The Yadkin Baptist Sunday School Convention March 27 The Yadkin Baptist Sunday School Convention \tiil beheld held at Hethe! Baptist church, beginning Friday, March 27th, and continuing through Saturday and Sunday. Following is a pro gram of the proceedings. I-RIDAY, MARCH 27. 11:00 A. \1.—Devotional. Rev. R. P. Corum. Dinner. 1:10 P. M.—Devotional, Rev. R. K. Adams. 2:00 P. 31.—Organization. 2:30 P. M.—Are our Sunday Schools teaching the Bible as they should? 7:30 P. 31—Preaching, Rev. 1). C. Reece. SATURDAY, MARCH 2S. 0:30 A. M.—Devotional, Rev. X. H Comer. 10:00 A. M.—Is there as much devotion, consecration and worship in ourSunday Schools as there should be? If not, what is the remedy? Rev. W. V. Brown. 10:45 A. 31.—What is the signs of the times, Rev. S. S. 3!ay. 11.-25A. 31.—z\re our Sunday Schools properly organized? J.H. Saylor. Dinner. 1:30 P \1—Devotion, Rev. H. 1J Howe!!. 2:00 P. M.—Are our Sunday School teachers properly trained? Rev. W. A. llolleman. 2:30 P. M.—What are tlte duties of the deacons of our churches? Rev. R. P. (Jorum 7:30 P. \1.—Exercises of Bethel Sunday School SUNDAY, MARCH 29. 10:00 A. M. —Devotional, Rev. D. (1. Reece. 10:30 A. M.—Should our Sunday Schools patronize the modern idea of socialism, such as class picnics, weinnie roasts, icecream suppets, etc? Rev. E. W. Burrus. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon. Committee— J 1-. ESS1C, D. C.REKCE, R. T. CORUM. Trustee's Sa!e of Land State of North Carolina, County of Yadkin. By virtue of authority contain ed in acertain deed of trust exe cuted to the undersigned trustee by Furman Carter and wife, Ida Carter, on the 10th day of June, 1921, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Yadkin county, in book No. 28, page 68, to secure the payment of a cer tain bond, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with at the re quest of the owner of said bond, f will expose to sale at public auction, at the court house door in Yadkinville, North Carolina, on the 27th day of March, 1925, at 12 o'clock, noon, tin follow ing described real estate, to wit: Beginning at a stake in Sarah Warden's line near some dog wood sorouts and runs westward 150 yards to a post oak; thence southwardly to a post oak in T W. Carter's line; thence cast with said line to John James ine; thence east with James line o a poplar in or near Sarah Warden's line; thence north with Sarah Warden's line to the be ginning, containing 8 acres more or less. Except a lot owned by Laura Godberry situated on the east side of above described tract, which was run off bj M. G- Myers, surveyor, and agreed upon by all parties concerned, to wit: Lucenda Carter, Jiles Carter, Leahman Godberry and Laura Godberry. See deed from Lucinda Carter and Jiles Carter to Furman Carter, dated April 22nd, 1915, and recorded in deed book 10,117, Register of Deeds office Yadkin county, N. C. Terms of sale, cash. This February 23,1925. W T. Wilson, Trustee Get your neighbor to sub scribe for The Rippie. Trustee's Sa!e of Va uabte Lands tinh-randbyvttttteofthepow er contained it) a cettain deed of ttustnunh' indexecutC'lbyW . M Ct.iwford.indwile, galbe Craw ford, on t!it-2Hth (fay of.January, P'2-h tothe undorsiuntd tnmtc)-, to secure a ih'ltt of $20S/.'.))), w liicti don! of (rust is recn'ded in the ollice of llegister of Deeds of Y.idkiu county, in book 30, [atge 4!!, saidde!;t tteiiigdueand un p.iid.f will sell at jtultlic auction forciisltontheju'emises. to t)ie highest biddei', onYIondav, the 3rdtinynf!\!;n'ch, !!<21, at2['. )n. the following described property, to-wit: Eying am! being in Y:tdkin county aforesaid, ani])nore ,mr. ticulatly (loscrittcdataldeHui'das fo!!ows Aiittiatcerhtin piece or parcel of hmdsitiutte, lying .md being in Knobs township, Yadkin county, State of Xorth Carolina, bounded on the north by the lauds of ttie Motor C'nnpany, on tliewestby the hands of It. E. Poindexter, on the south by the lands of .1. E. Holes, on rhe east by the lands of Oliver Moons and more particular !yboundedan<] described as fol lows: Beginnngonaiock and runs south 24 50 chain* to a rock, Hickerson'scorner; thence ten th SI degrees west 2.75 cltains to a rock, -l.E. Holes' corner; thence north 78 (tegrees west 5 chains thettee west 6 chaitts; thence soutlt 8f debtees west 5 chains to a rock, J. E. Boles' corner; thence nortti 28.50 chains to a [tine; then east 8 chains to a sourwood; then south 70 degrees east 9 chains to a rock; thence east 8 cltains to the beginning, cotttaming 641 acres, more or less. For further refer ence see deed from 1. A. Church and wife to W. M. Crawford and recorded in book J8, page 1!2, Yadkin County Registry. Tltia March 9, 1925. J. F. Hendren, , TrtMtee. Ford Pay RoH Large Detroit, Mich. March 14.—Km ployees in the Ford organizadon were paid more than a quarter of a billion dollatsin wages and safaries during 1924, according to payroll totats made public here today at the offices of the Ford Motor Company. The fargest pnyrotfs were at the Highland Park md River Rouge plants of the company here, the total for these two plants alone reaching the enor mous figure of $172,820,145.66 for the last year. At other plants and at branches throughout the country the com puny uurtng tire last year paid employees a total of $72,532,471!, 53. The figures given out also include wages and salaries paid a! the Lincoln Motor Company, a division of the Ford Motor Company, the C. H. Johansson Co Inc., and the Fordson Coal Company, which totaled $8,648, 906.18, bringing the total for the organization up to $253,001,528. 37. Commissioner' Sale of Meal Estate Pnrsnanf.toordxroft.hcSUpr'r inrcourtut' Yadkin county. made imftu-l'S;lidayi)fl't-b)'nary,l!12a, hi a Mjir-cia! {'rin-ccding entitled 31aryW;)t!nkleai)il()tl)''rsagainst (trace H. uton and otiieis, t will sell for cash at ]mblic auction in Yadkii'ivilli-, Xm th Carolina, be tweentliehoursof 11 o'clock a. m.andlo'clock}'.m. outlie 21st dayof71arch,l!l27, the following mat opiate, to-wit. In liberty township,-"rrdinfntng ttlc lands of Sock Shorn, Miios Gough ami others. and bouuded as follows: Hegmining at pointers south of Plowman house and runs north 2bcliaiustoa ind oak bush, then south 77 degrees cast 11 chains to a pinn tnisti; ttien soutti S degrees westitc)iainsai)d2o links to a poplar; then oast on an agreed lines chains to a hickory, in Hutchi ns lino; then south!}) chain andotltinkstoa ]