VOL.XXXIII YADKINVILLE, YADKIN COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1926 VOL. No. 10 PETER A. MEYERS DIES AT HIS HOME IN WINSTON Winston-Salem Journal. Peter A. Meyers, employee of a local tobacco manufacturing com pany, died Tuesday morning at 1:30, 1022 White Street, after an illness of several months. He was confined to his bed two weeks, and his condition was critical for several days. Mr. Myers was born in Yadkin county. Surviving him are his wife, formerly Miss Rachel Spears; a sister, Airs. Robert Rominger of this city; a brother, Greenbury Meyers of this county. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. B. A. Culp at the home this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Burial will be in the Baltimore cemetery in Yadkin county. GRAND JURY REPORT We the Grand Jury for Febru ary term Yadkin County Superior Court be? leave to submit the fol lowing report: We have passed on 42 bills and made 11 presentments. A com mittee of three of our number visited the County Jaii and And confined therein six County priso ners and two Federal prisoners. They claim they are properly car ed for and we recommend that the roof on Jailers house and al so the Jail roof be painted. We ' also visited the ofhce of Register ; of Deed. Clerks ofhce and Sheriff's ' ofRce and found all in good shape. We visited, by committee the County Home and find six white women, four white men. three colored men and one colored wo man. They arc all well cared for under existing conditions. The building will soon need some re pairs. Respectfully submitted. M. H. BRYANT. Foreman. S. G. HOLCOMB, Secretary. EVERY FARM SHOULD HAVE A RADIO Raleigh, March 17.—Figures complied by the Department of Commerce of the United States show that there are only 1,363 radios in use on the farms of North Carolina. This figure is lower than it should be, in the opinion of Dean I. 0. Schaub of the School of Agriculture at State College. Dean Schaub states that every farm should have a radio and when the proposed state-owned broadcasting station is put into actual use, he feels that there will be a tremendous increase in the number of radios owned by farmers. "Last year," says Dean Schaub, "there were 283,491 farms in North Carolina. This was an in crease of nearly 20,000 over the number found in 1920 and when we consider that only a little ov er 1,000 of these farms have radios, our standing is very low indeed. This is due in part to the fact that we have only one radio station, WBT at Charlotte, which sends out crop reports and market news." According to Dean Schaub, there will undoubtedly be a great increase in the number of radios on the farms in the near future. In some states, now, from 25 to 40 percent of the farms are equip ped with this modern source of information. As a general rule, farmers have bought the best sets available. In 1923 it was found in a study made by the United States Department of Agriculture that on more than 1,000 farms widely scattered over the country, the average cost of the sets was $175.00. Today better and more easily operated sets can be bought for half of this amount. On account of the strides that have been made in perfecting the radio and the wonderful informa tion and entertainment prepared for the different broadcasting stations, Dean Schaub urges North Carolina farmers to give more attention to this new hired man and, where feasible, to put in a modern receiving set. If farmers of North Carolina would plant early corn for hog ging down, they would make many dollars of extra proRt on the corn, says W. W. Shay, swine ex tension specialist. FARMERS CALLED TO MEET; NEW CONTRACTS OFFERED A meeting of the farmers and citizens of Yadkin county has been caiied for Yadkinviiie. on March 29th at ten o'ciock for the purpose of organizing a new to bacco growers co-operative asso ciation. Air. Jno. L. Bray, a member of the organization committee, has caiied the meeting, and he ex plains that at that time the new co-operative contract wiii be shown, expiained and discussed, and that the new organization wiii be known as the Oid Beit Tobac co Growers association of North Caroiina and Virginia. Mr. Bray says this new asso ciation is in no wise connected with the oid association and that it expects to proRt by the experi ence of the iater. Signatures wiii be asked to the new contract at the meeting here and also by agents who wiii carry on the work thruout the county iater. YADKIN COUPLE GO TO MOUNT AIRY TO WED Mount Airy, March 15.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G'. Key, on Rockford street, was the scene of a pretty marriage last Sat urday when Miss Ina Mae Helton, of Yadkinville and Grady L. Wagoner, of Hamptonville, were united in marriage, the sister' of the groom, Mrs. E. G. Key, pre forming the ceremony. -* HOME OF W. H. LYNCH AT COURTNEY BURNS The home of W. H. Lynch of near Courtney was destroyed by tire Wednesday afternoon about d o'clock, together with its entire contents. It is partially covered by insurance. , The fire started in the upper story and the roof was almost ready to fall in when it was dis covered. Nothing was saved. All nearby outbuildings, including the well house where there was stored the meat supply and corn crib were also destroyed. Mr. Lynch had been confined to his bed with illness for a number of weeks and the shock of the fire and being moved to a neighbors house has been hard on him. GOLD DISCOVERED IN YANC EY COUNTY, SAYS PRESS REPORT Asheville, March 12.—Great excitement has been caused in this section by the reported dis covery of gold in Yancey county, near Burnsville, about 40 miles northeast of Asheville. A num ber of geologists, option buyers and those interested in mining in other states have appeared on the ground and samples of the ore found show the presence of gold in considerable quanties, ac cording to C. W. Valentine, news paper correspondent who is in formed on the subject. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of W. J. Jester deceased, late of Yadkin county, this is to notify ail persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will ! please make immediate settlement. This March 4, 1926. J. A. H. JESTER, Adrm., of estate of W. J. Jester, deceased. Avalon E. Hall, Attorney. 3 4 6t. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix C. T. A., of the estate of Rachel D. Willard this is to noti fy all persons having claims a gainst said estate to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are request ed to settle at once. This Feb. 16, 1926. MRS. LULA SHORE MRS MINNIE MARTIN Admrx. C. T. A. of Rachel Wil lard, deed. Williams & Reavis, Attys. PAYMENTS OF INCOME TAX RUNNING LARGER ! - ! Raleigh, March 12.—Income i taxes in the state revenue com missioner's ofHce run those of 1925 a neck and neck race with approximately 16,000 returns yielding $243,770 last year and approximately 12,000 returns pil ing up $243,465.06 this year. The total today went to $598. 167.85. The incorporation in come last year at this date had reached $250,000. about, and this year $332,000. The money rushed in today at a $162,175.83 clip. j The ofhce of the department of revenue will be kept open Satur day afternoon for the convenience of 11th hour taxpayers, accord ing to the announcement of Stead man Thompson, assistant to Com- j missioner R. A. Houghton. After ; Monday a 25 per cent penalty will be added to the taxes of delinquent payers. ELEVEN NEW COUNTIES ASK FOR SERVICE OF HOME AGENTS Eleven new counties have made application <to the Agricultural Extension Service of State Col lege for the service of home agents. Six of these counties have made appropriations for the work. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST By virtue of the power contain ed in a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted by W. N. Freeman and wife M. L. Freeman, on the 12th day of Dec. 1922, and default having bee!) made in the payment of notes secured thereby. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on the premises in the tow.t of Jonesville, N. C., on Saturday the 10th day of April, 1926 at 1 ! o'clock p. m., the following real j estate in Knobs township, Yadkin county and bounded as follows m Beginning on a stake, Fred Swaims corner on the south side of Wilkesboro road, south 7* west 2.62 chains to an iron pin in Johnsons northeast corner south 1.25 chains to iron pin in Bob Parks line, south 87* east 1.85 chains to iron pin in Wilson line, B. Mathis corner, north 16* east 3.70 chains to Iron pin east! of pack house, east 50 links to a road north 1.80 chains to Wilkes boro road, to the beginning, con taining one and one quarter acres more or less. This March 10, 1926. E. F. THOMPSON, Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT ! In the Superior Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, YADKIN COUNTY. George Steelman vs R. A. Nee!y and Mrs. Flora Neely. The defendant, R. A. Neely, in the above entitled action will take } notice that on the 26th day of February, 1926, a summons in } the said action was issued against the defendant by J. L. Crater, Clerk of the Superior Court for Yadkin county, North Carolina.! Plaintiff claiming the sum of' $5000.00 with interest on the same from Jan. 1, 1925, by rea-} son of a contract evidenced by bonds, or notes, which summons } is returnable before the said I clerk on March 18, 1926. The de-1 fendant, R. A. Neely, will also! take notice that a warrant of at tachment was issued by the said Clerk of the Superior Court on } the 26th day of Feb. 1926, against{ the property of the said R. A. i Neely, defendant, which warrant j is returnable is before the said clerk on March 18, 1926 at his ofHce in the courthouse, Yadkin ville, N. C. The defendant, R. A. Neely, will further take notice that he is re quired to appear before the Clerk j of the Superior Court, Yadkin } County, on or before the 17th day of April, 1926, and answer or de mur to the complaint, or the re lief demanded will be granted. This the 16th day of March, 1926. J. L. CRATER, Clerk of the Su- j perior Court. Avalon E. Hall, Attorney for plaintiff. 3 18 4t. ENDORSE JOHNSON FOR ROAD COMM!SS!ONER At a meeting of the Yadkin county Republican executive com mittee, held in the oflice of the chairman. S. C. Williams here Saturday afternoon, R. L. John son. of Hamptonville, was endors ed for the position of county road commissioner, to till the vacancy caused by the death of D. C. Wagoner. The road commission for Yad kin county is composed of four members, two Democrats and two Republicans, and are appointed bv the governor on recommenda tion of the respective party chair men, who in turn are guided by the executive committee. Mr. Johnson is a Republican, a farm er and business man of the Hamp tonville section. No other name was placed before the committee for recommendation. Magnesium limestone under to bacco will improve the yield and quality of leaf this year, say in vestigators of the North Carolina Experiment Station. -* SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by A. J. Pockett and wife, Victoria Puckett to the undersigned trustee on October 27th, 1924, which deed of trust is duly recorded in Book No. 23 of Mortgages on page 71 in the j Office of the Register of Deeds of ; Yadkin County; default having! been made in the payment of the ! note secured by said deed of trust, and at the request of the holder ^ of the note, the undersigned trus tee wiil expose to saie and sell the following described property at the Court House door in Yad-} kin County, on Friday, the 9th I d y of April. 1926. at 12:00 o'-j clock Noon to the highest bidder j for cash; subject to a first deed! of trust to J. T. Benbow, Trustee for $18,000.00. Beginning on the west bank of Yadkin River at Henry Shore's corner running with his line north 89 degrees west 3863 feet to a branch; thence with the meander ings of the branch the 14 follow ing courses: North 31 degrees, east 47 feet; north 2 degrees 30* west 61 feet: north 55 degrees 30* west 100 feet; north 43 feet; north 40 degrees 30* west 153 feet! north 12 degrees west 79 feet; north 15 degrees east 100 feet; north 1 degree 30* west 137 feet; north 7 degrees west 249 feet; north 10 degrees 30* west 87 feet; north 24 degrees east 132 feet; north 18 degrees 30* west 41 feet; north 20 de grees east 40 feet and north 28 degrees west 53 feet to stob; thence west 207 feet to a stone; thence north 4 degrees east 607 feet to pile of stones, Myer's cor ner; thence north 83 degrees 15* west 3367 feet to stone; thence north 3 degrees east 770 feet to stone; thence north 7 degrees east 1166 feet to road; thence with the road the 14 following cours es: South 46 degrees east 263 feet; north 81 degrees 45* east 160 feet; north 48 degrees east 100 feet; north 43 degrees east 241 feet; north 74 degrees east 100 feet; south 80 degrees east 100 feet; south 47 degrees east 634 feet south 70 degrees 30* east 500 feet; south 83 degrees east 100 feet; north 81 degrees 45* east 100 feet; north 70 de grees 30* east 364 feet; south 89 degrees east 625 feet; north 59 degrees 30* east 100 feet and north 27 degrees 15* east 309 feet to Bettie Shore's (colored) lot; thence east 62 feet to stones; thence north 82 feet to the road; thence with the road the 3 fol lowing courses: North 42 de grees east 138 feet; north 55 de grees 30* east 170 feet and north 73 degrees east 100 feet; thence north 85 degrees east 354 feet; thence south 86 degrees 45* east 3250 feet to stone, John Shore's corner; thence south 2 degrees west 118 feet to branch; thence with branch east 231 feet and north 48 degrees east 132 feet; thence south 85 degrees 30* east 726 feet to the aforesaid river; thence down the river as it mean ders 4350 feet to the place of be ginning, containing 575 and 83 100 acres, more or less. j This the 9th day of March, 1926. H. G. HUDSON, Trustee. 3 11 4t. COUNTY COMMENCEMENT WILL BE APRIL 10th. County Supt. of schools J. T. Reece is busy making out a pro gram and other arrangements for the coming county commencement which for years has been one of the main features of the country schools in this county. It will be held at Yadkinville, Saturday, April 10. One change will be noted this year, the elimination of the high schools of the county from parti cipation in the exercises. Pre paration for the extra work among high school teachers has been a burden on them for some time, and it has been decided to let them devote their time to their own commencement programs and confine the county commencement exercises to the elementary grad es. The group center commence ments wiH be he!d at the main centers for the purpose of elimi nation and securing a program to be presented at the county meet ing. These group center exercis es will be he!d as follows: Boon ville, April 5th; Hamptonville, April 6th; Yadkinville. April 7th and East Bend April 8. AH 7th grade examinations will be held this year at the group center com mencements, and diplomas award ed at the county commencement. Teachers and educators have placed considerable value on the county commencement at a stimu lus to education of the elementary grades. It creates, they say. a county-wide sentiment for equali- ! ty of educational opportunity with { the coming together of the peo ple and students with a common interest in the work and the suc cess of the schools is a demon stration of the efficiency of the teachers. Teachers this year will be allowed to select many of their subjects, especially in the sing'ng contests, they choose their own songs. Prof. Reece has not yet selected a speaker for the occassion, which < is always one of the main featur es of the county exercises, but ! will do so shortly. NEAR EAST RELIEF CAMPAIGN A SUCCESS The campaign which was laun ched in Yadkin County about the first of January by the Golden Rule Society for the purpose of raising this county's quota for Near East Relief is just draw ing to a close, and the campaign was a complete success. The idea was conceived by the chairman Dr. J. G. Marler of the G. R. S., to place this campaign } in the hands of the school child ren of the county and request that they do unto others as they would that others do unto them, and by the aid of many of the teachers the children got on the job and carried the campaign to a successful consummation. We are informed by the chair man that a check has already gone forward to the State Treas ury Near East Relief for the sum of $250.19 and that small con tributions continue to come in the daily mails. The county's quota was $360.00 and it looks as if every penny of it will be raised immediately. This speaks well for the child ren of Yadkin county, who have never been in a campaign like this before. The children were asked to raise $3.00 each and were offered as a reward for this service their choice of one of a number of newspapers and magazines, and more than a hundred subscrip tions have been sent in. The chairman also offered as the Grand Prize to the library of the school raising the largest amount a twelve volume set of the Century Dictionary, Cyclopedia and Atlas, in an oak escritoire, and this valuable set of books was won by the Jonesville school of which Mr. M. R. Haynes is principal. Deputy O. G. Sills, of Harmony, and Prohibition Officers Demar cus, Trexler, Moore and Hall, of Salisbury, were in Davie last week and, near the Iredell line, destroyed a distillery. They also caught a Rash boy at the plant. He gave bond. RWUCAD MUNtY caxYEicmnuHtiY 5 Notice is hereby given that the Yadkin County Republican con vention wii! be held in the court , house at Yadkinville, on Monday, Aprii 5th, 1026, at 1 o'clock p. m., tor the purpose of electing a chairman and delegate to the : state convontien and such other business as may come before the committee. The primaries will be held at the various voting precincts in the county at 2 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, April 3, at which time delegates will be elected to the county convention and the pre cinct organization perfected. The various precincts of the county are entitled to the follow ing number of delegates to the county convention: Boonville 13 N. Knobs 10 S. Knobs 8 N. Buck Shoals 13 S. Buck Shoals 7 Deep Creek 14 N. Liberty 10 S. Liberty 7 Forbush 7 Little Yadkin 2 E. East Bend 5 W. East Bend 8 N. Fall Creek 8 S. Fall Creek 8 S. CARTER WILLIAMS, Chair man. W. E. RUTLEDGE, Sec. NOTICE XC-RTH CAROLINA TAbKlXHOUXTY Having'[U.:!i:ledasadministra t(n* of the (state (M*rT.Ca'!;erine .Mster. denased. late of Yadkin county. N. U.. m.tice is hereby giventhatal! persons having claims against the said estate to hie same with the undersigned on or before February 19th, 1927. or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. AM persons indebted to said es tate will ])lease make settlement at once. This the 13th day. Feb. 1926. W. L. KELLY, Administrator. Avalon E. Hall, Attorney. --^ NOTICE By virtue of the power contain ed in a mortgage deed executed on the 4th day of February, 1924, by A. H. Crews and wife J. A. Crews and recorded in book 52, page 219 and default having been made in payment of note secured thereby, I will otter for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door m Yadkinville, N. C., on Monday, March the 22nd 1926, between the hours of 12 o' clock M., and 2 p. m. The fol lowing described lands beginning at a pine bush in the Kirk line and runs East 12 chs to a stake; thence South 17 chs and 50 Iks to a hickory; thence East 4 chs and 50 Iks to a stone; thence South 18 chs to a pine bush in Gray Nor man line; then West 17 chs and 50 Iks with Norman's line to a pine bush; then North 35 chs and about 50 Iks to the beginning, con taining 43 1-4 acres, more or less. This Feb. 13th. 1926. J. W. CRATER, Mortagee. F. W. Hanes, Atty. for Mortagee. SALE OF PROPERTY UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by C. J. Holcomb on the 2nd day of March, 1923 to the undersigned trustee, and default having been made in the payment of notes secured therebv. the undersigned trustee will ofTer for sale to the highest bidder at auction at the court house door in Yadkinville, Yad kin county, North Carolina, on Monday, April 3th, 1926, between the hours of 12 o'clock ^*oon and 2 p. m., the following described real estate; lying and being in Yadkin county and more particu larly described as follows: Bounded on the west by W. D. Holcomb and D. B. Holcomb, on the North by J. H. King, on the east by V. L. Long and on the south by V. B. Holcomb, contain ing 48 acres, more or less and being a part of the L. C. Holcomb old tract. This March 3, 1926. H. H. BARKER, Trustee. 3 4 5t.

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