VO) XXXH Yadkinvitte, Yadkin County, N. C, ihur-!da \ ^pri) ;{(). t No. 17 .Strong Sense o/ Duty Made Sador "Missing" "Man overheard;" stories are usuai iy grewsotue. Here is one totd by Cap tain W.'tlis, H. At., that affords a [deas ant change. The warning was sound ed and tiie ship stopped. Rents were lowered hut though a iotig search was made there was nothing found. The question then arose: Who was the tuna? Many had seta him disappear, but no one couid identify hint. The captain was not at ati pieasod. it teemed that the lowering of the flaps had not Ifen proporiy supervised, and the otiieer in charge of quarter deck was "getting socks." "And aii i ean !e!i you." said the captain in couciusioa. "is that the biood of titat an! rtuttate man uiii rest on your head." Meantime the order "Hands muster by opeu iisi." v. as piped, and the crew feii itt ity divisions. Rut the my-tf'ry oniy deepcneii. for tio otie was missing. At last, up Lite bidder a;ipearcd a scared-iooking A. it., art! ad.it ess'.ng the ofiieer of tiie watch, lie said: "1 think, sir. as ow tiie tiian over hoard mast ave imen me. i went over , with tiie liap. sir. intt *