Ameri st Industry will lie uml'-r tii< 11 :i'ft “Entirely i<». ’'ll idea th.-it f JffjjßSßp| in the movies and l , siß[ _ *T»V.! told the ru-wsiiaj"" •• .evs^B England and over here ‘.he is prevalent among many that twj cowboy is merely a too! of the stage interests. The cowboy with his herds is just as important a part of our industrial life Is the man who plants business man *n his store, the presi dent of a hanp, and certainly just as necessary. He y a product of certain conditions existing in the western country, and his part in the develop ment of the country cannot be over estimated. “Tex” then explained the habits and customs peculiar to the cowboy. “If a cowboy wears a big he I, a handker chief around his neck; leather pants or high-heeled shows, don’t think for a foment that is anything thea jpical about it; these things serve for Aim the same useful purposes that the •apron does for workman, the robes for • the judge and the cassock and cotta for the minister. The big Stetson is needed as a defense from the burn ing sun of the ranges, and serves as M sort of umbrella in wet weather. Thr handkerchief is a protection against dust when moving hehing livestock in I TO THOSE WHO HAVE ATTENDED OUR BIG SALE, THE NAME UK* ' 1 -. MEANS MORE AND BETTER MERCHANDISE FOR LESS Money. During the short time has been in progress we have had tie pleasure of turning away hundreds ot sahsficd customers. ny a meager description of this BIG EVENTflH^£ iven in P rint - You must attend this sale to get even a conception ot lust what mians to i.u Du. i-„ . mi"" i«»"'«■ W ‘™"" V ____ ( VCS LATHS' MEN’S 1 DRESS wM TOXAMAY COFFEE ’ , . ~ u ... .... Feit and Straw Hats 1 at- • Shirts. Come eatrly to get | . . at 2 IN 1 Fits. Bit; assortment Bit; lot latest style Caps. cj? _l a ,* i I w* ~*r 98c up ' a “"“s?cup ■ | 8c __ *l* _ _ 19cup 48c up $3.95 pans Several different sizes. Housekeep- j Buy one of these to protect the bargains f ers investigate .Wfce. _ CONTEST j you get from us , W . *J| ; f > '|p UP J A few of our Leading Contestants: IOC UP *%.■ tSL jv MISS FOYE WHITLEY " “ ' 4* * Sjßß&tts. j Wfflj NEW MISS ERMA DAWSON I F //Mk, MERCHANDISE Has heeo pouring in to MIS * Th ( ere a f e "Z " h,> !** v ' n ' t *‘ teßded . " ur (q) Jj//MM (L ■ H T H I sizes. Regular 50c values '•*■“■•"■’■• 1 '" 1 blonds TO patent I j : In Our 5 and 10c Dept - stationery I ,N I I ESTHER \ 1 L PI. , i jHk Steel Wool , -od PINT ('t.NS. GET f Os Lead lor poison- l 0.,i B.. jir . .. . ... . . „„ Mire. Big lot Lob ■ STYLES. WE CAN ■ ing insects, etc. 4 5 ' ‘jMBMMt ■' i.r-ad Tom- c. Mire. Must go. Large box Station- I °1 R PRICES AND ■ ■ lbs. pckgs. mi)' I AI r ' 3 Saucers When this is gone «. rv . A real value 3 .... filT nnp lcpn .. PLEASE YOU. ALSO H j Baskets (large) * 5c there will be n<> while it last. * ■ lIK SI KIRISED. IT ■ HOSIERY THAT SAT. | f*?*' ’ Bru-has HI LinJ. ■■ »nd 10c | 1 MIST GO. |., I t g “ e ; t t 1 toJ " Godß |& always, positively July 4th - B ] wr, at* I TW^/d CLOSE. BUY NOW WHILE THESE. GOODS ♦™ KN " sroBE K TENTION TO THE W I CONFIDENT I HESE PRICES ‘ | ARTKT.E S 3 ONE OF THE MOST B • | SELL. 3 Shamburger-Pippm Company | j due the cowboy. He k|Jie has been held he xa s great fcje indus fck bet & motion. The ‘Chaps’ serve to prevent I injury to the rider’s legs in a mishap | and from sage-brush as well as from | rain and cold wind. The high heels j help keep his feet from going through : the stirr up In the same way, other parts of the cowboy’s rainment can be I explained strictly on the basis of use and not for decoration.” Cowboys taking part in rodeos arc merely the best in their line of work, “Tex” explained. Those that will come to the Chicago Round-up hold the same relation to their profession as the major Leaguers hold to baseball, and should occupy the same place in the mind.; of the people as does 1 a Babe Ruth or a Ty Cobb. MARM-’T OPENS AT DILLON, S. C. |»>ort from Dillon, S. C., on that the first load of tobacco came on the 1 >il- Bor that date, and was l§||ss IH'i r pound. I LTS IN 90 90 GALLONS OF BEER [night Deputy Sheriff Rich la other parties, visited Ute taL plantation and £4O dson^M lons of There was tv MORE LAWYERS INTH| JESSE WYATT Jones, Jones and Horton, nc-nt local legal firm >’ f Raleig^^^ffi been retained to assist in of Jesse Wyatt, captain o t tectivcs, who will face trialß^B' nesday. July !, on a cliarg4BH»‘ Ol,ci degree mtfrder in tlle fatal shooting of Steven S. a Smithfield attorney, about thred^K e k s ago when Wyatt fired on the cai\ ln which Holt was riding, mistaking IP for a rum running car. Other defense attorneys will be Pou and Pou and J. W. Bunn. Evans will be assisted in HUBproseeution by E. S. Abel and E. F. Ward, law partner of the deceased attorney, both of Smithfield. THE ZEBULON RECORD. FRIDAY. JUNE 26. !!125 I IHI i T" IS*!'" "aefTtSßr .•.P’T'r-e I ■m— a— ■ _ “Wasted” Medicine The particularly well-known mao entered the doctor’s consulting room and took a chair. “Well, what can I do for you ?" asked the doctor. "I don't tlunk much of that * medicine of yours." answered the man. “Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," was the reply. “What Is the reason?" "Why," said the other. “There's so •a ieh dead waste in it. I hadn’t taken more then a quarter of a hottle when my cold disappeared, and there- is tlie other t go-quarters just thrown away.” Pharaohs Built Well The stone used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids was from 'he Tnrnh quarries. It is established that it took 100.1 Ml men working for ten years to niak- a causeway 3,000 feet long to facilitate the transfer of the stone, and 20 years more to com plete the pyramid of the Cheops. This pyramid contains ii,300,(1iH.) bloc's of stone averaging seme 4(1 cubit feet. 1h( Mocks the Moka’tan hills as veil a;!Bhe Turah. boh of which were on opposite side of thb Nile {' Masaryk Diligent Reader Presidentovakift jH Bj !S UcbDy DA; ’ V BL jgjgJ i: it ratio wL —■ ‘ ‘ fia > ’ ABF iSS tie otlier advice is that the sfeamer Cepliee will arrive there in a j'ew weeks with 1,200 Yugo slavs. Sir George Fuller, premier of New South Wales, has written the federal government suggesting that the com monwealth Institute a quota system on the American lines or adt pt other means to limit foreign immigration., "pflicial government statements de- that Nvhile the need for popula tion fti y3mstraiia is urgenjt some sub stantial lV'son must tie /dvaneed l>e f«?re the doffp be shut Vgainst vvHte Europeans. Neverfrimess, the govern ment is watching the situation care fully. + NEW RECORD FOR FORD MOTOR CO. Breaks AH Previous P.ecord^ :; mmm ■ rd biill. >ards, which were pre mred sixty days ago. carry ’ ■ mes sage “7,000 More Since 5 estorday." But in ectual output.the comuany ix ceeded this by 85y/ *'T*!kduciii«wTif the company has beer steadily increased during the last few weeks due to the growing spring busi ness and new output records have been frequent, but none approaching vrithin 100 of the remarkable figure of Tuesday. On April 28th the domestic plants beat a record of 7,482 established a year ago by assembling 7,594 cars and trucks. This record stood until May 12 when production vent to 7,732. SCHOOL BUSES CARRY <19,391 PUPILS DAILY North Carolina school children num bering 69,391 are transported 40,765 miles each day by 2,006 school buses in 95 of the 100 counties of the State according to estimates by the State Department of Education. The figures are based on actual re ports from the 68 counties participat ing in the equalization fund and esti mates on the remainii g counties using school buses for the transportation of children. Actual reports show that in the school year 1922-23, a total of 31.544 children were carried daily by 858 buses; and in 1923-24, a total of 48.251 children were carried 26,354 miles daily by 1,318 buses. FINED Blf, AND BSTS FOR DRI NK \M' DISORDERLY Sam?on Vance waj arrested Sunday for being drunk and jfisorderly. Monday he was gi\%a a hearing be fore Mayor Barrow and fitted SlO and cost:, for his part he played on the Sabbath day. * DESERTER FROM ARMY as:-: -ted here m d.vesday A young man by the name of Wat kins was arrested c . Wednesday ’ey Deputy Sheriff K • , i- n. It i.-: 1 stated that the young man was a de serter from Camp Bragg. It is said he had been at large since hi Feb ruary. He van here working vv. ’* the road construction company. ZEBULON. NORTH CAROLIN A eppn a,i_ .irr,l/ kind — PEAS, White, Black, Mixed. MILLET, SUDAN GRASS, SOY BEANS, CORN, CANE, VELVET BEANS, RAPE, TURNIP, CABBAGE. — —— i, mrr-r- Ice Cream Freezers, Fruit Jars, CONSUL HENRY ■ DIES AT A dispatch from 7i fB State issued a stating that it A r u, jyjj|BJ([B||§|l - r ,or.- .! el V-go, iwßr.'lf cox was a North * toi’d mm H ARRIVALS OF TRAINS IN 9 ZEBULON GOING EAST & Wel Nort folk-Southern Railroad. Arrives at 7:22 a. m., going east. \rrrves at 11:59 a. nn, going west. . . rrivefc at 4;08 p. m.. going east. Ar ves i t 7:27 ft. m., going west. Arrives at 5:18 a. ml, going west. \» j\us at 10:48 p. m., going east.