SURVEY )S MADE OF B)RD BANDtNG Tems Migrate From Kenne bec to the Niger. Washington.—From the hanks of the Kennebec to those of the Rigor—that Is the journey accredited to it common tern by the bioiogion) survey of the Uniteti States Department of Agricui ture, witieit )s now reecivtng many in teresting returns from the bird-hand ing work at one of its bird colonics in Lake Mieitiganiast year. Atnottg'iiie Other interesting reports growing out of ttds work are timse pertaining to three Caspian terns, widcit were to catcd in Colombia, Souti) America. These were fonnd just at the time when !dr<i hamiing was iieing done at theoriginaicoiony inMictdgan (ids year, tiiereiiy proving tifat the young birds do not breed in timirtirst year. According to the agricuttnrai experi menters two Caspian terns were re ported found in Nova Scotia ant! tunny "titers were discovert;] niong Cm routes to titehtttercottniryiindSoutii Atnerica. Those fouttti en route, tiie invesligators say, show what course is foiiowed by the tttigrating birds be tween their summer am) winter homes. With the growing interest in tbe procedure the,department has otiiy re eentiy puidished a iist of instructions concerning tliepractica) signitiennee of bird itanding. as weii as some of its history. This form of identification in Atnetica dates from the time of Audu bon, wtm about 1803 piaced siiver threads around the tegs of a brood of phoeites and was rewarded the foiiow ing season by having two of ids marked birds return to nest in the same vicinity. Aithough bird "ringing" was attempted in Europe as eariy as 1710 it was airnost 200 years iater. in 1800, that systematic work was under taken Started In 1901. The eartier investigators, according to the recent report, marked their binds hy dyeing or staining the Right font!:'rs.' feet'or Ml').' In thi^Mtmt'ry active experimenta) work was begun in 1001. when atuminum bands were attaeited to the iegs of the birds. The results were so satisfactory and stim ulated so much interest that eight years iater the American Bird Band ing association was organized in New York city. Subsequent study has re vested that two prineipai lines of re search must be given special attention. First of these is the banding of Redg lings and the second, tbe systematic trapping and banding of aduits. The latter is the more significant because the older birds give tbe most informa tion on bird habits. Trapping is accompiishpd hy various snares, one of the popuiar ones being the "Government" sparrow trap, a fun noi-shaped device of wire and hard ware cioth easiiy made even hy the novice and very effective. Others which tiie department recommends are the weil-known drop trap, tiie door of which is suspended untii the unwary bird makes for the bait, when it drops down and shuts in the victim. The department, to be abie to study even more closeiy titan heretofore the ltfe histories of birds, urgentiy re quests tiie co-operation of naturaiists whose casuai discoveries of wayfaring band hearing birds might be w eii worth reporting. In this way the gov ernnienta) investigators expect to solve the many probiems which previously have batHed the ornithologist. Among these are the speed with which indi viduals of any species may travel on their periodic migrations, the possible vanguard formed by one Rock for oth ers and tiie advance made by succes sive Rocks passing one over tiie other In aiternate periods of rest and Right. Questions to Be Answered. Other questions which can be an swered by bird-banding operations are: Do individual of any species ai ways foiiow the same route, and is the route the same for both spring and faii tiights? Do migrating birds make the same stopover every year to feed? How iong do birds remain in one io catity during the migration, the breed ing or the winter season? What is the reiation between the breeding and the wintering grounds of individuals; that is, do those birds that breed farthest north winter farthest south, thus jumping over those that occupy the intermdiate zone, or do they merely repiace the iatter individuate as winter residents? To what region do the birds go, par ticutariy the young, that do not return to the vicinity of their ortgtnai nests? Do birds adopt the same nesting area, nest site and winter quarters in successive seasons? For how many broods wiii one pair rematn mated, and which bird, if not both, is attracted neat year to the oid nest ins site? To whnt extent do mates of a spe cie assist in inenhntion and brooding? How far from thsfrnofts do Mt^ forage for food, and after the young ggve i6& the nest wlH the parent birds Annua^Gounty Exhibit North Carolina, Yadkin County: I, T. R. Eaton, Register of Yadkin county,^and;&ex-ottrcio clerk to Boardjof County^ Com missioners. in accordance with Sec. 1311 of the Consolidated Statutes of NorthSCaroliaapoake the following report of; all ac counts allowed and audited by the Board of County Commis sioners of said county, for twelve months, beginning December 1st 1923, and ending November 30th 1924, and the amount of money received for.county purposes: DISBURSEMENTS [(continued from last week) September 1^1921 H E Ring judgetelection and making returns ^,9.00 F L Myets judge election and wi!ness;clms assg ^2.10 W R Bryant ministerial ser vices co home 4.00 1 L Segraves support of Harriet and Ollie Cook 10.00 Alex Ball support 3.00 Stephen Phillips and wife their support 8.00 Jane Miller her support 2.00 Dora Caudle ' ^ (,.00 Nanty willardlier support fg 3.00 Mitchell Prtg Co. stationery tor t of d office 54.22 Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co. stationery esc office 27.00 DS Pard ie wit claim assg 3.20 J L Crater commit.tpapers 3.50 W N!Horn!support and, bufial of Eliza Head J a rnes whtiam^a u Nick Hutchens waiting on solicitor lo.UO J H Dobbins & Sons mdse 30.50 Euwards & Broughton stationery tor.rd office 40.22 E W Teague tax calcutator 16.25 W A Williams ds fees 1.75 Cco. D. Barnard Sta Co. stationery rd office 5.11 Mrs L T Robinson coutt stenographer 40.00 Dr.LT RiHarding_ciuarantine officer^and co practice' 15 b50 J S Culler et al wit claiin 12/10 R^W and j F Brown] guarding jail - ^4.00 J H P Shore kpr co home 105 75 Winiamsl&^Reavis legal services 200.00 Yadkin Ripple stationery for r of d office 4.75 J w Pendry<!*assfc!k b c'c W 2.5t T R)Ea'on r U(part payment^) on making out tax and * clerk to!b{c^c HHHK248.55 JaM,Davis member b c c j(21.0( A!Dinkins "^bc!c^[21.C( T H Chamberlain mem ber be c [1S.0( N!E McCollem iaillfeesYHk 7! .0< C E Moxley sheriff fees.etcl46.6f DtB Stafford jail fees and noard^for prisonersgRgit^ 71.0( October 6, 1924 J L Crater esc fees and claims assigned 112.37 JRH Royal! janitor service 9.26 R L Howell judge election 6.60 J L Crater committment papers etc 4.25 T L Harding witness claim and claims assigned 20 40 C E Haynes d s fees 2.00 Jane Miller her support 2 00 Mary JLowery her support 6 00 Lina and Minnief Joyner their support 8.00 Mary Allen her support 8.00 Mary Holder her support 8.00 Lottie Fry her support 4.00 Dollie Hutchens support for self and childrtr 8.00 Dora Caudle her support 6 00 I L Segraves support oi Harriet and Oliie Cook 10.00 Walter :up Dali 3.C0 Nanty willard her support 3.00 Stephen Phillips angl wife their support 8.00 JtM Carter.witness < 1 L Salmonsiwit Clai claims assigned I E Nornstah witness claim J w lloles,witness ctaitn and claims assigned? ^ A obe Caudle witnessidaim Nathan wooten 3 J M Carter wit claim assg 5.1 T R Eaton " " Frank Spillman wit claim * ^ C A Halt,witness claim and claims!assigned L C Fleming witness claim 1 W Collins ?' J L Crater wit claim assg W L Kelly witness claim J M Crews " * " J*S Culler " " Mrs J S Culler " Mrs T Branson" Joshpliiue Lee " WFCrubbs " Noah Darnell " June Robinson" Dewitt Sparks " 1 N Walker " Will Brown Joe Matthews " J L Crater J* J w Cook d s fees etc J C Money work at co home etc R wtBrown seizure_ l&and witness claim tH W R Myers seizure of still ill A D Hudson rebate on tax J E Shugart d s fees 3! J M Brown waiting on grand^ury !( J H P Shore her co home it W'R Bryant ministerial services at co home m profession J H Dobbins & Sons mdse N E McCoiiem jail fees C E Haynes d sfees J w Pendry asst c!k b c c C E Moxiey setzure of still and sheriff fees T R Eaton r d, balance on making out taxes 150.00 S L Russei! member board 12.00 6.00 155.66 37.10 9.60 4.10 2.80 2.80 2.80 1.05 !.05 1400 2.20 2.55 6.00 {3.00 10.0(1 8.00 of elections J J Hayes solicitor fees C E Moxiey sheriff fees W F Byrd d s fees November 3, 1924 T L Pinnix witness ciaitn JH Hunter Walter Davis " " Evan Taylor " " Claude Jester " " Clifford Choplin" " w C Monday f Ray Burchett RM Osborne " Dora Caudle her support Alex Ball hts support Martha Woodley,suppoT{ Dollie Hutchens support of self and children 1 L Segraves support of . Hanret and.Olhe Cookj3(}10.00 Mary Allenfher support 4.00 Mary Holden hertsupport 4 00 Liua and Minnie Joyner their support ^ jgt Manty willard her support Leota Caudle " " J E Hunt support and butial of Lottie Fry 15 00 Jane Miller her support 2 00 Stephen Phillips and wife their support M J Lowery her support J E Hunt d s fees J T Steelman burial of Mar tha Steelman, widow of a Confederate soldier 20.00 T R Eaton r d, elk to b c c25.90 Edwards ^ Broughton stationery for c s c office Mitchell Ptg Co stationery for rofd office Wills Book & Stat Co sta tionery for r of d office W R Bryant ministerial services at co home J H P Shore kpr c.! home J H Pc *. ' * . mdse forCJuuytm.e State oospt at. Coldsbt tp, . transportation etc of 4.00 300 6.00 8 00 2 00 7.05 525 4 11 2.09 4.<0 107.50 00 tAe Ree/* Cabot of Hoston, or who conducts a , ,, .hreRtlons'tnafash sehooi. said nt a dinner ' ob.iect,'bf my course is to bring t Happy marriages, and I have vary specessfut, indeed. 1. point tbe )'e^i< on which the marriages are'onotiwrc.-i;c<i. "A Cabot went on. "said to a grottp of women nt a ten: ^HeRyfe ! was married I couid m-ver sate a cent.' & Sale of Land sf- ^ ^ t By virtue of the jmwci contmn in at certain deed of trust cxn. gMf'ed by F. B. Cam-'bed and wife to J. F. Meudreu.. trustee, for ^Hillers and Merchants Bark ot Sun y county wfdch is recoruediu oifice of fLe Begistcr^of Deeds for Yadkiu county in HooK 30, page 39, defauft navmg been^ made n. - the payment ot the note thereby secured at the request of the hotd er of the note, I wid offer for sate for cash at pubtio auction to the highest bidder at the court house door in Yadkin vide, A. (J., on the HOth day of January, 192-J, at one ^'cfock, p. m., the tottowing iantis: ^idleginntng at a post oak stump, corner, uud runs north 55 8 west 37.P0 chains to a jthencetsonth 70)gdeg west chaius{to thej,brauch at a of donwoods^thence down branch south RlUdegiees east t cl tains to the$old§line; tftence ; the ofd fine north 9 degrees chains north f4 degrees ains to the beginning, '' .^Oi^or fess. Safe made to satisfy the amount due on said note and mortgage and cost of safe. This December 29, 1924. J, F. Hendreu, Trustee By A. D. Fofger, Atty. ?.fartha Hauser S-25 J C Money j p fees 1 69 N E McCodem jail fees 52.65 W E Rutedge printing 26 30 M w Mackie farm fevef for county 22.50 Yadkin Supply Co supplies for county home IS 40 J w Pendry asst cfk to b c c 2 50 J A Matthews j p fees 3.40 November 14, 1924 S S wagoner registrar efec W M Parks " " ! A Matthews " " W R Frye '* " J w D Baity K M Thompson " " and primary J L Motsinger j 'dge elect ! W Vestaf . and primary j C Gilliam judge election and pritnat^ E M Pardue hailifftelection J L Crater certificate and 2f.% 22.26 22.05 23.40 22.80 47.82 3.00 9.00 9 00 3.00 seals etc 7.40 Edwards m Broughton sta ttonery for r ot d ottice 1548 C E Moxley sheriff fees error iu F Evans tax 30.40 C E Moxley insofvent tax65.21 C E Moxley sheriff fees 56.50 S w Matthews d s fees 2 00 A H Gough 5 cords wood for court house 20 00 M F Carter repairs for for court house 6.50 Total Disbursements $10084 5b Kecapitalatiou Total amount of receipts $20478. lb Paid out on general clms$10084 56 Paid out on jury clutms $1079.50 Allowed on treassatmy 100.00 a^nncerm b^ud 921410 $2047816 $2047816 Nov. 29. )924. J&Al on band $9214.i( Judge Witey V. Hartman ^ Died m Winston jrrnday Saskatchewan Town Debt Threatens It With Ruin Regina, Saskatchewan.—The iittie town of Rattieford, whose residents are threatened with a possiide levy of 5 per cent of their tota) assessments to satisfy town debts, has appealed to the Saskatchewan government to save it from financial ruin. The town owes about $700,000 to bondholders. of which approximately $000,000 is over due. A judgment has been secured against the community by stone of the creditors and as a resuit residents are confronted with a possible levy of (HO miils, or about three fourths of the totai assessment. Army Mule Humiliated by Dappled Percheron Kansas City, Mo.—The twenty sixth annual American Royal Live Stock show saw the redouhttihie army mule suffer a sothacn. \ team of dappie gray Percherons won tile putting contest for teams under " ooo pounds, hauling a toad of J7,o!tt. pounds 27% feet and doveh.phn. n putting strength of 2o horsepowo; They weighed 2,720 pound The unties, entered by the <^;ta;te master corps, Fort Leavenworth, 'o weighing 2.880 pounds, were en.d to puii the toad the required -7 :.o' Executor's Notice Having qualitied ns executor of the estate of Ellpu Holton, tie ceased, late of Yadktu county, North Carolina, all itersons ltoid iug claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned within twelve* Wf.n'hs t?0'" da<'' Of . this uotice ' or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to saio * estate are renuested to settle at once. This Dec. 3, 11124. H. E. Holton, Ex. of Ellen Holton, deceased. Sate of Land By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by W,0. Adams and wife, Herd a Adams, and duly recorded in book 32, page 68, Record of Mortgages (or Yadkin county, f wili seil for cash at the court house door in Yadkinyille at pubiic auction, on the 12th day of January, 1925, the following real estate. )o wit: Adjoining the lands of Agusta Snainhout. J. F. Yokely, and bounded as fol Beginnine at a store on the bank of the Yadkin r*ver in the northeast corner of Lot No. 1 and runs south 301 degtees "'eft 13.43 chains to a stone; thence West 6: d' g "<s"h ^.5" chains 'o a stone Spainhout's bne; thence ^outh 301 deg. west 4 chains to a wild cherry; thence south 3J de grees west on his line 31 56 chs to a stone, dividing line; thence east 30 90 chains to a pine, origi. na! corner; thence no * 50 de grees west 14 to pointers, north 60 degrees west 8 50 chains to a stone in home tract, north Y2 de grees cast ! t canine to u <?tf,t,e< Mnk of brunch; come Lot No 3. north 30^ degrees east 10 chains to a Stone on hunt? ot river: then tip the river 6 ^0 chnins to the beginning, being the lands desig nated as Lot No. 2 bv item one ot will of A. W Turne . be corded *n hook 3. page o. g. ord of Wills. Contains 79 acres more or less. Lands sol ' to sat^fv a debt, in terest and cost, secured by said mortgage dr ' Thw December 12,1924. !*! * or!gagee. HP^i!eyY. Hartmnr, 'ur'ye of city court of Winston Salem, died in a hospital there tast Fri day morning. Hehad been io ill health for some time and his condition had been serious for several days. Judge Hartman was one the the city's best known citixcns He was a native of Davie coun ty but had t:ved in Winston for more than 2h years, where he practiced law unti! he became city judge in 1918. As a city judge he had no equal, his court being the sub ject of attention from a!! parts of the country. He was 49 years oid and is sur vived by his wife and two daugh ters. The C. state legislature is in session at Ralergh. Sa!e of Land l!y virtue of the power of safe contained :n a cert.sin mortgage deed executed on the 29th day of December, 1!'22, !<y F. \Y. Fenny and-cite,'Lithe Doer i cotded tni)o<<K82, pagelol mtof Deeds ottice in Yrsdarn countv, ruddefauithavrng been made in dte pavment of a note secured by udd nsostgage deed, I will teii for* 'ash to the highest bidder at ps^'n. Icsfuitiou dts* Wotntny .tan?tf)rv 2, 1925, rstfociock p. rss, the bliowing rea! estate* Beginrsitsgatastone in 5iadi ou'stine, runssruth 125r'dsto r stone; thesree east 42 reds to a stone: tisence norti) 125 to a stone; thence west 42 rods to the regiutting. coutatning bo acres, note or iess. Ats<r one 8 acre ]<st know*' rs hei!;ty]no))d\\ind--tntot,nd')in he above p,nrce! north of toad torn F. W*. Dentsv's dweiiing. Tsds ! <ec-'sd'ls< r ['424, J. L. Crater, Mortgagee ^a!e of Land iiyristuebftimpnwer ot sssie contained itr a certain issortgage deett executed on ttseidtu davrrf March, HUM, by M*. 51. Check to Major i'ardrtt', recorded in bonk 20, pst^e^iM, Register of Deeds otiir-e of Yadkin county, defrrult travrng tseen made in the note se cured t't said nr<r4gagedeed. the ttu)i'n-i}.'t)ed''i!ise))fot c;rsh to the hisses; !)id'. vat puhtieauo. tron -tiiiniday,.lan)rarr 12)924, att< 'an is). tn. i.e fnhowiug described rea! estate: Regtttninga) a stoue on tire west side side of the creek just above the ford, runs south with s roasl Mt) degrees west 8 chains to au oak husis; ttn nee soutis 55 de grees west 7 cltaitrs with s:dd road to a stone on east side rtf road; thoDce south with said road about 10 decrees west 7 chains to a black oak ou west side of road ia hollow; thence west 12^ chaius to a white oak in Tutters line; then north with Trrttens ami Conk's hue 45^ chains to the creek at the mouth of iittie creek; thermeeast with the creek 17 chains to the bendof toe cues; risen.' south witht!'e<r ek:sis<rr! Li degrees east 35^ chains tn Use beginning, containing M) ? acres, ts ore or iess. This December 9. 1924. J. 11 l'ardue, Executor of Majnt t'usesic, Mortgagee, 4 1. s ttesat.d < .E. Moxley, s g<sees S'b^n(A:(«t your C(.u<ty newspaper aud keep p s ed.

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