falkkitt lUppl* W. E. RUTLEDGE Editor and Publisher W. E. RUTLEDGE, JR. Associate Editor Published Every Thursday Entered at the Poetoffice at Yadkin vllle, as aeoond class mall matter. ‘ Established 1892 Subscription Rates:. 1 Tear __$1.00 6 Months___ Ji Payable In Advance A Strange Theory “Spending’s the way to pros perity.” That’s the strange doc trine by which Congress is once more seeking to lift this country out of its depression. It is send ing more billions after the many other billions that have already been spent in vain, as far as re covery is concerned. If you, as an individual, set out to better yourself financially by spending wildly, your neighbors would call such conduct foolish. Why isn’t it Just as foolish for a govern ment to do that very thing? Lav ish spending results in waste and worse, in governmental as well as in private affairs. There is abun dant evidence to support that statement. Appropriation for human relief can be defended, but spending to buy prosperity hasn’t a sound leg to stand on. That’s not politics, but merely good sense. We need thrift, not waste. One Kilowatt-Hour We’ve all heard of kilowatt hours—which are a measurement for a certain amount of electri city. But few realize Just how much energy one kilowatt-hour represents. In a recent laboratory test, a strong young ex-pugilist was put to work driving a hand generator until exhaustion forced him to stop. He produced Just a little over one per cent, of one kilo watt-hour. More than two hun dred men took turns operating a bicycle-driven generator — and their combined efforts, kept up until they were too weary to go on, produced just ten cents worth of electricity! A kilowatt-hour of electricity, purchased from a utility com pany, costs a fraction of one cent to five cents, depending upon your monthly consumption. BOONVILLE Miss Davis Honored Mr. and Mrs. Tyre C. Davis, of Boonville, Route 1, entertained at a birthday party Saturday even ing honoring their daughter, Jet tie Rae, on her 17th birthday. Many interesting games were enjoyed, after which cakes, pickles, and hot chocolate were served to the following guests: Miss Jettie Davis, honoree; Misses Louise Blakley, Virginia Hagga, Joyce Hinshaw, Jettie Mae Caudle, Marie Violet and Betty Davis. Messers. Joyce, Roger, and Charlie Frank Hutchens, Curtis and Fred Brown, Johnson Wall, Travis Blakely, Raymond and Clyde Fletcher, Thad Speer, Paul and Leo Hobson, Junius Matthews, Walter Flynn, Claude Lineberry, Claude Morefield, Homer Coston, Willie Gray Hardy, Edsel Wooten, Berdan Brown, Bruce Vestal. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis. THROUGH KEYHOLE By BILL RUTLEDGE A HODGE-PODGE list OP DISPARATE NOTES Comet Note: Yadkin natives are hereby warned not to do any thing: rash If, in the middle of one of these clear, sunshiny days the sky suddenly turns a peculiar yellow, followed quickly by dusk, or almost total darkness, accom panied with a smell Of burning oxygen. It will only mean that Cunningham’s Comet has come between the earth and the sun. This “Yellow Day” is due at noon on January 19, the Astrologists say. As some of you Jitterbugs will remember, the same thing happened in 1881, causing no end of confusion and scurrying about when the populace decided that the oxygen smell was brimstone burning, and lost no time making up for lost prayers. * • * Treasure Note: Any Yadkin county person receiving letters from Mexico requesting the re ceiver to help find a plot of buried treasure or otherwise claiming to have a “get rich quick" scheme should entirely, disregard the missive or turn it over to Sheriff Inscore. Such letters have been received in Sur ry, Forsyth, and many other counties around here recently. The sender usually pretends to be locked in jail, and has from $100, 000 on up in a trunk supposed to be somewhere in the U. S. or Mexico. The writer then states that he has a friend, whom he has the utmost confidence in, and to contact him. Naturally, it will take six or seven hundred dollars to get the trunk out of hock or to pay storage fees, but after that he will gladly divide the money with you. So you are supposed to meet the friend in some ob scure place, with the money, of course, at which time you will be lucky to get off with a tap from a blackjack and a couple of black eyes. WWW Foreign Language Note: Be cause of changing world condi tions, there has been a movement on in North Carolina to change the teaching of French, Latin, and other foreign languages in schools to Spanish. Speaking from a purely personal stand point, and remembering how we struggled through three years of Latin and French in school, we heartily endorse the movement, except that we add that they kick out Spanish too. Unless a student considers majoring in foreign languages or teaching them in college later in life, we consider it a waste of time to teach any foreign language to high school students. We know this is revolutionary, but we also add that in place of foreign languages, a class or two should be taught to prepare students, es pecially those who will terminate their education upon graduating from high school, to leave with at least a smattering of learning to enable them to cope with the cold, cruel business world (as our lady English professor used to tell us in college) and the little mat ter of making a living. W * W , Humor Note: Sheriff A. L. In SWEETS FOR THE SWEET Give Her a Box of WHITMAN’S CANDY For Christmas We have more than a dozen different types of this delicious candy to choose from—Nougats, Bon-Bons, Creams, etc., besides a wide price range from fifty cents to five dollars. Many other gifts to choose from. See our— EVENING IN PARIS SETS, MEN’S SETS, WALLETS, AND KITS CAROLINA DRUG STORE Mrs. W. E. Rutledge, Owner R L. West, Jr., Clerk score tells the following joke on himself and Deputy Sheriff W. E. , Wishon which happened the | other day. Mr. Dock Knott | walked into the Sheriff’s office 'and sat down. “It’s a nice day, isn’t it?” he said to Deputy Sher iff Wishon. “Do you think we’re going to have any snows this winter?” "Yes,” said Mr. Wishon, in a solemn tone of voice. “It’s going to snow nine times this winter.” Mr. Knott pondered over that one for a minute or two. He got up and walked out. Across the street he met Mr. Z. R. Cleary. “Who is that tool who stays in the Sheriff’s office?” a iked Mr. Knott. , "Which one?” sifted Mr. Cleary. “There’s two Pho stay in &£*£> NOTICE OP Under and.by Virtue of ftn der of the Superior (fruit kin County, mSde in f proceeding entitled I. Administrator of O. A. ceased, Truman Jester Vonie Jester, vs. , Pernle minor, the undersigned _ sloner will, on the 28th day cember, 1940 at 2 o’clock P. the courthouse door in Yu, ville, North Carolina, Offer ior sale to the highest bidder for C&h that certain tract of lUnd lying and being in Knobs Township, adjoining the lands Of John Co vert, Lester Martin, Ab Lyons, It. R. Bailey and others, and bound ed as follows: Beginning St a white oak stump and iron pin on the south side of old road school house comer with old road as it meanders as follows: South 65 deg. West 2.70 chs. South 70 deg. West 11.50 chs. South 78 deg. West 10 chs. to the forks of South 65 deg. 9.50 chs. South 68 deg. West 5 chs. South 62 deg. West 3 chs. South 45 deg. West to a point on the West side of creek, then down the creek on the West side of said creek far enough to enable O. A. Jester to have the right to keep the banks cleaned on the West side of the Creek to a mulberry, R. P. Jes ter’s comer on the West side of the Creek, North 68 deg. East 2.50 chs. to O. A. Jester’s comer with his line North to a black gum, comer in John Colbert’s line East 40 Chs. to the beginning, containing 28 5/10 acres, more or less. (Bk. 30, p. 90). Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of L. P. Jones, R. P. Jester arid others and bounded as fol lows: Beginning on a rock on the South side of a ditch which is South of old black gum, L. P. Jones’ comer, runs North 79 deg. West 3.77 chs. following the ditch to the creek crossing the creek to oak (down), then with R. F. Jes ter’s line Southward to a stake, formerly a red oak with Jester’s line East with his line 3 chs. to his comer, then North to the branch, the beginning, containing 3 3/4 acres, more or less. (Bk. 16, p. 187.) This the 29th day of November, 1940. F. D. B. HARDING, 12-26 Commissioner. TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina Yadkin County. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained In a deed of trust dated the 17th day of De cember, 1938, executed by F. E. Marshall and wife Ida B, Mar shall, R. H. Marshall and wife, Blanche Marshall to F. D. B. Harding, Trustee for W. F. Dick erson, which deed of trust Is duly recorded In Boofc 72, page 68, of fice of the Register of Deeds, Yadkin County, North Carolina, ahd default having been Midi fid the payment of the same, the un dersigned will offer for public sale, for cash, to the highest bid der at the Yadkin County court house door at 12 o’clock noon on Monday, Jan. 6, 1941, the herein after described real estate: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stake, Ben Shore corner, runs East 11 chs. to a stake on East Bank of road, then South 33 chs. and 50 links to a stake, then East 15.20 chs. to a white oak bush, then North 30 chs. to road, then Eastward with the road as it meanders 38.84 chs. to a stake in the middle of road, then North 3 East 18 chs. tb corner near the spring, then West 16 chs. to a stake, then North 4 chs. to a stone, then West 10.50 chs. to a dead post oak, then North 33.50 chs. to South Deep Creek, then up the creek as it meanders 36.74 chs. to mouth of a ditch, Ben Shore comer, then South 5 West 36.90 chs. to the beginning, con taining 280 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the above, beginning at an oak stump on the South side of the public road, runs South to a pile of rock, Mize corner, then East to a hickory, then North to the pub lic road then West with the road to the beginning containing 2 acres more or less. THIRD TRACT: Adjoining the above tracts, beginning at a stake the S. W. comer of above first tract, runs s. 30 chs. to a dog wood bush on road, then North ward with the road about 20 deg. East 19.30 chs. to a stone, then East ll chs. to Sam Harmon’s comer, then South 57b East 6 chs., 65 links to a stone on bank of. branch then down the branch 50 East 3.27 chs. to a white oak, then South 57 East 1 ch. to a stone, then North 30 East 6 chs. to a hickory then North 52 East 2.77 chs. to a stone John Colvard line, then West with Colvard’s line 13.43 chs. to pointers, then North ll chs. to a stake near the old Lynch comer, then 16 chs. to beginning, containing 29% acres more or less. This the 2nd day of December, 1940. F. D. B. HARDING, 1-2-41 Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina, Yadkin County. In the Superior Court Before the Clerk. * J. C. Morrison and wife, Susie Morrison; F. E. Morrison and wife, Ellen Morrison; C. C. Morri son and wife, Lelia Morrison; vs. W. T. Morrison and wife, Lillie Morrison; Mary Eliza Hinson and husband, Weaver Hinson; P. L. Boyd, Lottie Lee Boyd Durham and husband, Claude Durham; Henry Boyd and wife, Mozelle Boyd; Carl Boyd, Charlie Boyd, and Louise Boyd. Under and by virtue of author YADKIN THEATRE ALWAYS A GOOD OFTEN A GREAT S-H-O-W S-H-O-W THURSDAY — FRIDAY A COLUMBIA I COMEDY Mill I Mij-m LORETTA YOI.'NG MELVYN' DOUGLAS m maud Km imams i Added Attraction “Screen Snapshots” Latest War News SPECIAL... ON STAGE... IN PERSON Friday, Dec. 13, 1 Day Only ilAimJBUW KAINL-H GIRLS” Musical Entertainers of Radio and Screen Admission 15c-20c You saw them in one of our Gene Autry Pictures, NOW hear and see them in person. SATURDAY Bargain Matinee at 2:30—Admission 10c-15c “FRONTIER PONY EXPRESS” Starring Roy Rogers and Mary Hart Added Attractions—45 Minutes of Comedy 10:30 — Late BURLESQUE Show —10:30 R-E-D H-O-T Fun, from the Wide Open Spaces A Show for those who like their FUN more than a little over on the WARM side Admission 35c ... (90 Sizzling Minutes) Mon. - Tues. MOON OVER BURMA sjjrTTjitjljJ “Family Day” Wed. BIGHDIE serv/hit TROUBLE O liir* r'Ai Ity conferred upon the undersign* sd Commissioner by an Order of His Honor J. L. Crater. Clerk Su perior Court, of Yadkin County, Horth Carolina, appointing W. If. Allen il Commissioner in the shove entitled action, to sell the lands hereinafter described, for the purpose of making division among the heirs of C. L. Morri ioh, deceased, on the terms of one-third cash, and the balance In one and two years after date, the deferred payments to be se deed of trust upon said cured by a M estate. Therefor* said real eitate, the following described property, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron stake on the north side of the Waits Road, and runs Westward With the meanders of said load 23.35 chains to a stake, Charlie Morri son’s comer; thence North 3 deg. East 5.25 chains to a stone; thence West 3.16 rJiaitie to a stone in the Yadkin and Wilkes County line; thence North 3 deg. East with the said county line 41.25 chains to the fork of a branch; thence Eastward and up the branch as it meanders to a pile of stone and dogwood on the south side of said branch; thence South 58 deg. East crossing the branch twice to a white oak; thence East 6.50 chains to a sour wood; thence South 1% deg. West 14.60 chains to a stake and stone in a field; thence West 4.40 chains to a stake mid stone; thence South 23 chains to the be ginning, containing 114 acres more or less. This the 20th day of November, 1940. WM. M. iiLLEN, 12-12 Commissioner. COLDS AN* CONANS NUC TO COLDS ■■fibotttt Dm it If ■<* entirety —t Nii MHy pfoiBpdy refunded. PRICE ONLY 25c RECEIVER’S NOTICE As receiver of J. W. Cashion, trading as Yadkin Furniture Company, Yad kinville, N. C., I have for sale a con siderable lot of stoves, household and kitchen fttrniture in the Warden Building, Yadkinville, N. C. All per sons desiring lo pay their account due said Company may do so. This December 11,1940. / MRS. MAE WELLS, Receiver RIPPLE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS It is against the law for any person or firm of business to possess fire-crackers, fire works of any kind, or to op erate punch-boards or any other games of chance. Anyone having either in their possession will be prosecut ed to the fullest extent of the law. A.LWSC0RE Sheriff HEADQUARTERS FOR Christmas Gifts For The MAKE YOUR DOLLARS GO FARTHER! GIFTS FOR ! HIM Make Him happy with one of our Electric Razors _$6.00 Latest Model Radios, Beginning at ...._$9.95 Shotgun Shells, Peters, Kleanbore and Mon arch, Beginning at ... 75c Billfolds, beginning at ..$1 Flashlights , beginning at ._.59c Stock up his tool kit with any size or grade of tool from our large stock. Make your presents useful this season — Come into Yadkin County’s Christ mas store and look over our practical gifts. TOYS VISIT OUR TOY ROOM! Wagons_$1.50 to $8.00 Tricycles — $1.50 to $10.50 Airplanes _50c up Tanks, 3 sizes 25c to $1.00 Electric Trains _$8.50 Dolls, all sizes, 25c to $3.00 Movie Outfits _$6.95 Air Rifles _—$2.00 Drums _ —$1.10 Mineralogy Outfits ..$1.00 Games, Puzzles, Horns, and Pencil Sets GIFTS FOR HER Give the family superb Coffee with a Cory Coffee (glass) Brew er. 4 sizes from_$2.45 Electric Toaster __$7.50 Waffle Irons for Hot cakes, beginning at $3.98 Hotplates, single or double, beginning at __—_$1.60 Electric Biscuit Baker, Table Model_$10.95 Give her a complete set of Pyrex Glassware, all sizes, for every use. We have many other desirable values that will prove ideal for gifts. Come in today and let as show yon oar large stock of labor-saving ap pliances. Mason Hardware & Electric Co. Phone 41-W Yadkinville, N. C. Santa Clans will be at Mr store Christmas week. Brine the kUfles to visit him urf leek over oar Hne of asefal rifts.

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