Hard Surface Road Work Progressing Work on the cement road from YadkinviHe to the river is going ahead with good progress. The cement has been poared and the road compieted to the homeofE. T. Davis, which is slightly more than halt way. The forces have now been moved to C O. Pardue's store and they will pour back to Davis place, a distarce of more than two miles. Mr. Tindall says that with average weather the road will be completed to YadkinviHe soon after October 1. Notice of Commissioner's Sate of Lands By virtue of a judgment of the Superior court of Yadkin county North Caroiina, entered at May term, 1025, in a ctvil action there in pending in which D. L. Hoi comb and others were piaintiffs and D. C. Wagoner and others were defendants, we wiii sei! for cash at pub!ic auction at the court house door in Yadkinviiie, North Carolina, on the !0th day of August, 1925, the following real estate, to wit: in Buck Sboal township, Yadkin county, and described as foliows: first tract: Beginning at a yock in the old Douthit line, now John D. Holcomb's corner, Tuns with said line to the creek; then northward up the creek to j H. Haii's iine; thencejwest with his line to a rock, his corner; thence north with said Haii's line to a rock, L. B. Richardson's corner; thence west with said Rich: rd son's iine to a rock, J. L. Van hoy's corner; thence south with said Vanhoy's line to a rock in said Vanhoy's iine; thence east with said Vanhoy's iine to two biack gums, Vanhoy's corner; thence south with said Vanhoy's iine to Caroline Stokes' corner; thence east to the beginning.con taining 45 acres, more or less. Second tract: Adjoining the lands of F. D. Holcomb, George Cook and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a maple on the south fork of Deep Creek, runs down same north 85 degrees east 6 chains to a stake in old line, thence north 47 i chains to a Spanish oak in old Collins line; thence west 4 38 chains to a chestaut; thence south 22i chs to a pine; then north 55 degrees west 3.25 chains to a pine; then south 18 degrees west 1 chain to north end of mil! dam; thence westward with the highwater mark when the dam is up 24.25 chains to a pine stump; thence north 14.7R chains to a persim mon; then east 5.50 chains to a stone; thence north 3 chains to a post oak at end of oid dam; then west with old lane i8.50 chains to the creek; thence down said creek as it now runs 24.75 chs to a mapte m ota uoutntt tme; then south 14 25 chs to Elijah Shore's comer; thence east with his !ine !9 chains to a rock; then south 18.50 chains to the beginning, containing 75 acres, more or less excepting 29 acres deeded to George Cook. Also excepting that part of said land deeded to B. N. Nicks and wife, Bessie Nicks For full description see deed from T F. Holcomb and wife. A. J. Holcomb, to B. N Nicks and wife. Bessie Nicks, recorded in book 5, page !00, record of deeds for Yadkin coun ty. This July 8,1925. S. Carter Williams and D. M. Reece, Commissioners Yadkin Sunday Schaa) Ganventian Aug. 4-5 Beginning a! 8 o'ctock Tues day night August 4. and contin uing through Wednesday, the Yadkin County Sunday Schoo! Convention wit! be he!d at Branon Fnends church, 6 mites west of Yadkinvitte * D. W. SIMS, Superintend^ Participating in the conven tmn program will be Miss Flora Davis, Raleigh, Associate Super intendent North Carolina Sun day School Association, and Miss Daisy Magee. Childrens' Division Superintendent of the same organization. Among the local county workers takiogpart on the program will be the fol lowing: Rev. Chas. Hutchens, Rev. R. E. Ward, Rev. G. W. Edgerton, Rev.T. S. Crutchfield and Rev. W. V. Brown. One feature of the convention will be the presentation of a beautiful pennant to the Sunday School having in the convention the largest number of represent atives, sixteen years of age and o^er, according to the number of miles traveled. The contest is open to all Sunday Schools in the county. The pennant will be presented at the close of the session on Wednesday afternoon An ucusally large attendance of workers from the entire coun ty is expected. All sessions of the convention are open to the public, and all who are interest ed in the advancement of the of the Suoday School, whether they are active workers or not, are invited to attend. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of N. (J. \\ ishon, deceased, late of Yadkin county, North Carolina, all persons hold ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the nudersigned within twelve months from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate ate requested to settle at ouce. This Jnne 1%. I'.t2u. E. M. Wishou, Admr of N C. Wishou, dec'd Administrator's Notice Having <pta)ified ns administra tor of the estate of J. H. Wa!), de ceased. iate of Tadktn county, North Caroiiua, aii persons hotd inH clan ns arrainst said estate are hetehy uotified to present them to the undersigned within tweive mouths from date of this notice or same wi!i be pieaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said es tate are requested to settte at once. Thia )u)y 20. 1025. H. D. WaH, Admr. of J. H. Wa!), deceased JonesviHe R. F. D. Newa Ju!y28—Rev M. A. Bindley fitted his regular appointment at Swaims church Sunday. The successful singing school which was in progress at Swaims ciosed Sunday night with a mu sical concert cons sting of solos, quartetts, duetts and many beau tiful songs by the choir. Mr. Early Weatherman and two little girls of Winston-Salem added much to the pleasure of the au dience by the singing of several beautiful songs. Mr. Masten has done a great work at Swaims in the choir. Mr. J. S. Mculden of the Hamptonville section spent the week end in Winston visiting relatives. The Knobs Township Sunday School convention met with Swan Creek Sunday. The sev en Sunday Schools in the town ship were all represented. Four of the schools had programs consisting of songs, solos and recitations. Those having pro grams were Swan Creek, Pall Creek, Swaims and Mt. Grove. We are sorry Mrs D. G Wag oner is so sick. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Holcomb of Winston Salem, spent the week end with Mrs. Holcombs parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hem ric. The fruit crop is reported to be good at the company orchard on the Brushy mountains. On account of the continued dry weather farmers are maktng very little progress fatmiag The tobacco and corn crop will be very short. Re-Sa!e of VaiuableFMW^ ing And Timber Lands By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Yadkin County made on the 24th day of July, 1925, in an action therein pending wherein Lon C. Fleming et a! are petitioners, and M. B, Mills et a! are defendants, the undersign ed commissioner wiit se!! for cash to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the court house door in Yadkinville, N. C, on Monday, August tOth. 1925. said to begin at about i o'clock P. M., the follow ing described lands: TRACT ONE: Lying on the waters of North Hunting Creek in the County of Yadkin, and in state of North Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at a chest nut on a branch below the school house spring, corner of the Lind sey tract; thence with the Lind seys old line S 30 degrees E 52 poles to a pine, Fleming corner; with said line S 38 degrees E ou Flemings line 98 poles to a post oak, Flemings corner; then K 80 poles to a post oak; thence N 75 degrees W 186 poles to a post oak the old beginning corner of the tract; thence westwardly to the beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. TRACT TWO: Adjoining the iands of Wiiiiam S. Gough, Janies Dickerson and others, and hounded as foiiows: Begmning at a hickory on the bank of Hunt ing creek, runs N 5 degrees E 53 poies to a niapie; then N 25 de grees E 2! poies to a-—in Cowies and Gough's iine; then S 60 degrees E 64 poies to a pine: then E 56 poies to a popiar then E ! degree S i!4 poies to a white oak; thence E )4 degrees N 79 poies to a post oak; thence S 39 poies to a branch (the corner white oak on the south side of branch); then S about 50 degrees west 200 poies down the mean ders of said branch to Hunting creek; then N about 80 degrees Yadkin viHe Couple in A Runaway Marriage Miss Edna Dobbins and Mr. Howard Speer, both of Yadkit vi!!e. were married in South Carolina Sunday night after quietly stealing away from their parents and friends. They left a note handy telling of their inten ttfn. They returned home Tt esday morning to receive the blessings of their parents and friends. ' Mtss Dobbins is the. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J H Dobbins and was graduated at the last term of YadkinviDe high school. Mr. Speer is a son of Rev. and Mrs R. L. Speer of near Center. Both are popular young people and have the best wishes ot their many frtends. They will make their home in the new home of Mr. Arviile Speer near Center. Branon items the Prayer Band from Char iotte wiH put on a program at Brahon Friend church Sunday, August 2, atl! o'clock. In the afternoon there will he a singing body invited to come and Carrie Vanhoy has re home after spending a at west end. Ina Helton vrsited rela at Boonville last week and Mrs. Hurlev Vestal daughter Mildred are Mrs. Vestal's parents Mr. M. L. King. !S very Jessie Hinson and Mr. AveVy Wagoner are attending the summer school at Yadkin vl!e. Mr. Crady Wagoner is spend ing a few weeks at West End, N.C. Miss Giadys Helton of Char lotte is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs. C W. Helton. Miss Ftossie Joyner of Hamp tonviHe w^s the guest of Mrs W. F. Vanhoy one day fast week. Miss Ora Phillips of Baltimore is visiting her sister Mrs. J. W. Garner at Brooks Cross Roads. Quite a few peopte in the community are attending the tent meeting at Yadkinville. Miss Georgia Helton spent Wednesday at Statesville W up the meanders of said creek 158 poles to the beginning, con taining and including 15't acres mote or less. TRACT THREK: Lying on the waters of north Hunting creek in the county of Yadkin, and in state of N. C., and bounded as follows; Beginning at a hickory on the red bank, Flemings cor ner; thence N 5 degrees West to Thomas Lindseys or Cowles cor ner; thence with his line west ward to the creek thence south wardly down the creek with rts meanders to the beginning, con taining by estimation 45 acres more or less. The above tracts of land con stitute the real estate of the late S. F. Fleming, deceased, and is sold for partition. Tracts will be offered as a whole. There is, perhaps, more valu able timber of oak, pine, and forest pine on these lands than on any similar lands in this sec tion the stgte. Terms of sale cash on confir mation of sale. This July 24, 1925. Wade Reavis, Commissionet WiHiam Jennings Bryan Died White He Stept Buria! to be in Arhngton Great Commoner and Democratic Leader Just Ended Greatest Fight of Life in Scopes Tria!. D*ytcn. Tenn . July 26 -WiH iam Jennings Bri an, known the wor!d over for his eloquence died here this afternoon. The end came while the great commoner was asleep and was attributed by physicians to apo ! plexy. He had retired to his room shortiv after eating a large dinner to take a short rest. Mrs ! Bryan sent the family chauffeur, !Jim McCartney, to wake him ) about 4:30 and it was learned ; then that he was dead. Dr. W F. Thomason and Dr. A C. Broyles, who examined the body, expressed the opinion Mr. Bryan had been dead be tween thirty and forty-five min utes before they arrived. To Rest in Arlington The body of Mr. Bryan will be carried to Washtngton where af ter lying tn state it wiH be con signed to Arlington cemetery to rest among the nations great un ti! called for bv a higher spirit, which spirit Mr. Bryan had de fended in the !ast fight of bis life, the Dayton trial of Scopes, charged with teaching evolution. Mr. Bryan considered this the greatest fight atnf had prepared a master speech which he was not permitted to deliuer. This speech wi!! be delivered through the press yet. Mr. Bryan was 65 years old and is survived by an invalid wife, one son W. ]. Jr., and two daughters. Recover Indian Relict at Muscle Shoals Washington.—Tito opening of tlie bigWiist-ndatttatMttst-ieSitttaistiur ingiPL'riSsiiiidtitt-utataiioratorstif aciettce. i ntiertitedireitionoft'r. Wai ter i'esskes. thief of ttie itttrt-aitof AnteritanetttnoiogyoftiteSmiilisoni an ittslittttion, Gerratti i'ttsske. a traitted scientific worker, iiasiieent x pioring intiian tntutntls at Aittscle Shoalsfttatsviiihet'ttvetedsvittissa ferssitenfiiebigWiistsndatnisfittt tmt<( cottnnission. The relit* vv)ii<h Mr. it'fwke found are fteing pa- keti up t« he rent to the itfstitufion ftir'sftttiy. Just ssiutt indian tribe ftiey hehaiged torettminsfobedetertnineti. Ti t- i'cnttessee Vaiiey Histt-ritai so ciety ittsifeti Doctor tesvke* ft; iiase the tooutttis expiored and iie sent Mr. i-osskettt excavate liiettt a* fitettmufit of j'ossn creek, Coibert -"tints. Aia i-Ktutt. tsso months :tg<i. Dootttr ios<tfsai*otnadeatri[itotiii )"int rot-tuis and brought back ssitli ititn to tsitslitngton some of tito scientific )imi*. Titty intiudetopt'ortunauicnt*. t-on'<* ttttti a sftecie* of iut-itstf-iitte. s!tossiu^ittictori''esvkcssititi. timttbc in-!i:iti*tt-ss)ttitnt)tos i-elongotiptixiti ti'Ktu.otitibigitiy. Find Process to Make Sugar From Artichokes Wu'idnglon.—Exportsi'fthoi'opurt mcntufAgricuittirearcstudsiugtiie rcsuits in the extraction of sugar [i nn \cgci;ddcs)teretoforetiotii!iii..idfor ttiui purpose, wiiicti tliey say itave cvoivcd u process fitai may resoiuti.n ixt- tin* sugar-growing anti rt titiing in dustry. Jltcuew)irocess,disi<ivei<d:!tre searilicsItyDr. R. .iaikumifitte tuucm of standards, tuakcs )a--sd.te. liu.^ say. tiiecrystallizaiico o' sugar extracted front such veyeRtides as tit* arti'luikt* and thus its ]n<"!ii<ii"tt fur tiiet!rs[ii[ueinattsat)iea)ui'<i!riuier t-iaifurm. ).ackofapr<M'essfor--rys taiiizing"Ugardrawnfr<"usu<li[.!atirs, it was said, iias boon tiie one iiar to their utilization for this purtiosc. The sugar derived by rids ).ro,csa fron; lite artichoke was said to [Hot*, ise the ctieapeat source for its )<r<utue tion. it i$ one and ono itaif titoes ax sweet as tite sugar iakrti from inte and tiio sugar iteet. i)spro<iu<ti<m. it was saiti. promises to he )io:tisitm<ier and t lieaiter than ane or beet sugar. "R/ue in Ohio //as Of/J Properties Cestaiia springs. or "the Btue Hoie." ta at the westerty etige of tite viiiage ofCastaiia, about nine miles sottth west of Sandusky, ttie Cieveittttd ['lain Deaier reports. A gttodsixed snitter ranean stream sttddeniy imiis ttp t<t tite surface, through deep orifices in tite iimestone rock which underiies the re gion. AsCoidcreekitH'twsswtfity across three miles of Erie couttty and into Sandusky bay. The phenomenon is said not to tie att unnauai one in iitnestone countries The "Btue Hoie," tite spring itsetf.ts a beautifui, crystai-ciear, very nearty circular pool, some titirty feet across and suite deep. Constitttents of the water are time, soda, tttagneaia and iron, and though the poo) is extreme tycoid it never freezes. The stream is not much affected by dootis and droughts, and the drat grist mitt tn northwestern Ohio was operated by th* oreek, ctose to tbe spring, in 1810. Dinkins [Reunion The relatives of A. Dickies gathered at his home Sunday andlheld] a Dinkins reunion which was attended by a large number of close relatives and friends. All of Mr. Dinkins' survi zing children, which number 16 were present except two. The occa sion was also attended by 29 grandchildren and one-great grandchild. fn the shade of the big elm trees a tablelwas prepared and loaded with fine eats, a song was sung; followed by prayer after which every one partook of the fine eats which had been prepared for the occasion, which was enjoyed to the fultest extent by all present. It was a jubilee home coming occasion for the children, which recalled the memory of father, mother and childhood days Mr. Dinkins is 65 years of age, a prosperous farmer, County Commissioner, and a man that his community is proud of and his many friends and reiatives wishfhim a much longer and happy life. Mr. Owen Moon Has Purchased The Journal Mr. Owen Moon, on exper ienced newspaper man oi Tren ton, N. J., has purchased the Daily Journal of Winston Salem and is now publisher of that newspaper. We welcome Mr. Moon to this section and hope his eflortc will be successful. Administrator's Notice Havin^'qualitred as administra tors of the estate of If. E. Danner deceased, late of Yadttiu county, North Carolina, all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby noticed to present them to the underpinned within twelve monthsjfrom^date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of theirjrecovery. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to settle ft once. This June 27.1325 T. H. Chamberlain. Ida Chamberlain, Adm'rs H. E. Danner, deceased. Williams & Reavis, Attys

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