li r j1 I J .' w. i. tn:mhsi. ) !:tT8IAI3PS!llSeCf. C ri? PUBLIC GOOD OUR CHIEF STUDY. ssis:ttnisi mix siteuut Atut. VOL I V. YANCEYVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, NOV. 25, 1887. CASWELL NO. 18, f 1 ! The News- W- If. TIIOM rso.. Prtc Hkk EaiMiag neat Ken Hotel. St.oo A i'KAR. IXADl'AXCK. JTTKe tU wertir. ta?!an in the uaty. lUfc ma!e kn-.n on ju.caiion. - t ) A. K. IIKNDKKSUX. Jftttorncy-at-Zau', VANCKYV1LLK, N. C. I J. C. PINNIX, JR.. I . . . a r Attorney at .uw, VANCEYVILLK. N. C. 6 See oef floraf-ce. IUrf!o& Co tore. Will prictce K lac j ial Ihmiet. p. n. joiiNTox. I Weal worth, N-C Ynccji!Ie, N. C JOHNSXO.V & JOIINSTONV (Attorneys at Law, VANCE WILL:. c. rrcnpt attretioo gitea to Luinn en isUeJ ta them. VATT & WITHERS. tttrncyi iinJ CuituiUors at Ijr VANCKVVIM.i: N.C. Will gJe pru&pt atteation to all L--inei 1 nalet to thets. I he seaiof narner. ro. 1. Watt. ea alrr l f.-s J a: Ihfif etnte f I VaacefiUe waea not reekrilj abtent. DrJ.iHHrtlB Inilisl. N. C Will pCtwe inCarli Cuniy. ..v.ana j M'otninc cntie Cl by mail aoa inn .... .a rwive f rornj lly attcoJtil to. J. C. Corbett & Bro., Watchmakers J Jewelers, ctikiua is, n.c. WATOIES, CLOCKS. SPECTA CLES. JEWELRY. GUNS. PIS TOLS AND SEWING MA CHINES Cartfal'y'fef aire J .l warranted. BLACK"M1THING. The mler'ii;l U continoe the Mac nithio boeM aad ill r'e "! to hie 41 the 14 cc?ce coo aad s " 'ilorse Shoeinua Specialty, t! m frrre4 to J ail tiarr. o !(t coKe the U. t anl 03 tclwaaMe A n. WATSON. m& - Dr. 11. 1 Joyner, Surgeon Dentist, ! UerectM!f itr i eice to the citi 4 Catell aaJ ai!jai'c eante io t -ttf JrpMteaeat of lVtitry. Will pve j apt attcatioo to call t-y 1 Charge Kti.r. James Fkickeu, 328 Main Street, DANVILLE, TA. T KEDUCTIOX i pc? v. Oocka. Jewelry. lc t I.- r. V EJER f t a apie f wfcat we arc ioin; we l ) . .'. 1 Sdrer lUntiag Ca. key wiad. crl j : V i ch for $4.0(h I I ( .eo Face Ser ren-ian2 , ' 1 . n.o 1 raa aai Rh ih- it. f ' 8 . '..aterarr U'atcb. latert emt. -e aaj rej. t6v. citra. t ' ! r ' ttitf week. hEAXUHOEVELOPED I l, K' , I I . I . TTT7- ' I . -a 4 svrr 1, vi i ILLtt Unequaled. For th r!.f ami cure "f all dira cf ti Stoma-h, Liter, Kkftvy. and lkwtU, the raJae of Aycr CalLartio IMI caax.ot Us orereti:uteL TLia resbcUj U alio tmritaiicl In caries ntu&atic and Neuralgic aJ!?etionj. Foe erip;r the fvtmarh. IVweU. axul iJrrr in cool working trUr, I-fcavw net er 1jd1 m; mrJicia fml to Ajrr'c CalbaJttc I alwaj om tin trutflr when ccra.tioa requires. taaJoIpa iloro, Lj ncLtariC. V. AToat fire jrarm !nr. my in bm mi fU frout lU.-t:u.a:im. 1IU jiAala Otl hmU rrr 1ra wo fut f Lap ty tLm eacrurlatin la:n. acl hi groeral fcealtL was -rjr u.u h trupairrtl. fli emm !Ul not rrarh Li ca until Lm cotnmnc.l IaAJbx Ayrr'a lllln, Lfcre Uxr (rkhlU rturl J U do aa frr fr.ra the r'tn!alut as if lie hail tktrtr 1ui1 it. ar.'l Li Iistort-l hmt Lr rrvrrrl thrir tiap anl plioac. 1 AfUr auHcrin?. fcf month, from !! onlr -f the tttnarh anl IJTr. X towk A)fr' 111U. Thre; tnt curtd rue. A. J. Iuklliall. Machlt. Me. Ayer's Pills,' IVriMimtkv I J.C. Aytr AC.LaU.Ua ftwii tjr i4 lniftiM aa4 Irair ta itrOids. Liniment OUUBB Bciitfca. Serttchca, Epraira, Straina, Backache, Gal!v Epavia Crarla. Ccztrtttai KckIm, Hocf AIL Wcrru, Swinney, laddlfl Oall. Pile. vl BcaLLa. Stla Bit, Braie, Biaioiu, Ccrsj, THIS C000 OLD STAND-BY aeanr4Uhe foe every W4xarttywfca( UclJmd for ti. Oaof tbereaaoaj tcr tbcrt popularity ct If Xuticj U&taect U forta4!alu nalTcr! atlrtbllttr Er7bo!y n1 uch a nvJk:la. The I.anbarmaanwotlllaraMof acrlJBt. llaatewlfo bo-1ii far KcacnlfaaiUy a. The Caaalcr teI tt f r tcaouaaJ tU tna. TheMeehaale aJwaji co hU work rtsei. Th ?tlaer or.! it la"arf rmrcecy. The 'jprrii'''U can'tiivtalonrfwltboot It. The Fnrurr It la LI hotur. hU tabl. aaltUtWk i-L Thm Hera aitrat Kt.ii crib I1atMaa aHl tt la UjtI JM'ty 2 at an-1 ashore. Tho lUre-raairr ol It-U m fcU brat tfUnC as.1 Hrt rUiM. Tko MML.tMwcr n!i tt-lt wt!l a Urn thncJ of it-far aa4aw 14 cfUtmWa, Tae i;Jtroa4iaaBfdattaiHtwiUBJ It m krw aa l.U l.fc If a tvoaJ c f acciVeU txrrrr. T-e HrliT4:t:an -llt. ThwUMV tsUko H aj n isi'.'otr far th tnc r ta UX ttmh a-w-l ntr.f ,rt tk-h -iTPt-un4 th 1 knrr. TkiMrrrk( c. J lao hU lore .mrg hi fm 1 1 Jr A tnu wlil kat n, an4 6ta th4 cv4-) tt Itui'.v-: I J rv! i-i en I U war.t-l tlcar. Kra ltittclatSie Hae. Tt txl vt eoaosiy. Krrf ulUtlUU tae l arttn. Iutmmr3Ut cactaraoCacrlKiit!! a an4 W of Mft KP a OaOto Alwayala Ike MtMf far wa raiv4. nrnmm creams. - rr t, -. ; . . .hi ifw f- . j-. - , . - . t if r rn r ' . r - v - . . - ' ' ' t- 4 ! ' .-- il -- -r ' . v- i.' , - . . 4 "I-". . ' ... . ... . BmM , i. . t 1. t! t' t . - 1 ...'" . - fJ il i i-A? - 2 fSLtt r" tV .1 Wil It a been in eontant . is." .k4 Zlz ae lor iv Trin, wua it 'tSeot.! cqsallrd by none. TrT Warranted lA ! not to lljtr dewa cnle the To tt lh if; or aiatt an .ru that Joe Bol J-!e laSitir.lii! firni bail.t rc; to be i-erle.:; ti oa.!t ani do tettct oik thta any ethfi mo! Taaae. Mionuniirva x - ! . . - i 1 M4! ar.J ctfiT 3.1 lue 01 wi: mil Li v f " TI mi ir-u r'"- AanBB aaBk a P a M T V I I I n FULili iil3I.Ul II C Mi-hawrka. Indian 3 - v f'iijtital I'mitHlimrnt. Hcciusca ;cron lclitve that han Ing U ihe poorest use to put a man to, it i not a goxl reason why a Lrv-abiJ-ing citum shouM sign a petition for c orr.mutationof the scntrnce of the an axliists, ahhougn it is evidence that it ;s the most common reason why citi zens are now doin so. If the law which visits muulcr with the penalty of Jeaih is averse to the will otthe major ity of the people of the state, it should be rcjca!cd, and objection to it not inxle the ground for peations to sec it aside in favor of particular criminals. . It is nothing new for large numbers of xry good Citizen? to interest them selves on behalf of executive clemency to convicted criminals. So constituted is human nature that a petition for Jhe commutation of the death penalty im posed upon the most vicious and bru tal murderer is Certain of finding sign ers. There is such a fascination about signing a petition for mercy that man- sinu em scarcely rcsi iu juugmcia, reason, an.i self preservation yield to 1 1 t T...1 - the temi-tation to plead with an official sworn to administer the law, to exercise the "attribute cf God Jiimsclf." A petition for any object never lacks signatures, since there is nothing cheap er than that which cots a petitioner nothing, but which may ask anything, from a copper for a blind imposter to thc life of a condemned cut-throat. Now, what is this law of capital pun ishmcnt which so many good citizzns would have abrogated in behalf of the anarchists, or for that matter in thc Is it something nc? Was it enacted in haste ? Is it specially applicable topny class? No, it is none of these. As the pen alty for murder death has been decreed from thc earliest time, in all lands, and among all people and conditions c f men. The quesaon of its expedien cv has en traced the attention of the J t- aJ wisest philosophers and law-makers, pagan and Christian, in all ages. - Whoso sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed" is thc scriptural justification of capital pun- shment. Civilization has not yet reached any decisive conclusion that there i any wiser substitute for the death penalty f.r murder and treason, of both which crimes the anarchists were gunty. The cxjerimcnt of substituting life imprisonment of various degrees of se verity for capital punishment has been tried in several countries in Europe and in a few of the states, but not with such satisfactory results as to be of any de cisive value in determining thc expedi ency of the innovation. In one or two instances states have re-enacted capi tal punishment after a trial of doing without it. Capital punUhment may be all wrong but thc way to right thc wrong is not by jctition for its suspension as to any individuals, but for its abolition gener ally. The 1-Vre? Hoy. T. D. Mcador writes: Have five children, and under no circumstances would I be without Dr. Diggers' Huck leberry Cordial in my house, especially during thc fmit season. Thc result in in use is very gralijying. Cleanlinest damantls that ladies oc casionally waih their hair. For them to thoroughly dry it at ence is compul sory ; if they ilo not and the water is al io ed to dry in thc hair, the secretion cf thc oil glands becomes decomposed and a sour, extremely offensive odor is IcmittciL Tc after it has 1 To assist in drying long hair been cart fully nibbed in jKswJered starch can be taktn up on a brush and then removed by continued brushing. No weman can be contentctl and happy if her akin is covered with pirn fries and blotches. These dingunng ..j - uj - .or.s arc casi.v rcuioxeu : - . . t 1... tV. . . . . . . - 1 I j w v t k r a 1 & u u nrtVf!- . 1 ' f' to take, and is a .1 v.i i;J- nunfier. IIIV'I VUII'J lliwwu. ww g- KxrjciiTs ix jiasuim:. TOXIIKE. PROFESSIONAL CKAPUIONS WHO COACH Xtvr-COMERS IS THE WAYS JF THE CAPITAL, The "wives and daughters of new congressmen and officials are frequent ly thrown into society without previous preparaoa. From the quiet ot country heme this is a terrible tranvi- tion. There arc ladies here in Wash ington hosc husbands have been army or navy officers. They have spent years in society and have held and still hold hh rank. The mysteries of form and!usage arc familiar, to them, but the death or retirement of their husbands his reduced their finances Le'o;v tie figures of their extravagant tastes. These ladies now sustain their position in society leading the uninitiated through the my.-terious mazes. They teach the wives of new senators ami members from the back districts the (jK)litc forms and pilot them safely ' . " j through a winter in Washington. The , rclatioa they jloU to 'thc novicc is thal of a superior, w ho condescends to take the part of a friendly adviser orchaper r-a t r it 1 l on. i 11 ey are court ea, ici.oweu ana paid ! They are women who have been bflles :n socetv in the past, anu who dictate its forms now. They now make a business of pleasure. They advise their patrons what to wear, how to fur nish their house, how to talk and act. how to set their tables, how to receive callers and who to receive ; when to call, how -to call, and uho to call on. They tell them thc difference. between an ordinary tea and a high tea; between a dinner party and a luncheon. The rub the dust off their dialect and teach them polite forms of speech, and teh them what to talk about. They lead tlm nronnd the 'circle and teach bv ex- amnle. These chaperons are not 5 t . L. 4 iVk AA tltVl k Known as sucn et.cPi tu u.o cmp!ov mem, ana mey me- u.u u.u , . 1 1 . 1. -1 couneu 01 an wwy. 1 i.-y - perts in Washington life. In the morning, when they are not circling the rounds of society, they act thc part of private , conversationalists. There are always a number of wealthy ladies who, on account of not knowing the ways of society, or of ill-health, or perhaps because they arc in mourning, are not in the social swim. As conversationalists these queens and factotums of society briiig all the gossip and goings on in society in a morning call upon those wealthy victims of seclusion. They tell Uum who held , . 1 -..I . - . reception? last nigni ana wno were there; what they wore, what they said, and what was sa;d about them. They relate the latest t private scandal; tell what differe nt people think of each oth- r each is measured up by er, and how the whole of Jocfety. They report Irnrr XTr ' Miked withr MisS I 1 1 W ' fc .-ma. ' I . Millions, and repeat what '-society thought of it. They discus the en gagements madcj to be made, and bro ken off. All thc little bits of gossip, small talk, and. scandal they carry with exact memory as to all the interesting details, and keep Ihcir secluded patrons as well posted as if they. were amoni the most gay. They iighten up a meb ancholy morning1. 1 1 Some of thc most fashionable women ho have long teen .he -Iea.l- of t0 society earn in this way thc means keep up their establishments and to maintain themselves in fashionable lux u ry. The wives Lnd daughters of some am'cus men row dead are professional 'leabers cl sociciy,' and live by their r,tcic. n. I ltuiirH Jlett- You can't attend to your business it wearied from losk of sleep, by nurv.r.g the little one safferirjg so from the ef- feet of teething. Why not do as our neighbor and give it Dr. Diggers Icberrv l.'ordial ?! Huck-liw VitaLty and color are restore! to 1 t - y!-'r liv the use of Ay- ers iiair iji"i- . 1 1 L.ii;?i- it treetts . mil!,t,n of danclrun arvacwo I11L. W " l'1' r 77 Xtttubrr ..Yiae. The number 9 ptsiL-cs sone rc- uwi wuic projjerucs. ii me n;ne ui iS'ts 1234 567 S 9, be added to gether the sum will be 45, which u ctjual to five times nine, 'and th? sum a tiifTerent order the remainder will be di-isib!e by 9. and the sum ofthe'd.gits of the remainder will also be divisible by 9. Subtracting 5,967,634- from 7, 364,629 there remains 4.396,995. The sum of the digits, 4396995, is 45, which is divisible by .9, .If any ntun ber jbe raultiplio.1 by 9, the sum of the digits or figures of the product will be divisible by 9. Nine times 43,70,135 's 39,1,215 ; the sum cf the dibits of this product is 27, a multipl t of 9 If a number be subtracted from anoth- er having the same digits in a different order nd one of the digits of the re- Jci.iinder erased, it can be found in the following manner :' Add together the figures; of the remainder, that are Uii, divide the sum by 9, subtract the figure that remains after dividing by 9, from 9, and the last remainder wi!l be the u:git or figure sought If there was no remainder o or 9 was erased. Ask some one to wnte down a nurn- j ber and subtract from it another c. in 1 . posed of the same digits in a d-.ffererit order, without letting you .ec either of them. Tell him you want all the fig ures of the remainder but one. 13 v the above rule you can soon find the fig ure "you have not seen. The feat will appear quite mysterious to the uniniti- ateu- "ere 15 an example : auDiraci inS I56324 fm 231,456, the rcmain- tIer i 75.32- The sum of the figures 7, 5. J 3, Divide 16 by 9, we have a remainder ot 7- evcn irom 9 I 1. .U C rCJ" luc "&u,c: A Series of Misfortune 1 m i , An Englishman- of the last century. sir Thomas Robinson by name, was famous for nomine but beinz a' cteat bcrc He made a great many visits I W W Lj sometimes public men had to re- jsort to a sorts of expedients to avoid him. At the house of a certain high ottfr.iaf where he dalle I the servant's announcement, 'My master anil mis- hres are out," oftea had no effect on him. 'Oh, well," he would fay, 'T will just drop in and have a chat with the chil dren." ' Sometimes he said he "would have I .1 " iT!t : a a talk witn tne parroi, or m jiw Uo ni,ilinil- 'nf Cl'ltm1 mi' 1 ukc u . -"r -v watch by the great clock on the stair- case One morning, when it was. really im- possible to aJmit him, S f 'i 1. ur-is ap peared bright "and smiling at the door. The servant lo-kcd down from a:i up IKT Window. My master and mistress arc out. said the servant, as soon, as he saw S'.t Thorras. "Ah ? Well Til just' itcp in and" 'The children are all aeep, sir !." "Indeed ? Well, I'll " "The parrot is dead, Sir Thomas "A b, that's bad ! At any rate, I'll " 'The clock is stopped, sir ! It's not Completely baffled, the tiresome gc U- without getting in. Youth's Trajan ion. My Word. It is never well to use lig wcrd ,r, cmi'l ones will cxDrcsi r same raning. A lady who wai t 1 V r a bverved c-tll on that the famit rrc ha J Urn changes and remarkol to thc lam "You havx t-ccn metamorphosed, haven t you f j y e.S(- saU the other be:Ulirigi). You mean cakriniimtdi I .$t:pptC? much better dJcsA't 1: Another Uiy ' showing a visitor around her ground which were Wider the care of a landape gardocr, and she inquired of her friend how she l-k-' ed tne work. f "Why, I think she idt -thai jci hke symnictry - -Vhy," said the o-her, "re dodl m- o .ine-digits ol.thctr sum, 4 and S, ts lhe fcj. -and kntlhU e ouUibrium." nine. If any number is subtracted . -IWr'lk'c fel!otr-siid the svmnl. .ajfiom another having the same digits m ithctic wonian. KLi him end to bur- ar.y 00c hcte. There a a goi! cemetery qit;ccar. ; fcat caused jour bulc boy's sit ness.T aikeia plain muhcr of a moth cr whose htt'c SQaJias very til Hc was cHmlAng a ladder," ajd .ten oe.m fife careful next timcT DiJ you find the people t'ot'iigent 41 asked a clergyman of a wealthy mem- ckt of his cfiurch who had bcea callink on soms very nt fatuilirs. Oh dear, no" answered thelady; -thewcni lesjKcubie but kx isv. env.' ww trt ih-wc i- firmer. - "Urick" Pomeroy tdh in his Ud vance Thought what he w ould do if he -'wcic' a. farmer,-as follows: if,... w r 1 1 j SjrnJ even ojsc Ucur i lly i.nowa j tJl we.had'ww! and ln'diing"cut an.l Spcuvl pile 1 ticar the kitchen'' stove t' livt at least six w eeks ahead ' as a foundatkh, below uh.d; the uoxiril i . C ri(n :d n drop. Sleep on an old packed straw lcd . . ... ii . wnen there was clean, bnght stiav to le iud. 1 Compel our chihhcii to cat frcm soiled d;shes, and thus educate thcai to sbvcniitic-3. .. I ' i . '. P.reak our barks on feats Gttrcngtli to see which neighbor could hft the most, thtn gru::t for a month and let our w ile lug a s.vh'pail to and fro. liorro'w any IojI or other articles, un less the owner would agree to come for, them and take them home after" we were tluougli with themJ J Pile or hang soiled cloihcs in a beb 100m till it smelt like sheep-washing. Ixt the calf chew -harness except it belonged to a visitor wc never wishc to see again. 1 - Spend more for leer thian, for l6oks or more for tobacco than for newsta pers. . ' ; , ! v Never give a I note to any man if wc I could help it and neycr in a contract with a stranger. . Drop tools, etc, w here they aic mcd !' and thu3 spend an houi or a diy'm hunting fvr them. ' ' , Never ask cr expect children to cut ,; wood, hoc, mo;v, . or do any kind of far in work except w ith thc best of to"l inj good order, lea. it the tire cf farm iifc and go to tlie devil ac ro & lots. V"ould have no more land to cultii vate' than we , coujji keep entirely free m weeds. , - Never leave a horse stan ling in a storm or out m the cold w hile wc arc in tov.n. , - Never have more animab than we liave good shelter for. ' ") Never breed other than -the bc&t of i - - . animals wc could pbtain ''lor itbck nir- xj.sts. ' - .. Never nraicct to rot and lh;s ac ttrdind to vour own juiignicnh. without rcgiM to jrejud;f c. Never sell the best an J keep the ioorcst. bur would have every thing from wife, tiu'dren, cat'lk, lam, wo-l ihed, stables, fuiLitute af.ih fox!, the best that-c:'-'u;.! be produced, even if all we had coul l be loaded ii Oi.e 'wheelbar row. . -!: - THE c BE5T.TQ1HC. . Tti f.::. crabftlf Ira tt!S r TSu$m -etrftlf s4 "Cp'i Ctc l !. liarllM, MMh f alajriavC Wli wlmA 'iN rmiV -'I - j'Uu sa. j fMsuc fj CCaani f tt i j.ra.' . - r' favwSUr , TTw. j.l ill U it'al ieair n . j ; -, i tUe&.tUMtMlar.'a! ' i tjtt M ynr&tt !Sii'!,'nisUi-.;i: tie - -fiit . ai i U ta.i'.ft IucaI. fe ; 1 -".nt-.r' art 1'r---i- a4 wtzxiU am a&ol ttrl. : . - " - !, T- Ii.".rr.i'r.,t l-t T, Laat!:te. tJk Cif ! Cf r 4 rri litjn mt raft. .Ti a.4J!.e tum uw wiMuaxu(a.iuitiii,i m Hi I iifffiPi nun in i:i u - 'T. V v 1 1 ' I Li 4 ! 1: u ..... 7 1

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