VOt XXXH John E. Brandon KiMed by Lightning Sunday at Enon John E. Brandon, aged 69, oi Winston-Salem, was killed by lightnmg at the home of Lee Kiger at Enon, this county, Sun day afternoon. Mi. Brandon was visiting Mr. Kiger, who was sick in bed. and was standing with his hand on a metal bedstead and was relating to Mrs. Kiger that he hrd twtee been struck by lightnbg, when a bolt struck a telephone post nearby and running into the room, killed Mr. Brandon in stantly. No one else in the room were seriously injured. Mr. Brandon was to have been baptized Sunday evening. Singers Convention; Other JonesviMe News Jonesville, Route 1, June 29.— Rev. M. A. Lindley filled his regular appointment at Swaim's church Sunday, preaching an able sermon. The Knobs Township Singers Convention met at Swaim's chuch Sunday afternoon. Three choirs were present, vix: Fall Creek, Forbush and Swaim's, and all did fine singing which consisted of duets and quartets by the different choirs, also Messrs. Masten Nance and Wag oner sang many beautiful songs. The next convention will meet with Fall Creek the fourth Stm day in September. Mrs Jacob Brendle has enter ed a Winston Salem hospital where she expects to undergo a serious operation. The condition of Mrs. D. G Wagoner is slightly improved, she being able to sit up a little. A two week's singing school, Prof. M. R. Masten in charge, will begin at Swaim's church the second Sunday night in July. We had a ntce rain Sunday aiternoon. Wheat threshing is in full blast Greensboro Man Ran Off With Step-Sister Claude Meeks, formerly of Greensboro, but fate of Birming ham. Ala., has got himself into a peek of trouble. Meeks deserted his wife and three children a year ago aid ran off with his 13 year old step sister, Myrtle Plowman, of Win ston-Salem and. their where abouts had been a complete se cret until last week when Meeks accompanied the corpse of the Plowman girl to Winston Salem for burial,' she having given birth to a baby of which Meeks was the father. When Meeks stepped off the train he was met by his wife and officers and placed under arrest. He was taken to Greensboro and tried for abandonment and sentenced to the roads for two years. He must vet face the Federal courts for violatirg the Mann act, and probably other charges. Durham is Branded As "Dope Capita!" Four of Durham's leading phy sicians were tried in Federal court at Raleigh last week and convicted anddieeviiy fined by Judge Meekins for violating the narcottc taws—selling morphine. Two more of the city's leading doctors are yet to be tried. The licenses of the physicians convicted may be revoked. Judge Meekins, in the course of the hearing, referred to Dur ham as the "dope capital" of the t United States. Two men were killed and six others badly injured when a boiler of a threshing machine burst last Saturday in the south ern part of Rowan county. FaM Creek Township Si. S. Convention Sat., July 25 The annua! Fa!! Creek Township Sunday Schoo) Con vention wi!! be held at Prospect Methodist Church, Saturday, july 25, 1925. Following is the program: SATURDAY MORXIXG, 10:00 O'CLOCK Devotioual Exercises. Exercises of Prospect Sunday School. Election of Officers. Committee on Time and Piace. Exercises of New Home Sunday School. Exercises of P'riendship Sunday School. Noon Recess. SATURDAY AFTERXGON, 1:30 O'CLOCK Devotional Exercises: Reading of Reports Exercises of Mount Pleasant Sunday School. Exercises of Union Hill Sunday School. Report of the Committee. Exercises of Union Cross Sunday School. Exercises of Pilot View Sunday School. Adj ournnient. SATURDAY XICHT, 7:45 O'CLOCK Devotional Exercises. Exercises of Forbush Sunday School. Exercises of Richmond Hill Sunday School. Exercises of Union Cross Sunday School. Exercises of Deep Creek Sunday School. Adjournment. J. A. WISEMAN, Chairman. P. R. MATTHEWS, Secretary. ' Rev, Z. Hinotiara To % SpaaK in County Sun. Mr. Zenskv Hinohara.of Cobe Japan, witt speak next Sunday a! three points in Yadkin county. At 11 o'clock at Center Metho dist church; at 3 p. tn. at Branon Friend's church and at 8 p. m. at Bethe! Baptist church. !t is a rare privilege for the public to have the opportunity ol hearing a d'stinguised Japan ese preache! and statesman and it is expected that targe crowds will hear him at all these points. Mr. Hinohara took his A. B. and A. M. degrees at Trinity College several years ago and after much service in his native country, came back and spent two years, studying Union The oligical Seminary, New York City; following which he went back to Japan where he has giv en ten successive years as teach er and preacher in Cobe. a city of 700,000 people. He is now in America to rest from his labors in part and to study further the things that make for progress in this country. While in this county Mr. Hin ohafa will make headquarters with Rev. J. W. Long, of Greens boro, at his country home out qn Yadktnville, Route 1, where he will do most of his actual rest ing before entering upon some lecturing and study tours. Two Men Arrested Here Tuesday Night Benny Rowe and Roscoe Sprinkle, two young white men of Elxin, were arrested here and placed in jail Tuesday night. Spencer is charged with giv ing a worthless check here re cently and also other charges pending against him. Rowe is charged with operat ing an automobile without li cense. The two men were given a hearing before 'Squire Cabard yesterday afternoon but our forms closed before the trial was completed. Notice oi Re-Sale of Rea! Estate Pursuant to an order of !hej Superior Court of Yadkin County made on the 1st day of June, 1925, in a specia! proceeding en titled F. M. Haire, Administrator of D T. Groce against Viola Utanche Groce and others I wil! re sell at public auction at the Coutt House door i n Yadkin ville on the 6th day of July, 1925. at or about the hour of 1 o'clock, the following real estate, to wit: Beginning at a stone, M. M. Wagoner's corner, runs north with his line 46 poles to a stone, his corner; then with said Wag oner line 35 poles to a black gum Wagoner's corner; then North SO poles to a sassafras, Deborah Bryanfs corner in L. B. Swaim's line; then East 18 poles to a stone on the East bank of Crutchfield hord Road, D. C. Swaim s cor ner; then South with his line 30 poles to a stone in the old field, D. C Swaim's corner; then near ly East with his line crossing the branch 37 poles to a stone, said Swaim's corner, just below bis vineyaru; then South crossing the same branch 1<)0 poles to a dogwood sprout in C. L: Groce's hne; then west ; long hts line 18 poles h' the beginning, contain ing 24 acres more or less. This June 20, 1925 S. Carter Williams, Commissioner Aged Man Attacks An H-Year-QM Girt Jim Cattoway, a white mao about 55 or 60 years of age, has been arrested charged with at tempting criminat assautt on an etevea year o!d girt, the daugh ter of a Mr. and Mrs. Cook with whom Cattoway made his home, in Knobs township, the alleged attack occurring in the woods near the girt's home tast Thursday. Catioway was given a hearing beforej^quire T.. 13. Haynes and probabte Cause for simpte as sautt found. He was ptaced in jait here, being reteased Tues day under $500 bond, the bond being signed by D i3. Wagoner. The case will be tried at the August term of Yadkin court. Catioway is unmarried and has made his home with the girt's parents for some time. He has been active in church work in his section and was highly es teemed by his neighbors unti) the atieged crime was commit ted. Union Cross WiH Have Home Coming '* . T' ' ' There wiit be a church Home Coming and Reunion at Union Cross Friends church on Sunday juty f2th. At! persons who have been j members of that church or who' have ever attended there and alt; an interest in j the church are invited to be pres ent on that day. There wit! be a sermon at H! and and an address in the after- ^ noon. Dinner on the grounds, j Everybody requested to bring futt baskets. Negro Draws Two Years for Love Note In Davidson court tast week Gus Lasane. cotored, married man 30 years otd, drew a sen tence of two years on the roads for writing a tove note to a white girt, a cterk in a Lexing ton store, recentiy. The negro had made a pur chase at the store and when he handed her the pay he handed her the note, at the same time pressing her hand. Co!. Cooiidge !!! Co!. John Cooiidge, father of President Coohdge, is reported to be seriously i!i at his home at Plymouth, Vermont. Trusteed Notice of Sa!e of Rea! Estate By virtue of a deed of trust, executed by Frank Eddleman and wife, Mary Eddleman, on the 7th day of August, 1923, and recorded in book 33, page 34, of mortgages in the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Yadkin county, North Carolina, f will sell for cash, at public auction, at the court house door in Yadkinville, North Carolina, on the 22nd day of July. 1925, the following real estate, to wit: Lying and being in Forbush township, Yadkin county, North Carolina, bounded on the north by Cyrus Bruce; on the east by C. Allgood; on the south by D. F. Hobson; on the west by A. R. Lakey lands, containing 110 acres, more or less, and known as the Lakey place. This June 20,1925, S. Carter Wilhams, Trustee Santa Barbara, California, Destroyed by Earthquake Forsyth Sends Three Negroes To The Gheir In Forsyth court last week John Dawkins and Ernest Key, both colored, were sentenced to be electrocuted on August 4 for the murder of J. H. Vaughn, a merchant, in Winston Salem last year. Both negroes are from South Carolina. At the seme court Fred Jones also colored, was sentenced to be electrocuted on September 4 for for the murder of james Monroe Kmg recently when the negro held up the office force at the Winston Steam Laundry. Several other murder cases are pending in Forsyth court Re-Sa!e of Valuable Farm ing And Timber J^ands By virtue of an order oi the Superior Court of Yadkin County made on the 15th day of June, 1925, in an action therein pending wherein Lon C. Fleming et al are petitioners, and M. B. Mills et al are defendants, the undersign ed commissioner will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the court bouse door in Yadkinville, N. C , on MONDAY, JULY 6.1925 sale to begin at about 1 o'clock P, M., the following detgrij^d lands: TRACT ONE: Lying on the waters oi North Hunting Creek in the County of Yadkin, and in state of North Carolina, hounded as follows: Beginning at a chest nut on a branch below the school house spring, corner of the Liud sep tract; thence with the Lind seys old line S 30 degrees E 52 poles toa nine, Fleming corner; with said line S 38 degrees E on Flemings line 98 poles to a post oak, Flemings corner; then E 80 poles toa post oak; thence N 75 degrees W 186 poles to a post oak the old beginning corner of the tract; thence westwardlv to tie beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. 1'RACT TWO: Adjoining the lands of William S Cough, James Dickerson and others, and bounded as follows: Hegmning , at a hickory on the bank of Hunt ing creek, runs X 5 degrees E 53 pofes to a maple; then X 25 de grees T 21 poles to a ————in Cowles and Cough's line; then S 60 degrees E 64 poles to a pine: then E 56 poles to a poplar then i E 1 degree S 114 poles to a white oak; thence E14 degrees X 79 ! poles to a post oak; thence S 39 poles to a branch (the corner white oak on the south side of branch); then S about 50 degrees west 200 poles down the mean ders of said branch to Hunting creek; then N about 80 degrees W up the meanders of said creek 158 poles to the beginning, con taining and including 150 acres more or less. TRACT THREE: Lying on the waters of north Hunting creek in the county of Yadkin, and in state of N. C., and bounded as follows; Beginning at a hickory on the red bank, Flemings cor ner; thence N 5 degrees West to Thomas Lindseys or Cowles cor ner; thence with his line west ward to the creek thence south wardly down the creek with its meanders to the beginning, con taining by estimation 45 acres more or less. The above tracts of land con Santa Batbara, Cal. June 29.— The business district of this city was practically destroyed by an earthquake early today. The damage to property is es timated at $25,000,000. The loss of life is not large, only twelve persons being reported dead. This is due to the fact that a slight tremor earlier in the day frightened people from the build ings, and most of them were ia the open when buildings crum bled. A large hotel was demolished without the loss of a soul. Santa Barbara is one of the uldest cities in California with a population of 30.000. Other States Shaken The state of Montana and parts of California and other western states were shaken by earthquakes Saturday. Six large towns in Montana suffered from the tremors, three in number, which shook and cracked buildings Near Lom bard a mountain slid down on railroad tracks, blocking traffic. No deaths from the quakes were repotted in Montana. In northern California a moun tain side slid down in a pass, killing three persons, members of a fishirtg party. Re Sale of Land superior court of Yadkm county, made in a special proceeding, entitled B. C. Shore, administrator of S. M. Ashley, deceased vs Margaret Ashley et al. the undersigned commissioner will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction at the court house door in Yad kinvilleon Monday. July 6th. 1925, at 1 o'clock p. m , the fol lowing described real estate: Adjoining the lands of P. M Nicks, A. J. Reinhardt and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone in the middle of the branch being the northwest cor ner, runs south 17.35 chs to a stone at a pine, Nicks' corner thence east with Ntcks' line 17 77 chs to a stem ; thence north 2.5t) chs to a stone in the swamp thence east 75 links to the middle; of the branch; thence north In degrees west witti sa:d branch as it meanders 6 chains to a c;ook in the branch; then north de gtees east 1 chain with said branch; then north 30 degrees west with said branch 5 chains to Mathis' line; the nearly west with said branch as it meanders 3<<.30 chs; then north about 1" degrees west with said branch 12 chs ro the beginning containing 25 acres more or less. Terms of sale one-half cash on confirmation of sale, remainder on credit of six months with bond and approved security, This June 13, 1925. B. C. Shore, Commissioner. stitute the real estrte of the late S. F. Fldming, deceased, and is sold for partition. Tracts will be offered separately end as a whole, or in any combination for the best price. There is per haps mote valuable timber of oak, pine, and forest pine on these lands than on any other similar lands in this section of the state. Terms of sale cash on confir mation of sale. This June i5, 1925. Wade Reavis, Commissioner