VOI XXXII YadkinviHe, Yadkin County, N. C ^ Thursday, May 7, 1925 No. 18 Mayn Culture TuAea /?an/t Wit/t t/!e Rewt About two thousand years ago. writes S. G. Moriey. in the Mentor Magazine, while the peopies of north western Kurope were tiring in a state of utmost barbarism, there was siowiy Cowering in the Kew wortd the moat briitiant civiiir.ation of ancient Atuer ica—natneiy. the Maya of southern Mexico and northern Guatetnaia. t rout a cuiturat poitit of view the Maya were the Greeks of the Kew worid. !n many spiteres of human activity these Maya eicetled. utmost beyond believing. in arctiitecture, scointure. and paitttihg; in oeramics, stone anti feather mosaics, and the tapidary art. in astronomy, history, and < tfrouotogy in this iast-metu toned tieid tit'eir at tainmetits n ot e so t-etttarkabte r) at it may hr (tainted timt no peopte of the Oid worid at that time —- tthb years ago—tta