She jailfeijj giggly VOL. XXXIII YADKINVILLE, YADKIN COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, March 11, 1926 VOL. No. 9 DEATH AND FUNERAL OF D. G. WAGONER This section, together with the entire county was severely shock ed to hear of the death of Mr. D. G. Wagoner, which occurred in a Statesville hospital Wednesday night at 11 o’clock, a few hours after he was taken there by Mackie & Hinshaw’s ambulance of this place. Mr. Wagoner had been suffering for some few weeks with a kidney trouble and develop ed the flu, which was too much for him. Mr. Wagoner was 53 years old. For many years he had been a prominent merchant and farmer of Benbow, where he was also postmaster. He taught school in his younger days and was a very popular teacher. For the past four years he had been a member of the Board of Road Commission ers of Yadkin county. Mr. Wag oner was a Christian gentleman and was held in high esteem thr oughout the county and section. He was a member of Swaim’s (Knobs) church and was one of the leading spirits of that church, always taking an active part in its affairs. He is survived by one son, Hom er Wagoner, and his widow, who before her marriage to him was | Mrs. Cal Holcomb. Hundreds of people from far i and near gathered at Swaim’s ; church Saturday morning at 11 o’clock to pay their last tribute to their deceased brother and neighbor. Mr. Wagoner was a member of the Masonic Order and was buried with their honors, ! many Masons taking part in the services. The funeral was preach ed by Rev. V. M. Swaim, a life long friend and co-worker of Mr. . Wagoner, and he was assisted by Rev. E. H. Vestal. Mr. Swaim paid many fitting tributes to his departed friend in the sermon. Mr. Wagoner leaves a conside rable estate, consisting of more than 500 acres of land, a large merchantile establishment and other interests. -♦ RESOLUTION OF RESPECT D. G. WAGONER Whereas, God in his infinite wis dom has seen fit to take from our midst Bro. D. G. Wagoner, be it resolved by Jonesville Lodge No. 227 A. F. & A. M. as follows: We note with genuine sorrow that this friend and brother has gone to his Eternal home. He loved his home lodge and County and was always ready to give liberally of his time and means to promote their welfare. He was a business man of whom , we are justly proud and a counse lor of rare ability. His integrity could be ques tioned, he was faithful to every trust. His heart was full of human kindness, it was a real pleasure to him to help the needy and to . relieve distress. His life was that of a Christian gentleman and he has left us an example worthy of our emulation. He was loyal to the great Mast er, loved Him, served Him, and trusted in Him. We extend to his family our sincere sympathy and commend them to the loving care of the Heavenly Father. Further resolved that a page of our minhtes be devoted to his memory. God give us more men like him. That a copy be furnished his family and published in the Yad kin Ripple, Elkin Tribune and Winston-Salem Journal. Respectfully submitted. S. M. VESTAL W. I. SHUGART J. h. Wolfe Committees. ♦ Sunshine is a great protector and healer and the child that is gradually and carefully exposed to the direct rays of the sun will benefit in health, say home demon stration workers. A farmer of Perquimans county sold 30 hogs recently and found that the heads of 19 and the en tire carcasses of three others must be condemned for tubercu losis. He then remembered that he had two cows condemned and slaughtered for tuberculosis last summer. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION APRIL5 Notice is hereby given that the Yadkin County Republican con vention will be held in the court house at Yadkinville, on Monday, April 5th, 1926, at 1 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a chairman and delegate to the state convention and such other business as may come before the committee. The primaries will be held at the various voting precincts in the county at 2 o’clock p. m., on Saturday, April II, at which time delegates will be elected to the county convention and the pre cinct organization perfected. The various precincts of the county are entitled to the follow ing number of delegates to the county convention: Boonville 13 N. Knobs 10 S. Knobs 8 N. Buck Shoals 13 S. Buck Shoals 7 Deep Creek 14 N. Liberty 10 S. Liberty 7 Forbush 7 Little Yadkin 2 E. East Bend 5 W. East Bend 8 N. Fall Creek 8 S. Fall Creek 8 S. CARTER WILLIAMS, Chair man. W. E. RUTLEDGE, Sec. -o RESOLUTION OF RESPECT At the regular meeting of the board of road commissioners for Yadkin county, held here Monday the following resolution of respect was passed in memory of Mr. I). G. Wagoner, who was a member of the board until his death last week. Whereas, it has pleased God in His divine mercy to take unto himself our beloved friend and co-worker, Daniel G. Wagoner, and remove him from our midst, therefore, be it resolved: 1st. That it is but a just tri bute to the memory of our de parted brother to say that in re gretting his removal from among us we mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our respect and esteem. 2nd. That in the death of Bro. Wagoner, we recognize that this board has lost an upright and faithful member and the county one of its foremost citizens. 3rd. That in our bereavement we tender to the family of the de ceased the sympathy and friendly feeling of this board and with them we mourn our mutual loss. 4th. That as a mark of esteem it is ordered that this board spread upon its minutes a copy of this resolution; that a copy be sent the family of the deceased and a copy published in the Yad kin Ripple. This March 8th, 1926, done at Yadkinville, N. C. A. B. HOBSON E. J. VESTAL J. B. PHILLIPS Members. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST " By virtue of the power contain ed in a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted by. W. N. Freeman and wife M. L. Freeman, on the 12th day of Dec. 1922, and default having been made in the payment of notes secured thereby, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on the premises in the town of Jonesville, N. C., on Saturday the 10th day of April, 1926 at 1 o’clock p. m., the following real estate in Knobs township, Yadkin county and bounded as follows: Beginning on a state Fred Swaims corner on the south side of Wilkesboro road, south 7* west 2.62 chains to an iron pin in Johnsons northeast corner south 1.25 chains to iron pin in Bob Parks line, south 87* east 1.85 chains to iron pin in Wilson line, B. Mathis corner, north 16* east 3.70 chains to Iron pin east of pack house, east 50 links to a road north 1.80 chains to Wilkes j boro road, to the beginning, con | taining one and one quarter acres \ more or less. This March 10, 1926. E. F. THOMPSON, Trustee: BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Julius Collins of Union Cross pave their daughter, Mi ss Blanche a surprise party j Saturday night in honor of her ; 16th birthday. After many in | teresting games were played cake was served to the guests. Those present were: Misses Gerlha i Collins and Velmer Carter -of Winston; Eflie Hobson, Ida, Ethel I and Edith Jester. ! Messrs Claude Jester of Wins ton: Conrad and Clark Hobson, Pet and Evert Jester, John Col lins. Rad Williams, Floyd Fulp and Squar Mathews. -♦ Florida Miracles For sale—20 Leghorn chickens and rooster. Just beginning to lay. Apply H. S. Phillips, Aldora Park.—Literary Digest. --. Under the unusual name of “Herbae-Prati,” common meadow fescue grass is being sold for eight times its value and some extravagant claims are made for it which cannot be supported by -♦ SALE OF REAL ESTATE ■ ! Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed 1 of trust executed by A. J. Pockett and wife, Victoria Puckett to the 1 undersigned trustee on October 127th, 1924, which deed of trust i is duly recorded in Book No. 33 ! of Mortgages on page 71 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of ! Yadkin County; default having been made in the payment of the : note secured by said deed of trust, land at the request of the holder i o,f the note, the undersigned trus tee will expose to sale and sell the following described property at the Court House door in Yad kin County, on Friday, the 9th I day of April, 1920. at 12:00 o’ clock Noon to the highest Jbidd. r for cash; subject to a first deed of trust to J. T. Benbow, Trustee j for $18,000.00. Beginning on the west bank of Yadkin River at Henry Shore’s | corner running with his line north 89 degrees west 3863 feet to a branch; thence with the meander ings of the branch the 14 follow ing courses: North 31 degrees, east 47 feet; north 2 degrees 30* west 61 feet; north 55 degrees 30* west 100 feet; north 43 feet; north 40 degrees 30* west 153 feet! north 12 degrees west 79 I feet; north 15 degrees east 100 feet; north 1 degree 30* west 137 feet; north 7 degrees west 249 feet; north 10 degrees 30* west 87 feet; north 24 degrees east 132 feet; north 18 degrees 30* west 41 feet; north 20 de grees east 40 feet and north 28 degrees west 53 feet to stob; I thence west 20< feet to a stone; thence north 4 degrees east 607 ! feet to pile of stones, Myer's cor j ner; thence north 83 degrees 15* | west 3367 feet to stone; thence ; north 3 degrees east 770 feet to i stone; thence north 7 degrees east *1166 feet to road; thence with | the road the 14 following cours jes: South 46 degrees east 263 Ifeet; north 81 degrees 45* east 160 feet; north 48 degrees east 100 feet; north 43 degrees east 241 feet; north 74 degrees east 100 feet; south 80 degrees east 100 feet; south 47 degrees east 634 feet south 70 degrees 30* east 500 feet; south 83 degrees east 100 feet; north 81 degrees ! 45* east 100 feet; north 70 de ! grees 30* east 364 feet; south 89 degrees east 625 feet; north 59 ! degrees 30* east 100 feet and | north 27 degrees 15* east 309 j feet to Bettie Shore’s (colored) lot; thence east 62 feet to stones; I thence north 82 feet to the road; | thence with the road the 3 fol lowing courses: North 42 de grees east 138 feet; north 55 de i grees 30* east 170 feet and north 73 degrees east 100 feet; thence north 85 degrees east 354 feet; thence south 86 degrees 45* east i 3250 feet to stone, John Shore’s corner; thence south 2 degrees | west 118 feet to branch; thence 1 with branch east 231 feet and north 48 degrees east 132 feet; | thence south 85 degrees 30* east | 726 feet to the aforesaid river; thence down the river as it mean | ders 4350 feet to the place of be ginning, containing 575 and 83 100 acres, more or less. This the 9th day of March, 1926. H. G. HUDSON, Trustee. 3 11 4t. GET MONTHS MILITARY TRAINING FREE NOW The War Department has an nounced the appointment of Mr. J. T. Reece, Yadkinville, N. C., as i a County Representative for the Citizens’ Military Training Camps ; for the coming summer. Mr. Reece states that he will receive a supply of application blanks for the training camps i shortly and will be ready to pass I these out to young men between : the ages of 17 and 24 who might ! want to take a month’s encamp ment in July, at government ex ; pense. j Congress appropriates nearly $3,000,000 annually to enable j young men to develop their phy | sieal powers under proper super ! vision. Railroad fare, meals enroute and at camp, uniforms, laundry, athletic equipment and medical and dental treatment are furnish ed. Four vacancies only have been allotted Yadkin County and it is expected that these will all be taken by April 1st. Others may apply and if vacancies occur later j they will be taken care of. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of W. J. Jester deceased, late of Yadkin county, this is to notify ali persons hold i ing claims against said estate to j present them to the undersigned ; within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in | bar of their recovery. All per | sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This March 4, 1926. J. A. H. JESTER, Adrm., of estate of W. J. Jester, deceased. i Avalon E. Hall. Attorney. 3 1 6t. --: ADMIMSTRATRIX NOTICE i Having qualified as administra trix C. T. A., of the estate of ! Rachel D. Willard this is to noti I fy all persons having claims a j gainst said estate to present them ! to the undersigned within one j year from date of this notice or ; same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are request ed to settle at once. This Feb. 16, 1926. MRS. LULA SHORE MRS MINNIE MARTIN Admrx. C. T. A. of Rachel Wil lard, deed. Williams & Reavis, Attys. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 80th day of March, 1925 by J. T. Simmons and wife, Mattie Simmons to the undersigned trustee, which deed of trust is duly recorded in book 33 of Mortgages on page 103 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Yadkin county, and default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersign ed trustee will expose to sale and sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Court House door of Yadkin county at 12 o’clock noon on Thursday the 25th day of March, 1926, the fol lowing described property. Beginning at a stone, earner’s corner, runs S. 3* W. 55 poles to a stone; thence S. 80* E. 16 poles to a stone; thence S. 4* W. 30 ^poles to a stone; thence S. 83* E. i 100 1-2 poles to a white oak; thence S. 5* W. 136 poles to a stone; thence N. 88* W. 102 1-2 poles to a stone; thence S. 4* W. 169 poles to a stone; thence S. 86* E. 98 poles to a stone; thence N. 3* E. 85 poles to a pine; thence N. 88* W. 70 1-2 poles to a stake; thence N. 14* E. 36 poles to a stone; thence N. 2* E. 72 poles to a stone; thence N. 35* W. 50 poles to a stake; thence N. 3* E. 80 poles to a stake on the Island Ford Road; thence with said road Eastward about 84 poles to a stake on said road; thence N. 3* E. 76 poles to a sourwood; thence N. 43* W. 63 poles to a hickory; thence N. 89* W. 210 poles to a stone, the beginning, containing 365 acres, more or less. This deed of trust is subject to less 25 acres less sold to J. V. Howell, making a total of 343 acres. This the 18th day of February, 1926. H. M. RATCLIFF, Trustee. TOTAL OF 238,318 DRY PROSECUTIONS Washington, Feb. 26.—Prohibi tion prosecutions by the depart ment of justice under the natio nal dry net have totalled 238, 818, E. M. Kennard, administra tive account for the department of justice, told a house appropria tion subcommittee in reports of hearings made public today. Of these cases, Mr. Kennard said, 217,0.‘)1 were criminal prose cutions and 21,787 were civil suits. Collections of fines and civil judgments totalled $20,000, 000. The witness explained that the increase in civil actions had been due largely to padlock cases and injunction proceedings. -+ NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YADKIN COUNTY Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of M. Catherine Jester, deceased, late of Yadkin county, N. C., notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the said estate to file same with the undersigned on or before February 19th, 1927, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make settlement at once. This the 15th day, Feb. 192G. W. L. KELLY. Administrator. Avalon E. Hall, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE By virture of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage | deed, executul March 10th, 1922, * by J. P. Cheek and wife Nora Cheek, P. M. Cheek and wife Nel lie Cheek and W. M. Cheek to J. P. Collins,' which mortgage is re corded in the office of Register of Deeds of Yadkin County, North Carolina, Book 30, Page 52, and default having been made in the payment of the deed secured by said mortgage deed I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at pub lic auction at the Court house door in Yadkinville, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, MARCH 13th, 1926, p. m., the following described real estate: Lying and being in Yadkin County, Buck Shoal Town ship, State of North Carolina, and described and defined as fol lows : lract One: Beginning at a Spanish oak, A. Matthews corner; thence East 24 poles to a double sourwood in Finney line; thence' North with Finney line 40 poles 1 to a stone; thence West 31 poles j to a stone in A. Matthews line; thence South with A. Matthews | line 39 poles to the beginning, ; containing 6 acres, more or less. Second Tract: Beginning at a1 large maple on the branch, M. ! Finneys corner, runs South 52, poles to a large stooped pine, M. j Finneys; thence West 56 poles to ; a stone on West side of road; j thence North with said road 33 1-2 ! poles to a black oak; thence East \ 38 poles to a stone; thence North | 37 poles to a hickory, A. Mat- j thew's corner; thence East 36 j poles to the branch with dead ! Spanish oak corner; thence down said branch as It meanders to the beginning, containing 34 acres, more or less. Third Tract: Beginning at a Spanish oak, W. M. Cheeks corn er, running North 33 poles to a stone; thence West 36 1-2 poles to a stone; thence South 33 poles to a black oak, in Godfreys line; thence East 40 poles to the be ginning, containing 8 acres more or less. Fourth Tract: Beginning at a double sourwood, runs North 36 poles to a pine; in Godfreys line; thence South with a ditch 61 poles to the Wilkes Road, Pinnix line; thence East with said road 30 poles to a rock, corner of Thomas Shore place; thence North with said Shore line 12 2-3 poles to a rock; thence East 12 2-3 poles to the Jonesville road; thence North with said road to a stone on South side of said road; thence East 12 poles to a chesnut stump, Finney corner; thence North to the be ginning, containing 12 acres, more or less. This the 8th day of February, 1926. J. P. COLLINS, Mortagee Williams & Reavis, Attys. 2 11 | BUSINESS TO THE LAST Isaac Goldstein, a dealer in j ready-to-wear, was just about to i close his business career. He : was lying on his death-bed and | around him gathered his sons. ; “Are you there, Abe?” “Yes, father.” I “And you, Sammy?” "Yes father.” “And are you there, Benny?” "Yes, father.” "Then who in the devil is tak ing care of the business?” NOTICE By virtue of the power contain ed ,n a mortgage deed executed on the 4th day of February, 1924, by A. II. Crews and wife J. A. Crews and recorded in book 52, page 219 and default having been t made in payment of note secured thereby, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door fn Yadkinville, N. C., on Monday, March the 22nd 1920, between the hours of 12 o’ clock M., and 2 p. m. The fol lowing described lands beginning at a pine bush in the Kirk line and runs East 12 chs to a stake; thence South 17 chs and 50 Iks to a hickory; thence East 4 chs and 50 Iks to a stone; thence South 18 chs to a pine bush in Gray Nor man line; then West 17 chs and 50 Iks with Norman’s line to a pine bush; then North 35 chs and about 50 iks to the beginning, con taining 43 1-4 acres, more or less. This Feb. 13th. 1926. .). W. CRATER. Mortagee. F. W. Han' a Atty. f.-»r Mortagee. -- SALE OF LAND UNDER MORTGAGE IE* \ irtue ol' a mortgage deed, exec axed by J. A. H. Jester and wife Dollie Jester on the 3rd day of January, 1020, and recorded in book 27, page 197, in the office of register of deeds for Yadkin county, I will sell for cash at pub lic auction at the Court House door in Yadkinville, North Caro lina, on the 15th DAY OF MARCH, 192b the following real estate to-wit: Beginning at a stone, J. W. Matthew's corner, runs South 14 chs 75 Iks to the State Road; then Fast with said road 10 chs and 90 Iks to a stone, W. Y. Wall and J. H. Matthew's corner; then North 14 chs 50 Iks to a stake in Sarah Taylors line; then West 13 chs to the beginning containing 16 1-3 acres more or less. Also one other tract as follows: Beginning at a stone in Westley Choplins line, John Choplin heirs. Southwest corner at Lot No. 3 and runs West 20 chs 50 Iks to a stone. W. Y. Walls line; then with Walls line 5 chs and 55 Iks to a stone, Arthur Angels Southwest corner; then with said line 20 chs 50 Iks to a stone, John Choplins heirs corner; then South with Choplin heirs line 5 chs 55 Iks to the be ginning, containing 11 83-100 acres, more or less. Sale made to satisfy note secur ed by said mortgage after default having been made In the payment of same. This February 13th, 1926. D. C. HOBSON, llortagee. Williams & Reavis, Attorneys. —--♦--— SALE OF PROPERTY UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by C. J. Holcomb on the 2nd day of March, 1923 to the undersigned trustee, and default having been made in . the payment of notes secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder at auction at the court house door in Yadkinville, Yad kin county, North Carolina, on Monday, April 5th, 1926, between the hours of 12 o’clock >*oon and 2 p. m., the following described j real estate; lying and being in Yadkin county and more particu larly described as follows: Bounded on the west by W. D. Holcomb and D. B. Holcomb, on the North by J. H. King, on the east by V. L. Long and on the south by V. B. Holcomb, contain ing 48 acres, more or less and being a part of the L. C. Holcomfr old tract. , This March 3, 1926. H. H. BARKER, Trustee. 3 4 5t.