' ' Ml ' i V T7JS" PC J! L1C GOOD OV It- CHIEF STUDY. fcmtine rcti 1 cmcuua tux. ttXIZt 113 ff XUUlt. VOL IV. YANCEYVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, OCT. 7, 1887. NO. 13. THE CAS WEILL MEW? ; The News- rvauuixo kvtsv ramar r W II. Til om rsoK. I if" JOffict Cfklt CaUdla ct Kerr's Hotel. Stxo A I'EAR, IXADVA.XCZ. tXTTW beat adetrujUf coaary. Kale bmi ! la tW A. K. llXXDElSOX, ttorticy-at-Zaw, YANCEY VI LLE. N. C J. C WNNIX. J-. Attorney at Law, YANCEY VI LLE, N. C Oict otxt Horucf. Ifarrclaoa ft Co'a store. VU practice ic tbe Coeru of tai Jadi rial Diitrirt. Jj, r. II. J..nw, f Jruci Ihisto, Weatwortfc, NX Yanceyville, N. C JOHNSTON & JOHNSTON, Attorneys at Law, YANCEYVILLE. N. C. ttoeapt aruratioa girt to buiaru cm ted to them. WATT & WITHKRS, Attomryt and Counselors at -Laic, YANCEYVILLE N. C. V1 rife aroeapt att cation to all binee eoabded to then. The tcaior paxtacr. Ko. B. Wait, caa always t foead at their occ i aacerviu vara aot acccuaruy at tent. Liver Complaint It tr rarefy ant! rpardi! rami by th uas ef Arr Sartarwri:!, thia by aay mlxr rrmrdy. a rrca raferer frota Brtr troubles, aaj uc rr fvtxsd aar tlfr t!at fiietae pmaurtJ reikf atXl I brjaa tali; Aycre jrta;irfna, about tweyrsrsan. A few UUki tf ILL Bard ic: rn lured a radkid eurr. TTna II Baler. liS W. IlraakJ.&a tt rWtoo, X, A Remarkable Cure. AfWi SaraamrCIa kaa enrrd mWu . bad a caa of of tka IJrrr a ur baeaaa alj ewikl 1 aSMed wtU aoj Ara. I rsj robarj to tNe koae fa tv Tcaca. a!, for Um Lat Una DaualU af Ifcai d(a, araa ua.LW to leave my bcL Car Mi4ciaa inalrU mm ltai ra.W. t fart, oocaia bHd aaa. nut & mou ajvti umpafuk , awiax qamr of UhUo oX tai cia I uria to ftl beUrr. aa4 aXBikBAl artcxtl la brut bcaUfe aaU atrrvlu I nl Urn aa4 ana now U t atlrivJ umrU 1 waft l twa oiW rutJ dtitxit-i Xrtara. (th"ut 4!Sruhr. ATer Sa frrCa ba acrompiUbra a3 thla for W.B.Vlacr,Caruaaxjr,lik&. A"er's Sarsaparilla, "iL i r ' r- - n'iK-irorrf. Progress is bom . experience Sin is thought before it is acted. Do iiot scold, and never threaten. Even Ihe weakest man is strong enough to enforce his conviction. Nothing is more dangerous than m friend without discretion. As fire is discovered by its own light. to is virtue by its own excellence. If we have but a crust of bread we thou!d insist npon serving it properly. A mother writes: Once a week in rirubly, and it wis generally when we had cold meat minced, I gave tb chil dren a dinner, which was hailed mi:h delight and looked forward to ; this was a dish of boiled onions. Tne b'ule things knew not that they were the bct of medjcanes fot repelling what most children suffer from wormi Mine were kept free by this remedy alone. Not only boiled onions for din- iZonte-JIatie fcaMvIr. ' Try a sun bath fear rheunual'hi. Try clam broth fur a cak stomadi. Try cranberry potilikres for crysirte- The first SDrir,-! of rreat events, like I ta wcrc four- those of great rivers, are often mean N1 10 d and little. &nd for this purpose they had tufts of The world could not oa if people thc m ihcir liulc cnsl It was a meuicai man wno tan?nt me to gave up labor whenever it became irksome. How many hearts are eaten owt in longing for what they have no power to reach. If you would never have an evil deed spoken of in conn-.ction with you don't do one. Strength with men is insensibility, I county, he writes as follows : greatness is pride, and calmness is in- tl.rTerence- (Irant graciously what you cannot refuse safely, and conciliate those you cannot conquer. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice. Take each man's censure least three weeks earner las. Try swallowing saliva when troubled with a soar stomach. Try eating onions and horse radish in relieve dronsilcAl swel!?n4. Try hot flannel over the set of neu ralgia pain and renew frequently. Try buttermilk for thc removal of tan and walnut stains and freckles. Try the croup tippet when a child is likely to be troubled in that way. Try a cloth wrung from cold water put about the neck for sore throat. Try taking cod liver oil in tomato catsup if ou want to make it palata ble. Try walking with your hands behind you :l you arc becoming ocut lor eat boiled onions as a specific cold in the chest. He did not know at the time till I told him that they were good for anything else." The above appeared in the "LaJicas ter New Era," and hiving fallen under jwird. thc eye of an expeiienJ physician of Try snuffing powdered borax up the nostrils for catarrhal cold in the head The above ought to be published I Try breathing fumes of turpentine in letters of gold and hung up beside lor carbolic acid to relieve whooping the table, so that the children could cough. read it and remind their parents that j Try taking a nap in the afternoon if no family ought to be without onions h ou are going .to be out late in the ev- the whole ' year round. Plant old on- j ening. , ions in the fall and they will come up j Tn a silk handkerchief over the the I face when obliged to go out against the DrJlMB asdekno.vs store, n. c. V Jl oractka U CacII coaaty. N. C aa4 kJfoiaiar coaatics CaIU by nail aad oh- I trwifrt arowpuy axicaca to. Mexican 'Mustang Liniment i,f tt ;,r -f at least tnrec weeks earner in People worry themselves ill; they sPrinS than by spring pUnting. Give cold, piercing wind. . u .i .i--.u t-u: children of all aces a few of them raw. I very loousn; inere arc iou o oineri ; y m . f not mus treating tnem witn a mess or people to worry. If you would find a great many faults, be on the lookout; but if you want to find them in unlimited quan tities, be on the look-in. A man should never be ashamed to J. C. Corbott & Brcv Watchmakers Jewelers, CORIIETTS, N.C WATCHES. CLOCKS, SPECTA CLES. JEWELRY, GUNS. PIS TOLS AND SEWING MA CHINES Cartfal rrpirJ aad warn at fd. BLACKSMITHING. Tkm mdnml will eoatiaac tka UUcL- .:tVl biIaM a4 will rte d to have tb aJi nuoarn cmt aai ea a as. Horse Shoeinga Specialty, I ! nrrrxl to do all wv. tat h t IMMf, abrt sotkw aal oa icaaaaablc tfm A. B. WATSON. faalda. Ioac Xltaa. OTJZU30 Icratekas Ipraiaa, ttralav ftiUUa, SUffJaiata, laataaaa. laaiaaa. Crma avU Crakt. BtacJaa, Zriytlaajt, Haof AH, rUaa. It is generally conceded uowr tliat raw onions three or four times a week.ihe ocftt method of prejiaring and When they get too large or too strong keeping forage for cattle u by silo .... ' la a i a to be eaten raw. then boil or roast Out oruinaniy mucn expense at them. During unhealthy season when I tnche to the making of one. cspc-. diphtheriaj and like contagious diseases jcially when pita are used, and thc own he has been in the wrong which Prevail flons ou8ht to eatcn ,n owner of only one cow cannot with is but saying in other words that he is ine sP"n4 01 mc car " icasi onf Prullt ,akc onc of -any fiize. A. wiser tcwlay than he was yesterday. week. Onions are invigorating and gCntlCrnan of this'city has, howev- To insure lomr life recreation should propnyiaaic oeyona oesenpuon. r ur 0 I .t 1 11 .1 1: t r - - . . be a cart of our dailv life. It makes cnaucngc uxc ujcuuu nciu; th hv man thonchtfiil an.l kT th. a" 7 coother, to point out apUce thoughtful man buav. It iniurea health whcTC children have died from diphthe - Mr m usea treeiy. more work in less time and better. Let your sail be larger than your boat. er, hi upon a -plan by .which lie proposes to make enough ensilage to feed his cow during tho "winter at small expense. lie lias procured a large nnnibcrof engnr hogsheads. From alxut half an acre of ground Many Don't. he has cut and prepared a sumcicut Don't be impatient, no matter if quantity of green corn, which woaj Jl IWh, tit. IU htU' lliv v-nr injv. ri tin?tA I f j line urr.int'fil flip a row, atfd built, a . I ba M o fort k9 Bf. H. L Jopr, I Surgeon Dentist, Ulackmklu, N.C. Vtrtrttlllr oflcra hit acrricea to thc ciii- raa of CaawU ai aJjMAlC coaatica, im try depart meat of lHtitry. Will rt rtMBPf att ratio to calls by mxL Cbaryat Kodeiate. James Fricker, 328 Main Street, DAirVILLK, VA. cm fat jexnrcrox u ri f k'aubaa, CVxka. Jewtlry, Ic. TH13 GOOD OLD STAB D -BY pJtab toe iiajKAr imM; UI bUlJ foetu O i Ua f in wm toe thm gtmt poyUrWy W iaa VaetMc liataMml te foowllalU aateerMl amalllir KwrUilr awJ aack a BHel The LiaWrMii 11 Ii mm of ktUmi. T a Ilea tewlfe al tt rwe i.Mrtlfima aa. Te bala Uj U alvar wek Tka rtltrMfltilarM i wwiwry, Tk riaaraUl-eanrtJotiacstc Tka Farmer s!4 U Ue kaei. tw tcable. aa4 kw tlk Ar4. Tka SeeaaakMl aaa a er ike I!eataa aaa tt fca tAaral mtftAf iIkIiw Mkora. Tka Ileraefaaeler keeAle la ft kj kte lt frVa4 aa4 eaMC rIUoca. Tka P4M4rfr aarUe tt tt w!U aaa kla Uuanlj oT r aa4 a wcrtt f tbl Tka Rallra4aBAaalUaaa wi3aee4!te aa kai Ufa te a roua4 ot acatlaU ao4 aaaear. Tka Rak wtaiaaaa aaaoa It. TW ivA- te Uaa Umm aafHata far tka Aaacara ta UXa. fort wklek eaernaaa tka pkemtrr. a4 tt steal kle caoea m H wCS kicpa. aa4 wkra tiatme4 U waae4 at oara. K aaa a Beetle U tka Itaaae. -Tie tka kaat of XaeaaBetltela tkeFarterr. ttataawtfUf aa la aaa ar ar.tat ea rata aa4 kaa af Me. Kee av Baetla AlrU tka Stakle fer aa wkea waaiel. irinnni.QH niiRflNS. "",v,,w" w"r"'rr' : . ',7;. " .I ,h,n ,? It every .ime to!u ceivej by thc above firm. ... . . k i tm mb mtn av oa inn invmrnr m w nr ipvruinnr rmi ni. v ii totaauaM ,aatct.rert.4 NaNHil, Boston, he wore a oair of vellow came to her when busy, she Umist you 1 auvcruxrmcm m ut-, tu.u.u,, 1 ' 1 . . .- 1 1 cross wonif uear, Kinq, rho never ceases to! "And so jour father has gone to a things do sometimes go wrong. Don't gown very illicit, to fill the hogs- rv - f,vnr hm ran if h. K'vc uic uuu a kit, iu xuu ii tuW ijcado. Attcr inline tnem. ue unwelcome. . the nearest mud puddle, .because it pacoj tMC heads on top, and upon Build a castle in the air without put- won,t 5 St when you throw it. jG j1(wj3 he pced heavy weigats tine a foundation under it. 1 Jena thc raarD,es .aSa,nst Put vour trust in monev but instca j fcncc and brck yur bc$l g55 a! put your money in trust. becauj e w duis couldt ?l hogsheads in Uc discouraged by trifles; patience 'VMC UI r,j T'i r- slater over them and wys tie-has I , - aII a-k.. aw ufA if II tint I , and perseverance will accomplish won- "4 . . ' a very good, inexpensive silo wliich onng your aute oown irom uic wen , r .1 h h, first irk r it wiU take vou fullv i urui Jl 23 S00 diwbffC for the thr time a Ion to it down aft- wi,lttsr as C00)11 bo taken from a pit erwards. Dont cive your little broth- W frame ailo. News-Observer, er an ancnv nuJi and A shorn word! if " 0 1- 1 . 1 Ha nnnnt mtn h mrttmM Oil "I want tO thank VOU. WTlteS Z ders. Look down on one because of physi cal disability. Milton was blind. Judge a man by his failure in life ; for many a one (ails because he is too Snub .any one. Not alone because marole-playing or hoop-rolling laith the young man to B. F. fohnson & Co!, nme ,Uv thru rmv outxf rin vou in the ht lesson. You were once as stupia rvicnmonu, a., race of life, but because it is neither , thongh you have soon forgotten position kind nor right, nor christian. it for placing. me in a by which I am enabled to make money faster than 1 ever did be- What in thc work! would become of (fore. This is but a sample extract of Sec their ..... .... t- I w.ii if vnnr mnthrr hail no more , na-1 t!ie many hundred of similar letters re- wears snaooy ciouies. vvnen ruiison j- ' 1 . . . . 1 . .1 t . : 1 s-ii4 1 rtr oiinvA nrm intr r ' r"1 o g Z7T"r,'nn n i u s i linen breeches in Ihe depth of .inter. 1 PfC. - .,7 f O . mother, w; -A- 71iTSfeVi:4irn , u . .. . . think of you; who 11 I EI GiL? "I have ir .hep, ear, ae Xa- IrU3 L rjJ1' ..4 (W a II lMM.r- such nice things if she were to rould be half to her. to tell am convinced that this prctioo. as L about trombla b Khool and r rLiv ? Ah. hoar vou rrieve that Dame, Pastor Congregational church,!. . 0; and cross- 1 - lAnoover, .Me. keeps you so nicely J missionary station ? cess. 1 1 A Utile girl was silting at a table op- awawwawajBwaj awawa I I nosite a centleman with a waxed mus- A asaxp mi wkat w aic &ot wa att I COIfrJISH CL CO- mrrTOW. a. t, JLt L 1tmtl Cm k wlaL cL I ataaataa l-a -PM--A U"U aUf WtUk toe X-OO, Ov a 0?w Fact S3tr ata-w4a4imf rik foe Stow. rvaUrt a4 Ric. 16c. ' wepar wa itra. New Seriea Watcrbvy WaUa, tat eat ot. t $1.30, pti J iCcea&a. a i C tail arricU retry week. ;EAICUIlDEVELOPED 1 1 p 'vO "" I aa XrTrr-l ac tache. After gazing at him for several moment?, she exclaimed: MMy kitty lias got smellers too." Old Alabattut. V. C Ivourd, Lecsburg, Alx, writes My little babe, ten months old, was al most dying from teething, gave it Dr. Bikers' Huckleberry Cordial The happiest result followed. . Every home should hare it. It kaa beta ia coastaat foe 16 .cord cqmal Father Ixss of sleep sustained from anxiety spent over the httle one so slowly astd I a. tt-. whether be knows it or not pitifully wasting awiy from thc effect I thinks thinks twice as much of a to- rtara, wiu a re-1 of teething, unfit you lor business, why tT,ari who is prcttfly diessed, and takes led by aoeat. rvt iix Dr. liters Hucklchrrrr Cnr. ... ;n MlVino tr a - m - I OO . ii UIUV4I l4JVfcWM M ""'"ft w 'i y III" ao to blew dowa aalesa tr-e Tower fewUli it; or agaiatt aay wial tkat loe sot disable aabataatial farm bailJ. ia(t; to be perfect; to oatlaat a4 do better we k ikam aay otber aaill amade. i Maaafxtare botb rweaptaf; aavd Geared Mi;la aad carry a fail baa of wio MILL ' i rruts- Sewd for catatocae aad pricca. i AttITt VAJTL3. : iiirzz miin VUJ tJJLk II CI. j J Mu&avaka, fkcca. daik her. There is but onc way to give ; to share as children of the same Father that pcrnoQ of the riches of the world and trust it to one care. Nothing else ti true giving ; it is merely tossing a bone to a dog. Sufferers from the effects of qunine used as a remedy for chills and fever, should try AVer's Ague Cure. , Thit preparation is a powerful tonic. whoDy vegetable, and without a parade of any noxkxas drug. Warranted a sure cure. "Yes ; we arc quite alone now." "Don't you miss thc directing hand of your household Y- "O, mother didn't go." The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother. 1-A In selecting 'a dairy cw tb moat Important point Is pod constitution, indlcabad by Urg- luiii, stimavch and digestive capacity. She should corn from a srood milklnff family, tb eyes bright, muzzia broaJ, noatrii thin and Urge, chest and lip broad. tes fat, adder brood, milk veins Urgt aud bead tmtL No kind of siabblft, excpt of dover. of which the root forms Uwt priori pad ptrt, U worth anythins aa nana re. Of raln crops, fajcially, neither tfc stubUa above ground nor tha root b low U worth regarding m a fertilizer. If the straw of grain stubbie cmn b it fa na wrmtm ta auJLa tliia dia- I1 tha ..ti T I UmWtboni a4 ax attar- ocauu oia. -1 f adUa IHtreWr1ttaf . Lt us s how an Indian of North America to work to wrtba. fiap- ; pe m w lid Indian ibeWmpn "to th grrat clan wha LniU r call them- ilves the Turtles, maka a raid oa a I ilia fit hut and wipranaownod by eneaucs bejo.igta n. wida-rrmd clari aMj ihe Iii; eiaa. Suprowt tt has taken the Turtle three day &t hard travel , thrrHipH ft aiwl oyer tho latU.tO're.krli tU. JUar. !! m wiidf thtlr craft i."'a. 'titvy-iiiHl that tho bravo men of tl itears art away hunt- j lng mc. &od thai moat of the aaoasf. and papoosca an cither In th fields of mail or tntUe rooda.wbcrr thctrrrUj aro ripe, ami only a frw okt mn and woraf;1 ac Icfi b't:lnd f ke p rf Uh oreraouif rKiu siiid oxciu TIm-u ti -Turtle. iMrh t intchuig his bow, crvp on thc vtiU4 :t.li r cor-r uf Un w.xxj , and with a Wt u5 y ril ruali at the- wi warns. . Tfif 1 4' r j ruvi Into tho cupula, fiiiiicn! .ilaiit lo t!f-t!i.t you can wi ll iminp. Tlie-n the Turtj . gather up all ihe innica aiid orrn, drira theai off. burn all tho wJ'warnt they ;. .. can, and hurry hoiu with Ihe cattle. Now tlx savages think - Uiey have done quib a fuif. thiiifr in rohbin? their neighbors of llwir cattle and plunder inland bmirg tiir homes, aadea one great nation in Kiror whrn Hko ( our Ttirilo chie?rtr.tn. batity eoiuiUxl by wicked and nmbUimiV mi, it rob another of iu great province, and then forces the wntc4ul jnopie to oby Uia laws of a natlmi tlicr dislikes. A ud they wish to let other Indian know what clerwr robbers they have been. So taa Turtle chief chooses a piece of amootb. ercm-colorctf birch bark, chews up a little . tobacco to servo ; aa Ink, phacka twig of soft-wood for a petv and with . tho tobacco juice draws tho following pictures: . - First comes a Turtlo and it Is a very bf g turtle, because he tldnka he and hi clan are very gteat perymatres ludced. ' Then lie draws as many wavintr liues. to represent bows, as then arc IiulUna in his pnrty, nnd perhaps the hmc num ber of Indians njth .topknots; hit lnua bend forward to show in what dm-co tion tho trail went. Polhjwjiig' theai; a rising sun stands for! daybreak, and throe lines under it means that thra days went by in going to the' Dears. Next, he puts down ' as many litth funny pyramids as there were Hear wigwams, and draws them Upside dowm Y to Rhow how thy wer destroyed. After ; that he draw, as well as he can, a wmy wee lx:ar, very small in oriVr to show his eoriUmpt for the nears. Finally, he draws with th grcatt cart as many -oxen nnd wnie aa lie has captumL, heeaus ho i ehUfly proud of this part of hie exploit and wfcdics all tho wolld of tho woods to know what a great and successful robber be Is. He docs not Uii lh.it the Ifcar bravea were away when be surprised the eamp, and propably does nrit car to UTT that part of iho sloryv We may understand it from the absence to f any sign fof ; scalp. Had then ten resistance and men slain on either sldi, the exact number of dead would have been noted ! by drawing jut as any human flgtiref without their heada -ti: : Li!i i ' vv" " - .---,:-. ' The greatest mistake a wife can make i 16 neglect her apt?ararke ; it is a great surrender of a magic waru!, without which a woman may still have Charms, but. roost often J pu niches, IcT iclf too so ercly, anl sees her error (00 late: " . : ! y ' . iifffiSi a ' a a a a a m z m m ' - IIUII 111 III la Ia ' TtM aaaiKrfiM!, aceablrlfif tiwPi niia iu imdlmm THE DESWOiaC. rakaaa it w aa aaJaiuy tmweat xaaaaaat e r- 4y aad laeey. t It j tetaiaaftae Ut T laeaa twwa It Wae4a7aa4a3 UKtUftil Utam f tt&sm Ua iata.eaa ka4rtay m Brt a. aJd k euatmSaOoa a fcatW ) l'aU If oe da ki aa !ea of bayiag a Orja or a Sraiag Maciiae? If to caC at tke Niwi o&ct. we caa kII )oa ckear-er tlua yo caa get U aaywbcxe. Lacked asa it aatrie 4 ara rar Iiaewmee4 rcter, . ttunr am- IX t eo cnaai. aca Tka rrmita aiae ta4a aeark aad Cfaeredaea mtwfmrr. Taae aax T f 1 j :- a 1 I 1