VOL. XXXIII _YADKIN VILLE, YADKIN COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 _ VOL. NO. 2 Mrs. Shugart Claims Bible Used as Argument Writing in the Winston-Salem Journal from Yadkinville, L. J. Hampton has the following story, of the affidavit made by Mrs. M. L. Shugart in the Shugart-Sprouse affair: “He quoted the Bible” to seduce me, said Mrs. M. L. Shugart, of Center, this county, in her de position in the case wherein Lee Sprouse, merchant of the upper part of the county is charged with assault with intent to kill upon Mote L. Shugart, husband of the woman who makes such a strange allegation in her testimony against the man who is charged with being a home-wrecker. The Bible has been used and abused for many things, even the lawyers in the case who were pre sent when Mrs. Shugart took the ^ oath agreed, but it is the first time in the history of this county, it is thought, when its precepts and divine teachings were ever brought actively into play, if the allegations are true, in separating a wife from her husband or to win the alleged illicit affections of a woman who swore no man had theretofore come between her husband and herself since they were married 30 years ago. Preliminary Waived Sprouse, through his attorneys, H. H. Baker and W. M. Allen, of Elkin, waived preliminary trial in the criminal action in which Sprouse is charged with assault ing with a shotgun the husband of the woman who told of “hug ging and kissing” parties they had clandestinely enjoyed. The case will come up for trial in superior court in Yadkin at the term sche duled to begin February 22, next. ine nrm oi williams and neavis of Yadkinville represent the pro secution in the Sprouse case..Shu. gart, whom Sprouse charged with hitting him with a heavy bludgeon is also under bond for his appear ance on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. Arrest and bail proceedings against Sprouse for $5,000 damage resulted in the lat ter’s arrest again. He was let out on bond of $5,000 in that case, with Marvin Holcomb, J. Blum Long and W. L. Sprouse, a brother, as signers. Sprouse has also in stituted a damage suit against Shurart for $5,000, it is learned. Denies His Guilt From the cross examination conducted by Attorney Allen, of Sprouse’s counsel, which the de position records show, Sprouse will deny flatly, it is apparent, all allegations as to illicit relations between them, the cross-questions indicating Sprouse’s attitude as one of friendship only for the woman in the case. would Quote Bible Mrs. Shugart said Sprouse would quote portions from the Bible to her in an effort to con vince her that their intimacy was not wrong; that he would throw his arms around her and kiss her; that they often met at Mrs. Hel ton’s, sometimes when the latters children were there and some times when they were not; that they hugged and kissed on the porch of her home; that the back porch was out of sight of the road; that Sprouse took a job of ,fixing all the locks on the doors of the Shugart home which it took him two weeks to do; that he kissed her several times in his store, etc. Then she wa? asked about her husband’s insurance, $4,000, which is payable to her as bene ficiary at Shugart’s death. She denied that the matter of insur ance was ever mentioned between herself and Sprouse, but that they had talked of the proposal to buy and sell. She denied that Sprouse had urged her to get the title to Shugart’s property. She said that her husband had accused her of being intimate with other men for the past nine years, but she said that didn’t mean that she had had illicit relations with any of them. The deposition named the three men about whom she was questioned. Of one it was a matter of religious belief she sL/:. . said. Husband Insane? Asked if she had ever tried to get her husband into an insan asylum, she admitted that she had talked to Dr. T. R. Harding about her husband's mental condition and that Sprouse, at diffehent times, had told her that her hus band “must be cr^zy” to treat her | in the manner she said he did. Mrs. Shugart denied that they wanted to get her husband “out of the way” to get his property and ! insurance. She said she had al i ways been true to her husband ■ and while admitting that Sprouse j had kissed her and hugged her at . various times, she said that was as far as their intimacy went, al though she at first admitted that *Sprouse guoted excerpts from the Bible to seduce her and to show there was nothing wrong with their clandestine meetings. By her own acknowledgement ! Mrs. Sprouse is 49 years old. She j said she had been almost a con ! firmed invalid for the past two | years but was not confined to her j bed all of the time. She designat | ed the time of her alleged inti j macy with Sprouse as being be ! tween April and November of 1925. “No man ever came be tween me and my husband until a year ago,” Mrs. Shugart solem ly affirmed. Upon cross examination Mrs. Shugart admitted that Sprouse often came to her house after a drink of water; that most of the time some of her children were there when Sprouse camei; that when they were at the home of Mrs. Helton that either the lat ter, some of her children o