccut"<! bt C. F. Day tout sut'd Hi'ltuab ihit bidder ou the prendaea'-o Satin' day, September 2, "t tv" o'clock )n , H)c following rod eatate to wit: Situated in Jouen yrlle, YmUde county, itnobatoen alii}', and tub'UfUUM the lamia of J. F. Piutnx iiix) ottera and bounded at! foUowa: Begiuninr? ou a rock ou the west aide of Mineral gpriQ^a road tuna with aaid road—feet to a rock on we at aide ot aaid road, west 12$ feet to J. C- Finnix line, weat with his line nmd halt and mark treea to a blatk wwnr in J. ic. Pinnix line aud^aatward to tlu ,1 be^inninn- Terma of aale caah jThi^Auku^ 2, f9M. E. F. Thompson, Trustee for d. Q. ^y, AaatMnee. —It,e Ritpi? will be tnniled t aay 'addMw# w Yaditiu eowuty [fV# fw erah in *dvnuce. John Harris Gets Term , ofTwetly-Fiver ara John Harris, who kii'ed Ger man Brown on the 29th day ol December, w ts gtven a term oi not less than 23 years mor more than 3<' at hard !$bor tn the pen! tentiary by fudge McEtroy in Superior court here iate yester day afternoon. after he had en tered a plea of murder in the Seeo&$ degree IRSHconr^e was decided on by the attorneys for Harris and was accepted by the stJIte Har ris would have pteaded insanity avd might have been found not guilty had he gone to triai. An effort was made to have the sen tence lighter one by a piea of insanity but without success. Harris killed Brown by shoot ing him in the back with a shot gun twicr, after a family fued lasting several years and which centered around the young wife of German Brown, niece of the murderer When Harris finishes out 25 years in prison he will be 77 years oid. He is a man of white hair and beard and will hardly survive bis sentence. RAD!0 MASHER PEEVES LAW C#tra<*d amt ladtpaant asnoaytvmsM Lady Mahaa Camplpint ta amar af Mata. tha Pldladelphlp. — i{utcr masher. His Inllla) appearance In the ether Wim related by (bsvemor Ipfotrl of I'ennsylvania at a recent haaqnat here. "! iWelved a tatter the other day." aald tfh" *.tyeMwy, "from e^*^""** A hreWF^^inTfa' tttld'Hc of !tl ^ ed: "!/i there nnv ^otstdookitu dame llstetthig to th'sl Because If thers ta !' want her to me#^be'' at her of tltc Iftends' tjMtdevafd tu QtW< ttert"Wn h'lttorrow wtaht ht mght O'clock, f've got tt bottle ';t* letoch ,-. my ciir.tmtl If I like Iter I'll take her to Atlantic fity.' 'fit order to pass the htirk to tht feth'ta) povgrTunent.'' the gov.-ricr re marked. chuckling. "T wrote that the development of rndlo had come so suddenly that we hare not had time yet to become conversant Wifi) the pecuttar conditions it creates, hut lhat I trusted due action would lie tnken to prevent this fortn of outlnw hroa'I caster from Inflicting tiis pers nality on the world at large." EGG REACHES RtPE AGE OF 6! Perfectly Reapcctabte, Too, Be<:auM* )t'a Hand Decorated and Hard Bolted. i ySeveiand. O.—An egg's age is ; nstmtty cnrefuiiy concenied. t(nny of nncient vintage emerge fropi cohl sfornge and masquerade ns freshly taid hen fruit, hut. ns n genera] thing their advancing yeary an no more to )<e boasted of t'irr (hose of a uonmn. ??ot so with an egg in - Mo- ponses rion of, Fred !!. fierst, 20.14 Kvelyri avenud, Lakewood. !t'S sixty-one years old and perfectly respectable. it's a hand-decorated .,Fns'o]< witi) the date "Apri! '8. 1360," in scribed in White on n reddish-brown background, it is hnTd boiled and is kept by air. Gerst carefuiiy wrapped In got ton to protect it from break *a* Administrators Notice i ^Having qualified as admitiis trator of the estate of tin: W. P. Brendle, deceased, late Ytf Yad kin county, North Carolina, aii persons holding clams against the estate of said deceased ate hereby notified to present them to me within twelve months from date of thia notice or this notict will he plead in bar of Ithelr re covetry, and all persons iadebte* to said estate are requested t< settle at once. This August 1st . t9M. a D. M Breudle Administrate of W P. Brendle. Deceased. O. H T. CJub Spends week !n Thg Land of The Sky bait Tuesday morning (here was a stir in (he 0)d Home Town. Save s een mentbers^f (he O H. T. Club donned their khaki and !efi for a weeks camp ing trip iir Western N. C. The following ctub members were included in the number: W. K. Dobbins, Pres., Gertrude Hat), Blanche Mackie, George Mar kic, Dwight Martin, Lucy Hittshaw, Dwight Osborne, Rufus Grater, Leo West, Rossie Shore, Smt ford Hinshaw. Sam Brarmcn, Ruby Venable, Minnie Cam tevens, Annie Pear! Dobbins, Laura Reynolds, and Hthci Shore. Among other membets present were Mr. Ciaudc Dun nagaa and Mr. W T Myers both , of Winston Saiem. The whoie party was under the abie direc* tionof Mrs. H. G Ras^ who ! made an excelient chaperott. The youn,. people of Yadkinvilio fee! very grateful to Mrs. Rasa and hope to **ave her as a pcr -manentchaparonfor ai! furore occasions. They hope too, that "Jack" can a! ways go. Among places visited the ihst day were Wdkesboo, Deep Gap, Boooe and Blowing Rock. With Biowing Rock as headquarters until Friday the club visited dai iy various nearby points of inter est Through the efforts of the President and the chaperon May view Cottage was secured as a club house, ^he tent was plpcetfnear the Holt estate and used for a cookit ad. Th is < y, that place edych t?^tHl acres of lahd and furnish one of the m&t bertuttful see&es in N. C. The games, seedery, and motor boat riding that the club engaged while there was really the climax of the trip. The new Victrola which has been recently purchased by the. club furnished excellent enicr talnnient for the whole journey. i The return trip was made Sat urday by way of Morganton, Xewton. Hickory, Connelly Springs and Statesville. Usually some old friend couid n!wn.\s )'u found at the various stops that were made. All members of theclub fee! that the trip was a credit to ^adkinville because of the good behavior and fine sportsmanship that was always shown to everybody They aho feel that it wiil be a great social benefit to the towa as a w hole. Administrators Notice Haying qualified as adminis trator of the estate of John Mane* more deceased, )ate of Yadkin county, North Carolina, this is to notify ati persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned for payment within twelve months from date of this notice or same will be plead in , bar of their recovery. AH per sons oweing said estate are re quested to make settlement at . once. This August 14, 4922, H. C. Macemore, Administrator of John Macemore, deceased. He Ought to be Mobbed ' \o old bachelor says, there la * but one thing tweeter than !ovfa young dream, and thd It to r wake up and Find yourself tingle —Boston Traoscrip.

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