VO) XXXH YadkinviHe, Yadkin County, N. C, Thursday, Apri! 2, No. 14 Forbush School Closes Friday With Exercises */ , Forbush school (Baptist) closes tomorrow eight with an excel* lent program of exercises, consisting of recitations, songs, music, dialogues, etc. Following is the program: Prearamme Song, If We Were Yon and You Were Us. Recitation, Johnny's Wish, Robert Sprinkle. Duet, A Quarrel, Swan Cornelius and Laura Belle Reynolds Recitation, The Piece I Have to Speak, Thomas Davis. Recitation. Fom Y 01d„ Margaret Sprinkle, lust. Duet, Shooting Star Gallop, -Ella May Dixon and Dio p aella Mackie Dialogue, The Sewing Society. Duet, Sparking Peggy Jane, Nellie Dinkins and Jasper Long Recitation, His Papa, John Hayes Eddleman. Recitation, A Visit to Grandma, Mildred Mackie. Song, Sweet and Low. Dialogue, A Spelling Lesson. Recitation, Mother Entertains, Ethel Shermer. Recitation, What a Good Idea, Dayton Spillniau. Inst. Duet, Clayton's March, Hazel and Cleo Shermer. Dnet, I'm So Shy, Jimmy Smith and Mildred Mackie. Song, Vacation Days. Recitation, So Was I, Panline Shermer. Recitation, Nobody's Child, Moxelle McKuight. Dialogue, The Trial of Big Jim. Monologue, Over The Hills to The Poor House, Mary Cornelius. Dialogue. Coon Concert. Pantomime, My Faith Looks Up to Thee. . j _ ----1" Commissioner's Notice of Re-Saie of Land North Carolina ) Yadtdtt county) Pursuant to an order ot the Superior court in thecaseentitted M. F. Pryantaml 1. }. to tid ton, Trttstees, ;tg;titisS"(.'. S. Swaim. (J. A. Swattn.-4. H. Siintnons. -f. 1\. Mathis and C; N. Bodenltcitner, apj'Otuting the ucd'*rsigtted cun taissiouet, to sell tit ' tauds as de scribed in a t'ertain deed oi trust front (J. i . Sw dm amt Avite. Dina Swaitn, ro -J. 1. Hendren, trustee, which is recorded in the ottice of the Register of Deeds of Yadkin county, in Book 2S, tone 233, to secure the payment of certain bonds, which are due ant) unpaid, 1 wit I, on Saturday, Aprii 1H. 1325, between t!te hours of land 3 o'clock, p, m.,otfer.for te-sale at the court house door in Yadsitt ville, NorthDarolina. at pubtic auction, the followittg described propertt: Tract 1. th^ginnittg on a rock runs east 3 degrees 43 chains to a stone; thence north 3 decrees H chains to a sourwood and pointer,! Sa.nuc! Adams eorner; east with Adams tine 3 12 decrees 2140 cltatus to a stone, Adams corner: south 45 decrees west witit 3 de crees 27 chains to a stone; soutit 35 decrees west wittt .! degrees 101 chttins to :t stone; west 3i de crees 41 chains to a stone on Jonesvitte wad; tttett northwest with road 15^ chains to the begin ning, contaittittg 1<)() acres, tttore or less. Truct2. Adjoining saute Re-i gimtingatastotte and tnulherryj runs soutit witit Jonesville toad 23 chains to a stone attd post oak on east side of said road; east 3 decrees 154 rods to a stone, Dani el Wagoner hue; north 45 degrees east 27 rods to a black oak in said Wagoner line; west 154 rods 31 degrees to the beginning, contain ing 24 acres, more or less. Tb s March 30, 1325. Johnson J. Hayes. Commissioner Trustee's 8a!e of Yauabte Lands 4)iderand!)\Y]rtueofttie]S3w ercont..))tedp!iace)iait)dced of trust )!i;tde and ex-n-utedtiyWYM. Crawforduud wife, Saltie Craw* foa!, o))t!)e2<ith(tay of.January, J''2e, totiie und.-rsietit-d trustee to.secureadcbtof$20b7.i)ff, wt)ich deed of trust is 3epnr<t< d in t!ie ettice of tte^ister of Deeds of Yadkin county, in book 30, ya^e 4tf, said debt tar-inn due and un paid. fwit)s.-Hni[)ub)ie auction for cast) on tite prentiises, to the tti^tiest bidder, on ttie 3rd tiay of Aprit, l'.^23, at2 p. rn. the tottowiun desctit'esl proptulr, to-wit: Lyiun and Jwdttn in Yadkin county aforesaid, and more ^tar (icutarty descritretl and deduct] ns foitows Aft ttiat certain piece or of ];<nd situate, lvintf indbeinKiu ! Jvttofts townsiti]', Yadkiu county, iShttcofXortttCarojina, ftounded jont)n-nort!thyttto iandy ofttt< ji\[(ttor(Jon)}tam, on tt)e west try ; ttte hunts of B. E. Poindexter, on the south by ttio];tuds of J. E. Botes, on rite east by the tands of Oh'.-t Moore and tnore particutar !y t'ouiid.-tt and described as foi iows: Benittnny; on a rock and runs south 24-10 chains to a rock, Hickersoti's corner; tttence norttt ^1 tte^rees west 2.75 ettains tt) :t } *'ock, J. E. Botes' corner; ttreuce [north Yddemnes west 5 etnritts thetice west 6 c!)ains; thence south decrees west 5 ettains to a roctr, f. E. Botes' corner; ttience nortt) 2S.5t) chains to a piue; ttten e:tst *-! chains to a so.urwoo<t; ttten south 70 decrees east it ettains to a rock; thence east M chains to the beciuninn, confatninn ,64i acres, more or tess. For further refer euce see deed i'roln i. A. Church and wd'e to IV. 3t. Crawford and recorded in book lb, pa^e 1]2, Yadkin County th-nistry, Tiiis March 9,1025. J, F. Hendren, Trustee. AH Dogs in Town Must Be Mu At a meeting of the town comj missioned Monday an ordinance was passed making it unlawful for the owner of dogs to let them tun at large in the town of Yadkiuville without being mua§ zled, and requiring the town; constable and the sheriff an# his deputies to shoot all dog# found running at large in towh without muzzle. This measure was taken to protect the public after a nun^ her of mad dogs were found id town. Mr. G. B. Kiger was elected town constable and will rigidly enforce this law. An ordinance was also passed prohibiting persona from driving automobiles with cutouts open in town. Yadkin viHe Schoo! DouMe Debate Winner In the triangular debating con tesrlast Friday night the Yad kinville High school was a dou Wilkesboro, and are now inline for the state championship. The state contest will be threshed out at Chapel Hill oa the 9 M of April at which time the Yadkin ville will do its best. This is a signal honor for the local school and we hope they go over the top le winner, the local debators won over both Rural Hall and Hoy!e Sink Apjpomte# Pardon Commissioner Acting under authority of the f'25 assetnbly, Governor Mc Lean has appointed Hoyie Sink of Letdngton, as pardon com missroner. j The commissio'ier will hear I appeais for clemency, and in ! such cases make reports and rea ! sons to the governor. The gov ; ernor retains under the law the power of final decision in clem ency matters, the pardon com missioner being an assistant to relieve him of details so that he may devote his time to other matters of state. Mr. Sink is 37 years old and at one time served in the consular service in China. Negro Convicts Revolt; Guard Shoots Leader Forty-four desperate negro state convicts revolted at a camp near Durham last Wednesday afternoon and the leader, Alex Hickman, attacked the guard. K. B. Ewing, with a long blade he was using, whereupon Ewing sent a bullet through his body. The negro has a chance to re cover, so the doctors say. The shooting was witnessed by George Ross Pou, superin tendent of the state prison, who had been called to the scene that morning when trouble was fore seen by the guards. Films caught on fire at a col ored picture show house in Statesville last Wednesday night ana the fire was not stopped un til several buildings had been badly damaged by it. Mu one was injured. Mrs. Jane Wilkinson, an aged white woman of Salisbury, was instantly killed in that citv last Thursday when stepped in front of a moving locomotive. The Charlotte automobile races will beheld May 11. Winston Printer Meets Death in Bath Room Frank H. Burnet!, a linotype i)per)!or on the Winston-Salem [jkmrnat, was fouad dead in a bathtub at his rooming house in Winston Thursday afternoon. ^ When found Burnett's head was f d between two pipes that lead to the tub and it is suppos ed that he slipped and fell. Ms mead catching between the pipes ^causing his death. He was a native of Macon, ja, and the body was shipped ere for burii). -OWNS SMALLEST TORAH iN WORLD ^Philadelphia Man Found It in Ancient Tomb. PhitwMphia. — A Hebrew Torah, id to be the smaliest in the worid, i< tite possession of Benjamin Braver )Mm. a trainman of this city, i Altbongii it eontains oniy bbb pages d measures iess than a quarter of inch in thickness, the titty voiutue notnpiete witit tite 38 books of the ah. The hook is one and three tecnths inches iong and eieven-shr ths of an inch wide. Braverman, wim tives at JQtiS ftorth arvine street, said that ite fottnd the oettit in its iittie brass case tn the tnb of Ben Kaiha Sabhua in an oid riai ground about a mile north of saletn wiiileori a boyish ratabie re than fifteen years ago. Braver H is a native of tiie Hoiy City and s heen in the United States aitout years. - ^iten Kaiha Saithua, according to t^bwish records, wtte a rich and promi pt tnatt of Jerusuiem wito flourished tout ttie year 70. He obtained hia tae frotn tite fact that any one who jtte to his homo hungry as a dog ) wept away satisfied (sabhua). of the three ctatv s;,eo t-rttsu'i^m. the other' two being Xak t^itnon Pen Qoryon and i!en Kizit tm Keset. eaciiofwhnmtmdinhisstore iiousps ommgh to provide the be sieged city with aiiiin- necessaries of iife for ten years. But as these three fasored pence witii Home, tile xcaiots burned tiieir iiourds of grnin. oil and 'wood, causing tiie terriide famine whiciisw'npt.iiTiisnieiiiattiiattime. According to itravernmn. the tomb of Ben Kiiiim was a spot of great in terest loiuemiicis of litc.iewi-h race wtto made [dial-images to Jerusaiem. and contained many relics of tin- iirst century after I'inist. 'i'iic miniature Totuii wattpr<'t):itdydro])]!odi)y one of these visitors, tie iieiiesc'. T]io"sntuiiostBiii)e"Ts)irintodin thetieiuow iiinguugeinmierosoopie type wiiidi cannot he rend witli the naked eye. I nder a strong magnify ing tens, iiowever. tiie type stands out remarkaiily eiear<mt and iioid. attd one wim understands the iungiiage can read it very ensiiy. Oakland, t'al.—Mission San Jose, a picturesque t'aiifornia iandmark, tit' miies south of here, is to undergo its first renovation since it was erected by the Spanisii psdres in i't'i. The mission contains historic reeonis and an ancient graveyard, with monu ments itearing the names of some of the men who o[iened the gates to Western civiiizatiou. After the compiete restoration of Carmei mission, in Monterey county, tn whicti the famous [iadre. Junipera Serra, is buried. San Juan Baptista mission, in San Benito county, was re habiittated. The San Jose mission is next on the program. There are 21 Spanish missions in Caiifornia. separated front one an otherby about 33 miles a days.1our ney in tiie nit) times. Tiie preservation committee is head ed by Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover and Joseph R. Knowiand. ftak tand puhiisher New Discovery Expected to End Abscessed Teeth Tcrmto. cait.— What iscalied the greatest advatice itt dentistry in 100 years is announced from the Hoyat Uotiege of Dentistry here as the result of research work carried on at the University of Toronto and clinical ex oertMents hy Toronto dentists. Briefly, the result of this discovery is expected to tie that no longer wii! there be any danger of abscesses form ing at the roots of teeth. Ttte essence of the discovery is the use of copper ar rigani as a pernranent filling for the root cauats of the tooth. Copper amaigant hits been used as a flUing for teeth before, hut not nnti) now was it known to have gertnicidai effect. It Is stated titat when a nerve' in a tooth has been destroyed the cavity can be fliie<i with copper aniaigam and there wli) he no danger of an nhscesa or gathering forming at the root el the tooth. County Commencement Will Be Held Apri! 11th Brown Finch KiHed By Fast Train 37 Brown Finch, young business man and chair manufacturer of Thomasvtlle, was mstantly kill ed and his automobiie demotish ed ear!y Saturday morntng when struck by fast train No. 37 on the raHroad yards at ThomasviHe The road was blocked at the crossing by a freight train and when this was uncoupled Finch started to drive across, not see ing or hearing the fast train ap proaching. Friends shouted to him that the train was approach ing, but he only looked back and smiled as he was hurled into eternity by the powerf u! com pact of the great locomotive. The accident was witnessed by Rev. O B. Williams, who was the last man to talk with Finch, and George F. Brown, of Yadkinville Many Sick Fo!ks; Other News items lonesville, Route 1, March 30 —We are having some cold weather. Fear the fruit and to bacco plants are injured The many friends and rela tives of Mrs. M. A. Vestal gave her a surprise birthday dinner Sunday. . Mrs. Sarah Rose is ^ ery $ick at trrs wrrtihg.' W. A. Holleman is very sick ! with smallpox at his home near] Jonesville. Mrs Safrona Finney is serious !v ill. ^ Mr. Henry Brown, who has been ill with pneumonia for sev-j era! weeks, is improvin - slowly, j Mrs. Bruce Gregory is sick at this writing. Mr. fsom'Macemore, who un- i j Jerwent a snrions operation at i Long's Sanatorium, Statesville, recently, was brought home a few days ago and is getting nicely. Read The Yadkin Ripple and keen posted on rhenews of Yadkin comity. Mortgagee's Notice of Sa!e of Rea! Estate By virtue of the power of sate contained in a mortgage execut ed January 51, 1916, by Millard Parks and wife, Carrie Parks, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Yadkin county, tn book 17, page 225, and j defautt having been made in payment of note secured by the j mortgage, 1 will set' at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Yadkinville between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock on the sec ond da\ of Aprit, 1925, a tract of I land situate in Knobs township Yadkin coun'y, as foltows: One house and one acre of land on which said house stands, said house is known as the Joe Dowell house, beginning on a rock, Walter Dalton's corner, west 70 yards to a rock, south 70 yards to rock, east 70 yards to Bud Gwyn's line, north with Bud Gwyn'sline to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less. This Feoruary 28. 1925. Arthur Tidline, Mortgagee by J. F. Hendren, Assignee of Charles Tidline. The final spelling contest in the Yadkin County Spelling Union will be held in the school auditosium here next Saturday April 4th. The following schools will contest at this time for the coun ty championship honors: Boonville township. Boonville school. Knobs township, Jonesville school Buck Shoal township, Shore school. Deep Creek township, Hamp tonville school. Liberty township, H a r v e 1 school. Forbush township, Forbush school. Little Yadkin township, West Bend school. East Bend township, East Bend school. Fall Creek township. Union Cross school. Contesting schools are request ed to assemble in the school au ditorium at 9 o'clock, a. m., oa day of contest. The group center commence ments of will be held as follows: Boonville, April 6; Yadkin ville, April 7; Hamptonville, April 8; East Bend, April 9. The annual county commence ment will be held at Yadkinville Saturday, April 11. Eastern Carolina is calling for ^ 1;6C8 nj h3f v e9t berries'^ and 'ruck. The workers willl-e paid $4.0(k) per day and turrished food and living quarter SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order of the Superior court made in an ac tion intttledK.W. Turner vs W. 0. Adams and others. 1 will sell at tiie court house door in Yad kirtville, Xorth Carolina, on Fri day, April 21, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, to the highest bidder, the following lands, viz. /!' acres in Tall Creek township, Yadkin [county, X. C., adjoining the land of Agusta Spainhour, J. F, Yoke 1. v and others, and bounded as follows: j Beginning at a stone on the back of the 5 adkin river in the [northeast corner of Lot No ! } in division of A. . Turner land {and runs south 3<B deg:ees west j 13.-13 chains to a stone; thence west (t* deg north 5.5"chn];is to a stone Sp,tinhorn's line; lhene*e south 30j deg. west 4 chains to a [wild cherry; thence south 3j de ; grees west ou his line 31.5b chs to a stone, dividing line; thence east 30 % clias to a pine, origtin na! corner; thence north 50 de grees west 1-1 to pointers, north O't degrees west S 50 chains to s stone in home tract, north 52 de grees east 11 chains to a stone in bank of branch; come Lot Xo 3, north 3(B degrees east 10 chains to a stone on bank of river; then up the river 0.50 chains to the beginning, being the lands desig nated as Lot Xo. 2 bv item one ot will of A \V. Turner. Re corded in book 3, page 32% Rcc ord of Wills. Contains 70 acre? more or less. Terms of sale cash, and a pet son desiring a good home with good buildings has now achance to do so. Any mformation de sired can be obtained Bom the undersigned or Rev. E. W Tur ner, Hamptonville, N. C. This March 23,1925. D. M Reece, Commt

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