Cof\ Yadkinuhe, Yadkm bounty, N. C, Thursday, May 28, i925 No. 2t Death Stops Wedding in Rowan County Death cut short a marriage that was to have been solemn ized in Salisbury last y Wednes day afternoon. C. M. Lomax and Miss Pau line Caster, of that city, drove to Landis on the morning of their wedding day and afterRsecuring their health certificates from a doctor there, boarded their au tomobile for the trip to Salisbury wherethe\ expected to secme the necessary papers that womd with a few words spoken by the preacher, make them husband wife, but, alas, at the railroad crossing, they failed to see or hear the fast approaching,^pas senger train thut has neither eyes or ears. Mr. Lomax was buried Friday and Miss Caster lies at the point of death in a Salisbury hospital. Teacher#' 5cAafar#Atp The Merry .fane Hayes scholarship and student loan fund, to be nsed for advanced training for the intermediate and senior liigh-sctmoi teachers of De troit sciioois, has been reeentiy estab lished by Miss Hayes, who was once principal of the Hutchins Intermedi ate sciioo). One thousand dollars a year is to be turned over to the trus tees of Teachers' coiiege. Columbia university, for defraying the expenses of a Detroit teacher at that institu tion. Advanced work in education must be pursued, and the teacher must return to Detroit and give the ttehoois the beneBt of iter studies for at toast three years after her year at Teachers coiiege. LeacocAt Out a/ LucAr Sir James Barrie refers to the hap -tMteiet of a lifetime as 'wtH t ef of noted authors atrtbuted what they considered t&eir own most priceless watnuts for ppbttcation. Stephen Leacock, the Canadian, arrived iate. His iaconic comment in answer to the request for one instance was, "Haven't read it yet." This naturaliy enough gave rt*e to tile question w het tier t'rofes nor Leacock was a chronic optimist ar mereiy a conBrmed immorist.— Haskatoon Star. Vtrftnta AtJ# Lihrarieg An increase of more titan threefold in the appropriation for state-aided tibraries. most of which are in turn] schools, has been made by (he Vir ginia genera) assembiy, accenting to announcement of the state departm nt of education. This makes it to aid every year 1.000 rural sciioois hn the purchase of library bunks. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of S. M. Ash ley deceased, late o f Yadkin county, North Carolina, all per sons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to the undersigned within twelve months from date date of this notice or same wil be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons idebted to said estate are requested to settle at once. This the 3<