MM r 2a. r. . Tit ami. ) THE PUBLIC GOOD OUll CHIEF STUDY. nut its f iiiuiil. r (ttiztzmtzn mil cnmiAiATUi. VOL IV. YANCEYVILLE, N. C FRIDAY, JAN. 20, 1888. NO. SI. HE CASWEDL t NEWS ! The News. rrtuutU) itut ritr it W- I! . Til o MTS ox. nfirt-r.rKkPiftf tt Kerr'a Hole!. I vr- fTTTli a-Settig fctd.aa ia the . . ceaaty. K ea esaie aa a ri-i A. E. HE.VDEItSON, YANCKYVII.LE. N. C J. C PINNIX. Jt,. jiori2ejr a -La w, VANCLYVILLE. N. C. O.t off rT-narct. l!rftUi ic Co'i store. WiU practice k tke Co-irta I this Jsd oal DutiKt. P. B. Jowrro. Jtut follMXO. Weat worth, N C Veyille, N. C JOHNSTON .V: JOHNSTON, Attorneys at Law, YANCKVVILLK. N. C. T,f atKftttwA rtVCA to fcaunettea- r- . WATr & WXTHKRS. A&ymeyi and CuuHA!!n at JJurf YA.VCCYVILLE N. C Will g prompt atteuti'jn la H business t ?b vl l Ufa. i c Knur .u-n. II. Watt. caa alwsys h found at their ec Yaaccvvillc wueu ot necessarily bxot. DrllHorile ANUER50NS STORK, N. C VTJ practkc ia Cll coaty. N'.C. an J aJaiaic ewattit Call ly bvU aca om. crwiM f r5y attcaded to. J. C. Corbett & Bro.f Watchmakers Jewelers, CORBETTS, ?.C WATCHES. CLOCKS. SrECTA- ES. JEWELRY, GUNS. PIS TOLS AND SEWIN'G MA- CHINES rrtfal!yrr' ' warranted. BUCKf.1ITHING. Ta aadff "gd will ca:Ic& the Ulick- .iaC b e P: lo t'" Jl ta oid c'wf J M: a w. Horse Choeina Specialty, d ia jrnsard to do all .. ' tae In. I kaU( m l4ft tU "t-d on tcoaabi ,t,"' " A. H. WATSON. Dr. H. 1 Jojur, Surgeon Dentist, HuacawrtLt. N. C Kr7c,flJ!f l rkr to tiK cUi teaa U CatU aad at; Hfti'g oat,'io ty (Upartnrat ol Icatutry. Will cc pap atlta:ii t caila ly aaail. Caart aaadcr:e. .James Frickeu, JEW 323 ILda Street, . DANVILLE, VA. G.i7- XXiCCTfiW ia rc of Watckcs Cocki, Jcwc'.ry. JLc At a uaiple U aka? w are diec vc tl a Sod Stlarr Itastic Cac, key wtad. ol ladrr Watch U $4.00. Of aa Opa Fac Sdrt t Waic k $ J 90. r-;t aa 1 citra. a-iadir EIvER New Scrt Watctbary Watck; UtcU oxst. for $S JX iteta aal rrg. it- catra. Ntw l .'fi tery wetk. VEMUNDEVELOPED TTtaTY"!MTr ? V'f T V a A ?T ' T . a .a , t ay f Otl p aT naCiiiawwaa-iay iiaTiamai aIJ - a a 4 1 - a I - - - rr:" r ;-r:,"3 'r y Never Put Off Till Uwncrrow, today dutj. IX yo Lara a Odd, Conh. Broc-hjtis. or sa farm cf Throat ct Loa diseaae, do act t!t It. Aver CLerry JVctoral. tl proacr-lly taken, will aredily relleva atl cure all LIrv&U cf tLia character. Two yer mgo I tor.k a aYera Cold, which. l--ir. naclad. waa folio wad by tmM l otijti. I Irmt Oah rapid Jr. Lal aUkt iwru, aryj vu a-7n roaErxd taj LL A physklaa a caUM, Lot tha zacdMina ha rearnbl ai7ord4 atly IrtLfrtkTj xlr!. A frtand adiiaed . tL of Ajt r Clirry I'acUraX. I taa tAaiaj UU talio. aad briurm tuiALiag the first tttl u tu sit fcp: ftir lntl ffr-trtl a rwrfectcura. - Go. W. Ihc k. " it a, Ia. Ia Mtrrral raw c BrroLitU. caaiMMl Iry ijoare to damp aayl mid waihr, I La Ayera CTxrry I"ecVJ. It la aa axodyn eijctorant cf rreat riliM and upfoIa tu runu of all aca. Iu tcrixioty of arOoa, and lu -trtr aa a tmaUd raniedy, ara fort-iti argument la lu txxox.' N cthrr n tih f-rr jrr Ation dr tU work lkkiy and tif tnI. C C llyt, il. J., New OiU-mn; 1. 0 Ayer'sr Cherry Pectoral, ! i Mexican ustang Liniineni omnia laca, XlranaMim. l&rua tratritc Spralaa. Sairj, CtUJiiata, Baakaeat, OaiU, Cc&traeted Jfaaclaa, Zraptieaa, H&cf AiL Srrr WfftU, Bwioat7( fadllaCaCa. Ja. J.ta. Sraiaaa. laiaaa, Craa fsaTla Cracks, THIS COOO OLD STAND-BY cronrJUb for T7tMk! ttartiy wfcat la lla4 J farU. Oe cf tt raoM f lha rrM pn u!rUj llratUtr CvwyboJr nwla ch a UMUrtBa. Tka I.a nWrvai tl la r of aoeidx.L TIIawtrsK!!t far cnrr:faifeUy . Tfc Caaaler U fwc hU uma and U Tka rkait( aaJ tt alwaji oa tW work Uavrbk. Taa rtlarrali!ttacaof tnrr"T. Tae 11a arr nel U cat ; Joi without It Tfca Vmrmr aU It ta aJa fcoo tla iutK 4 few tx y&rl. Tka MraaUal mmu r tt lUataaaa a2a tt ta trbrraJ urr 1 C n1 tU-ra. Tfca Hara-fBUr ta-U ll-lt ta tia frVa4 aa4 aa rrt.-Mk T riakrwr Sa tl tt win aa Uxa laoAAla o lo4Ux aa! a w!J of Ut4a Ta Raltrvad bkajt It aa1 U1 ed It aa 14 aa ata tlf U a rd arrt IraU an4 Uaara. Tk Itaak wadaiaaa rr-:L TlmUsMV la Uka II w u --tt.n f-r ta Unrra ta IU. tmb aa J rararf wkWJ nmt.l tfe 4vovr. Ta 9trt aaal awli tl atvt tU aiara iaoi la anc-k lrCitt wtu Itatfa. and waa taraa prnt W ti rf Ua!aint la wantd aloac. KMra D4lt'tata lUaxs Tta tb bet of KaIU(iUUllVafirr. l'tmawxSUt aaa ta ra af ai-vt-Wat - rata and V nf watta. Xm Bailla Alwayata ika mU far m kaa waatad. : . a il - - m -a' at CV 4 I tan'. I r-r..-. Tr.r t it i rr r-rr.-1 im. COHf!. SH & r..v t It ka Wen ta criaitaat tt for 16 year, with a re oad equalled by aoac. Warranted sot to Llow daw a Bnleat. tc Ton . ..owith it: or araiatt ana wind hat .!," co; di.b!e aiMtaatU; farm I ild-r-; tc hr j-ft: to .Jl'at a 3 i do lefet . t acj .."hrf til 1 taaie. .. t jir i-h 1 - aro O-arrJ M - - T t.iaaw:ka. ladan f U??- J"iV?S? 7.50 " .7 1 in I County Exhibit. OrrICK pAAto or CcwMititoras c r C $ e lx. Cck vnr. Yin;eynII. C.. DeccraUr 1SI7 The f blowing it a ata!craeet of tke peaaatioa aUowcd to tae members ol Board of C-ntf Cotamiauoaers froot IVc.i;si to iu Dec. 137: Dr J.2 Pin--li6 day aa commii- atoner at 2 00 per dy, I33 to days at oattide neettat. 20 s a a mud iravci at 5 ccaia. 33 85 30 W II Gatewood 16 day. SMajrs at ovtside aneeti0, ?7 miles travel at 5 cents, ' J W A Ik a 16 dyu 3 dayt at o-atride meetiat. 51S Ditlea txarcl at 5 ceata. 32 oa 2 w 14 50 $S 50 3100 boo 25 9 63 90 s6 00 4 cxi C A Hcward 13 daft 2 days oattide meetiaj- yjo mtkt travel at 5 cents, J W Corrett 13 days, 14 days oatside meetiegs. 15 45 u 26 33 54 I, Felt Roan, Cletk of the Hoard of Com- yilsoQ Corey plank for coffin mitaioners, in and for the county aforesaid, tfed JohnStbn Ktupcr coffin certify that the fortSoiae U a tree aad cor- g p Oowder 2 pauper coffins rect auumetitrofjthe aao0nt allowed .the G a Griffith whUkey for poor h. membet t of the Board aa ecmpensaUosi foe . attendance from 1st Dec 1SS6 to 1st Dee. A Graves repairing bridge ,54- Felix Roa. Clerlu Felix Roan services as clerk Ar counts audited by the Board rnmm;;r.nm from lit. Dec 1SS6 i st Dec 1887. II F Brandon insolvent bill cost $1 J C Allison registering 59 names 1 W G Graves as registrar 6 W II Mebane repairing weU 1 Dr. R H. Williamson visit to jail 2 J M Brandon medicine for oot house and jail J C Corbett pauper acft O J B Moore 2 coffins for paupers 7 2 R P Smith insolvent cost L M Neal coal and hauling 34 W J Pulliara as registrar 7 J B Varborough 1 day leting bridge 2 Felix Roan services as clerk: 22 R C Yaibotough pauper ac't 12 J B Yarborough repairing bridge 65 B Adams bill of cost against J H Kerr 22 Nathan Atkins pauper ac't 9 S D Crowdcr 2 pauper coffins '5 Jos King services at poor house 44 J S Ferguson repairing bridge J J Powell building bridge 21 B S Graves as sheriff and gen- cral account icS 35 W II Thompson jail ac't . 35 S B Adams making docket and fosu 23 61 A B Newman pauper ac't 0 Moses Roan services at poor house a 1 00 E S Gunn corn for poor house 11400 J C Pinnix insolvent cost 21a 1 M NealVSons general ac't 2S000 " - Felix Roan sen ices as clcik 26 50 W H Tliompson jail ac't V A Miner pauper ac't Lee Hcnsley cleaning privy H F Brandon examining insol vent cost J H Ken- sow and pigs 16 50 100 1 2 00 B S Graves paid out as treasurer 52 25 E B Yancey as registrar D E Wilkcrson pauper ac't N T Rainey pauper account V H Thompson printing B S Graves paid for wood R C Yarborough pauper ac't Felix Roan services as clerk W S Smith pauper ac't N T Rainey insclvent cost Geo Warcrqairing bridge II F Brandon inso!vent cost 1 83 1 '5 2 00 20 33 2075 950 6 40 5 00 1 18 555 1 55 T A Boswcll pauper ac t 12 50 David Swift work at poor house 15 00 Kins Bros pauper account 9 5 W I) Hudson supplies for pcor- house 1 1 9C Fadcy & Ferguson pauper coffin 3 co Back Hoorxrr iqairing bit'lge A B Watson vhop ac't S B Adams account RcU Check coffin for pauper W II Thompson jail ac't & McCxuley pauper ac't 2 95 12 5 OO 33 37 9 5 G O Wilson as as deputy sheriff 15 So Felix Roan services as clerk 5 40 n L Stephens earning lunatic to asylum B --i w r-v'-V wc'-l 24 00 I CO 1 huuc CO S K KU srm'crs for ton at . poor house TT A ?!:ncr jaupcr xcecam J Xathm Atkins pauper act Altxrt Bigclovr damage (or new road com tk iu y A Ma)7iard serving road order 1 Felix Bowc cJcania?out wrll at poor'house 00 00 G V T Martin repairing bridge G V T Martin'pauper ac't G F Bowers pauper acY Dr" R H Williamson visit to m poor house J M;Brandori stationary 30 R G'Gucn oats'for poor house 15 J M Brandon drugs for poor h. 1 1 J K Pinnix sening road order G O Wilson serving road order W II Thompson jail ac't D II Allen serving road order 100 A M Gunn guano .poor house S L Stephens serving road order j 2 00 Nancy Thacker timber for bridge 2 T BSmith serving roadordor 10 00 60 A BWatson workon jail 00 J BVarborough pauper ac't 6 f Florancc & Harrelson 200 to BS Graves paid out as treasurer 50 Nathan Atkins pauper act . a. 3 16 6S J A Pierce pauper ac't 77 J A Mcrce as registrar 1 47 95 auer as registrar 1 X4 00 R C Yarborough pauper ac't 1 1 00 Dr R II Wmson Hsit poor house a Mos Roan semces at toor house 20 I . J . Q 7J I . . OO 11 1 nompsun jail - 1 ayy COI A B WatSOn ShOU aCCOUnt 1 . t8 W A Miner oau per ac't 11 09 D W Hudson cash for medicine 1 16 BS Graves ai sheriff 4480 5 00 00 1 King Bros pauper account 00 t enx Koan services as wa 25 Dr R II Willimson visit to jail V 2 ooTf M Brandon drugs 5 J M N ears bons pauper act 20 J M Neat's Sons general ac't 43 75 16 90 3000 6 25 00 W H Henderson corn lor poor 00 house 9 R C Yarborough pauper ac't 50 Wm East pauper ac't 6 75 Watt & Withers fee in case ot Maj Brown 25 Johns on & Johnston &. Watt S7 fee m case of J H Kerr 1 2500 W R Hambrick pauper act 4 0 Myers Bros pauper account 00 j r Lownes cart tor poor doidc J C Allison 2 pauper coftins 6 00 D W Hudson services at poor house 50 26 Geo w uurton pauper aci I Bl 1 2 Felix Roan servires as aerK m -m I g T".' 1... -.1 r-11 1-1 T nut Wll Jmes Cunningham pauper coffin 3 SD Crowdcr coffin for pauper and work on desk 950 16 00 13 OO A E Henderson services wim 1 commissioners 1 Dr R H Williamson visit to jail R L Pierce jail lees for W, ait Henderson 1 j w II Thompson jail fees 46 Miles Ar McCauley pauper ac t 4 S W A Miner pauper act Nathan Atkins pauper ac't 5 5! 600! D L Blackburn for arrest of Bolum Thomas 5 -S Flora cce & Harrelson general 1 66 ac't at poor house N C Brandon ac't for court house 2 05 IN T C Brandon tlru?s tor jau I OO 19 25 17 OO 14 OO 9 OO 9 40 5S75 l6 OO 1895 l6 OO l6 OO l8O0 I4CO l6 OO 16 OO 14 OO 17 "0 K C Brandon drugs poor house J M Hodges xstmg taxes I - m a . J A Jchnston listing taxes E w wade repairing br.dge pdix Roan senicesjas clerk Ji w H Thorajscn ja:l ac t J - E Jordan listing taxes N T Ramey 4 R L u-alker J H Kerr J c Pinnix w G Graves . Nat Hunt M Oliver J B Siddle 4 J J A wiMumson G 1. atkCj 14 w0" A B Newman Nathan Atkins jxmrcr ac t w A Florancc lilting uics LH Bilker listing taxes : 6 00 16 50 9 CO 10 00 M A Turner Iisung taxes J A Lea listing taxes A M Gunn guana act J M SatterfieU cofnn lor pauper 2 00 jc8 J c Allison cotlia for pauper 1225 S D crowdcr 2 coffins 1 9 00 1 M O'irer cofHn ftr psuper 1 00 IT A Boiwell paupet act BS Graves paid out as treasurer 1 2ooMoscs Rxn aa poor houie 50 IS T B'are pauper account co I S T IFare repairing bridge 00 1 Geo Bigclow work oa bridge 7 20 1 Dr B'llllainson visits poor house 10 2 40 IF H Gatewood ruupcr act 7 1 . . . . . . . ... u urKIi Williamson visit to fail 10 20 1 . and examination of 'the insane 10 15 00IR P Smith listing taxes 40 King Bros pauper ac't 40 I J R Burton listing taxes 2D E A Glass luting taxes 6 90 S D crowdcr pauj;er coffin. 3 00 W D Hudson hand Jure 1 00 Thos Ragen pauper coffin 2 00 John Graves pauper coffiu 600 Felix Roan making tax list and 1 00 services as clerk 2000 A B Watson shop account 9 65 B' H Thompson jail ac't aw J 49 Stephen Swift pauper coffin 25 J H DaU. sawing JumUr S I) Crowdcr, two coffins G W Burton, pauper account 00 00 Geo Itigelow wotk on bridge Dr Jno WiUon examine J Rosa, losaiic 5 Thot Reagan work on bridge OO I L M Neal pauper account 50 Kersey Brvs. paaper account 00 J H 1"rre11 1Uline I n WBWtl M.LIU1H IT A Tt 1I I W S Smith runner lrnmnt y MiJet & McCattIey pupeT account 4 5 17O I) W Hadion services at noor house 1 ... 50 00 00 1 Dr R II WiUiamaon riu to poor house 7 751 Adams snaking docket and costs ag Felix Roan services as ckrk 1 B S Graves paid aa sheriff W A Minor paaper account 47 16 So 600 5 I Nathan Adkiaa paaper account OO j W U Thompson jail account 5670 70 1 o i Martin panper account 14 on R L Walker aa rsgutrar Jane Watlinglon services at jail J A Pierce pauper account is J M Gatewood pauper account 22 4 1 7 3J Barnes & Walker pacper account W C Haxtelon listing taxes OO I Black well & Wright pauper account Franklin Foster pauper account W T Shelton pauper account 1 S 00 j J B watlington paupr account Pies Gann, woik do trtJge kr.RII Williamson vivits to poorhouse 17 50 I vf II SUnbacL pauper account I s 50 1 wm I-1 Pauper account 300 - J busan walker pauper I j i. Munon work cm uriu-c A B Newman paaper account OO I J B Hudgins pauper account 75 j S D Stephens paaper account 05 I i-' Bowers pauper accoant 1 ur A O i ancey meQicai nwuui 15 00 f A Fortef 1 , UIU1UUU VUUB ia A M Gunn guano A B watson shop accbuat j j T Ilatcbett serving road order 9 00 Mrs Thompson clothe, for Mrs Rasco 2 w II Thompson jafl a count 43 t.Vtno r Hmju:q t atxlam AK - - ' S 75 B S Graves paid as trtaaurrr 4 So CO J Florancc & HarTtbon tod Moves Roan services at poorhouse w II McCormick clerk for aaseaaurs . 1 . .- 12 ; w cor bett fiaaiing w Gatewood pauper account So) B S Gravis paid out as treasurer Harrison Stephens paaper coSn irco Btgelow work cm bridge 84 G0 J6 I3?" cofr,B Geo Je paaper coLua w w Fitch pauper ccfiiu J C Alitaoo pasf' cofea 1 L wancn iamter Lee- Ilensley deaeinr pnvy Felia Roan services as elerk w IJ Thoptoo jail account Mcrns Hooper work c-c jai! F rtrarce and Hariris a-ccoaut - - - - - s Back GiJen repaifirg well f C GrJhth stack atraw It ptwhocve M Miaor paaper accrue Gvo w irre paaper accoust j Id pJPr accoaal A C 1 aacry work oa vtulgt Dr R II wdiiaiaioai viuu to poahosae 7 5 J j Miles pa per accoaat Geo w arre work e krvJ S D Crowder work 00 caxryiil j A Llawsoa pauper accouO Crr-Lt l y disbaratme&It, Balance dae cousty. 4 5 ; .f 7i6 a' 7 51 I&ablveat cot Tcrsia $7, " Asg. Trrn, '7., - Fall Ter-, ?7. ' C n. ol r.yK t4f : : - " -4 1, to a- of 'isiie p- per, 6i6,u w. 17 20 Household flint. ! Sweep and dat once w?ek the rooms which do not dailjr rccctTc thb attention. , f ' Salt plcntifu! tpfinkled cn the icy doorstep tl! hare a better asd cleaner cacct tiua ashes.; " . : '.. ;''.v . For intense itching bathe in sail wa& ' v a 3 00 1400 14 ci 17 00 14 00 " 4 00 J 00 3 00 1 tcrt dry with v coane towel, usd rub 6 00 1 sacet pu. tool nave . poacneu egri loot -ctr 1 2 50 w coak eaclt egg in ar mutlui ring 1 00 1 plctd in the bottom of a saucepan of 20 00 botang water. 1 . . , 6001 To make a corset feel cocuforub'y 30 00 1 UP Xo form neatly, then sew 50 1 or pc straps ol gum ribbon icrvs oo 1 remove the strings. oz rhe SJv$s that! Chinese Uundryraezi I 1 i.-' n v- " 1 ' . . - 1 givciu coiiars aim cutis is.not aaoceth- 00 lr to, the starch, but to heavy tes. I A .- " w . 7 00 j ro'cri tightly adjusted and very hat. 16 70 14 00 surc ihe wtides jjossing through hcary After buttering the tin fur a btnled 1 4 00 j puling dust it with powdered bread crumbs; baking ians can be treated with flour in the ) same way and the cake will ncer stick. 4 IOi 300 When fine feathers have been strewn 3 00 over the floor dampen the carpet flight then get the feathers to ight 1 sweeping and take wad - 5 gethcr with I fV asavt aatra m aa I fP 1 U la wk m aa 3 OO I jflwwuj; vebs !v " C JVU 6 ,7 will require 6ne rnt of frcs,h Rlacketl 6 00 J lime and on-half pint common salt to 30 5 three gallons of water. Use a ladle 50 j with whith to put them into the crock. 00 cover with an old plate, and keep in a 40 50 ' 5 ooj in coses of freezing rub the body 12 00 with snow, ice or coid water. Get up 5 00 all the friction you can with these arti 5 00 des. After awhile let Hicat be apt)lied in the most gentle manner. If animi so Uon docs not rclurn lr' rtificul rcspi ,49 ration, as m coses 01 aroning.v ncai x 43 j first applied Is certain death. SS I Ink-fsnoti miv be removed from na- 1 : . i T per in the following manner: Take a thick blotting-paper, steep it several times in a solution of oxalic acid or ox 25 jalate of potassium, and then dry it. 00. 1 While the spot is moist apply the Mot- co her which has been prepared in this 00 00 20 Ot fashion to it; and the ink will be entire ly removed. ! ! j Timet y Stiggemt ton. . Hens that pick their living in winter I cn 50 8 00 from the barn yard and roost on the 2 cattle-rack nevcrgtve profit j They are. 25 n fact,.' rtothing' better than nuisances. 00 A farmer s club whose members can not 16nd time to meet occasiooaUy-y 5 ! 5 oo j once a lortnight to discuss form j mat- too I ters will have short and iirofitlcts exut iaouirnrr - .. . : I 1 - . t 1 .- , , 1 a 00 The breetl of cattle that was suppo- 1 - u ed forty years ago to do 11 enough extinct because there is now a better oo j breed of fanners. 4 The roof of a stock bain may be the 1 i 5 5 means for collecting enough water to I sujjfIy all thcv water needed by all the SS UunaU It sneuetf. U sulUDic provision H lot saving it tc maue, as it can uc.wnn IK I Iff!- j-"t 1 MSla f If you have not heretofore cut your &7 hay and fodder by all means buy a cutting-box. The saving in feeding cut 10 1 fodder will surja-ise; -ntr f. 1 DEST.TOniC. ? Taw rsdk$ afcaata'ttef fss wtt k rfUU acaa. a-il'XJf aad aa&fWtH t araa Dyaa I aJlaT 1 SVaakaa-a liawra Bi a a a, ?iaJavraa att as swad Jraaa it ia s3uk rvtacdy tW raaaatweri Biaawra aal Uv. u Wwaaauk, aad all !4 awSawtoir ttvaa. l4aiatawtawaa.CaaaaSaa1arfcw rneati?iaSo -'aar aa aataaaa al. tl afeisa as4 partJaa U4 Wood. tatssV-a w Mm a;vfw akia tt tsiSaXaUt af ra tra a?vsEra a fciUf, aad tcrn-a--4- aa isa sssri as.s lantt. - ; ' rr Jrtrraaet I rr. ,AMTrA Lack of J.TT. A atafca jal. . 1 4T Th jr&?r aia trad tsar k M 0 4$ '5 72 J J -1 BnovaT5rn irni 1 ,:r: ! 1.:1 1:1 l:l M ft . I B,P f 5 ' f ': il

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