I The Caswell News. ycmriu.i; . 9 N. C, Ma4j, i83. Cajwtll Superior Court ntacncti oa the h of April. lint -bed food at J M HeaTs Sens, IJcwaro of the man with two face. If yo west rood seed Sweet Tots toes ts.. Mr Ton Pinchbeck near 1 1 asm r. Mr. M. A. George, p9 teaer, rrpre- rs'.aiive cd Mr. J. Frkker pasno w4 oe wareroocas. Daavil. Va was la tow a 1 1 asslrtth's fresh ginlta tccdi it J Mamrrl Near Locsst IIi3 em the J fit ol ma. tllS. by Rev. L. F.. Thompson. Mr. '.Bfi McKiaeey aad Miss Miaaic Black- Smith's straw cutters at $5.50 at Florasee, Ilarrelsoa & Co. Mooeytpeat la improvements U say towe rcary well iavestcd. Pa the improve- it aU attract popalsuoe sad tax-payers. Ckrrtr and grass seeds at Danville ncrs at riorar.ee. Jiaxrcison cc wi. V -. t Taaksto Mits Faaaie Bale, of Creeas. for a c-r of the Ctt Mnuet. a I UoetkJy j Tares 1 devoted to the ia t er est s of - mm mt w-m brresiicro Fesaale CoZlrxe. l n!-t sd and orchard Wiai at J M NcaTs Sons. - - Stt the new adicrtiscoicnt of Jamri rklcr, Iinr;ik. He b offering Tia :y and Orrans at crcaUy rcxlucco . a a , t. I ....-- , . f a S) ta." - I !yUs1 Teaiiy rnaue CiOtn:ng we ctcti tocjni. i .-ics.s on. i . . . I A bill Kxs ruised Congress author- drg the iuuo of fracuonal silver certi l rates of the denominations of 25, 15, 21 10 cents. Frnh roc tries rrcetved every week it Vauha's and if you want to get! s-r. chrjn shale the ready cash at sui.aru! you will get them. . T.nif II UMlirlm fia aeed Seet rotate of tk. KaasaasoS variety for ssUl U T$ eeais per oasaa. . . v.. . Hssser. N. C. Errry towa sUads la need of aprojressirt Khool aad a Ura. aewspaper. A csckancr try iraiklaCy asserts that a tow a can U kwa eaker by ik-e presence or absence ol tbese two esseatials. The trial of SjtU for the shooting of Richard L. Cohea, ia tke Haulers Coart It " it DsUIr. ended with a kaag jury. Tkel 1 -I I.. ; m V. ftr-at 4. I '7 . I :T " "-"it u an rtiiitd la tit sett tcra. I' The parties arrested last Fnday for houiC burning in Dan Rner township. I S IjlA x hearing before H. F. Prandon, " 1 Y,u 1 ucs!ay. mt 1 1 1 n ficaucrwn aui Johntton appeared for the State and J. C. Pinnix, Jr for the defendants. There was a large number of witnesses rn both sides. Henry Tom Slade was found over. Sick Lee and ife and Millie Poteat were discharged. "UacU Zeke" sarely had beea U or heard ! froaa Yaaceytille before he peaaed tke foi- Jowtagliaes: k IV brock dat am d shallo'es' t Clatters most upon de way. Aad de folks dst am dc silLcs Are de oars who hare mca tcr say. Yoa caanot judge de kia of man Vj Je maaaer ob kis wslkta ; Aa dry are a de sjasrtest folks Who io de londes tsUia. I The Weekly .YrwOorrrr Tmi Wiutv Nii ami Oaitavta ia a !g wsyi the best paper ever published ia Nt4t Carol. as. It is a credit to the people aad to the Mate. Tae people skoald uke a prwie la iu It shoalj be ia every family. ll la aa eight pa paper, cbock faU of the best sort of rrsdisg matter, aewt, market re?erts. aad aU thai. Yoa caaaot afford to be wiikoat It. Pnce. Jr.a$ a year. We wv3 farals the Weekly News aad Obeerv etaaul Jaaaary 1st. t$5-a. for i. Srad fee aaatxde copy. Addrcsa Nll AU Oa ixavsa Cv, RaletgV, N. C. Tho CrlolU Observer "puts if to grumblers this war : Some peo ple complain about a newspaper sot gifirg the newt, while to a great extent it b- their fault. It :i true an editor may be very wise I yet he cannot write of things Lhat occur beyond his vision unlets informed by others. And torn folkj will tell cYcrybudy else any- ihtng that his happened before ihcy will the editor. So givo us a lift-. If friends arc visiting vou ind you wish their names mcntioo xl, tell it to the editor, or if any of iny of your family are sick or hare ;ono away or hare douo anything roa wTint the public to know, tell :hc editor. Potato SHpm Mr. J. C. L. Harris, kalege, N. C. will hare by the 15th April the foQowiae; kinds ol potato slips far ml.' Early Red Pcahody per l.ooo, Floods Providence ' Hats Yam i I 50 I 50 $5o t;5o I So 1 50 1 50' Vrrgtatn Nsasrmoud Sagsr V Georgia Q seen of the Souih Spanish . Red Yeas lUrbsdors Norton Yam 1 00 1 00 1 00 I a tot ot jooo tea pr seat oiT. lou of to,- oqo t weary per crat edT. Leave yxmr orders at this ofice or send direct to J. C. L. Har ris, RsWgb N. C. ir Tor JIccl Counfrv. Knott, llcnncftoc fc Co., Brindle- ton, N. 6f., write that Ilacklcbcrry Cordial kIU better, with every sat isfaction for bowel troubles and childcn teething, and commend it; . m to every mother, the physician ol 1 the home Kf thel,t3tm Pr. OxiJe of Silicates is the best bug and insect destm er, and it is a fine lwl I'unU are nuCi saocger and belter grown in the sun than under canvass. j While it b fatal to insect life it b a stimulant to reTetable life. It was us- - - ed by several in this section last season Fur sale in anr quantity by Gro. S. S a rti. Danville, Va.. dealer in Narse. ry s;ockt Insurance Agent, &c What word U that to which if -v- . . " "I sliortorl Onort. lajior s CUCroKee I a a - aV Vl I iumciiT ox owcci uurn ana Jiut- It 1" ..II .1 em wu. suoncn jour com uu cure your congli. a The following jurors were diavn last J MoniUV to serve at April 1 erm Of LOS- I m a m mm U -, . K Slade. D F Walker, G W norance I C Mumhr. 1 F Trolinffer. C D Ev- J ' ' o ' erett, A W Wat kins, J J Chandler, AC A Turner McAlnin W W Str-nhens y Siropson, J H Ha, die J R L Ito- ... r rm!! W II Simmon, . . 1 -r t ivn v.f . I CWSiunders, J T Stephens, J R Smith, A M Turner, J M Long, W II Roberts, Geo W Manley, W II Stan back, jr., C F Oakley, T O Jones. W C Turner, J P Miles, J O Scoggins, J - . an . mm -1 a o. t rage, tv .siugnes, x oicpncn P G Masscy. StCOND WEEX. n i t u;k tit ut o e w lington, Urown Vaughn, J it 1 urner, R A p0inlcr j y TjUlard, H C Mrcrs. F Phillips, H A J Gooch. T J Ham- brick. J .M ttard, J II Miles, II A liar- r t ...11 i 11 . . .r .11 ii 1 vicu r auuu. r 11 ojuuuciu, a . tlTr if' . 1 ItiiaCT. IV 1 IlAlCilClL. 1 .-t Ijady'm Perfect Companion pAJNtxssCniLDBiftTK, a new book by Dr. John 1 1. Dyer, one of New Yotk a most skill ful phyuctsnt, sows that pain ia not neces sary ia childbirth, bat results from causes easily understood aad overcome. It clearly proves tkat aay woman may 'become a mo ther wiikoat suifaring aay pain whatever. It also tells Wow to overcome aad prevent morn tag sickness rwalled limbs, and all other evils atteading pregnancy. It is reliable aad lugh- ly endorsed by physaciaas everywhere as tae wife's true private conspaaioeu Cut this oat: it will save yoa great paia, and possibly your life. Send twcccat stamp for descriptive circulars, testimonials, aad confidential let ter seat ia sealed rawiooe. Address r RANK Thomas & Co., bCshers. Baltimore, Md. Dalilllaj SpeciCc lot LlTifDIssi STMfTTjr.l3ilr ta whJUorrorv4 wtm abeown IW: palala the t4vr. aktaa. or Solala uAea sntt.t rw It-h imsllsm : mm HinnS I Immm m4 isi mnmnmlltmmm m a wsif , or tall4r.Uo ; fl4aale7 Um: Wtli aiievaai.ly evaajv a: M4lsrlfcat Ummof Sanaa ory.wtta a paJaful aastto4s ot avra SsiW4 ia Ao na'thiM hkchofhlto hav ba Soaa; 4Swutri kw epinu: a thick. yUww ap rmrmm mi th ata a4 area: a mrj cvub; atvvr: miUi i : Usa ana la anaaty 4a4 h'e rotorvd. ajU. U aUowed so etvat. Seaa4M a twiUmaoi SIIITlOnS LIYES HEGULATOH invnckT vtarrAaL) la arm!lr wmmA la ttm HmU V Um Tort44 lJvar to a aaatitir WsaiwSaaaifi4Mfya IVER, rIOrjEYDt AMD gOWCLO, mm mm Ml THE DST FAUILT LIEEICini ONLY GCNUINC UtwZ 44 .Mm mmm af W J. ft. Z.nim A a., PkJJMfik. to.. r4tl4Tl T as srwrrsav anawt rat fXaiaeia, SSawal Ci-p lrrmm.r. SSak at. linaa. c m fH Ban Special Prices . TOR Pianos and -Organs JAMES' FRICKEn; ' Nain tercet, IhxntUU; To. La Tic of the i pedal ch wtwTVq of money matters. Mr. Fricker has decided to offer bis urn stock of piaaoa aad organs at wholxsal ntlcas. Now b the chance to secure a bargain tkat will not oocmr agaia Five octave solid Walaat Cue Oraaa for otxbf 1 3 5. Fiaaos at corrtipoidiagly low pricta. Tfccse offers are for spot ctV Doa't delay im yoar orders, r MARVELOUS DISCOVERT. Wholly unilk artificial wjfttems.l Any book learned In one reading. Fundamental Txmcirtxs of the Loisav tiaa system ; I. Wholly aalike Moemooics in Concept tjon, Trocesa, Development aad K eta Its. II. The N atari! Meaaory Restored to iti rikt uu aad saade powerfal. Precisely as lac Mcroacop sad Telescope constitute a j Scientific extrasioavof the stursJ Eyesight so is the ScieatificaJly t raised Memory aa ex teasioa of the rataral Metnory. III. The power of Coattaaoas Attest 10a rrowtrr apace with the Memory. IV. Memory and Atteatwn beirt strthrth- eaed to the highest decree by the fire lessons, the System is no longer ased, except ta rare" cases at first, aad afterwards ia none at an. MProf. Loitefte rare sa srw snesaory" mm w m. w w - v a w m. m. . mm . strengthened toy aataral memory." Hon. a . . . w . y asxot, taic u. a. rniawer io iiajy. d.. .tmBi Mf.M-iAkB It Mlmtsr XT r "I Mmt it fi;( tnl ji. J.J? Stepkea Rad. Esq.. Paymaster of the U.S. Nary. "There is no one institatioa of learn- in lh id lhl wou1 bwill?0ft i? fid til it worth were known Kct. A I Mcln - . err. Rector of St Mary's Church, Anspous. l.aaaa a hare lormca one ciass oy correspondence indacc all my students to master this system ln'7 Cee "r imgaistie staa es inrftf n HuM-tion Ktv Fnndi B Dmio. prof of Hebrew ia the Bangor Theological Seminary. -Prof Loisette s system is a great a? btenofrapber. Class of too Columbia Law statdents; two classes of J 00 each' at Yale; 400 at Welle ley College: 400 at UairersUy of Penasylrama and 350 at Obcrlin College and three large classes at Chatauqua. rrospcctnses sent rosT rarr. with opinions in" fall of emiaeaUpeopIe in both continents. Crest inducements to correspondence cLas- jet. Day aad Evening classes now forming.. Address r - 237 Filih Aveaae, New York; Taxes Last Call. I will attend at the following plsces and whick mlT bi dae: ... parley, Thursday, March 1st. iS33. Catewood, Kridsy, 3d. 4. rt-i, Wednesday Thutday i nmwt 7th. 8th, 9th, loth. 13th, 15th, 16th 17th 4 44 4 44 44 4 irninnirV. 4 4 4 Cherry Grove. rnday L II Walker's store Saturday Hightower 'a Tuesday Leaabarg Wednesday ' Thursday Friday Saturday Milton I lamer Yanceyville I hope the people who are due taxes will meet me at one of the above places and pay them. After this call I will turn over all unpaid tases to deputies to be collected ac cordingfto law. The insolvents may look out after the 1st of April trouble ahead of them. See chairman board commissioners notice. r Your obedient servant D. S. GRAVES, SWB. Feb. soth. 1 335. - m ' " a 0 1 l aeSattal tea CltiJ YmmZ T. Xotiee of Action, Carscell ComnJy In Sitfcrimr Gmr Issbella G. Price r. VIP Brthell aad wtfr Mary S BetWU. O R Hint on aad arise Georgia F Hiatoat aad C E Redd aad wife C Mawd Kedd, rsmTtOM roa xiowaa. The purpose of this peoceediag is io ob-tain-aa order allot ting to the platatilT, Isa. bella G. Price, dewer ka tbe lands iof bar Ute hatband, G W Puce, sad the defendants W P IktheO aad wife Mary S Bethell, O It lliatoa and wife Georgia F II talon, and C E Radd aad wife C Xaad Redd, aoavreai demU of this State, are hereby notified aad required to appear at the cmce ot the clerk of the Sapevsor Coart for said coaary ia tke coart hoatse at Yanceyvillr. on Wcdacsday the Slit day of March. iSti, aad aaewer or deatar to the complaint of tke plaratiif ee tke reJUef prayed for wdl be granted. Uy order of tke court. S. B, Adams, c. s, c. Jaa. yxk. iSS;. MEMORY The House to Deal With. JFor Good Goods, - ' - v u ' Oar READY-MADE CLOTHING Boom it full. So i oar SOOB i .Is oil and complete, DBY raszings, juvetea JTLOWf hSdri't Remember Bveryfyinti , iog jw m F arors. we proaaisc I SI eel Thimble Skeins without extra charge. i ; Mtde by Geo. E. NISSEN & CO., Salem, N, C. The (ddest andsUnd ahead of any Wagon in the State. Made of experienced workmen, aad art the cheapest considering the lightness qualities; and nice appearance, being evenly proportioned, every one satislactsoa. . , bold bjr D, E.. IT ilkihsom Kidgcville, ri. O. 7 . - f7 J Foi ITie NERVOUS ; j The DEBILITATED ! The AGED. A Great Bargain . - I IN LHIL MACHINERY ! All the Machinery which was in Cspt. Jas Poteat'4 ftae Mill when it was burned wil be sold at a sacrifice. The large machiacry was aot' damaged maclu It consists of t Farar Tarbine wheel, not hurt, I Pool Hunt ' with iron case, not in fire, I large screw for raising Mill stones, t pr Fairbanks saoolb scales, not ia fire, a large Gadgeons for water wheelahaft. Spindles and Drivers, 33 feet (Shafting aad pallies, babbit boxes. Saw mind r el and gearing for same, Caariagt rollers aad way irons. Four head.felocks. Two lagebnd for mill stones, to Horie poVcr Eagiae with inspirator aad a 35 llorsa noirer toiler which had a light plans) shed over them. Any fee wanting sack snalsery can get all this for less than half the original coat of the capac and.boiler. Call oa or address 1 W. H. THOMfSOW. , Yanceyville, N. C. at e LCODuTnns J: S. DOAK, M. D.f Y AN CCYVI LLC N.C. Offess his profeasiossal services ta the cm scntof VsAcxyviUe aad sexroaedia-r cowatry. O See over Floraace, Harrelsoai k Co 's store. I tf JXctcarded are those who read II this and then act; they win find "'-horornble employmeat that will wot take rhesa frmw thcit koiaci aad faamifies The profits art large and sure for every law detros person, assay have saade and are makmg several kaadrad doOars a snowta. It is easy foe aay one t make $5 aad upwards per day, who is wiSiag to work. Either sex m. vm mm piiaoc aeeo?e we start yoa fceerythig rso special axaltfy reqaued. de if aa well aa aay one- yea, reader. Writ rite to as at once for tall particalars, which we mail (ore. Address Sdnaon & Ok, Purt. Uad, Sfaiac 1 l 1 o Ml Solid Values and e Largest Stock, The Best Assortment, and theXatcst Style ..-.-. GOODS large quantities at Close Pnccs4-Notions and Fancj Articles. scam uorsc collars, Tin, niturc, Saddles and Harness. ! f onr pest cuoro io ptcase in xae larare. Yoars aaxious to a j nun TOffe. Oalery aad Coca, the prominent rradlants. are sne ncss ana herrs Tonics. It stmrlhene cmlet tha nervona srstem. conns; Karrooa WeeAiiaaa, BjsStrai ratsrneep- iB ALTERATIVE. It Art res out tha notaonoua tnnnors ef tha bkwd ptxrUyur and enrtchrnr, n. off eomlng thosa reaolttsY from lapurt or ImpoTsr tshaamooa. . " a LAXATIVE. AeunsmlMlTbot tarely 00 the bowels St cures nablrual eonsUpaUon. and ' uomotesaregularhaUt. Itstrenfth. ems tha rtornarh, aad alda dixooo A DIURETIC. In tai eraa position the beat and most active dluretlesef the at atarla Madsea are otwblnedseteattncailvwtth other effective remedies tar diseases oftha kidneys. It ran be relied 00 to fire emiefc rtUmt and rceedr eora, tt-aa, su r Ymig, RICHARDSON a CO Propt arjaxxxOTOX. Yt. TKB 8Sf WAY fofata tola HOE ILutST CASH PwSEO Only S I J 0 a Deo!;. Tbonaanda of Use beat C3S.OO Gold TYavtcli ever raarta ssre acll- Icff in oar Co-opcntUYo Cluba. f This Is the Base, Cn . Ummt CmmmmmUmt, of aenisc lever aacm Wmdera. xxrtatalar every aaaintlU so atuty. aad have, ta additaon. aaneovesnenss CooDd in 00 shaotatety the only . to tae wand. wtth UKJfVIMM MVM1 Sfllhei Oar eo-oeeraUve Oah BTStasi the reach mt every assa. TatXCYOTOHC mm CLC3G3. Csht Ceastaatly teU VeW aad lav a mm mb eveae saaau"! gars cvstTSfHiRi- s. vr. FAismrs. Neat door to the Fottc&ce. REIDbVILLK. N'. C. Tie OkeaeJ Book Slere in ike SiaU. School Books sapplicd at State lot price, by snail, postage pawL Liberal discounts to Teachers, Send yoer orders to rX jisrsr srr w n aeenraey aad dara- other watch, They are auoaahonS wtth UKMVIMM MVMJXM. The rwiiiiiaaw sys mmd M the acjoBca and ggpleasmada. HUn- awe fmWT Tff aaaaaaanaaahaa) saamnaavaaBya) aaaaaVaa(wwa aavaavaa? nvmwwamW to mm S7M WmtX. Sa Ua . .vvf P. a Box S3L aSSa a. w4vswtorcw ftrri aasMAswe. lUTta. Ferssia. LJia wastt Am UCilcWallTIlIX Guaranteed Prices ! Dopartacat. Hollow and Stontivarc, Fur s and 6e Kha serve yoa. A'OTICE- i la pursuance of an order of the Saperior court of Caswell coantr, I will sell at pablic aac.ioa to the highest biiier. oa the premis es, oa Friday the 30th day of March tS&a, that valuable tract of land lying In High tow. er'a township, said cousty, oa the waters of Hyco creek, . adjoining the lands of J. W, A Ilea Wsa, Murphy aad others, coatainias' sua' acres more or less, and bciag that por tion of the lands of the late Adam S. Rkh m. 41 MM .M . mood which was set apart to his widow, Mrs M. A. Richmond, as her dower. less U of an acre upon which the' family graveyard ia situated. Terms of Sale One-third of the parchaae moaer cash, balance 00 a credit of sis moaths, the parchaser giving 8 per ceat in terest bearing bond for the deferred pay meat. Title retained until aU the purchase money is paid. f! j. .. . The bidding will commence at $1307. This farm is well dapted to the growth of fine tobacco, E, SLADE, Commissioner. Fcbraary sSth, iSSs. Mr. C. I. Richmond will take pleasure la showing this land to those wishing to set it. Pursuant to aa order of the Superior Coart for Caswell county, in the case entitled Sam Evans and other, aerfr, I will, oa the premises 00 Monday the s&th day of Match, tSSS, sell, at pabuc auctioa, to the highest bidder, that valaable tract of laud lyiag ia High towers township, Caswell couaty. IS. C. oa the waters of Hyco creek, adjoining the Unds of Kathaaiel Oakley, UUic Evans aad other, containing 171 acres, snort or less, aad known as the Wm. Evaas place. Terms of Sale One-third cash and the remaining two-thirds ia six months. The purchaser giving 8 per cent tatcreat be snag bond for the deferred payment. Title re. tsincd until all th purchase money ia paid This Feb. 21th, 188S. W. S. BARNWELL, Com. - XOTICE In pursuance1 of sn order of the Superior Court of Caswell county 1 wilt sett at public suction to the highest bidder, on the prem ises, en Moodsy the sad day of Apr. J 888 that valuable tract of land lying in Andre on '$ township said coanty, oa the waters of South Country Lint creek adiotaing the Is ad of Dsrid Rkhmood, John Bird and others, containing t3 acres more or less sad kaowa as the Ransom Boswttl place. Tksms or Sals Onefhalf of the per. chase money cash, balance oa a credit of sis months, the purchaser! giving 8 per 'cent interest besrieg bond for f the tUrrt4 pay meat. Title retained aatil all the purchase money ia paid. '! I This (arm is well adapted to the growth of fine tobacco. 1 J. M. SIMPSON, Cosn'r. Feb. s$:h 1888 ' Mr. W. P. Barke wOl uke pleasart la showing this land to those wiahing to see it. NOTICE, j ' Having tkis day qualified as eaecetor up on the estate ot tieoege Lawsoa,wi deceas ed, notice is hereby given, to all persona la dekfed to said e-tatc to 00m e forward and make immdiatc ryaseat,'sad sertlemeat or claims will be collected by law, aad ail per sons having claims egviaet ad estate will present them ke payment oa or before the 30th day of Jaaaary 188 or that aotke ill be pleaded ia bar of their recovery. Thia 30th Jaaaary. If 88, WALTER BRANDOS'. Ea'r A George Lawaaay ar , dee'd. .YOTICE. Having tkts ds aaalified at amaistratae apoa the easts of Ws. Evans, dee'd. aotlce is hereby gvrw sli pvTsoas tadeUed to said estate tf c me forward aad make immediate paymeat im setncmeai ov ine viaims wui vm cohected by law, sad all temai haviag clatma agaiast ad ewate wifl prrseat them for psymcet oa ee kciorc ti e 14 k Febraary, 1889. or this notice wd! be pleaded ia bar U their reowery. .'This Feb. tith. t8f 8. W. S. BARNWELL, Adxa'r of Wm. Evan, dee'd. GEO. S. BAirTIN, 6eneral Rro Insuinco, Agcit for ; Standard FertHixm, aad dealer ia all kinds of Ntatar Syocx. DANVILLE, VA. Orders aad comma akatkaa by snail soCc- OS:m H. D. Gaerraat Go's. Grsc Store. 430 Mais St-, Dsaville, Vs.