iTiie CJviTN'LL New: Children's Kh'-cl x t it II t.rc. Ill ftln 6 Co's. KasiLLD Your micL: sLaH a; j cir ret! ccc S:c te aew Cdlat ft at ton a: W! .. It it la est ta.9g : in that !. Ke ! what Kvj. "Jcems GoCitf hi to uy wrtrk. Attretk it partia'trly !i to ca I.jtt we ft over coat. J. If. Neai's ... i Mitt Suc Drucr Wncnici. of I.! tr k well's, U mttin Mn. Ir. Yancey. K,w - awe ly present I- 7 can gt i r:e at Nea. EC ; Ware a-1. Ilafivule. Va.. Joe Ia 1 Imar4 f pt n. t trait the I let 1- r ,.,1 war Cretaed L: a'Untion Uh day ard a'-i. AwTm"!', thel's. primet atl waf ? the very I- wesi price a: N.aV. J. C. Anpcr, .rcv.Mci.t 4 tie I)u ..m WfJctj arvl Vjcn rr.ills hi t.'i. ! an asii::tia3tnL T MM fT Vw I. Wad.. Powder a i SV I t V3g a !rap tan h!I thesa S.4J at fix I a,.harge Warehve. Iaeville Va., Jordan 4 l:eraarJ, proprietor, a fe days i:$5 pjad uLacco at the hani scene erag 4 V1-" round, incladirg several grade. I'rttl god. Laraar was c-nfirtari! on the i6:h by a vote cf j J to j 8. Kkk!!cbcrscrt S;cw art liul S:ar.for! otin with the tlemo- CratC Kev. Mr. Thomas his lu.l services in the lUpttit church ocry night for to wcxkv He i$ a min:tcr c( aLihty. Hit vrrmcm are fortible, full of thought ar. l cleif ar.I ct!i;r.g. and he is a motif r. His congregation, and the jo !e generally, sjeak in high tcna of h:ra. Uihzt Witthovtt, Dimillf, Va,. Jor daA & Bff&arJ proprictora. by cntinaeJ hirl wotk ani tpcclat effort foe their patron i atiU tS Ieai.9( ho ol the Ianvtl Aaiket in "rva.-J kL', ia ntci a4 if, ntcitcar aiA'.. A correspondent writing from Mclar c to the htuKiro AWarJ upru a ui! r a I from iMlsfiro via .Mctun-? and Vancej vt!!e to DanviHr. He s it wUl be a vtraiht line anil only ;i miles an 1 running up tlx: valley c f Har riv er wou!d aiford fac.l.ties (or utuijtir the va.t waicr power of that liver. We will puhWi the letter nest week. J. I. IKI,1, a prTvrrvi farmer of I'ltt t!aaa caij( 4 t at tLe Kchir -e Watrf tae. Iinu!e. Va.. J r4an A I.-inattl jr riUit, ene UaJ cf ! to (nr thr nr i. era c tf CUf ) J !ar r-r hanlrol from laa p. Farmer, that the plice to all at. IaM Samlay rn unin alut 4 c!xk t!e jrisTer in jail nude an attempt tf get out but wcte d.wuvere I in time to st fwti I of them. Tl cy turned a h!e trc th the ih or anl come dow: tr.ta a ce. lneath them which was not t ieL While the juVir was up suits i re f them, Ar.thony Stamf, sue fceln! U e:t the utv.le door oj?t. leaped t ic icrwc an ! tied. leaving nut, shoe and hat. He went by Ir. Uji Wiliiimv : ta!'e and t-nil hi horse. anl as Uncled from there Ut the Md t.o noc ll he U ne was a: Mr. Mi k near New Ho;c. . hh Vartrte. aiV.c. Va.. J ft da a X TerearJ prr j i!:or i ml -4meJ r 1 m . jytT. I'uf Notremt-e'f lt erae ; f lexetaber $1 1.1 5, an 1 ap la lth Jiaaaif it vtiril $t;.; f feetf this 44 x it we. a4 I: -!4 larjelj ewet it rr t-:r titrate part far tl e t!c-.c at tht. 1mm1 i a iadetd. lVpa:chrt fnnn the northwest tell of the severest 11 net! thai section, lu ever felL In Dakou the snow foarteen feet dc-p and evry rai'.ii-ad in that sutc an d MinhnoU anvl many in Iowa, Nclraska and Wisconv:n were bxkcd f.r several ilns. A feurfa ttory it !:ta:e I v( the 1 n of life. One !iun!re! and th-rt jr cr fottr jrir. froxen tJ death, and the hvt ol tUk u immense, ome fvn 1 frczrn ta tJctr allt. Two te-Iatrd stok traan tr n Ne!ravka arrived at Sl Jo-se-h. M . wah every ftead of c-ittJe deaX !! iril Vininhj that inaacai lier Kejalaioe mill n l j- n t4 Ijpia, !ie4acKe. t!.patK a&4 '.Uwaavca It .U break p chill ani ft vet aa4 pfrel tieif rttara, aa4 1 a etxa lr atKio?e fje a!l tmaJanal fvi re, mtuelj free fi.m oe eaL--iel Tit ll, aav-i yt r.I b at.thoi at the c rtulti .! the rr a e '.amr I-rf Kr. late, prejea t i J. II Ze.Ln X 270 Hw wSi-SCLD SSCUU) ZZ V171L0UT 1 a trCTvr vtorraa.! aaavrvaaa rakaiu acrjal. PHILADELPHIA. PHcr. ONE DcIUr t.4 ; J 1 3 rx - "NOTICE. Tr rtfar of t n ttfention t.stjbj from the .s xnot Cuvrt oX Cae!I coaatv. cpon a ja!ri at in favr of Redcr Crarge liaal 4 aa'a: J C. S.cj.J.eo, I capove ta ia! j t jiU.c c:cry to the fc h'.t Ui4er foi c;h at tJ.t e&urt ? dr ia Varcrri!I. on the Cta dj tA I ttuij, 1 5; 3. the follow- re decr urd trrtny. as the trwrtT of the fj-jj-roen: del, or, io-it.- Oae tract cl lat in Cacl cuunfjr. oa the valen Kee1y fork- creek awj nrcj tie laod of II A kic!sm-ii4, fe- I'rrwn a4 oher, cm'ua;tg it ten 1, mcie cr lt aod being tlat jr c4 tie Lr Mvtuk plce no Lr J C S:ethtas, aa4 one other tract ia tie cran?r aa 1 :ae afoeT;4 on the a ten of kety K;k eie-a. ai ur. in j( the in' of ;a;ljr;in S'rjen. Uwt 11 w-k an I v, c jnti'irr i Aerr. tnor. cr !f .-.! tae Civi S:ephet. place, r,r vj cuch tLerr f at may b neee-iaa-ry to t'sfy tte Itt and to,:. 1 hi ?-i.t ay vf ev. ::7. H. S. GRAVE, h;a 4 Cawe!l count). The House to Deal With. For Good Goods, Solid Values and Guaranteed 4 u .-f . 1 Ml Tba BAor1ly f tl tlla of tit tunva W4 aetM frn dlMt IJevr. Fim moca Uree lUcnlAUie ha bren the meaaa of rtwtstaa mora pvop! to LeaJtb aod harptoeaa by ictvlzur them m tteaJthj Uv than any other acaoer 00 enn. KZT. THAT TOU (JET THE OOTUC I.tHtU AI j-fi. a-e firl.if.Ici to tiej r n r !... r hT ty r!e iht .! rr i Krt t!- 'r j.r. A'l p. o .'arj be pr j jte4 t. i! t.nt' of the law. J. I.. Mt fct W. NOTICE. IV:3rt l-t aa'.Sority an4 I'.irec'Icn ciren in S.-cti in . chtter 137 of the law of iV-7, I w.i", on !on4ay tbe fh day of Keo. at the Coo ft Huave door ia the town 4 Vaaceytrille. N. C. sell at puhlic aacsion !j the highe-tt, Kidder f r cah t' tatisfy tin pi;l Utcs thcrccn the following laada to-wtt: XOTICE. C-:rt of Cael! C'.a!y I will atU a,t paLl;c J jjc in to the highest bidder, n the piem- iei. n Tar dy iht 7'.h d-y of J-Cb. l5i;. 1 1 !ualle tract of Ir.d ly ia 5 ia Hijh J r' .wrr't tit.hip. aaid c on'y, en the i:tn l llyc erefk. i-lucnj the lauds cf J. . A!Jn. Wn. Murphy ai.e others, contjnir. 2 Acr, rr.ore rr tea, a.d betnj that p-r- icn cf the !a -.'. of the Utc Alarn S. k'ch- '. 1 which ua set arart to hit wiJ..- Tdr ?I A Xvichmct!, a bcr rfower, IeS cf s.11 icie uon which the famiy graveyard i ait jatcd. T.ttOF ALt (Jit-third cf the tor- ihi nuntj tih. b'aace on a credit ix month, the p.arche cieinj S per cent ir.tcrrst bearing bond for the deferred pay ment. Tide retained until all the porchaae aoney it pad. The biddirj will coosmtnee at Thi farm i well ad2iited t the rruwth of fice K. SLADE, Com. Iec 224 tHj. Mr. C. J. Kschmcmd will take pleasure in hoviin this land to thoe wikhir to aee it. - The Largest Stock, , : The Best Assortment, and the Latest Style At lias'd Tarn Prices ! i : ;!'..., 1 - I . . - 1 I ' -- .. ., -k: ..rv; . ; Our KKADV-MADE CIXTIIIXG Kooai is fa!L Su is oir SHOE DoHmci.C i full and evinjdete. DRV GOODS laru qur.nlltica at Close Prices Xot ions and Fancy Article. Plows, Castings, Riveted Scam Horse. Collars, Tin, Hollow and StOrncware, Fiifm 71 it arc, Saddles w . ! r Come and See and want. get what you and Harness. 'Can't Remember- Evcryilrinq, please in trc fu Vntn tr Thanking yea for pajt farors, we promise our best efforta to please in the futefe. 1 IN M.tlS a TOWNiHIP. acy Iinvrt t 4 acre where h" n e 1. TayJ, 113 acre en J. r.Ian creek. I.ocT l tvm i-vi acre waere h" ni l.rt I K Stadler. 31 acre on S Coanity line k W II V. amn' cfctale, 66 acre on Jordan cik. tN rA aivra Towxntr. W II OiiM. 75 acre 03 Mon'a creek. J G Penny, "ant. 250 acre north of Daa river, Ja A iJjvi. in acres oa Ha'tletnake creek. Alex Kergenon, 43 acre 00 Mink road, (ieo T Good'n. S43 acre ca Moon's creek. K D .Slayton. uo acres, inttl tract. Mis S A Vaibro. 3 o acres on Rattlesnake creek. I'lcauM Chandler's old place. A G Walters, 60 acre, mill tract. ; SLarpe eiUte, 3i teres. Htcilliiwt as T'IW.nship. tihver Owen, JJ acre. -r'tr. the home place. tirii; rowsMiir. Jc'in M Whitl--. acrr on Ki!g creek. J S Whi'.IiW, l 1 t.i on Kilo creek, ltTr HILL TOVkSsllir. jeee Cobb, acre on IIot!ei'a creek, r J K e. JS acfc p'ace b.u,;hl ol r.m As McKmn-y. J J ljtiiK-h:wjut. 417 acres on John's branch near l;UckeI. MtLtuN toWHSlllP, dney lWard r., 1 1 acre near Vaihroa mil!. Lew: Cneily. 1 acre, kace tiact. l.-.uia (io:d,n. t l)n !! in Miliw", jVe IluK, 1 acre kace tract, t.'a'vm llth. I " near Richmond foondry. Tt'tn Jeftuy, 2) acre near Vaibtu' ni'.I. ( W I.;ter. 21 acre it tou td Sr.auhbnrg. J-hn I. I.a, loaeicson Milton an.i Vawe) il'e rad. C t Lea. 2 arr on Country Lire creek. .x 1.. 2 near J M Saleihcld. arae M.Cain. a,re a Kilo creek, jr. Nelyi.n, ; actr in natchbag. Mri M W i's. 1 12 near Vrbro mill Tom ewart, 3 aire near M.cednia. Jha S cwart. I acre (.cir l acedn:a. Sin Stephen j avte near Milurti, ( tHtoci l ajk-r, jvj avrc at SiuhLorj. i,; Walker, l tou I.t in Mi!:on. W k Wt,i .hara, 13 a.r. Tanyard. T,.ta Wtjf. 1 ar-- c.-jr MiSivn. jack Utiwn, 43 ace. Mr Miry I h;ps acre nrar Satchhur. Kify It.wcr. 13 aire Naiichuarj:. W 1 Suthtrun. ton l-.a in Milton, ri.i M.vt iNiir. MrM K lU.'i;ef, j ncrr near I'.'itkiwcIIi. A B l".-."i-r. lt .tie cm IIii. itccl. Virginia Mj,tj axirn M vn'citl. j . W 1 r c 5 C Tiai. ico cr ljt.J-.r t'ii.ct. Ilerry W are. I acre White t .1. V T, 217 -r- n l,tr-!rr..nt K K. former! owned by G W Va'e, dccM. to.M uu; ;wNii:r. I Vb Ar; !e. 7J acie where e r:r liec. kkhar i Msr. r, 157 crcahtie hf n w hei. A K l'achat. 245 acre. hae place. T II ka !d. 275 a.Tct. h"ase pUcc. ATI. rd Wiad r. 4 cre, cl f hoa-erid. Ih.Ti A Wa'.hrg'oa. 117 acres on C.antry Line creek. vNcrwttr nvxjinr. Iae Mack eU J-c. 4 a. res on Sheppard' creel. The Ve land and lewn lt will le fa ly 'iciCT.l e I n day ( !e, a's the anicn: of latetdac3 tScrevrj ;?Jt ?t it tachtd f jr a .votnm,;. It . GRAVES, Scrjf. lauairy i. 1 1 itepatie are ! aathorired to receite the Uae dae en a-.y of the aloec property, k" tlexeati mat r-e isade nr.h the nentl 1 iJy T-rtue cf an order of the Superior court of Ca-e!l ecanty. I will on Monday the fc:h day cf February. iSSS, at the court house door in the town of VanccyyiUe, sell at public aacti'.n to the highekt bidder, a certain tract f htil lying in Caswell county, on Country l.iae creek, adjunirg the lands of Sidney llrind jn. Jno Morcfield and ethers, contain ing 30 Acie. more or less and known as the I'olJr Saraul place. Term of SleOae-th:rd cash and the rei:a!r.irg two-th rds in six months. The furchaer giving 3 per cent Interest bearing im'dJ fr the Ccferred payment. Title re ;ained until all th purchase money ia paid. This Nov. 2Cth. 135G. li. S. DARKER, Adm'r of Folly Samuel, dee'd. The Mvimll P Sisseii MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Steel Thimble Skeins witlwut extra charge. Made by Geo. E. KISSEX fe CO., Salem, K. C. The oldest and stand ahead of any Wagon in the State. Made of experienced workman, and are the cheapest considering the lightness qualities and nice appearance, being evenly proportioned, crery one satisfaction. , .,, . " - - Sold by D. E., HiLKiKsoN Jtidgcvillc, .IS. C. r"al, Ly wearing to give liEO. S. SAUTIX, Gsneral Fire Insurance, Ar.t for Standrud Fcitiliiers, aa4'dcIet a!. kmd ot NcisaaT STK, XANVU ! K. VA. trdcr at 4 coiracnc:k.n I j tsail -ic-ite.I. OiSte a It. X. tiaetraat Co. Grv:ery toe 4 X! St Ian:!'e. Va. l or Itrttt- I row- I Si. N . Kelt Ci.t. It eva 1 VEAKUNDEVELOPED Wholly unlike artificial y stems. stay book learned in one reatlhuj. Fi MAMr..T.iL rRixrtrr rs of the L'ket- ttan system : I. Wholly cnlike Mremoni;s in Concep- ion, Trice5at Dsvelopment and" Result. II. The Vvural Memory Restored to v rikt ttsi and made powerful. Precisely as f e Microccic and Teltccpe " con:itute a Scientific" e'eninn of tbc N-ifural Eyes'ght o i the Sitntthcally trinrl Memory an ex tension of the Natural Memory. III. The power o. Coi.lir.uuii Attention crowing apace with the Mem rv. IV . Memory and AttcutKin bem 5 strength- gz&rj rotT to tae i.r.ei ccir-eeuy tenve lesson, he system is r.o I mg'r used, except in rare tae at first, and akctward in at all. "I'rof. Loi.elte cave me a new memory" on. Judah 1. Rcnjamin. It has greatly tren.her.ed roy natural memory." Hon. W. W. Alter. lAte U. S. Minister to Italy. "rrcf. lAi sette system appears to me to warrant the trcget ecdorrement John C. Minor. M. L. "I ifgret that it did rrjt form a part of the durrku'-itn of car schools" Stephen Kand, L q., I'aymJ'er of the U. S. Navy. "There is not one in;iiuf:on of Vrn r.g in the laotl that wouM be without it aid f its worth were known' Rev. A J Mcln frry. kector of Sf Mary Church, Anapoli. I have farmed one cU by correspondence md have decided that hereafter I ihail try to nduce all my students to master this sys;em lftre they engage in their linguitic s udic. under my direction R: I'rancls B Denio. I'rof of Hebrew tn the Drgor Theological Serv.ii.ary. Tiof livei'.e's ytcmis a great -n not only t the stndent of shorthand, but to the c:eran rerJrttr" W W Wilson, "Menograrher. QODEFS UDFS BOOL j 1 j. ' ' ' r Sample Copy Fifteen Cents. . i -t . VCHO ALWAYS v. .111 .n.rut,'. th "LOTELL VAIIER to do .n.l An it rmirr and In Ifnm ttm than any oilier inicLiw in th world. Warranted dr rear., aod if it don't ah th clotL clean without ruLUna. wa wUl refund the money. . AGENTS WANTED! ineTcrycotintr. VTCAX H1IOW Pit OOP that Aei-aU reroakins from 875 lo 1.) r Mvalb. Farmer niak t3u to t0 dunnf tb intrr. Ladits hav crt - tuccM or'.lma this HMhrt. I'haii pne obij - to thow 1')rinr mbct S". ASo tb t -l-brat4 kLV!TOM: WKIMJKKSat manafacturrr' lowt ' prire V Invita tbt trtctl inrtitfatioa. tcn4 year V aii-ir.n on a fw-atal card tor fartln-r paritcolar. L0VELL WASHEIl CO., Erie, Pa, i2 Advance. EiDfTF.D BV MlS. J. C, CaOLY,(iWttvaJ A Hapdsome Engraviog lo.ievery Sabscriber. - . . if-" . - TEA'MS TO CJMDS. ...... i r t Cash Ccmmitsunts. 2 Copies - i with, free copy M $3-40 - - 4 5 to club raifcr, : , - . 7.5' r . t .oo GOZJEV'S, at the present time is admitted i by press and people to be superior to luy ladies' tragmne in' Aimerlci, hsting the gr-a'est variety of department, ably edited. CLVJi A'.tlSFJCS" J'KEMiUMS V: For those who prefer NOTICE. . ' Sale of Valualle Lands. A Great Bargain,'- PillLL , MACHINERY ! ... . . . 1 1 . : T The undersigned, Eliza -A. Taschal ar.d A!l ltc .Macn nery wau w. . v-, w A. L. Canada, executor. :f the estate of Jes- PoteU'a fine M.!l when it was t ve I). Paschal, deceased.and. R. Taschal be sold at a saenfee. The large ,ch,cer) was ROC c: lcu -w- I ?4rar Turbice wheel, not nun, will on Wednesday, loth day o -February, 1SSS, at Aiiland, Caswell county, N. C. at public auction, seii the following tract of land sit uated partly in this county and partly in rt'jckir.i'hini county, N. C. lit. One tract 'on the waters of Ifr-gan'a crek adi ining the ltnd of J'.e;h ThavLer Wm Walker aud others and Liiuwn as the Canada containing about ' 208 Acres. ... . . r t Tool & Hunt with iron rase, not in nre. I Urge fcrcw for rsasirig M.H stores. 1 pr Fairbanks 240olb scabs, not in fire, 2 Urce Gudgeons for water wheel. haft, Sn r.ols ana ur.vers. Ths is an extremely valnal-Ie farm, conren- tcre't. and well adapted to tobacco and gram, i:h four grcvi tooacco barns. 2d. Oe other tract known as the Hi. I mer a j ur yi.en go oesire to s gthea their memory and cjie their r rin" Rernard E!Ii E"j. "It perfect memory sytem We kly . Ru Sf V J w-aa p I ill ill tll.VJ a I . - a a a i a . t t . r . , ... tent to ch arches and stores well -watc mt . : . j . . , .. well timbered, with hue bottom hr.d A" i;a Cathcrnr, Ni nun hat a mem cry so pmor that this raethuit will r.ot greatly 14 II. KUI a 41 41 i4ar7 4UJlU-iIJ I . t " -1 1 J . J as not to stand ia reed of the he'p ,t ' Jj'f the abore Canada met and .-in fcm-sh--lV.f Wm Harper of Vale. rTfcoaaa.lI.mUaa lanus. containing aavut ily his yiem I lave already I rimed one l-rk at one reading. a:.d I intend to 1 -air. many tru-re in the i:rac wa Sir Edward II Meredith Hart. I congdcn.Iy recom- !ner i or yi:cm to.all who desire to stren- mtnd IS a Budget. I da not say that I rr-de myseif a walkinc llofue or Mxcacler bet I do say that what I had learned I knew perfectly, thanks to your .ytem. The result full matks (Xfo) Reg ma! I E Murray. E"j. I haTe cohesi.alion ta thoroagSiy reeommecdirg the system t j all ho are ia earnest ia withm to train their mettOries cffectie!y. ac4 are therefore wil ling to take rea-mible ptia to ob'aio so efal a result k:chard A Proctor, the As troeomer. Class of loo Columbia law sisdeats; two classes of 2uu each at Vale; 400 at Wclletlry College: 4 at Uatersity of Pennyiraa;a aal J5 at Obtrhn College aad larjc c!aes at Chataaqai. Prcpec:ues seat ror rair, with opinion in full of cmiaent j-ecp!e in both centir.ent. tireat ird aecreea! to cot re poo Jer-rcclas-es. aal classes row fwrcin. Ad frets rnnr. musette. SJ7 KJUa Aenee, Ntw Vu. . js. I. si j c: n a. m) a..-. ! a ' t " n a i ki' 1 Mlnrt t ' T. v 3 Mi.: I IM Ikma (" M a- V r-r 1 w UiMMtUuia aW aOhwta 126 Acres. This is fine tobacco land and well timbered. 3!. Oae other tract knon at the l.atler p!a.e, adjoining the other to tracts aad cor.taiaing about fifty acres. Ti tils Jne-half cah. tie b-dancc oa a credit of six m nths with bond and approe cd security, with interest from date at six per cent per annum.' Title retained till whole of purchase money it paid. ELIZA A. PASCHAL A. L. CANADA. Executor of J. D. Paschal A. IL PASCHAL. 33 feet Shaftir-g and pullira, babbit ooae Saw maiidrcl a;.d gearing far 4ainV ; Caui-ge r lleri sad way irou, Four head block,; st'jnes. Sv Horse power Engine with inp;.iat3T and a 25 Horfs power Uuiler wiich kaU a light ntr.k hed over them. Anyone wan'irg such .machinery cn get all thU for Ie than half tnc ongiual cost ol ihe t Agtr.e &r.d 1 oiler. Cal on or addicts W. H. Tn owr-srv. VaneeVille. N C. S. W. I' A IS LEY'S, ' Boo3s:.Stpfe;;' Next djor to the Pottortce. ' kEIDsVlLEE. N. C. j The 'Cheapest IfcA Sicre tn tic SUtk, School Hooks f applet? at State 4ut piite. by, postage p-d. LiUral divcotnts to Teachers. Send your rrder tt me. Silverware to Cash commission. ' " GODEY'S ha arranged to give ebgant Silver Piated Ware of superior makes aa ore miumi, thj value of which in some iBt'aoces reaches over I25 for one premium. Send 15 ctnts (cr Sample copy which wdl conuia il lustrated Premiums with full particulars and terms. Addres. ' t GODEY'S LADY'S BOOKI, IhiUde!phia. Pa. In Club u fft tki Wr. GO DEV anJlhe CASWEU, A,TS',?i sent for $2. 0 u'bkk 'iff he office oj r this f)r liii 11 PWf L2 f i Lii m lleirartled ie toe who r'a , K.. the-rt act! tbtV wH RINIIY IIIUIILI v.i.u rat.bmftt tUt d! net take them from their U-rr.rt ard fcbe nrrn i II nnr imLinli tk. r lire ard sare f' every ia- llrrr of for-u bat aie Surpatveti by the dstnots perron, mny have c;a4e and are , marvel of taven ate in need of profitable done whi.e livir.g at seed tWir address to Maire. aad receive Vt .llli.f alt . r-m -in m tmn . na dj it wrU a 1ST 0 5S to t-S per day and cpward wht-ver Wri-.e to c it or te for fsM p-rstars w i-.-th they lite. Voa ate started free. Capi al tot we real! fr-r. . AdJres & Co., Pvt teqa Lred. Sjme hive made over $50 tn a In J. Mciac. s-tgle d-y at ta.s work. All succeed :ki. Those wfto makicir several hoecre-a aouar a wok that 'can be i eay for any one t make Is at p3 tome !Mld at .e per day, who t wuurg to woi. r.. H.l'ett&Co.. Portland T03g oii; carrtaUot eced:d: e tarl ya free, fa'l ieforma.swo i:.!h'n' new. No toal alhy reqaire. XH I'oi Wiltll f d have an tiera of bet iog an Organ or a Sewing Machine ? J. SvDOAK, M. D., VANCE W I LLE. N. C. . et. v;. ;ei.l rvice to the ti- If so cxl a. th Ntw tfuce, we ca- sell y-a fl", y., vz le ard aTr .an-i-g otast'y u'eUii than yoa can get it a where. OSlce over Elocance, Haneiaow 4t Cos sice. in rtrtt fi ,iMttM ia I ftata ao r "f ArtT ( k" tt.-rjaur traAa . . r'.tt t c ii. .. 0rr, 44 ! tK warwa. " aa'wJw4 fc4it? t.iJU- .". tf a . ..iau rtwHi fffj r r-vi itA'W . T"a vv nmimtr'i Ji St I taw aawwwaa ' d' '-r tm t At it ' P.l-.t - r-i f e- wimwal' . .. .... riut AMt'HK Sl.a'iMSat ins jit t.,..a. j. , , u. iji at f7 ia r . - i I. If atw4 M t4WJ as- i t itf -'. l l &t -4 i f lwMi 1'r t r- im.m hc '-4 hf . Wr . f - 1 It i.tit S1 a c r-ttJ 44 aaa c . . . . , Va U.aliTM iil txxt w M4 a 1 1 " w-vrt-a. a4 IK TO 111 tjt rV 4ct--d tfe world firg; the I? half centary. tliti gtv wcadcia of inrerve p-j;fri i a nftVJ aad ys eca . wcxk that ca ie prtl-tt9d a'l ever te Jw ry wi-koal Wf-?rfi-C "kert ro.!htr T-Jf -nSerti; ay rmetan do the rk:' either aiiyrag w e4ii preil aVUy teare4. Capital tv t ate led -yt,w a-e tar-ed fee. Cat thitvrst aad re ttrat) a 1 and we win! yvw U h.ev; rd era. vaWaid ipotae,j to y. that will tt rt yw ia tas-ev which will hixz, y -a eeyee aihf "t than efkie- e'ae in the W-vftd. Grand CW'St ?re-. Adirrw Tat r 4 Ok Aaatij - f- Mative. PATENTS Ileeulee, as F 3vt WU it;u. D. C Fuewse ty d Eaaa Cm? U. f- l aun'OSca. 11, yrars eaeierc V4 itrni fcjn. V,' 'j. CoeTrpwadna! rlatittd.

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