VOi XXXH YadkinviHe, Yadkm County, N C., Thursday, May i4, iMX5 No. 19 Ear! Cooper Wins The Charlotte Speedway Race Ear! Cooper, daredevil speed demon, won highest honors and !10,900 by finishing first in the race classic of the Charlotte speedway Monday, when he piloted his special over the 250 miles in two hours and two minutes, an average speed of 121.0 miles per hour. Harry Hartx won secon 1 place and Tommy Milton third. This is the second race on the Charlotte track and it was witnessed by 55.000 people, who went thete in 20.000 automobiles. The highest speed made on the track a! any time was made by Peter Deptoli, driving a Duesenber in a try out spm when he reached the speed of 132.8 miles an hour, a new world's record by three miles. The body o! Mrs Erich Carr, aged 34, was found in the French Broad rtver. 12 miles from Ashe ville, Sunday wtth a bullet wound through the head. She was separated from her husband and had been missing from her home for two weeks. Administrator's Notice of Safe of Reaf Estate By virtue of an order of the Su perior court of Yadkin county. North Curoiina, made on the 4th day of May, 19x5, m a sp c'a! proceeding entitled Elite Finney Admrxof Aliles Finney, against Adlene Hants and others, I "ill sell for cash at public auction at he court house door in Yadkin Vtlle, North Carolina, on the lbth day of May, 1925, the following real estate, to wit: Be^intfittg at a stone, old center runs smith 19 degrees west 19 chs to a stone, -Johnou's line; iheuce west on his line 19.75 chins to a „ stone, old corner; thence north on old line 15.08 chains to a stone, old cornet ; thence east 15.10 chs to the begiuttittg, containing 25.81 acres, mote or less, and beittg a part of the Mites Finney land. This May 1, 1925. Lttie Finuey, Admrx of Miles Finney, deceased NOTICE OF RE SALE OF REAL ESTA TE Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Yadkin County made on the 14th day of April, 1925, in a special proceeding en titled 1-'. M. Haire, Administrator of D. T. Groce against Viola Blanche Groce and others 1 will re sell at public auction at the Coutt House door in Yadkin ville on the 4th day of May. 1925 the following real estate, to wit: Beginning at a stone, M. M. Wagoner's corner, runs north with his line 4(- poles to a stone, his corner; then with said Wag oner lint-35 poles to a black gum Wagoner's corner; then Xor'hSO poles to a sassafras. Deborah Bryant's corner in L. B. Swaim's line; then Past IS poles to a stone on the Hast bank of Crutchfield Ford Road, D. C. Swaim's cor ner; then South with his line 3" poles to a stone in the old field, D. C- Swaim's corner; then near ly Hast with his line crossing the branch 37 poles to a stone, said Swaim's corner, just below bis vineyaru; then South crossing the same branch HM) poles to a dogwood sprout in C. L: Croce's hne; then west Monghts line 18 poles P* the beginning, contain ing 24 acres more or less. This April 14th, 1925. S. Carter Williams, Commissione tn Acram fMia We often eumt.iain ahottt rainy 'at!;'), inn reoiiy wo* tin not kttow ")iitt min means! cneintsto^oto titeKitasiiiiiis. In Assant. toseerain at its lieaslest. fur tiiere it .-umes